Protests, Riots, Police trashiness cont.


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 15, 2020 3:24 PM
posted by queencitybuckeye

And you're wrong. They do consider it serious, right along side the other less than lethal weapons they have at their disposal.

So you agree it's considered a non-lethal weapon?


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 15, 2020 3:28 PM
posted by gut

So you agree it's considered a non-lethal weapon?

Of course, and for at least the third time, lethal is not the standard for deadly force in self-defense situations. For cops or for you and me.


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 15, 2020 3:47 PM
posted by geeblock

didnt shoot this guy 

The guy didn’t have a weapon until he got in his car. Cop would have been justified while the suspect was chasing him (threat to bodily harm/stand your ground) or when he was using his car as a weapon. 

Just because he wasn’t shot, doesn’t make it evidence that the guy in Atlanta shouldn’t have been. 


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 15, 2020 3:50 PM
posted by geeblock

Didn’t shoot this guy

This guy stole tasers from both cops, fired the taser hitting one, did not get shot

obviously these are anecdotal evidence and we could go back and forth all day with videos from each side. The point is that no they didn’t have to shoot him  

The first guy was waving a freaking spoon geeblock. 

come on, you have to do better than that. You can’t compare waving a spoon with beating up a cop and shooting a taser at them. 


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 15, 2020 3:53 PM
posted by queencitybuckeye

Of course, and for at least the third time, lethal is not the standard for deadly force in self-defense situations. For cops or for you and me.

And for the third time, that's why I posted that SCOTUS info.  Cops are not treated the same as private citizens, they have a higher duty of care BECAUSE they are authorized to use lethal force and have qualified immunity.  The SCOTUS specifically mentions the standard is what a reasonable cop would have done.  Not what Joe Sixpack with no training or experience would have done.

Most people objectively viewing that video can see there's absolutely no need to shoot that guy.  It's why the cop was immediately suspended and the Chief resigned.  It's obvious to everyone he fucked up horribly and he's going to be charged with murder.


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 15, 2020 3:57 PM
posted by queencitybuckeye

What a great time we live in, when someone who disagrees with you can be called a racist behind the safety of a screen. Makes your life as a coward much easier.

Lol a) don’t get your panties in a knot, it’s a discussion on a message board. Which brings me to point b) how do you propose I not hide behind a keyboard when on a message board? And c) where did I call you or anyone a racist from that post?

Its a true statement that I said. You can even include white people getting shot by cops too. We just only ever discuss black people getting murdered by police. But I’ll say it’s the truth for any race: there is a portion of the population that will always defend the cops, no matter what. 



Mon, Jun 15, 2020 3:58 PM
posted by jmog

The first guy was waving a freaking spoon geeblock. 

come on, you have to do better than that. You can’t compare waving a spoon with beating up a cop and shooting a taser at them. 

I have five more I can post with pipes/machetes ect if you would like. 
there was just a guy on June 10 who shot at officers with a gun and was taken in without being shot. The point is a taser is no more lethal from the distance he was from the officer than a spoon. He was attempting to flee not attacking anyone. 


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 15, 2020 4:06 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Lol a) don’t get your panties in a knot, it’s a discussion on a message board. Which brings me to point b) how do you propose I not hide behind a keyboard when on a message board? And c) where did I call you or anyone a racist from that post?



Senior Member

Mon, Jun 15, 2020 4:07 PM

How effective is a taser when hitting a bulletproof vest anyway? 


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 15, 2020 4:10 PM
posted by Rotinaj

How effective is a taser when hitting a bulletproof vest anyway? 

It’s probably not effective at all. But to Queen and jmog, it’s A DEADLY THREAT AGAINST THE COP AND THEY DESERVE WHAT THEY GOT. 


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 15, 2020 4:24 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

 there is a portion of the population that will always defend the cops, no matter what. 

My problem is there are a lot of generalizations and narratives made that a very harmful to the vast majority of good cops.  That's sort of the irony of the whole situation.

And I think part of the problem is people keep telling us it's about inequities in the justice system, that it's about criminal justice reform.  But I don't think that's what people are seeing with these protests/riots, and I'm not sure most of the protestors believe that - defund the police is not a solution to racial inequities in the justice system.  What I hear and see a lot of in the news coverage is this meme of a SYSTEMIC issue of cops targeting and killing innocent black people.  In that respect, yes, I support the police.  But that's not exclusive to some cops being tragically bad at their job.


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 15, 2020 4:32 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

It’s probably not effective at all.

There's that, and the fact a cartridge only fires once (and there are two cops).  Hard to tell, but it looks like he fired the taser and missed, and THEN the cop shot him.

Get rid of choke restraints.  Great, that makes sense and will have a positive impact.  But I don't know how you're going to stop cops from making mistakes with their guns.  That's the sad reality.  The only thing a person can do is try not to escalate a situation that increases the chance for a cop to make a mistake.




Mon, Jun 15, 2020 4:35 PM
posted by gut

My problem is there are a lot of generalizations and narratives made that a very harmful to the vast majority of good cops.  That's sort of the irony of the whole situation.

And I think part of the problem is people keep telling us it's about inequities in the justice system, that it's about criminal justice reform.  But I don't think that's what people are seeing with these protests/riots, and I'm not sure most of the protestors believe that - defund the police is not a solution to racial inequities in the justice system.  What I hear and see a lot of in the news coverage is this meme of a SYSTEMIC issue of cops targeting and killing innocent black people.  In that respect, yes, I support the police.  But that's not exclusive to some cops being tragically bad at their job.

I think it’s more important to remove qualified. Immunity for prosecutors and police. Prosecutors take evidence from fake police reports and bull shit arrests along with not disclosing evidence to the defense, then it takes 5 years to get an appeal and 5 years after they realize you aren’t guilty to let you out and that’s if you are lucky. Police reports NEVER match surveillance video. Yes unarmed killings take the forefront but most people I know are more upset about getting pulled over and harassed all the time. The number of traffic stops put on blacks and Mexicans is staggering compared to other races, along with the number of illegal searches. Most people I know even white fiends have some story about being bullied and harassed by a cop 


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 15, 2020 4:44 PM

Just saw the video a bunch more times.  Again, it's hard to tell but it looks like the cop actually draws his gun and fires AFTER the taser missed him.  That's even more shocking if I'm seeing that correctly.


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 15, 2020 4:45 PM
posted by geeblock

Most people I know even white fiends have some story about being bullied and harassed by a cop 

I'd be really interested to see statistics on the make and model of vehicles pulled over.  I'm willing to bet you have a higher chance of a speeding ticket or moving violation, and everything else, if you drive a shitty car (or if you're that asshole doing 100 in your Porsche).


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 15, 2020 6:29 PM
posted by gut

Just saw the video a bunch more times.  Again, it's hard to tell but it looks like the cop actually draws his gun and fires AFTER the taser missed him.  That's even more shocking if I'm seeing that correctly.

I’ve watched the entire thing. From their first interaction with the DANGEROUS drunk man sleeping in his car, to when they shoot and kill him. It is absolutely mind boggling that there are people out there that defend those cops. It’s just insanity how human lives just don’t mean anything to people. 


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 16, 2020 2:51 PM
posted by justincredible

You don't have to go to jail to be arrested, as I found out at my bachelor party. You can be sent to the hospital, after being knocked unconscious by a cop, with your arrest papers in your pocket.

So, yes, the guy could have been taken home instead of cuffed. But, the act of being cuffed isn't necessarily aggressive behaviour by the cops. It's almost like there is a mindset that you will be killed by cops if you're a black man (not true outside of isolated incidents, obviously) that turned this into a self-fulfilling prophecy by thinking he HAD to fight them and run away to save his life. A truly shitty situation all around.

He was on probation and had a long record, he knew he was going to jail.


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 16, 2020 2:58 PM
posted by sportchampps

He was on probation and had a long record, he knew he was going to jail.

Had a long track record? Yeah, kill em. 


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 16, 2020 9:25 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Had a long track record? Yeah, kill em. 

Yep that’s exactly what I said


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 16, 2020 10:26 PM
posted by sportchampps

Yep that’s exactly what I said

Could be insinuated 


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 16, 2020 11:25 PM

LOL Seattle is putting up a wall around the free zone formerly known as CHAZ.



1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Jun 17, 2020 5:24 AM
posted by gut

LOL Seattle is putting up a wall around the free zone formerly known as CHAZ.


So, a good time to own a gun....


Senior Member

Wed, Jun 17, 2020 7:50 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Could be insinuated 

Only by a moron that doesn’t understand the English language. So there’s that.