Protests, Riots, Police trashiness cont.


Senior Member

Thu, Jun 18, 2020 9:37 PM
posted by justincredible

I don't know that military service is a great guage of making a good cop. I don't necessarily want people with a soldier's mentality roaming the streets enforcing laws.

1. Reduce the number of laws, thus reducing the number of interactions between the police and everyone else.
2. That's it. 

And why arrest people for crimes that they'll only be in jail for a few days (at most), like DUI?  Give them a citation, impound the car and then send them a court date.  If they don't show up, then round up a posse to go arrest 'em.

That and decriminalize drugs and end the war.

I guess we'll get a good test if this could work based on how many people were released for Covid-19 actually come back. Not holding my breath on that one.


Senior Member

Thu, Jun 18, 2020 9:40 PM
posted by geeblock

Why do we require social workers to get a college degree but not police who can actually kill you? You should at least have to have a college degree or 4 years of military service to be a police

I'm not sure a college education will have much impact on the ability to make good split-second decisions.  Hell, a college degree doesn't even mean you're smart.  I would guess if you can read and memorize enough to pass the police exams, there are probably more than a few colleges you could get a degree from.


Senior Member

Thu, Jun 18, 2020 9:44 PM
posted by Laley23

Why do these social workers have to remain the same people? Why do these social workers have to be the ones responding to the calls? Lol.

So the 911 operator has to become a mind reader and savant to know which person to dispatch on a call?



Thu, Jun 18, 2020 10:31 PM
posted by gut

So the 911 operator has to become a mind reader and savant to know which person to dispatch on a call?

It isn’t that hard. Stop trying to make it so hard.

Al Bundy

Senior Member

Thu, Jun 18, 2020 10:34 PM
posted by Laley23

Why do these social workers have to remain the same people? Why do these social workers have to be the ones responding to the calls? Lol.

It’s possible to start a new department. To have better training specific to these situations. To allow the police to respond to the true threats to society. I’m old enough to remember when TSA wasn’t a fucking thing. Guess what? We decided to fund a new federal can happen again, if people are willing to let it. Fuck, half the police I know want this to happen, they hate responding to these situations. Not what they signed up for.

Do you feel that a new agency should be federal (like TSA) as opposed to state or local?


Senior Member

Thu, Jun 18, 2020 11:33 PM
posted by geeblock

It was in the newspaper the next day that they accused him of saying it, so it’s not like they didn’t say anything at the time because they did. 

I didn't say they didn't bring it up at the time. I was more so pointing out how 30+ years pass without it coming up now he needs to apologize to show growth. How important is it to you for someone to grow from something you didn't bring up for three decades. 


Senior Member

Thu, Jun 18, 2020 11:56 PM
posted by gut

And why arrest people for crimes that they'll only be in jail for a few days (at most), like DUI?  Give them a citation, impound the car and then send them a court date.  If they don't show up, then round up a posse to go arrest 'em.

Because it is not practical in nearly all cases.  Unless there is a verifiably sober individual on the scene what are the authorities going to do?  Issue a citation take their vehicle and leave them on the side of the road?  Or they are going to take the individual into custody, cuff them out of caution, offer them a blow at the station, and if there is no outstanding warrants on the individual they will likely be released as soon as a sober individual can pick them up or the individual is sobered up.

As for the Brooks case.  We are going to issue you a citation for DUI would you like to come to the station and blow.  If not by law this is what could happen.  You mentioned your sister lives nearby is there anyway you could contact her to pick you up?  If not we have to take you into custody.

Could this approach rather than the sudden cuffing have changed the outcome?  


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Jun 19, 2020 2:41 AM
posted by gut

And why arrest people for crimes that they'll only be in jail for a few days (at most), like DUI?  Give them a citation, impound the car and then send them a court date.  If they don't show up, then round up a posse to go arrest 'em.

That and decriminalize drugs and end the war.

I guess we'll get a good test if this could work based on how many people were released for Covid-19 actually come back. Not holding my breath on that one.


posted by justincredible

I forgot about this story until I saw this earlier today. Fuckin' joke.

These will be more beneficial than any of the other proposals thrown out there.




Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Jun 19, 2020 7:06 AM

Portland pulled over a George Washington statue and NY city council wants to remove a Thomas Jefferson one. Pretty sure we all warned this would happen.

When are some of these cities going to start actually enforcing laws again? Imagine living in Seattle or Portland and getting a speeding ticket while you have these other idiots allowed to do whatever they want with no consequence. 


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 19, 2020 7:48 AM

Minneapolis is now going to remove all city titles that have the word “chief” in it. Because the word chief is “offensive”. 

you can’t fix stupid. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Jun 19, 2020 9:51 AM
posted by jmog

Minneapolis is now going to remove all city titles that have the word “chief” in it. Because the word chief is “offensive”. 

you can’t fix stupid. 

It is humorous how all of these entities that are making these superficial changes are deciding that these names, logos, titles, gameday cheers are all of a sudden completely unacceptable.  Yet they were apparently just fine right up until recent days.  For example, the University of Florida's "gator bait" cheer has been cancelled because it has "horribly racist and offensive roots".  Yet for the last 25 years (the time it's been around), it was perfectly acceptable.  I call this the "good whites" virtue signaling.  In other words: "There are good whites and bad whites.  The bad whites are the racists and oppressors that have done horrible things.  We, by virtue of cancelling the 'gator bait' cheer want to make it clear that we are part of the 'good whites'.  We're enlightened are and on your side.  Mind you, you won't hear from us again until the next round of civil unrest.  And we'll be sure to go home tonight to our 98% white neighborhood.  But just know that in cancelling this horrific cheer, we are above reproach."


Honorable Admin

Fri, Jun 19, 2020 10:15 AM
posted by iclfan2

Portland pulled over a George Washington statue and NY city council wants to remove a Thomas Jefferson one. Pretty sure we all warned this would happen.

When are some of these cities going to start actually enforcing laws again? Imagine living in Seattle or Portland and getting a speeding ticket while you have these other idiots allowed to do whatever they want with no consequence. 

Just saw the pictures of the Washington statue. Unreal.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 19, 2020 10:26 AM

This is what happens when the police are killing Americans with impunity.   



I think we ALL would love to live in a world with no criminals.


Do away with police and laws and we wont have anyone breaking said laws.

No one breaking such laws = no one in jail.

No more arrests = no more rioting.

No more arrest = no more criminals.


No more criminals and we have peace.




Excuse me while i go topple the neighbors large wooden Indian statue as it is offensive.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 19, 2020 10:27 AM
posted by gut

I think Tony the Tiger might be gay....

How can you tell?  Wearing bird shoes?


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 19, 2020 10:35 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

It is humorous how all of these entities that are making these superficial changes are deciding that these names, logos, titles, gameday cheers are all of a sudden completely unacceptable.  Yet they were apparently just fine right up until recent days.  For example, the University of Florida's "gator bait" cheer has been cancelled because it has "horribly racist and offensive roots".  Yet for the last 25 years (the time it's been around), it was perfectly acceptable.  I call this the "good whites" virtue signaling.  In other words: "There are good whites and bad whites.  The bad whites are the racists and oppressors that have done horrible things.  We, by virtue of cancelling the 'gator bait' cheer want to make it clear that we are part of the 'good whites'.  We're enlightened are and on your side.  Mind you, you won't hear from us again until the next round of civil unrest.  And we'll be sure to go home tonight to our 98% white neighborhood.  But just know that in cancelling this horrific cheer, we are above reproach."

It's gotten beyond the point of ridiculous. It's like these social justice warriors are saying "we've opened the floodgates....let's see what other historical thing we can nitpick and get rid of." A couple of things (Aunt Jemima) may be justified but, for the most part, it's just stupidity. At the rate these bleeding hearts are going, there will be no more American "history."


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 19, 2020 11:47 AM

Perhaps instead of worrying about statues of centuries-dead historical figures, the SJWs could focus on things like the slavery still happening all over the world.


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Jun 19, 2020 12:04 PM
posted by thavoice

This is what happens when the police are killing Americans with impunity.   



I think we ALL would love to live in a world with no criminals.


Do away with police and laws and we wont have anyone breaking said laws.

No one breaking such laws = no one in jail.

No more arrests = no more rioting.

No more arrest = no more criminals.


No more criminals and we have peace.




Excuse me while i go topple the neighbors large wooden Indian statue as it is offensive.

Why did you have to press the "return" key about 20 times?


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Jun 19, 2020 12:05 PM
posted by BR1986FB

It's gotten beyond the point of ridiculous. It's like these social justice warriors are saying "we've opened the floodgates....let's see what other historical thing we can nitpick and get rid of." A couple of things (Aunt Jemima) may be justified but, for the most part, it's just stupidity. At the rate these bleeding hearts are going, there will be no more American "history."

That is 100% what they are doing.  That's why I couldn't get behind criticizing Gundy for wearing a t-shirt.   It will NEVER be enough for the mob left. 



Fri, Jun 19, 2020 12:18 PM
posted by jmog

This one brings an interesting "twist".


Ok, reading what Gator Bait meant a 100 years ago is a sickening racist thing.


I am 99% sure that the people that first starting saying it for Florida Gators had no idea, its just that "Gator Bait" sounded better than "Gator Food". I am 99% sure that the school and fans had no idea about the history as well and they OBVIOUSLY didn't mean African American babies, they meant their opponents.


So, with that given. We are taking words with what people currently mean by them and making it "racist" even if the word didn't originally mean that way. Antebellum is a word that literally means "before the war" with no specific war as part of the definition. However, "now" some people use it to glorify the south before the Civil War, so we have to stop using that word...


If we are going to get rid of antebellum because some people have changed the meaning of the word, then why would we get rid of Gator Bait? It is quite obvious that the phrase had been changed in meaning. The team is the gators, and the opponent was "fed" to them. It has nothing to do with race. So they, even inadvertently, changed the meaning of "Gator Bait" then why can't we decide to still use it as the modern meaning has no racist undertones?


I mean is the standard what the word means now, like with antebellum, or what it meant originally, like with gator bait? 

Or is the standard that the word/phrase has EVER had any racist undertones then we have to phase it out? If so then our English language is REALLY going to get a "haircut".

All good interesting points. The fact that people did not know the backstory and history is part of the problem. We are finding out and discovering that a whole lot of the American public does not know, care, or ignored the racist history in the country. Take today, Juneteenth. How many on here knew it was a holiday in the African American community in the south? I know, as someone who grew up in a mixed family, I knew a little about it, but not much. Also, how many on here knew about the Tulsa riots before say the Watchmen? 

If words that were established during a racist, slave period and are still around today because we simply just accepted their value as legit that is a problem. Antebellum may mean before the war, but in reference to the Antebellum period of the Antebellum south, it is in reference to the slave owned period of the south and hence all culture, words, and aspects of that period are tainted today and need to remain there and in the history books. 

Auntie and Uncle is fine between families, but on a product it promotes a racist stereotype. Just because most people did not know that or think oh it does not mean it is racist now does not matter. It is still built on that racist history and needs to be re-framed and put back in its historic place. It does not have a place in a civil society. 

I disagree the English language will get a will just evolve as it always has. We are smart. We can find new words that are not based on racial aspects to communicate. 

I see all of this as a readjustment in American history where we finally are starting to tackle the complicated and difficult problems of slavery, racism, and racial inequability in this country. 

posted by queencitybuckeye

Perhaps instead of worrying about statues of centuries-dead historical figures, the SJWs could focus on things like the slavery still happening all over the world

What? That makes zero sense. The whole point is to focus and reframe U.S. history in the correct context. Why focus on slavery elsewhere when there is still so much work to do here? 






Fri, Jun 19, 2020 12:22 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

It is humorous how all of these entities that are making these superficial changes are deciding that these names, logos, titles, gameday cheers are all of a sudden completely unacceptable.  Yet they were apparently just fine right up until recent days.  For example, the University of Florida's "gator bait" cheer has been cancelled because it has "horribly racist and offensive roots".  Yet for the last 25 years (the time it's been around), it was perfectly acceptable.  I call this the "good whites" virtue signaling.  In other words: "There are good whites and bad whites.  The bad whites are the racists and oppressors that have done horrible things.  We, by virtue of cancelling the 'gator bait' cheer want to make it clear that we are part of the 'good whites'.  We're enlightened are and on your side.  Mind you, you won't hear from us again until the next round of civil unrest.  And we'll be sure to go home tonight to our 98% white neighborhood.  But just know that in cancelling this horrific cheer, we are above reproach." does seem like companies and some are taking the easy road. Hey, we did something ,we are good now. Token gestures and empty words. African Americans are used to that throughout American history. 

posted by iclfan2

Portland pulled over a George Washington statue and NY city council wants to remove a Thomas Jefferson one. Pretty sure we all warned this would happen.

When are some of these cities going to start actually enforcing laws again? Imagine living in Seattle or Portland and getting a speeding ticket while you have these other idiots allowed to do whatever they want with no consequence. 

For fucks sake. So dumb. 



Senior Member

Fri, Jun 19, 2020 12:26 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1posted by queencitybuckeye

Perhaps instead of worrying about statues of centuries-dead historical figures, the SJWs could focus on things like the slavery still happening all over the world

What? That makes zero sense. The whole point is to focus and reframe U.S. history in the correct context. Why focus on slavery elsewhere when there is still so much work to do here? 





The point should be to make the world a better place. Angst over statues of people dead for over 500 years doesn't make the list. It's truly knucklehead stuff.


Honorable Admin

Fri, Jun 19, 2020 12:31 PM
posted by jmog

I mean is the standard what the word means now, like with antebellum, or what it meant originally, like with gator bait? 

Or is the standard that the word/phrase has EVER had any racist undertones then we have to phase it out? If so then our English language is REALLY going to get a "haircut".

Newspeak, here we come. Doubleplusungood.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 19, 2020 12:31 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

If words that were established during a racist, slave period and are still around today because we simply just accepted their value as legit that is a problem.

So words can't change or be co-opted for another purpose?  Because mafia movies would like to get the word "thug" back...


Honorable Admin

Fri, Jun 19, 2020 12:39 PM

This thread is funny.

Summary: Snapchat put up a Juneteenth filter and a lot of black people are not impressed.


Honorable Admin

Fri, Jun 19, 2020 12:53 PM

The mayor of Oakland is freaking out and investigating the placement of these in a local park as a hate crime. The black guy that put them up came forward and explained that they are swings meant for play and exercise. Who, in their right, sane, mind, looks at these and thinks "OH MY GOD THIS IS A HATE CRIME! THESE ARE NOOSES!" I mean FFS.

Here's a thread on her twitter where she states intentions DO NOT MATTER.

This is the guy that put them up.