Covid-19 discussion, continued...


12th Son of the Lama

Fri, Apr 10, 2020 2:24 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Riding around in your car is fine, most health experts have said that’s okay to do. Doing some dumbass parade for a young child is really stupid and makes police officers have to come out and stop it, and then dumbasses complain that the cops are putting people at risk by showing up when they’re only showing up because people decided to have a parade for a fucking 3 year old. 

If everyone is staying in their car, why is a parade dumb?  If everyone is staying 20+ feet away from one another, on or in their own property, why is it dumb, or violating anything, or anyone?


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 10, 2020 2:26 PM
posted by ernest_t_bass

If everyone is staying in their car, why is a parade dumb?

Global warming, you fucktwat  :)



Fri, Apr 10, 2020 2:37 PM
posted by Automatik

It’s the most logical option and will definitely allow for a better party. 

Ehh, I’m all for Zoom cocktail hours, but this is better for the adults. The birthday zooms I’ve done it’s a bunch of 5 and under kids screaming and running around. This is a 45 minute round trip, never coming within 25 feet of someone.

If someone can explain how this is more dangerous than a walk around the block where we have to zig zag from sidewalk to street to avoid people, I’m all ears. 

Anyone going to the grocery should stop preaching also. You know they have delivery services, right?


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 10, 2020 2:40 PM
posted by Laley23

Ehh, I’m all for Zoom cocktail hours, but this is better for the adults. The birthday zooms I’ve done it’s a bunch of 5 and under kids screaming and running around. This is a 45 minute round trip, never coming within 25 feet of someone.

If someone can explain how this is more dangerous than a walk around the block where we have to zig zag from sidewalk to street to avoid people, I’m all ears. 

Anyone going to the grocery should stop preaching also. You know they have delivery services, right?

Or just, you know, don’t have a birthday party?



Fri, Apr 10, 2020 2:42 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Or just, you know, don’t have a birthday party?

But why? It’s safer than some stuff you’re doing. I’m not sitting here to tell you not to go to the grocery or go for a walk...

This hurts no one. It’s not dangerous to anyone. It gives 15 minutes of sanity to parents (who are still having Zoom with her friends I believe). It gives 45 minutes of sanity to me and my wife. What is so bad about this? If you can actually give me a reason outside of “just don’t do it” I’ll reconsider.

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Fri, Apr 10, 2020 2:42 PM

I’ve used zoom for my first graders class and it’s a clusterfuck for that age group lol 


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 10, 2020 2:47 PM

Loading kids in a car and driving is better for the adults? 

All attendees have a cake or something they can stick a candle in. Start Zoom. Plant kids in front of camera. Do your thing. Light candles. Sing happy bday. Done.


Btw I don’t think it’s bad at all. I just don’t get the logic. 


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 10, 2020 2:50 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Or just, you know, don’t have a birthday party?

or Have a birthday parade that poses no risk to anyone instead of a in person party. We don’t have to stop celebrating life we just have to find a way to do it differently and safely. A parade is a way we can still celebrate but do it safely. 




Fri, Apr 10, 2020 2:56 PM
posted by Automatik

Loading kids in a car and driving is better for the adults? 

All attendees have a cake or something they can stick a candle in. Start Zoom. Plant kids in front of camera. So your thing. Light candles. Sing happy bday. Done.


Btw I don’t think it’s bad at all. I just don’t get the logic. 

An 11mo old is coming with us. Grandpa and his new wife don’t have any kids. My sister in law is single. Her other aunts and uncles are single aside from 1 couple bringing there 7 year old. So it’s not a full on party, they are doing Zoom for that.

But yes, getting out of the house for any amount of time is good for an adult stuck at home unable to have adult conversations all day. Thankfully my kids not old enough where we have to be “kids” with him all day. Most parents aren’t that lucky. Anything out of the ordinary is a win. If they aren’t being dumb and violating the SD stuff, it’s a great alternative to more alcohol lol.


Kosh B'Gosh

Fri, Apr 10, 2020 3:36 PM

We've had to celebrate 4 birthdays in this time -- my three kids (2, 6, 5 -- in that order of celebration) then my father-in-law. We missed out on family celebrations. All enjoyed their birthdays. We FaceTimed with everyone we needed to during them. We Zoomed another time. It worked out perfect.

My parents were scheduled to come to town to celebrate. My kids know they'll enjoy grandparent time when things can get back to normal. The other positive? They get to have "another" birthday because my parents will treat them to their birthday presents when they see them again.

The kids won't remember it. They'll have fun just the same.


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 10, 2020 3:38 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Lol. Wow, didn’t realize me saying “stay inside” would rustle so many jimmies. 
Love how you work at a hospital and still don’t understand. 


If you have an underlying health condition you need to take care of yourself and do what is best for you.  Stay home, quarantine, do your best.  The rest of the country/world is going to have to go back to work very, very soon before we collapse completely.  It is THAT SIMPLE.



Senior Member

Fri, Apr 10, 2020 3:40 PM


By the way, the big makeshift hospital they built inside the Seahawks stadium is being dismantled.  They had ZERO patients.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Fri, Apr 10, 2020 3:40 PM

Yikes.  Things got testy, didn't they?

posted by friendfromlowry

You think your odds of ending up on a ventilator will be reduced because you stayed inside for a few months but I don't understand things? Okay.

Don't know how else to explain it to you man. When life opens back up everything is going to be play at your own risk. Only difference is if you and a ton of others get sick, the hospitals will at least likely have that vent for you. The odds of getting deathly sick haven't been reduced...

Eh, the odds of getting deathly sick would have been reduced, sure, because the spread itself would have been slowed to such a degree that those with it who will recover would have done so.  If fewer people have the virus, and those who have it know they have it without having spread it to others (the possibility of which goes up significantly if you leave the house as little as possible) and can be further quarantined until they're hopefully cleared, then of course you reduce your odds of becoming deathly ill, or even ill at all.

posted by SportsAndLady

Nothing that I’m saying has anything to do with me getting sick. I’m a healthy young person, if I get this I’m sure I’ll be fine. I stay inside so that I don’t get it and keep passing it along to others. You know, the ACTUAL reason for social distancing rules. 

Eh, I'd refer you to the baseball player I referenced earlier in this thread (or maybe the last thread, not sure).  The picture of health, with no known health conditions (not even minor ones).

That's what sucks.  The people who have recovered from this and the people who haven't don't all fit neatly into any particular category.  There are general rules, of course, like those who are elderly or otherwise sick die at a higher rate, but there are outliers as well: people who are elderly and/or who have underlying medical conditions who recover and people who are summarily healthy who don't.

posted by friendfromlowry

Lol, yeah. Agree to disagree. When things open back up here soon I guess continue to stay inside because your odds of passing it to someone haven’t went down. 

Again, it lowers the risk of contracting it, so theoretically, it does lower the odds of passing it to someone else.

Unless you already have it and haven't recovered, of course.  If that's the case, you're right.

posted by Laley23

And O-Trap may have a mutant kid if staying cooped up isn’t killing his family. We have an 11mo old so it’s fine, but his cousins are 4 and 2, and they just throw tantrums all day because they can’t do anything. I don’t know how a parent of a toddler is able to survive this with their sanity.

Don't know what to tell you.  She's almost 2 and a half, so she fits well into 'toddler' territory, but she's chill, and she still sleeps about 14 hours a day.  We take her on walks (keeping probably 25-30 feet between ourselves and others, because that's relatively easy to do on walks), play with her a lot, and do video calls with all the grandparents most every day, and that seems to keep her happy, so there aren't too many tantrums.

posted by Laley23

I pray you never have kids, man. Making a 4 year old girls day = lame as fuck...ok. I’m not going there for a great time, we are going to make her have a better birthday.

I don't mean to argue the point, so if you insist, I'll take your word for it, but driving by and waving doesn't strike me as the sort of thing that would make a 4-year-old's day.  Not most 4-year-olds I know, anyway.

Kids are different, so of course, my little sample size doesn't represent anything substantial.  Just struck me when I read that.




Fri, Apr 10, 2020 3:50 PM
posted by QuakerOats


By the way, the big makeshift hospital they built inside the Seahawks stadium is being dismantled.  They had ZERO patients.

Yeah, because they acted earlier than most states and thus are already of most of the country in terms of cases and deaths. 

Their policies are working, which is why they did not need the makeshift hospital. The fact that it is being dismantled is actually good news. 

I'll give a ton of credit to DeWine and how Ohio is handling this. The cases and deaths is on the downward trend. Keep it up guys. 

Where I am at in Maryland, cases are still on the rise. Although, Hogan has done a great job at limiting the impact. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Apr 10, 2020 3:54 PM
posted by QuakerOats


By the way, the big makeshift hospital they built inside the Seahawks stadium is being dismantled.  They had ZERO patients.

There was a field hospital in Southampton setup for DDay casualties that was never used either. Was DDay really just a "fake invasion"?


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Apr 10, 2020 4:13 PM
posted by O-Trap

Don't know what to tell you.  She's almost 2 and a half, so she fits well into 'toddler' territory, but she's chill, and she still sleeps about 14 hours a day.  We take her on walks (keeping probably 25-30 feet between ourselves and others, because that's relatively easy to do on walks), play with her a lot, and do video calls with all the grandparents most every day, and that seems to keep her happy, so there aren't too many tantrums.

Your kid is definitely a mutant (and I'm jealous). So on behalf of parents with asshole toddlers, fuck you! 


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 10, 2020 4:34 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yeah, because they acted earlier than most states and thus are already of most of the country in terms of cases and deaths. 

Their policies are working, which is why they did not need the makeshift hospital. The fact that it is being dismantled is actually good news. 

I'll give a ton of credit to DeWine and how Ohio is handling this. The cases and deaths is on the downward trend. Keep it up guys. 

Where I am at in Maryland, cases are still on the rise. Although, Hogan has done a great job at limiting the impact. 


I’m not saying the policies did not work or have not helped. I am saying the projections and models, which baked in mitigation, look to be terribly inaccurate.  Were they borne of bad bureaucratic numbers (as usual)?


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Fri, Apr 10, 2020 4:42 PM
posted by iclfan2

Your kid is definitely a mutant (and I'm jealous). So on behalf of parents with asshole toddlers, fuck you! 

Well shit, I'll wear it like a badge.

posted by QuakerOats

I’m not saying the policies did not work or have not helped. I am saying the projections and models, which baked in mitigation, look to be terribly inaccurate.  Were they borne of bad bureaucratic numbers (as usual)?

What makes you think they baked in mitigation like we've seen?

I'm no fan of bureaucracy, particularly by force, but I'd imagine they probably built them with the worst possible outcome in mind.  After all, if you plan for the worst possible outcome, but you don't end up with it, it's an annoyance.  But if you don't plan for the worst possible outcome, but you get it, it's a significant problem.



Senior Member

Fri, Apr 10, 2020 5:15 PM



They indicated 2 million or more deaths; and maybe 1 million with mitigation.  Then they said maybe 240,000 deaths; then 100,000 to 200,000.  Now it may be 60,000.  My point is their modeling is poor, piss poor, and it led to much more panic than necessary, not to mention much more spending than likely warranted, and much, much more economic destruction than necessary.  We know who needs to be quarantined; they should handle it from there.


12th Son of the Lama

Fri, Apr 10, 2020 5:45 PM

Has anyone received their checks yet?



Senior Member

Fri, Apr 10, 2020 5:56 PM
posted by QuakerOats



They indicated 2 million or more deaths; and maybe 1 million with mitigation.  Then they said maybe 240,000 deaths; then 100,000 to 200,000.  Now it may be 60,000.  My point is their modeling is poor, piss poor, and it led to much more panic than necessary, not to mention much more spending than likely warranted, and much, much more economic destruction than necessary.  We know who needs to be quarantined; they should handle it from there.

Any expert on the subject hopes to be wrong on their projections. 

Who exactly should be quarantined? Would you lump yourself into that group?

Everyone age X and older? All obsese people? Diabetics? Ashmatic? Who cares for these people? Gets them groceries and other supplies? Do you seal them off in their homes? 


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 10, 2020 6:00 PM
posted by ernest_t_bass

Has anyone received their checks yet?


My sister said she got an alert from her bank about a $1200 deposit today. 


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 10, 2020 6:08 PM
posted by ernest_t_bass

Has anyone received their checks yet?


Supposed to start Monday and Tuesday.