Protests, Riots, Police trashiness cont.



Fri, Aug 28, 2020 8:21 AM
posted by sportchampps

I don’t k ow what people want the police to do in this situation except maybe fire a couple less shots. 

The police tried to arrest him. He then resisted. They then tried non deadly force and unfortunately that didn’t stop him. Then still fighting with the officer he reached for a deadly weapon. 

The police tried to make a normal arrest they tried to use non lethal force and then finally turned to lethal force when he went for a deadly weapon. That seems like the proper escalation.

I don't know...maybe do more to not use deadly force unless it is absolutely required? 

How about the more use of physical force by the officers? Not choke holds, but more effort to get the suspect on the ground. How did Blake get that free? How did he outmaneuver all these officers to get to the car?

Also, why aren't any of them wearing body cams to get a better picture of what actually happened?

What deescalation tactics did the officers use to try and bring the situation down, or did they just come in hot and start to escalate the situation that led to this?  

More training on when exactly to pull the service arm, and not to really unload 7 shots, when a quick tap tap will do. If he only shot him twice, his wounds would not have been as bad. So, poor training on the cop there. 

Cops should be held to a higher standard and the use of deadly force should only be used as a last resort. Since Cops have the ability to kill, they should have a very, very, very high standard to use that weapon and every single action and use of that weapon should be highly scrutinized. We should question why they took that action and rethink why and if it was taken too soon? I also take whatever Cops say with a heavy grain of salt as they have lost the benefit of the doubt over the last few years of police unions and covering their own ass. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Aug 28, 2020 10:19 AM

I saw somebody on Twitter ask for this vid and another person posted it for him. I think it adds another perspective on these types of discussions.


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Aug 28, 2020 10:20 AM

Christiaan Triebert has a very thorough thread on the timeline and events of the Kenosha shooting 


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Aug 28, 2020 10:25 AM

It's also worthwhile that "progressive" politicians have once again farted out enough brain cells to get on Twitter and proclaim that the kid was a white supremacist. 
There have been numerous media companies scouring all of his social medias in the hopes of finding evidence to support that claim. So far they have not found one single thing. 
He has, however, posted multitudes of things about Blue Lives Matter and 2A stuff. But progressives always shit their pants and roll around in it because they think that anybody to the right of Trotsky is a far right white supremacist. 


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 28, 2020 10:32 AM
posted by iclfan2

This is what I don’t get. Not sure why this was what people decided to take such a big stand on. There is obviously racial injustices in this country, but this ain’t it. 

Breonna Taylor's criminal boyfriend fired 10 shots through the door at police before they entered; she also may have fired shots - TBD.  How anyone can even remotely blame the police is asinine.



Fri, Aug 28, 2020 10:38 AM
posted by QuakerOats

Breonna Taylor's criminal boyfriend fired 10 shots through the door at police before they entered; she also may have fired shots - TBD.  How anyone can even remotely blame the police is asinine.

Because they may not have heard it was the police that was entering. From their point of view, it was not the police that came in, so they were defending themselves. The cops say they said it, but they have changed and adapted their story so many times it is hard to tell what is true or not from their end. 


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 28, 2020 10:41 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I don't know...maybe do more to not use deadly force unless it is absolutely required? 

How about the more use of physical force by the officers? Not choke holds, but more effort to get the suspect on the ground. How did Blake get that free? How did he outmaneuver all these officers to get to the car?

Also, why aren't any of them wearing body cams to get a better picture of what actually happened?

What deescalation tactics did the officers use to try and bring the situation down, or did they just come in hot and start to escalate the situation that led to this?  

More training on when exactly to pull the service arm, and not to really unload 7 shots, when a quick tap tap will do. If he only shot him twice, his wounds would not have been as bad. So, poor training on the cop there. 

Cops should be held to a higher standard and the use of deadly force should only be used as a last resort. Since Cops have the ability to kill, they should have a very, very, very high standard to use that weapon and every single action and use of that weapon should be highly scrutinized. We should question why they took that action and rethink why and if it was taken too soon? I also take whatever Cops say with a heavy grain of salt as they have lost the benefit of the doubt over the last few years of police unions and covering their own ass. 

I greatly admire the police for doing their job right 99.99% of the time.  Name another profession with that success rate.  For the very, very, very few times when a controversy arises over a police-involved shooting, had the person being arrested cooperated and complied, there would not have been a shooting.

Instead of dismantling the police over their 99.99% success rate, let's be honest about the situation and assign some of the blame for the 0.001% to the criminals.

And move on, truly peacefully.



Fri, Aug 28, 2020 10:41 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

I saw somebody on Twitter ask for this vid and another person posted it for him. I think it adds another perspective on these types of discussions.

Eh... I see his point, but still, why does the cop let the suspect even near the car window? Is it possible for the cop to be able to search the vehicle and eliminate that option/ thread so they are never in that situation? I feel like cops just always default to, welp I had no choice, so I perceived I was threatened, which I think can be taken as a lazy out. Face it, cops, have lost the benefit of the doubt now. 

Unless you say you did A,B,C,D,E,F,G....and only then did I feel I had to pull my service weapon, I think then and only then can we say ok, that is the right use of deadly force. 


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 28, 2020 10:43 AM
posted by QuakerOats

I greatly admire the police for doing their job right 99.99% of the time.  Name another profession with that success rate.

Any profession where someone makes up numbers.



Fri, Aug 28, 2020 10:46 AM
posted by QuakerOats

I greatly admire the police for doing their job right 99.99% of the time.  Name another profession with that success rate.  For the very, very, very few times when a controversy arises over a police-involved shooting, had the person being arrested cooperated and complied, there would not have been a shooting.

Instead of dismantling the police over their 99.99% success rate, let's be honest about the situation and assign some of the blame for the 0.001% to the criminals.

And move on, truly peacefully.

I have no idea where you get that number. But, even so, the high profile shootings over the last 6 years may prove that even if it is a low number of events, it is still too high. 

I'm not for dismantling, but reforming and questioning. All I am saying is, we need more transparency and we need to question the use of deadly force. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Aug 28, 2020 10:58 AM
posted by queencitybuckeye
Any profession where someone makes up numbers.

Weather forecasters


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Aug 28, 2020 10:58 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Eh... I see his point, but still, why does the cop let the suspect even near the car window? Is it possible for the cop to be able to search the vehicle and eliminate that option/ thread so they are never in that situation? I feel like cops just always default to, welp I had no choice, so I perceived I was threatened, which I think can be taken as a lazy out. Face it, cops, have lost the benefit of the doubt now. 

Unless you say you did A,B,C,D,E,F,G....and only then did I feel I had to pull my service weapon, I think then and only then can we say ok, that is the right use of deadly force. 

Do you think adding "eh..." makes your point stronger? 

Most situations the cops won't have the benefit of searching a car before the perceived threat walks up to it.  If you were in this situation, would you take your chances and wait to see if it's a gun?  If so, you are most likely dead.   This is not to place 100% blame on the guy who got shot. Yes, we can all agree that it was pathetic that 3 cops (I forget the number) were unable to detain him.  You would think with all of that training it wouldn't be difficult.   As rot pointed out, they either need more training or better training.  Perhaps the standards should be higher to pass training. 

I am not sure why we all also can't agree with gut's point, that the guy was a moron to continue to resist and go toward his car when guns were pulled out on him. The current climate aside, this is not a controversial opinion.  If any of us encountered any cops, I am willing to bet none of us would do what most people do when they end up getting killed by cops.   


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Aug 28, 2020 10:59 AM

What state was it that is making it a law that assaulting police is only going to be a misdemeanor? Was that Virginia? 


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Aug 28, 2020 11:00 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

What state was it that is making it a law that assaulting police is only going to be a misdemeanor? Was that Virginia? 

I believe VA, but is that really the law or just headlines misleading the actual law?  


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Aug 28, 2020 11:04 AM

Btw, did anyone see the shit show in DC after the convention?  What an embarrassment.  This includes the embarrassment in DC two nights ago when protestors were going around restaurants trying to bully patrons to raise their fists.  It looks like I got out of DC just in time.   I don't know how you end this shit.  Whoever wins the election, it won't change.  

Edit:  Poor Rand Paul. He almost was killed by a lunatic Bernie supporter on a baseball field, he was attacked by his neighbor which resulted in a broken rib and partial lung removal, and now a mob of people in DC surround him to threaten him and his wife.  


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 28, 2020 11:07 AM
posted by like_that

Btw, did anyone see the shit show in DC after the convention?  What an embarrassment.  This includes the embarrassment in DC two nights ago when protestors were going around restaurants trying to bully patrons to raise their fists.  It looks like I got out of DC just in time. 

You did .....what a disaster.  Rand Paul believes he would have been killed last night.  Sickening.


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 28, 2020 11:09 AM
posted by queencitybuckeye
Any profession where someone makes up numbers.

The math is fairly simple. 

10,500,000 arrests per year.  Let's say that 20 of them involve a police-involved shooting wherein a controversy arises.  That equals 99.9997% success rate.



Fri, Aug 28, 2020 11:10 AM
posted by like_that

Do you think adding "eh..." makes your point stronger? 

Most situations the cops won't have the benefit of searching a car before the perceived threat walks up to it.  If you were in this situation, would you take your chances and wait to see if it's a gun?  If so, you are most likely dead.   This is not to place 100% blame on the guy who got shot. Yes, we can all agree that it was pathetic that 3 cops (I forget the number) were unable to detain him.  You would think with all of that training it wouldn't be difficult.   As rot pointed out, they either need more training or better training.  Perhaps the standards should be higher to pass training. 

I am not sure why we all also can't agree with gut's point, that the guy was a moron to continue to resist and go toward his car when guns were pulled out on him. The current climate aside, this is not a controversial opinion.  If any of us encountered any cops, I am willing to bet none of us would do what most people do when they end up getting killed by cops.   

I am saying if the police is getting the guy out of the vehicle, at some point, they should find a way to do in that time, search the vehicle. I would not put myself in that situation, as I would have found a way to not have the guy just walking back to a car that I do not know what is in it.  I think that goes back training, which we agree there. I also agree with your last point, the guy was a moron for walking like that and the cops were dumb for not being properly trained to put themselves in that situation. I'm not sure deadly force was required in this case though. 


Honorable Admin

Fri, Aug 28, 2020 11:10 AM
posted by like_that

Btw, did anyone see the shit show in DC after the convention?  What an embarrassment.  This includes the embarrassment in DC two nights ago when protestors were going around restaurants trying to bully patrons to raise their fists.  It looks like I got out of DC just in time.   I don't know how you end this shit.  Whoever wins the election, it won't change.  

Edit:  Poor Rand Paul. He almost was killed by a lunatic Bernie supporter on a baseball field, he was attacked by his neighbor which resulted in a broken rib and partial lung removal, and now a mob of people in DC surround him to threaten him and his wife.  


Honorable Admin

Fri, Aug 28, 2020 11:11 AM

Rand wrote a bill to end no knock raids in Breonna Taylor's name, right?



Fri, Aug 28, 2020 11:11 AM
posted by QuakerOats

The math is fairly simple. 

10,500,000 arrests per year.  Let's say that 20 of them involve a police-involved shooting wherein a controversy arises.  That equals 99.9997% success rate.

Let's say lol. Way to just pull numbers out your ass. 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Aug 28, 2020 11:15 AM
posted by justincredible

Rand wrote a bill to end no knock raids in Breonna Taylor's name, right?

Lol they were yelling “Say her name”. These idiots know nothing but the misinformation spoon fed to them. Don’t forget, numerous top Dems called to not let republicans be able to eat in peace/ walk around in peace. They wanted this, and got it. 


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 28, 2020 11:27 AM
posted by QuakerOats

The math is fairly simple. 

10,500,000 arrests per year.  Let's say that 20 of them involve a police-involved shooting wherein a controversy arises.  That equals 99.9997% success rate.

So all police interactions that don't involve a controversial shooting is a success? Damn, I wish my old bosses would have had such a low bar.


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 28, 2020 11:31 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

It's also worthwhile that "progressive" politicians have once again farted out enough brain cells to get on Twitter and proclaim that the kid was a white supremacist. 
There have been numerous media companies scouring all of his social medias in the hopes of finding evidence to support that claim. So far they have not found one single thing. 
He has, however, posted multitudes of things about Blue Lives Matter and 2A stuff. But progressives always shit their pants and roll around in it because they think that anybody to the right of Trotsky is a far right white supremacist. 

Who gives a shit? You’re mad that some media are calling him a white supremacist? No comment that a 17 year old kid took an assault rifle (or whatever you weird gun people prefer to call it) Across state lines to be some vigilante and ended up shooting and killing people, and then got to go home and have a good nights sleep?

Instead of being outraged over the clear issue, you’re making the narrative “WHYYYY are they calling him a white supremacist ugh so annoying”

And you guys wonder why this site is a safe zone for alt-right rhetoric