Protests, Riots, Police trashiness cont.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 12:42 PM
posted by Fab4Runner

Did you know that black-on-black crime is actually just...crime? Most people commit crimes against people they know and live near. That's why white people are generally killed by white people. I don't hear many folks bringing up white-on-white crime, though. 

If there were a movement being publicly lauded called "White Lives Matter" focused on police killing white people, white-on-white crime not getting equal attention and outrage from said organization would absolutely be a fair topic. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 12:43 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

That’s very true, the black on black crime in Chicago is a recent thing that’s only existed since BLM protests have been going on. Good call

I don't contend that it is a recent thing.  


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 12:46 PM
posted by like_that

lol there it is, s&l has completed his progressive transformation.  Call someone racist, because you can't come up with a logical response to a simple question. Congrats dude, your wife is probably proud.  

Anyway, I am legitimately asking gblock a question.  I am open to see why that is a terrible analogy.  

“Progressive transformation” wtf are you even talking about? You say these things like they mean anything. You’re seriously trying to argue you don’t have prejudices against black people? Lol come on

Your move to Italy has only made it that much more obvious


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 12:47 PM

Like that is 10000% the guy that says that it’s difficult to be a White guy in this world right now


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 12:48 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

I don't contend that it is a recent thing.  

Again, so what is your point? 

To say that Chicago leaders are focusing on BLM, but not crime rates? You really don’t think mayor Lightfoot has any care in the world that crime is going up in her city?


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 12:51 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Your move to Italy has only made it that much more obvious

Lol are you day drinking? Bc tying him moving to Italy with racism makes no logical sense whatsoever. 



Wed, Jul 22, 2020 12:51 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

If there's a crowd of people telling me that "Black Lives Matter" and citing examples of cops killing black people, than it is reasonable to ask those same people why they do not project the same outrage at innocent black people being killed mostly by other black people.  

I've heard and read black leaders discuss black-on-black crime.  I doubt they are racists too.

The thing about criminals is they do criminal things.. people who don’t value their own lives will rarely value another persons life. 

These conversations happen daily in black communities and on black platforms.. it doesn’t get covered much on the news cause it doesn’t fit the right narrative. We discuss this mostly within our communities because we are the only ones to fix this problem. 

There are literally organizations and events year round in inner cities trying to combat these problems. I have already listed them. School funding is based on property taxes and inner citiy schools are woefully underfunded which leads to a lot of kids ending up in gangs or drugs. 

But again there are 48 million black people roughly  in this country And they commit roughly 4100 murders even if you say a different person committed each murder. 

Is there a number you ave in mind that would be low enough in order to ask to end police brutality? 

How are the two things even related? Police are paid to serve and protect not criminals. When black people commit murder they go to jail for 100 years. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 12:51 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Again, so what is your point? 

To say that Chicago leaders are focusing on BLM, but not crime rates? You really don’t think mayor Lightfoot has any care in the world that crime is going up in her city?

I've made my point.  


Tits McGee

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 12:53 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

If there were a movement being publicly lauded called "White Lives Matter" focused on police killing white people, white-on-white crime not getting equal attention and outrage from said organization would absolutely be a fair topic. 

As has been mentioned multiple times, there absolutely are anti- crime groups in black neighborhoods, anti-gun violence groups in black neighborhoods, demonstrations, marches, protests, and so on, all in black neighborhoods. I'm not sure why you think you get to decide what a particular organization or cause focuses on.

I also think it's hilarious that All Lives Matter people are the same ones who say Blue Lives Matter. What's the difference between that and Black Lives Matter? Makes you think. 


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 12:59 PM
posted by iclfan2
Lol are you day drinking? Bc tying him moving to Italy with racism makes no logical sense whatsoever. 

Oh sorry, I was told that being in liberal Chicago has made me “become a liberal” so I made the conclusion that if you move to a racist country that you “become a racist”

Guess not, I must be drunk!

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 1:00 PM
posted by geeblock

The thing about criminals is they do criminal things.. people who don’t value their own lives will rarely value another persons life. 

These conversations happen daily in black communities and on black platforms.. it doesn’t get covered much on the news cause it doesn’t fit the right narrative. We discuss this mostly within our communities because we are the only ones to fix this problem. 

There are literally organizations and events year round in inner cities trying to combat these problems. I have already listed them. School funding is based on property taxes and inner citiy schools are woefully underfunded which leads to a lot of kids ending up in gangs or drugs. 

But again there are 48 million black people roughly  in this country And they commit roughly 4100 murders even if you say a different person committed each murder. 

Is there a number you ave in mind that would be low enough in order to ask to end police brutality? 

How are the two things even related? Police are paid to serve and protect not criminals. When black people commit murder they go to jail for 100 years. 

I have no problem looking at criminal activity as criminal activity.  I agree that most all black people are trying to live their lives and are not criminals as well.  What I don't agree with you is that the BLM/police brutality and black-on-black crime are mutually exclusive.  If you say crime is a function of economic strada, why isn't the movement "Poor Lives Matter"?  Why isn't the question: why do police brutulize poor people unnecessarily?  "Black Lives Matter" says simply that - 'black' lives matter.  Why isn't it then reasonable to ask why it is not focused on where black lives are being lost at levels exponetially higher than to crooked cops?  

You can say that there is outrage over this type of crime within the black community.  But there is clearly not the national outrage or anything approaching it about this issue.  Otherwise we'd see thousands in the streets.  


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 1:02 PM
posted by Fab4Runner

As has been mentioned multiple times, there absolutely are anti- crime groups in black neighborhoods, anti-gun violence groups in black neighborhoods, demonstrations, marches, protests, and so on, all in black neighborhoods. I'm not sure why you think you get to decide what a particular organization or cause focuses on.

I also think it's hilarious that All Lives Matter people are the same ones who say Blue Lives Matter. What's the difference between that and Black Lives Matter? Makes you think. 

Your first paragraph is spot on  

I love the people who don’t live in a city who like to say that city doesn’t care about gang violence, crime, etc. even though they have no idea how wrong they are—because they’re not here to see it. 

This is all especially funny to me, because my wife is a social worker who works in Englewood once a week.


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 1:02 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Like that is 10000% the guy that says that it’s difficult to be a White guy in this world right now

Life is pretty good for me currently.  Can you prove I have prejudices against black people?  Not really sure I get your angle on Italy. I moved for a job. You’re right though, Italy and the rest of Europe is more racist than the US currently is.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 1:03 PM
posted by Fab4Runner

As has been mentioned multiple times, there absolutely are anti- crime groups in black neighborhoods, anti-gun violence groups in black neighborhoods, demonstrations, marches, protests, and so on, all in black neighborhoods. I'm not sure why you think you get to decide what a particular organization or cause focuses on.

I also think it's hilarious that All Lives Matter people are the same ones who say Blue Lives Matter. What's the difference between that and Black Lives Matter? Makes you think. 

I don't say "Blue Lives Matter".  

Yes, there are anti-crime groups.  However there is nothing close to the community outrage that police brutality has created.  And that outrage is reasonable.  But if the message from that has evolved into "Black Lives Matter", than it is fair to expect that same level of outrage and action for the problems that cause the demise of far more black lives than police brutality.  That simply does not exist.  



Wed, Jul 22, 2020 1:03 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

I have no problem looking at criminal activity as criminal activity.  I agree that most all black people are trying to live their lives and are not criminals as well.  What I don't agree with you is that the BLM/police brutality and black-on-black crime are mutually exclusive.  If you say crime is a function of economic strada, why isn't the movement "Poor Lives Matter"?  Why isn't the question: why do police brutulize poor people unnecessarily?  "Black Lives Matter" says simply that - 'black' lives matter.  Why isn't it then reasonable to ask why it is not focused on where black lives are being lost at levels exponetially higher than to crooked cops?  

You can say that there is outrage over this type of crime within the black community.  But there is clearly not the national outrage or anything approaching it about this issue.  Otherwise we'd see thousands in the streets.  

Ok I’ll bite.. what is the relationship between UNARMED black people being killed by police and MURDERERS 


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 1:06 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Oh sorry, I was told that being in liberal Chicago has made me “become a liberal” so I made the conclusion that if you move to a racist country that you “become a racist”

Guess not, I must be drunk!

That wasn’t me, considering I lived in DC for 7 years. You going full retard on the other hand has led me to this belief of turning into a leftist.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 1:17 PM
posted by geeblock

Ok I’ll bite.. what is the relationship between UNARMED black people being killed by police and MURDERERS 

That's not the relationship.  It's the relationship between BLM's attention given to one and not the other. 


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 1:18 PM
posted by like_that

That wasn’t me, considering I lived in DC for 7 years. You going full retard on the other hand has led me to this belief of turning into a leftist.

“Your wife must be proud” yeah that’s definitely what you meant 



Wed, Jul 22, 2020 1:23 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

That's not the relationship.  It's the relationship between BLM's attention given to one and not the other. 

Black on Black crime is only mentioned as some sort of deflection when police brutality is brought up. It’s like a shiny coin you hold in your pocket just for the right time. Fun fact you don’t care about black on black Crime either. 

Same with veterans.. people really don’t care about vets and treat them like shit but as soon as someone mentions hey let’s help the homeless .. shiny coin guy comes out and says well what about the veterans! 


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 1:28 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

“Your wife must be proud” yeah that’s definitely what you meant 

You realize you called me racist, before I even said that, right? Also, I said that based on your posts the last 18 months.

I know you went to OU (sorry heretic), but are you really this dumb or are you purposely acting dumb?

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 1:45 PM
posted by geeblock

Black on Black crime is only mentioned as some sort of deflection when police brutality is brought up. It’s like a shiny coin you hold in your pocket just for the right time. Fun fact you don’t care about black on black Crime either. 

Same with veterans.. people really don’t care about vets and treat them like shit but as soon as someone mentions hey let’s help the homeless .. shiny coin guy comes out and says well what about the veterans! 

I don't agree with what you say here, but that's fine.  I support the idea of police reform to create a safer and better relationship between police and black citizens.  


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 1:49 PM
posted by like_that

You realize you called me racist, before I even said that, right? Also, I said that based on your posts the last 18 months.

I know you went to OU (sorry heretic), but are you really this dumb or are you purposely acting dumb?

Lol, classic Miami U dbag taking a shot at colleges, 10-15 years later. Keep up that Miami douche stereotype  

You still said the wife thing. And you’ve made a comment to be before about becoming liberal the more I’m in Chicago. Don’t pretend like you didn’t mean what you said. I simply said the Italy thing because you have an extreme bias against anything BLM or just Black people in general in any argument. And it’s ironic that you a) live in a racist country and b) try to tell me that I’m a lib because I live in a lib place. 


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 1:50 PM
posted by iclfan2

Lol science and more science. 

Do you have a trip to DC and NYC soon or something? Why do you appear to be so butthurt about how another city/state is trying to combat the spread of the virus?


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 1:54 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Do you have a trip to DC and NYC soon or something? Why do you appear to be so butthurt about how another city/state is trying to combat the spread of the virus?

Posted In wrong thread, my b


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 2:23 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Lol, classic Miami U dbag taking a shot at colleges, 10-15 years later. Keep up that Miami douche stereotype  

You still said the wife thing. And you’ve made a comment to be before about becoming liberal the more I’m in Chicago. Don’t pretend like you didn’t mean what you said. I simply said the Italy thing because you have an extreme bias against anything BLM or just Black people in general in any argument. And it’s ironic that you a) live in a racist country and b) try to tell me that I’m a lib because I live in a lib place. 

You're really sensitive about the Chicago thing.  It makes sense, considering you go out of your way to tell us  you live in a city.  Apparently this is your best "quality" as a person.  I meant what I said, based on your posts.  You literally called me racist, because I don't fully support everything that is going on with BLM.  That's the modern day progressive playbook.  If I have mentioned you living in Chicago turned you into a lib, it is because Chicago was the catalyst and not why I think you turned into lib.  Does that make sense or do I need to type a little slower for you? Again, are you dense on purpose?

Also, I asked for you to provide an example of me being racist. Do you think not supporting everything involved with BLM makes somebody racist?   You can support black people and not support BLM at the same time.  It's really not that hard. I view and treat everyone individually by character.  Is it that hard for you to think critically?  

Btw, you have said some pretty problematic shit on this site when it comes to race.  It's wild to me you would even try to play the race card. Probably shouldn't go full white boy hero calling others racist, while living in your predominately white neighborhood in Chicago.  Especially, (using your angle) when you live in a pretty racist city.