Covid-19 discussion, continued...


Senior Member

Tue, Oct 6, 2020 4:04 PM

The WHO just released data today that as much as 10% (770M people) of the global population may have had this.

Do the math.  That's a mortality rate <0.15% (the flu is 0.10%) in total from the beginning.

Early on, it was expected/estimated that the mortality rate was around 1.0%.  But study after study has found that the actual case rate was 10-20X higher...again, do the math.


Senior Member

Tue, Oct 6, 2020 5:01 PM

I have my first appointment with a family physician in nearly three years tomorrow. I’m going to see if she will write for me to get the antibody test, which I think is free with a physician order. I’d be curious to know if I’ve had it. I’m exposed at work a couple times a week it seems. 


Tits McGee

Tue, Oct 6, 2020 5:03 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

I have my first appointment with a family physician in nearly three years tomorrow. I’m going to see if she will write for me to get the antibody test, which I think is free with a physician order. I’d be curious to know if I’ve had it. I’m exposed at work a couple times a week it seems. 

They're free if you donate blood with the Red Cross. 


Senior Member

Tue, Oct 6, 2020 5:29 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

I have my first appointment with a family physician in nearly three years tomorrow. I’m going to see if she will write for me to get the antibody test, which I think is free with a physician order. I’d be curious to know if I’ve had it. I’m exposed at work a couple times a week it seems. 

Man with all that exposure......shouldnt you be dead by now?


Senior Member

Tue, Oct 6, 2020 5:39 PM
posted by Spock

Man with all that exposure......shouldnt you be dead by now?

Well you see only 0.00001% of the population of Miami county is dieing so I only had a 1/10 chance anyways rite! /spock’d 


Senior Member

Tue, Oct 6, 2020 8:35 PM

My whole freaking family had it. Wife, 2 kids, mom, dad, sister, etc.

None of them were more sick than when I had the actual flu in January with 104F temperature for 2 days and sick for 5.

The actual disease, not how contagious it is, is definitely not as bad as the common flu. 



Senior Member

Tue, Oct 6, 2020 11:00 PM

Everyone has their story.

My friends dad died from COVID two months ago. He was 58 and in good health. 

Another friend, a doctor, was asymptomatic. Age 33 good health.

Another had it super early. Was absolutely fucked for 14 days. Mildly obese, age 27. 

I could go on and on.

Point is, you mostly know what you’re going to get with the flu. 7 months in this shitshow and we’re still learning.


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Oct 7, 2020 3:23 AM

I posted earlier in this thread that my region and Italy in general has seen a spike in cases.  They have also increased testing by a lot more than when this all started.  98% of the cases have been asymptomatic.  The death and hospitalization rate is nowhere near close to what it was back when this all started.  Theres a growing argument for t cell immunity combined with the virus hitting less vulnerable people.  

If that many people are asymptomatic, who knows how many people have/had it and have/had no idea they had it.  Based on Gut's math, I won't be shocked if the flu/covid have similar numbers going forward.  We are also comparing one virus that currently has a yearly vaccine vs another virus that currently doesn't.  Once we have a vaccine, I predict in the future the covid/flu comparison will be pretty valid.  


Senior Member

Wed, Oct 7, 2020 10:52 AM
posted by jmog

My whole freaking family had it. Wife, 2 kids, mom, dad, sister, etc.

None of them were more sick than when I had the actual flu in January with 104F temperature for 2 days and sick for 5.

The actual disease, not how contagious it is, is definitely not as bad as the common flu. 


My daughter had it in August --- one night/day of fever/chills .....then a couple days later a loss of taste for a day or two.  Back to 100% in less than a week.

Obviously if you are over 80 and have vulnerabilities, it can be a real problem, but the prescription is proving to be far worse than the malady.

Verbal Kint

Senior Member

Wed, Oct 7, 2020 2:22 PM

Glad to hear that most schools had picture day, only day of the year that they will be able to show their smile, but it's worth it to destroy the mental health of so many to eradicate this virus


Senior Member

Wed, Oct 7, 2020 2:26 PM
posted by Verbal Kint

Glad to hear that most schools had picture day, only day of the year that they will be able to show their smile, but it's worth it to destroy the mental health of so many to eradicate this virus

No worries - once Biden takes office CNN's pandemic porn will, as Trump would say, "just disappear".


Senior Member

Wed, Oct 7, 2020 3:21 PM
posted by gut

No worries - once Biden takes office CNN's pandemic porn will, as Trump would say, "just disappear".

Yep.  It will be great; the pandemic will end, riots will end, racism will end, and everyone will live happily ever after.


Senior Member

Wed, Oct 7, 2020 4:02 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Yep.  It will be great; the pandemic will end, riots will end, racism will end, and everyone will live happily ever after.

That’s Biden’s plan isn’t iy


Senior Member

Wed, Oct 7, 2020 4:52 PM

Meanwhile Trump appears to have made a very beautiful, perfect recovery.  lol

........ the left was so hoping he would die



Wed, Oct 7, 2020 11:07 PM
posted by Verbal Kint

Glad to hear that most schools had picture day, only day of the year that they will be able to show their smile, but it's worth it to destroy the mental health of so many to eradicate this virus

We had our picture day today but so far every school day this year I’ve had 90% of my class outside where we can safely social distance...without our masks on. My elementary school still at 0 cases and quarantines. I know it’ll change soon but so far so good. Next week supposed to be a ton of rain so I’ll be forced to have the regular old gym classes.

My principal says I can go without masks if we are being active In the gym. I’m not playing that game yet...I’m going to let those in charge of the indoor recesses to have 50-60 kids mask-less for a couple weeks before I allow no masks.

We started with 4 kids per cafeteria table, no use of playground equipment and a very tight mask policy....7 weeks in we are sitting 7-8 per cafeteria table, full use of the playground equipment with no sanitizing of it and the masks are down below the nose on many and also below chin on some. Most teachers are using shields while teaching opposed to masks. Teachers were sanitizing and wiping down everything early on...not much of any of that going on now.

My son’s school district they have hired numerous people to basically continuously go around the schools and sanitizing door handles, rails and other things.....dozens of positive cases and quarantines. Super strict mask policy and no teachers wearing face shields.


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 8, 2020 6:46 AM
posted by Verbal Kint

Glad to hear that most schools had picture day, only day of the year that they will be able to show their smile, but it's worth it to destroy the mental health of so many to eradicate this virus

If your mental health is destroyed by the situation, it's a you problem.


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Oct 8, 2020 12:04 PM
posted by queencitybuckeye

If your mental health is destroyed by the situation, it's a you problem.

Do you have this same thought for kids, teenagers, and young adults?  


Honorable Admin

Thu, Oct 8, 2020 12:06 PM

Yeah, having issues dealing with govt sanctioned social isolation is your own problem is a pretty spicy take.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Thu, Oct 8, 2020 12:16 PM
posted by queencitybuckeye

If your mental health is destroyed by the situation, it's a you problem.

Wrong.  There are people of all ages, races, socioeconomic stratas that have been negatively affected by the isolation.  Isolation is not a natural state for people and no amount of "toughing it out" can necessarily overcome that.  Depression and anxiety are on the rise across the board, as is alcohol and drug abuse.  


Honorable Admin

Thu, Oct 8, 2020 12:31 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Wrong.  There are people of all ages, races, socioeconomic stratas that have been negatively affected by the isolation.  Isolation is not a natural state for people and no amount of "toughing it out" can necessarily overcome that.  Depression and anxiety are on the rise across the board, as is alcohol and drug abuse.  

Pretty sure you can add domestic violence to that list.

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Thu, Oct 8, 2020 12:45 PM

I’m not sure what exactly you think people do during pandemics but it’s necessary. No ones asking you to isolate bc they don’t like you. You’re asked to isolate so less people are killed. Is it ideal? No. Not much is ideal during a pandemic. 


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 8, 2020 12:46 PM
posted by queencitybuckeye

If your mental health is destroyed by the situation, it's a you problem.

What a terrible thing to say. I mean you obviously truly don't understand those with depression and anxiety problems if you are willing to say something like this.

I mean I truly don't understand those issues either, but I'm smart enough not to say something so "hurtful" to those with these diseases.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Thu, Oct 8, 2020 1:15 PM
posted by kizer permanente

I’m not sure what exactly you think people do during pandemics but it’s necessary. No ones asking you to isolate bc they don’t like you. You’re asked to isolate so less people are killed. Is it ideal? No. Not much is ideal during a pandemic. 

That wasn't the point.  The point was in response to "if this affects your mental health, that is your problem" type statement.  It's not to do with whether isolation should or shouldn't be required.  Whether you are in favor of it or not, as a policy, it has significant mental health costs.  That's just the way it is.