Trump. The convicted felon


333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, Jun 11, 2024 1:12 PM
posted by majorspark

He committed a crime.  Don't like the law.  He should not go to jail.  He is not running for POTUS.  He will be pardoned by his dad after the election.

Yeah, it's a crime, which is rather ... stupid, imo. I agree with this post.


The judge should schedule sentencing for July 12th.


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 11, 2024 1:19 PM

I also have sympathy for Hunter.  He was not the favored son.  He was his dads bagman.  Probably more than physical attraction when he fucked his dead brothers wife.


333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, Jun 11, 2024 4:28 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Seems like the Deep State missed on this one.

Seems the attempted smarm missed on this one.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Tue, Jun 11, 2024 5:02 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Seems the attempted smarm missed on this one.

It's not smarm.  We've spent two weeks listening to arguments of how Trump was railroaded due to a perfect political storm.  Okay.  So how about this?  It seems like the dems/libs who, according to the MAGA crowd are powerful and sophisticated enough to get a former president convicted to BS crimes, failed here. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, Jun 11, 2024 7:07 PM


Hunter Biden is not running for any office. Therefore he has no political opponents who have skin in that particular game. 

What was missing in Hunter Biden's indictment that popped up in court and he was convicted on it?

How long was Hunter Biden's "crime" out of statute before he was charged?

Are these Maga-only questions? Are these political questions? Should the Dems be the only ones who should pose these questions? 

Would you feel better if nobody asked any questions at all?


333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, Jun 11, 2024 7:33 PM

I will say that Hunter Biden had numerous govt sectors and 99% of the media go out of their way to lie, censor and ban people's voices to protect him and by extension Joe Biden. You couldn't even link somebody the article in DMs. Hell, even Joe Biden lied about the laptop story.

Was the same done for Trump?

No? Why not?

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Tue, Jun 11, 2024 7:33 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan


Hunter Biden is not running for any office. Therefore he has no political opponents who have skin in that particular game. 

What was missing in Hunter Biden's indictment that popped up in court and he was convicted on it?

How long was Hunter Biden's "crime" out of statute before he was charged?

Are these Maga-only questions? Are these political questions? Should the Dems be the only ones who should pose these questions? 

Would you feel better if nobody asked any questions at all?

I’ve heard how Trump is persecuted since 2016.  I’ve heard how Hunter is persecuted to get to his dad since 2020.  I guess both sides got their wish and curse simultaneously.   A Mexican standoff.


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 11, 2024 11:00 PM

Not to mention they waiting for the statute of limitations on what was the biggest issues in the case. They also tried to give him immunity from everything but thank goodness the judge stopped that.

Biden is saying he will not pardon his son but we all know he will once the election is over. So what will liberals say when he goes back on his word. Also pretty funny he was at a anti gun rally after his son was charged with a gun crime


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, Jun 12, 2024 11:11 AM

I wouldn't care if Biden pardoned his son. It would be different if Hunter was a violent murderer, for sure.

What I care about is all the govt agencies and their Spooks doing whatever they could do to protect him. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, Jun 12, 2024 11:17 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

I’ve heard how Trump is persecuted since 2016.  I’ve heard how Hunter is persecuted to get to his dad since 2020.  I guess both sides got their wish and curse simultaneously.   A Mexican standoff.

Answers none of my questions. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Jun 12, 2024 12:06 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Answers none of my questions. 


kizer permanente

Senior Member

Wed, Jun 12, 2024 12:32 PM
posted by gut

Again, try to keep up.  It's absolutely a question - Trump said he paid a legal bill.  That is an indisputable fact, and I'm 100% certain that paying a legal bill is not a crime.

Where the crime comes in, without even getting into the novel way the DA linked the charges, errr a misdemeanor with an implied, nebulous non-charge, the "crime" is that he had knowledge and intent to commit fraud.  The ONLY evidence for that was the word of multi-convicted perjurer Michael Cohen.  No corroborating witnesses to that, and one person (perhaps equally un-credible) refuting it.  For any non-uber partisan person, that's a slam-dunk for reasonable doubt.

For something as trivial as this, if you're following the advice of counsel you're likely not going to be charged, much less convicted for the incompetence/fraud committed by your counsel.  But because Michael Cohen said Trump told him to do it...

And since you're so completely convinced Trump committed a crime, I'd just point out the FEC - the one that fined, but declined to charge, Hillary and the DNC for basically the exact same thing - voted NOT to charge or fine Trump.

Let that sink in for a minute - the expert regulatory body charged with oversight passed on even fining Trump for this "crime".  Yet somehow a state prosecutor revived an expired statute to charge Trump for that federal crime.  You can't find a much clearer example of "tell me who and I'll find the crime" (that's a reference to Stalinist USSR, in case you're unfamiliar).

"But the six-person bipartisan agency, which requires four affirmative votes to take most official actions, including launching an investigation, deadlocked on the recommendation, as it frequently does. By voting against the recommendation, Republican Commissioners Sean Cooksey and James “Trey” Trainor effectively killed any further inquiry into Trump’s actions, despite the fact that the agency’s professional staff believed the available evidence was at least sufficient to conduct a formal investigation"

I wouldn't consider 2 partisan hacks stonewalling efforts a ringing endorsement for absolving someone from wrongdoing... but you do you lol.  


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, Jun 12, 2024 12:49 PM
posted by kizer permanente

"But the six-person bipartisan agency, which requires four affirmative votes to take most official actions, including launching an investigation, deadlocked on the recommendation, as it frequently does. By voting against the recommendation, Republican Commissioners Sean Cooksey and James “Trey” Trainor effectively killed any further inquiry into Trump’s actions, despite the fact that the agency’s professional staff believed the available evidence was at least sufficient to conduct a formal investigation"

I wouldn't consider 2 partisan hacks stonewalling efforts a ringing endorsement for absolving someone from wrongdoing... but you do you lol.  

Did the site you're quoting also show how the vote for Hillary Clinton went? I wonder if the same people voted in both instances.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 14, 2024 2:19 PM
posted by kizer permanente

"But the six-person bipartisan agency, which requires four affirmative votes to take most official actions, including launching an investigation, deadlocked on the recommendation, as it frequently does. By voting against the recommendation, Republican Commissioners Sean Cooksey and James “Trey” Trainor effectively killed any further inquiry into Trump’s actions, despite the fact that the agency’s professional staff believed the available evidence was at least sufficient to conduct a formal investigation"

I wouldn't consider 2 partisan hacks stonewalling efforts a ringing endorsement for absolving someone from wrongdoing... but you do you lol.  

You really should learn how to use google before making an ass of yourself mocking someone.  You got gaslit by someone ignoring the 4-1 vote.

"The FEC voted 4-1 to close the inquiry after failing to find that Trump or his campaign “knowingly and willfully” violated campaign finance law when his former attorney Michael Cohen paid $130,000 to porn star Stormy Daniels to keep her from disclosing an alleged affair."


However, the FEC said that it failed by a 2-2 vote to prove any of the parties violated campaign finance law.

Republican Commissioners James “Trey” Trainor and Sean Cooksey voted to dismiss the matter. Republican Vice Chairman Allen Dickerson recused himself, while independent Commissioner Steven Walther did not vote."

So it was a 2-2 vote along partisan lines to dismiss the matter, with the independent abstaining.  WHICH MEANS the independent joined the 3 Republicans voting NOT to fine or charge Trump in the first instance (and I believe it requires 4 votes TO CHARGE, and this was 4 votes to close the matter).

Here's another link referencing the same:

"However, in February 2021, the FEC deadlocked on a 2-2 vote on whether Trump willfully violated federal law. The commission often deadlocks along partisan lines when it considers controversial cases. (In this case, the FEC was down from six commissioners to four. One commissioner, an independent, was absent; and one commissioner, a Republican, opted to recuse.)"

That same commission, by the way, voted to charge Cohen.  So maybe the Republicans weren't the "partisan hacks" [as if the Dems aren't] you claim.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 14, 2024 2:28 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Did the site you're quoting also show how the vote for Hillary Clinton went? I wonder if the same people voted in both instances.

2 votes against, Democrat hacks AMiRiTE?  LMFAO, those "partisan hack" No, wait, Republicans were actually consistent against a consistent fact pattern voting AGAINST the fine.

Of course, there is one key difference in the factset - the actual campaign finance violation was Cohen, and he was CHARGED, not just fined (which, by the way, was specifically mentioned as a reason Repubs voted to dismiss because they felt the offending party had already been charged).

The other key difference is, clearly, the Dems were voting to fine, rather than charge, Clinton.  But they flipped with Trump because they wanted to charge him.

"A source familiar with the situation told Axios that the FEC commissioners voted 4-2 to approve the fine agreement, with all three FEC democrats voting in favor along with Republican "commissioner Sean Cooksey. The board's two other Republicans reportedly voted against the conciliation.

LOL.  More analysis:

"Paul Kamenar, a member of the Coolidge Reagan Foundation's advisory board, called the DNC spokesperson's description "appalling" in a phone call with CBS News.

"It's outrageous that the DNC would minimize the serious violation that took place by calling campaign disclosure laws 'silly' violations," said Kamenar, who added that he believes the FEC should have made a criminal referral to the Justice Department."


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Jun 14, 2024 3:39 PM

Oh, ouch!


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 17, 2024 4:24 PM
posted by sportchampps

Not to mention they waiting for the statute of limitations on what was the biggest issues in the case. They also tried to give him immunity from everything but thank goodness the judge stopped that.

Biden is saying he will not pardon his son but we all know he will once the election is over. So what will liberals say when he goes back on his word. Also pretty funny he was at a anti gun rally after his son was charged with a gun crime

Correct, on all counts.

But this is a just a slap on the wrists to make it look like 'equal justice' and do a little window dressing.  It all deflects from the treasonous criminal activity of selling out America to our foreign adversaries, laundering the proceeds, and evading the taxes into the millions.  But they had to keep the occupier of the WH out of it (for now).   Sickening. 

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Mon, Jun 17, 2024 8:29 PM
posted by gut

You really should learn how to use google before making an ass of yourself mocking someone.  You got gaslit by someone ignoring the 4-1 vote.

"The FEC voted 4-1 to close the inquiry after failing to find that Trump or his campaign “knowingly and willfully” violated campaign finance law when his former attorney Michael Cohen paid $130,000 to porn star Stormy Daniels to keep her from disclosing an alleged affair."


However, the FEC said that it failed by a 2-2 vote to prove any of the parties violated campaign finance law.

Republican Commissioners James “Trey” Trainor and Sean Cooksey voted to dismiss the matter. Republican Vice Chairman Allen Dickerson recused himself, while independent Commissioner Steven Walther did not vote."

So it was a 2-2 vote along partisan lines to dismiss the matter, with the independent abstaining.  WHICH MEANS the independent joined the 3 Republicans voting NOT to fine or charge Trump in the first instance (and I believe it requires 4 votes TO CHARGE, and this was 4 votes to close the matter).

Here's another link referencing the same:

"However, in February 2021, the FEC deadlocked on a 2-2 vote on whether Trump willfully violated federal law. The commission often deadlocks along partisan lines when it considers controversial cases. (In this case, the FEC was down from six commissioners to four. One commissioner, an independent, was absent; and one commissioner, a Republican, opted to recuse.)"

That same commission, by the way, voted to charge Cohen.  So maybe the Republicans weren't the "partisan hacks" [as if the Dems aren't] you claim.

How does anything you just rambled on about contradict anything I said?  It doesn’t lol.

They failed 2-2 to b/c a third Republican recused himself (doesn’t say why) and an “independent” chairman voted with Republicans. 3 Republicans, 2 democrats and 1 independent needed 4 votes.  2 Republicans who voted no didn’t want to hear anything about anybody “ The two Republican commissioners also sought to dismiss all of the allegations against everyone named in the complaints, but that motion failed to gain four votes too. “ 

And you think that’s not political hacks?  Got it  

In a statement explaining their votes against moving forward with an investigation, Cooksey and Trainor avoided addressing the merits of the allegations against Trump. Instead, they couched their votes as “an exercise of prosecutorial discretion” because they had “concluded that pursuing these matters further was not the best use of agency resources” given the FEC’s enforcement backlog at the time” 

Also definitely not political hacks. AmIrItE?



Tue, Jun 18, 2024 12:41 PM

Teflon Don just keeps tickin 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Tue, Jun 18, 2024 12:50 PM
posted by Trueblue23

Teflon Don just keeps tickin 

Both of these two bozos spend their time appealing to 3rd grade emotional feelings of the masses.  Some of that’s always been in politics, but it seems to have moved to a new level.  We’re now in the same realm as two kids arguing about which superhero is the best.  



Tue, Jun 18, 2024 4:12 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Both of these two bozos spend their time appealing to 3rd grade emotional feelings of the masses.  Some of that’s always been in politics, but it seems to have moved to a new level.  We’re now in the same realm as two kids arguing about which superhero is the best.  

None of this would happen with President Ron Paul 


333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, Jun 18, 2024 4:41 PM
posted by Trueblue23

None of this would happen with President Ron Paul 

Unfortunately, the Duopoly has made sure that people like Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders and now RFK Jr never gets to share the stage and put forth their policy ideas.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Jun 28, 2024 8:12 AM

Biden was horrific in the debate.  A retarded monkey would have looked good in comparison.  What a joke.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 28, 2024 8:20 AM

I didn’t watch but I haven’t heard anything good.