Covid-19 discussion, continued...


Senior Member

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 9:18 AM
posted by Automatik

Actually yes. 

But also everything is not the same as everything else, but people tend to have a hard time grasping that.

But ohh no.....look, I'm sanctimonious! idgaf

If you called them morons for going out and spreading the virus then you are at least being consistent.

I just didn’t see it on here by about anyone not named Spock or QO.


Tits McGee

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 9:19 AM
posted by jmog

Did you call out morons for going to BLM protests? Scientifically there is no difference in how contagious a “no mask” rally and the BLM protests with 1000s and a good portion did not have masks.

Just because you agree with one protest and not the other doesn’t change the science of which one or both is a highly contagious event. 

I didn’t see too many of the “sanctimonious” crowd on here calling those going to BLM protests “morons and idiots” due to the highly likely probability of them spreading the virus.

It is nearly scientifically certain that most or a good portion of the upticks and increase in cases are due to the recent protests after the Floyd murder. The delay and timing line up perfectly with the known incubation period. 

Were all of you calling out those people as “morons and idiots”?

If not you are not being scientifically consistent, so you are just being sanctimonious.

I actually went to a BLM protest, and I am not exaggerating when I say that literally every single person I saw was wearing a mask. Every single one. The city also shut down streets, so there was plenty of room for people to spread out. So no, I don't think we were morons. Was it a risky activity? Yes. But did people try to be smart and safe while there? Also yes.

Thousands crowded together with no masks? Yes, that's stupid. Just like you're stupid if you go into a store or gas station without one. 


Senior Member

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 9:21 AM
posted by jmog

If you called them morons for going out and spreading the virus then you are at least being consistent.

I just didn’t see it on here by about anyone not named Spock or QO.

Again, I'm not going to sit here and pretend every situation is the same.

Where's the uptick in NYC due to protests?


Senior Member

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 9:24 AM
posted by jmog

Ideologically they are different, but with respect to how contagious the two events are, it should be quite obvious of the two you mention, that protests are far more contagious than rando’s going out in public without a mask.

I didn’t see you calling the protestors morons for protesting during a pandemic.

Of course protests, with 100k people, are going to spread the virus more than someone going to the grocery store without a mask.

And I did have issues with the protestors spreading the virus. I also believed in what they were protesting about, so I chose to focus my attention on that and not that they aren’t wearing masks. 

And also, I find one person who chooses to go out and not wear a mask because muhhh rights way more cunty than people going out to protest cops shooting black people dead. But fuck me right!


Senior Member

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 9:26 AM

Also, anyone find it funny that ICL and jmog choose to focus on the BLM protestors when there are hundreds of different examples of hundreds/thousands of people crowding together without masks? Hmmm I wonder why!


Senior Member

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 9:28 AM
posted by Fab4Runner

I actually went to a BLM protest, and I am not exaggerating when I say that literally every single person I saw was wearing a mask. Every single one. The city also shut down streets, so there was plenty of room for people to spread out. So no, I don't think we were morons. Was it a risky activity? Yes. But did people try to be smart and safe while there? Also yes.

Thousands crowded together with no masks? Yes, that's stupid. Just like you're stupid if you go into a store or gas station without one. 

So you, the one on here that has been the most scared about this virus of EVERYONE went to a protest?

You really shouldn’t call people morons about masks anymore, it just makes you hypocritical.

Going into a building with plenty of room to stay away from people, in areas that have low infection rates (aka they don’t have mandates) is low risk.

Going to a protest with 1000s of people is the definition of high risk.

You can’t make up the BS in this thread some times. 

Personally I have no problems with the protests and agreed with them (up until the riots/violence).  

However, to act like going to a protest with 1000s even if you wore a mask is less risky than walking into a gas station with only 2 other people in there and staying away from said people, in a county with low infection rate, is quite frankly asinine and doesn’t follow ANY science whatsoever.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 9:30 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Also, anyone find it funny that ICL and jmog choose to focus on the BLM protestors when there are hundreds of different examples of hundreds/thousands of people crowding together without masks? Hmmm I wonder why!

You’re a tard. We bring it up bc you ignore it. You’ve bitched about people together everywhere EXCEPT that. The white dipshits in Portland and Seattle are way worse than the blm protestors, bc they’re not actually protesting g anything. They’re a bunch of entitled commie fucks.


Senior Member

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 9:30 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Also, anyone find it funny that ICL and jmog choose to focus on the BLM protestors when there are hundreds of different examples of hundreds/thousands of people crowding together without masks? Hmmm I wonder why!

Pointing out people’s double standard is not the same as being a racist, which is what you are insinuating.

Yeah, I’m a racist...fuck you again. 

I am sure this will get deleted but it had to be said. 

Once again SnL turns a logical discussion into garbage. Fuck off


Senior Member

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 9:30 AM

Now you're just blabbing.


Senior Member

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 9:33 AM
posted by Automatik

Now you're just blabbing.

Haha, yup. It’s funny, you can tell when someone realizes their argument is fucked. 


Senior Member

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 9:35 AM

Same as the whataboutisms that go off everyday in politics.

Also to clarify, my beef is with the "ANTI-MASKERS", people openly spouting off that they shouldn't have to wear masks and are completely against it. It's one of the most fucked up times in our history and THIS is what you choose to get pissy about. It's just unfathomable to me.

But yeah...what about those protests!


Senior Member

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 9:36 AM

Anyone see the Diamond Lake video? Went viral a few weeks ago. Not a word of that on here. But BLM Protests and Antifa CHOP zones there’s multiple threads!

Anyone agenda?


Tits McGee

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 9:37 AM
posted by jmog

So you, the one on here that has been the most scared about this virus of EVERYONE went to a protest?

You really shouldn’t call people morons about masks anymore, it just makes you hypocritical.

Going into a building with plenty of room to stay away from people, in areas that have low infection rates (aka they don’t have mandates) is low risk.

Going to a protest with 1000s of people is the definition of high risk.

You can’t make up the BS in this thread some times. 

Personally I have no problems with the protests and agreed with them (up until the riots/violence).  

However, to act like going to a protest with 1000s even if you wore a mask is less risky than walking into a gas station with only 2 other people in there and staying away from said people, in a county with low infection rate, is quite frankly asinine and doesn’t follow ANY science whatsoever.

No, I'm still going to call you morons if you don't wear them. 

I wore my mask at an outdoor protest where I had plenty of space to spread out. If it had been crowded and I had had to squeeze in between people, I would have turned around and gone home. I also stayed home for over a week afterward. 

I believe I also said that it was risky, but it is a cause that is important to me, so I tried to be safe while participating. 


Senior Member

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 9:38 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Anyone see the Diamond Lake video? Went viral a few weeks ago. Not a word of that on here. But BLM Protests and Antifa CHOP zones there’s multiple threads!

Anyone agenda?

Masks infringe on their rights to get shitfaced. Therefore, it's fine!



Fri, Jul 17, 2020 9:40 AM
posted by jmog

So you, the one on here that has been the most scared about this virus of EVERYONE went to a protest?

You really shouldn’t call people morons about masks anymore, it just makes you hypocritical.

Going into a building with plenty of room to stay away from people, in areas that have low infection rates (aka they don’t have mandates) is low risk.

Going to a protest with 1000s of people is the definition of high risk.

You can’t make up the BS in this thread some times. 

Personally I have no problems with the protests and agreed with them (up until the riots/violence).  

However, to act like going to a protest with 1000s even if you wore a mask is less risky than walking into a gas station with only 2 other people in there and staying away from said people, in a county with low infection rate, is quite frankly asinine and doesn’t follow ANY science whatsoever.

I mean, I would say that yeah protests in CA may have lead to an uptick in cases, but the cases in NY, DC/MD, and MN are flat and if anything are mildly increasing. So, that kinda shows it is not protests solely. 

The increases are in the south and west where it is a mix of protests but also states that choose to open early and did not have mask mandates. 


Senior Member

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 9:41 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I mean, I would say that yeah protests in CA may have lead to an uptick in cases, but the cases in NY, DC/MD, and MN are flat and if anything are mildly increasing. So, that kinda shows it is not protests solely. 

The increases are in the south and west where it is a mix of protests but also states that choose to open early and did not have mask mandates. 

But but but BLM protests!!!


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 9:51 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

But but but BLM protests!!!

I’m sorry you can’t handle people bringing up your hypocrisy about bringing up only one protest ever, anti mask ones (were there like 3)? It’s hilarious that you don’t see how it’s fucked up for NY to say well that has to be closed and that has to be closed, but y’all can still go protest. I personally don’t give a fuck if people wear a mask or not, I just like pointing out all of the inconsistencies. I wear one when needed. 



Fri, Jul 17, 2020 9:55 AM

One of my friends is in the hospital. Breathing problems due to covid.. I don’t believe he’s on a ventilator at this point 


Senior Member

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 9:57 AM

Wait, so you wanted "NY" to say people couldn't go out and protest? LOL. The rest of the country? "Please everyone, just calm down and continue to stay inside."

In other news. I'm going to clean out my desk today. My office is closing (not renewing lease). I'll be WFH indefinitely. I expect we'll get a new space sometime in 2021. Weird feeling. I haven't been into Manhattan since March 12th.


Tits McGee

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 10:01 AM
posted by geeblock

One of my friends is in the hospital. Breathing problems due to covid.. I don’t believe he’s on a ventilator at this point 

I'm sorry to hear this. I hope your friend has a speedy recovery. 🙏🏻


Senior Member

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 10:06 AM
posted by iclfan2

I’m sorry you can’t handle people bringing up your hypocrisy about bringing up only one protest ever, anti mask ones (were there like 3)? It’s hilarious that you don’t see how it’s fucked up for NY to say well that has to be closed and that has to be closed, but y’all can still go protest. I personally don’t give a fuck if people wear a mask or not, I just like pointing out all of the inconsistencies. I wear one when needed. 

I don’t think you have any idea that you are being hypocritical in your accusations of others being hypocritical   

Too funny


Senior Member

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 10:06 AM
posted by geeblock

One of my friends is in the hospital. Breathing problems due to covid.. I don’t believe he’s on a ventilator at this point 

Hope he recovers soon


Senior Member

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 10:07 AM
posted by Automatik

Wait, so you wanted "NY" to say people couldn't go out and protest? LOL. The rest of the country? "Please everyone, just calm down and continue to stay inside."



Also, “I don’t give a fuck if people wear masks” followed by criticisms of protestors going out without masks! 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 10:11 AM
posted by SportsAndLady


Also, “I don’t give a fuck if people wear masks” followed by criticisms of protestors going out without masks! 

Wrong. I don’t care about protesting. Blm or otherwise. I think they’re stupid, but I don’t care that they do it. Again, it was only pointed out bc you cherry pick “muh rights” folks when there are clearly other people not wearing masks that aren’t them. I’ll even add that people going to an anti mask rally might be the dumbest of all aside from Seattle/Portland. 

Umm I thought there was a deadly pandemic we were trying to stop spreading? Is there a rule book on what’s good and bad and why protests are ok, but say going to a playground or park is bad? 


Tits McGee

Fri, Jul 17, 2020 10:11 AM

An outdoor protest on closed streets, with plenty of room to spread out and people wearing masks...

...or this. 

Hmm I'll choose option A.