Covid-19 discussion, continued...


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Aug 31, 2020 7:20 AM
posted by Ironman92

How do we celebrate them now?

The body positivity movement. Nothing physically about it is healthy. 

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Mon, Aug 31, 2020 7:47 AM
posted by like_that

The body positivity movement. Nothing physically about it is healthy. 

Yeah... I don’t see fat people being celebrated in any point in life.  If there’s a body positivity movement, I’d say it’s not very strong. Or at least not very apparent.

On the flip side though, do you think we’ll ever get over people ...even on this thread ...who say conditions are a choice?  I was diagnosed with high blood pressure at 17. I was probably 180 lbs and playing 3 sports a year. It’s never went away.  I’ve never stopped working out. If I don’t take my pills, my BP goes up. I asked my family doctor why and he said he’s the same way. And he’s about 150 lbs and runs 20 miles a week. He also said most people he treats aren't obese but nearly all have family history of HBP.  So in our case and most it’s not from being lazy or bad life choices lol. But most people universally claim it is. 


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Aug 31, 2020 8:37 AM
posted by kizer permanente

Yeah... I don’t see fat people being celebrated in any point in life.  If there’s a body positivity movement, I’d say it’s not very strong. Or at least not very apparent.

On the flip side though, do you think we’ll ever get over people ...even on this thread ...who say conditions are a choice?  I was diagnosed with high blood pressure at 17. I was probably 180 lbs and playing 3 sports a year. It’s never went away.  I’ve never stopped working out. If I don’t take my pills, my BP goes up. I asked my family doctor why and he said he’s the same way. And he’s about 150 lbs and runs 20 miles a week. He also said most people he treats aren't obese but nearly all have family history of HBP.  So in our case and most it’s not from being lazy or bad life choices lol. But most people universally claim it is. 

Anyone in particular you’re referring to who says this? I know a few people in similar situation, which sucks. I am referring to heath conditions that we can control ourselves.  For every person like yourself or the people you mentioned, there are many more who made/make poor choices that led to health their problems.

We are only kidding ourselves if we pretend the US is a healthy country. I just hope going forward our country starts focusing on a healthier lifestyle and reducing our obesity rate.  There would be people alive today if they had focused on their health.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Mon, Aug 31, 2020 8:46 AM
posted by kizer permanente

What does that have anything to do with refuting the point that it’s only 6% of deaths due to covid. People are sharing this 100 times over bc they don’t understand wtf the cdc is saying.  

You said the people with existing conditions aren't on death's door. I was saying that many of them were/are. Also, no one is cheering that anyone's died. That is a terrible thing for sure. 

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Mon, Aug 31, 2020 8:50 AM
posted by like_that

Anyone in particular you’re referring to who says this? I know a few people in similar situation, which sucks. I am referring to heath conditions that we can control ourselves.  For every person like yourself or the people you mentioned, there are many more who made/make poor choices that led to health their problems.

We are only kidding ourselves if we pretend the US is a healthy country. I just hope going forward our country starts focusing on a healthier lifestyle and reducing our obesity rate.  There would be people alive today if they had focused on their health.

Yeah I don't think you're wrong. I know stats show how fat the US is. I just think its bad to blindly label people. My brother in law is also type one diabetic. Great shape. But has been diabetic since he was a little kid. There's also tons of people who have conditions that no matter what they do can't change them. But i feel they get lumped into the "oh well, shoulda worked out" crowd when stuff like this happens. Very Very few people have asthma because of lifestyle choices. But as you can see from the CDC, its not great to have with covid19.


333 - I'm only half evil

Mon, Aug 31, 2020 9:02 AM

New to this convo: But I just wanted to add that as the sole caretaker of my mother (who has copd/emphysema among a host of other disabilities) I've been tested quite a lot.

I'll take a spit test all day long rather than having my brain touched with a stick. 


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Aug 31, 2020 9:57 AM
posted by kizer permanente

Yeah I don't think you're wrong. I know stats show how fat the US is. I just think its bad to blindly label people. My brother in law is also type one diabetic. Great shape. But has been diabetic since he was a little kid. There's also tons of people who have conditions that no matter what they do can't change them. But i feel they get lumped into the "oh well, shoulda worked out" crowd when stuff like this happens. Very Very few people have asthma because of lifestyle choices. But as you can see from the CDC, its not great to have with covid19.

Those are definitely not the people I am talking about.  It would be like me blaming people for having cancer and dying from covid. 


Senior Member

Mon, Aug 31, 2020 11:55 AM
posted by Automatik

Very mad about “coverage.”

You do have the ability to change the channel and/or put your phone down. 

We should be able to expect the media 'profession' to maintain some semblance of truth and context.  But they will not; thus Fake News, and Orange Man right again.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Mon, Aug 31, 2020 12:34 PM
posted by QuakerOats

We should be able to expect the media 'profession' to maintain some semblance of truth and context.  But they will not; thus Fake News, and Orange Man right again.

The people who get the most worked up about this always seem to be the same ones who consume news media in bulk quantities. Trump's no exception. He obviously watches CNN, MSNBC, etc constantly. 

Not watching news all day doesn't make you "uninformed". For most of human history, there wasn't a 24 hour news cycle to obsess over. People did fine even though politics wasn't intertwined into all parts of their lives. 

If you don't like the liberal news outlets, don't watch them. Read the WSJBopinion pages, watch Fox News, Brietbart, Pat Buchanan's site, etc. CNN, The NYT, MSNBC - they're not going to change regardless of your constant outrage. 

Turn the TV off and go outside and play. 


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Aug 31, 2020 12:35 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Turn the TV off and go outside and play. 

The entire US needs to take this advice.  

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Mon, Aug 31, 2020 12:36 PM
posted by like_that
The entire US needs to take this advice.  

Amen to that. 


Senior Member

Mon, Aug 31, 2020 2:02 PM

My wife works in corporate for a plus size fashion brand so my exposure is biased but there are a ton of people who celebrate the morbidly obese. 


Senior Member

Mon, Aug 31, 2020 6:46 PM

So i spent a few minutes looking around online at local newsites and national media.....almost nothing on corona.

We are now officially being held hostage by the state and local governments.  Not only is the curve flat......its gone.


Senior Member

Mon, Aug 31, 2020 9:54 PM
posted by Spock

So i spent a few minutes looking around online at local newsites and national media.....almost nothing on corona.

We are now officially being held hostage by the state and local governments.  Not only is the curve flat......its gone.

(Opens up USA Today app, four out of ten first articles are about Covid.) 

Inb4 you say USA Today doesn’t count because it doesn’t align with your views. 


Son of the Sun

Tue, Sep 1, 2020 4:10 AM

posted by Spock

So i spent a few minutes looking around online at local newsites and national media.....almost nothing on corona.

We are now officially being held hostage by the state and local governments.  Not only is the curve flat......its gone.

You must really suck at "looking around" if you can't find shit online about the 'rona on news sites. Which is par for the course with you, but still...


Senior Member

Tue, Sep 1, 2020 4:12 AM
posted by Spock

So i spent a few minutes looking around online at local newsites and national media.....almost nothing on corona.

We are now officially being held hostage by the state and local governments.  Not only is the curve flat......its gone.

How many articles need to be written about it? It's been like 7 months of constant coverage. Don't worry bud, this thing isnt close to being over.


12th Son of the Lama

Tue, Sep 1, 2020 8:38 AM

CC gonna CC


Senior Member

Tue, Sep 1, 2020 11:18 AM
posted by Heretic
You must really suck at "looking around" if you can't find shit online about the 'rona on news sites. Which is par for the course with you, but still...

Sure there is "news"...thats it.  Just BS.  Where is the news on raw data?  Cases?  overflowing hospitals?, vent numbers?  

Ohio has less then 100 cases a day for the whole state?  I think we are being held hostage with this crap now.


Senior Member

Tue, Sep 1, 2020 11:19 AM

The articles I see today are the ones downplaying the CDC's reallocation of the deaths which show that just 6% of the deaths are from Covid-19 only.  The other 94% are deaths that on average include 2.6 co-morbidities.  Obviously the MSM does not want that information out there as it hurts their panic promotion efforts.

Al Bundy

Senior Member

Tue, Sep 1, 2020 12:03 PM
posted by QuakerOats

The articles I see today are the ones downplaying the CDC's reallocation of the deaths which show that just 6% of the deaths are from Covid-19 only.  The other 94% are deaths that on average include 2.6 co-morbidities.  Obviously the MSM does not want that information out there as it hurts their panic promotion efforts.

There is a large spectrum between dying and perfect health. The virus may produce long-term damage.


Son of the Sun

Wed, Sep 2, 2020 10:38 AM
posted by QuakerOats

The articles I see today are the ones downplaying the CDC's reallocation of the deaths which show that just 6% of the deaths are from Covid-19 only.  The other 94% are deaths that on average include 2.6 co-morbidities.  Obviously the MSM does not want that information out there as it hurts their panic promotion efforts.

As well they should, at least for people capable of thinking. For an example, there's a history of Alzheimer's in my family, so I kind of pay attention to that disease. It doesn't usually kill a person itself, but it does erode the immune system so that even a light cold can turn into pneumonia and easily be fatal.

Acting like a disease that isn't regularly the sole reason for an eventual death is somehow less serious and attempts to treat it seriously are "panic promotion" is the sort of thing painfully stupid people who only care about whatever their agenda is would do.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 2, 2020 11:01 AM
posted by Heretic

As well they should, at least for people capable of thinking. For an example, there's a history of Alzheimer's in my family, so I kind of pay attention to that disease. It doesn't usually kill a person itself, but it does erode the immune system so that even a light cold can turn into pneumonia and easily be fatal.

Acting like a disease that isn't regularly the sole reason for an eventual death is somehow less serious and attempts to treat it seriously are "panic promotion" is the sort of thing painfully stupid people who only care about whatever their agenda is would do.

I'm not downplaying the significance the virus can have on those with other maladies.  I am showcasing the misinformation that has been levied for ulterior motives.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 2, 2020 11:15 AM
posted by QuakerOats

I'm not downplaying the significance the virus can have on those with other maladies.  I am showcasing the misinformation that has been levied for ulterior motives.

Here’s the problem with anyone/thing that promotes this “IT’S ONLY 6%!” Narrative.

The people that are pushing it either do not understand how death certificates are done or they are flat out lying.

For instance, if I fall off a 10 story building and on the way down the shock makes me die of a heart attack, my death certificate would mention the heart attack and the blunt trauma of the fall.

The cause of death was the fall, the fall caused the heart attack which caused the death.  Those promoting this “6%!” BS is the same as if someone said “well, he didn’t die from falling 10 stories he died of a heart attack”

The death numbers are exaggerated some, but every study has shown that the death count number is between 20-25% lower, not 94% lower.

People with diabetes don’t die, typically, from just diabetes. However, COVID-19 really attacks people with diabetes and they have a hard time recovering from it.  They died because of COVID even if diabetes was a co-morbitity.

So stop posting the 6% horseshit it makes you look like you don’t understand what is going on.

The studies that have separated people who died because of COVID vs those that just died and happened to have COVID is about a 25% reduction in reported deaths, not 94% reduction.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 2, 2020 11:43 AM

I know full well what is going on, and I appreciate your concern.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 2, 2020 11:45 AM
posted by jmog

Here’s the problem with anyone/thing that promotes this “IT’S ONLY 6%!” Narrative.

The people that are pushing it either do not understand how death certificates are done or they are flat out lying.

For instance, if I fall off a 10 story building and on the way down the shock makes me die of a heart attack, my death certificate would mention the heart attack and the blunt trauma of the fall.

The cause of death was the fall, the fall caused the heart attack which caused the death.  Those promoting this “6%!” BS is the same as if someone said “well, he didn’t die from falling 10 stories he died of a heart attack”

The death numbers are exaggerated some, but every study has shown that the death count number is between 20-25% lower, not 94% lower.

People with diabetes don’t die, typically, from just diabetes. However, COVID-19 really attacks people with diabetes and they have a hard time recovering from it.  They died because of COVID even if diabetes was a co-morbitity.

So stop posting the 6% horseshit it makes you look like you don’t understand what is going on.

The studies that have separated people who died because of COVID vs those that just died and happened to have COVID is about a 25% reduction in reported deaths, not 94% reduction.

I think the thing people should be focusing on from that report is the median age of death.