Impressed by the Trump administration part II

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Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Thu, Jan 4, 2018 8:47 AM

Trump has quielty disbanded his commission to investigate voter fraud.  Yet another example of him generating FAKE NEWS by saying voter fraud was the reason he didn't get the popular vote, using taxpayer funds to double down on the made up crap, and then say he is cancelling the commission (that he started) to save taxpayer dollars.  

I'm reading a biography of US Grant right now by Ron Chernow (highly recommended).  Grant was one of many good men that have lead our country over the years.  Thinking of someone like him and then comparing him to the asshat that is now our president is very sad.  


333 - I'm only half evil

Thu, Jan 4, 2018 9:24 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Trump has quielty disbanded his commission to investigate voter fraud.  Yet another example of him generating FAKE NEWS by saying voter fraud was the reason he didn't get the popular vote, using taxpayer funds to double down on the made up crap, and then say he is cancelling the commission (that he started) to save taxpayer dollars.  

I'm reading a biography of US Grant right now by Ron Chernow (highly recommended).  Grant was one of many good men that have lead our country over the years.  Thinking of someone like him and then comparing him to the asshat that is now our president is very sad.  

Well I don't think anybody will be surprised or shocked. Nor do I believe that anybody truly thinks that Trump is principled. He's definitely somebody who works on fair weather. 


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 5, 2018 10:35 AM

The Washington Examiner (1/3, Siciliano) reports that the Appalachia Development Group has announced the Trump Administration “is looking to transform the fracking states of West Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania into a massive hub for storing natural gas.” The Department of Energy on Wednesday invited the company “to apply for a $1.9 billion loan guarantee to support the development of a first-of-a-kind ‘Appalachia Storage and Trading Hub,’” which “will be used to store natural gas liquids that Appalachia has an abundance of but has been looking to create a market for.” The Examiner says announcement of the hub, which could spark “increased industrial expansions and job growth in an economically vulnerable area of the nation,” drew immediate praise from Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), “who has been touting legislation to study the development of a hub to store natural gas-based liquids used by the chemical and manufacturing industries.” The American Chemistry Council says the project “would spur $36 billion in petrochemical investments and create more than 100,000 new long-term jobs,” while, “the National Association of Manufacturers came out in support of the project.”





Change we can [really] believe in ...


Senior Member

Wed, Jan 10, 2018 10:59 AM

The Washington Examiner (1/9) reports that following the passage of tax reform, “several major utilities have announced plans to cut rates in a consumer payback related to the lower taxes.” Utilities like Pacific Power, Commonwealth Edison, Rocky Mountain Power, Baltimore Gas and Light and Pepco “said they plan to give hundreds of thousands of customers a rate cut due to the tax reform.” The group Americans for Tax Reform is putting “together the list of utilities expected to apply for a rate cut as it has for more than 100 major firms planning to pay out bonuses, higher wages and increased benefits due to the expected windfall they plan to receive when corporate taxes are cut.”



More collateral benefits of lower tax rates .............those on fixed incomes will especially benefit.  More utilities to follow. 


Senior Member

Thu, Jan 11, 2018 9:44 AM

Waste Management with $2,000 bonuses to employees due to tax bill.  WalMart raising starting wage and paying bonuses also. 


Senior Member

Thu, Jan 11, 2018 9:51 AM
posted by QuakerOats

The Washington Examiner (1/3, Siciliano) reports that the Appalachia Development Group has announced the Trump Administration “is looking to transform the fracking states of West Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania into a massive hub for storing natural gas.” The Department of Energy on Wednesday invited the company “to apply for a $1.9 billion loan guarantee to support the development of a first-of-a-kind ‘Appalachia Storage and Trading Hub,’” which “will be used to store natural gas liquids that Appalachia has an abundance of but has been looking to create a market for.” The Examiner says announcement of the hub, which could spark “increased industrial expansions and job growth in an economically vulnerable area of the nation,” drew immediate praise from Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), “who has been touting legislation to study the development of a hub to store natural gas-based liquids used by the chemical and manufacturing industries.” The American Chemistry Council says the project “would spur $36 billion in petrochemical investments and create more than 100,000 new long-term jobs,” while, “the National Association of Manufacturers came out in support of the project.”





Change we can [really] believe in ...

Another example how Trump won the election on lies.  If he really was going to save the coal mining industry, he'd be against fracking.


Senior Member

Thu, Jan 11, 2018 11:04 AM
posted by salto

Another example how Trump won the election on lies.  If he really was going to save the coal mining industry, he'd be against fracking.

Another example pf how every election is won on lies.....I bet you are seriously butt hurt that Obama didnt close Gitmo?


Senior Member

Thu, Jan 11, 2018 11:23 AM
posted by salto

Another example how Trump won the election on lies.  If he really was going to save the coal mining industry, he'd be against fracking.

I knew it was bullshit when he first mentioned bringing back coal Appalachia, but the hilljacks ate it up.

But the regulations!!!

When in reality, competition killed coal.


Senior Member

Thu, Jan 11, 2018 11:45 AM

"the EIA expects that given the gradual revival in demand and export of coal, U.S. coal production will improve by 4.7% and 1.5% year over year in 2017 and 2018, respectively. The EIA expects an increase in U.S. coal exports to contribute to a 5% rise in coal production in 2017."

"Coal is likely to make up 30.8% of US electricity generation in 2017 and 30.7% in 2018, both up from 30.4% in 2016, the US Energy Information Administration said Tuesday."


The trend has been reversed; obviously it will take more than 1 year for a recovery, after obama spent 8 years purposely bankrupting the industry. 




Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Thu, Jan 11, 2018 12:54 PM

In the short term, it can be said that environmental regulations affected the coal industry.  In the long-term, it is losing solely due to an alternative product that is cheaper to get and less expensive to work with.  It is as simple as that. 


A parallel can be drawn to the steelmaking industry.  Blast furnaces that use raw iron ore used to be the sole source of steel produced.  Then came the advent of the electric arc furnace which uses scrap metal as its primary feedstock.  The technology of electric furnaces has not been such historically that it could make the same quality of steel that blast furnaces make.  But htat has been changing.  As a result, two thirds of our steel now comes from electric furnaces and recycled scrap.  So guess what, demand for virgin iron from mining has decreased and will continue to do so in the future.  Scrap is cheaper, easier to source, and more flexible.  Simply a newer, better product taking the place of an old one.  



Senior Member

Thu, Jan 11, 2018 4:19 PM

Dow 30


+205.60 (+0.81%)



Investments up

401k's up

Take-home pay going up

Growth up


Too much winning


Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Thu, Jan 11, 2018 5:14 PM

Trump is taking credit for the new automotive plant being built here in Alabama.  Of course the fact that this deal has been in the works for the last several years won't dissuade him.  He had absolutely nothing to do with it.  It would have happened with or without him in office.  


Senior Member

Thu, Jan 11, 2018 7:41 PM
posted by Spock

Another example pf how every election is won on lies.....I bet you are seriously butt hurt that Obama didnt close Gitmo?

Strong rebuttal.  Stick to kick ball.


Senior Member

Thu, Jan 11, 2018 7:42 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Dow 30


+205.60 (+0.81%)



Investments up

401k's up

Take-home pay going up

Growth up


Too much winning


Hope you're ready to sell, before it ends.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Jan 12, 2018 8:50 AM

Trump blames Obama for the sale of the London embassy and construction of a new one.  Says he won't participate in the ribbon cutting ceremony.  Problem is it was the Bush administration that sold the old embassy and authorized the construction of the new one.  Another outright lie that just sort of gets overlooked.  Funny how the guy obsessed with media bias and supposed fake news uses his platform to blatently lie.  


Also nice to see our president question why we have to allow in so many African immigrants and not more from Norway.  Could one person possibly have less of an understanding of the world we live in.  


Oh yeah, the Dow's up.  



Fri, Jan 12, 2018 9:38 AM

Doesn't matter what the President says or does to many Republicans. As long as the market is going, all is forgiven. It is like suddenly the imperial President does not exist. 


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 12, 2018 10:17 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Doesn't matter what the President says or does to many Republicans. As long as the market is going, all is forgiven. It is like suddenly the imperial President does not exist. 

I’m a republican who didn’t vote for trump. I’m aware that the market has very little coorelation to who the sitting President is. But I am also not blind to the fact that Trump has been involved in several policy and economical decisions that have helped the country. If you can’t see that he has done SOME good so far, then you’re no different than the blind alt right idiots who wouldn’t EVER give Obama a single praise for anything. 


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 12, 2018 10:22 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

I’m a republican who didn’t vote for trump. I’m aware that the market has very little coorelation to who the sitting President is. But I am also not blind to the fact that Trump has been involved in several policy and economical decisions that have helped the country. If you can’t see that he has done SOME good so far, then you’re no different than the blind alt right idiots who wouldn’t EVER give Obama a single praise for anything. 

that may be the case from 1940-2008.  But the market sure as hell did responde to Obama / Trump merely on the fact of who was in the WH.


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 12, 2018 10:42 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Doesn't matter what the President says or does to many Republicans. As long as the market is going, all is forgiven. It is like suddenly the imperial President does not exist. 

Doesn't need to exist when his retard fanboys are too busy claiming there was no correlation between the stock market/president until Trump was elected. 


Son of the Sun

Fri, Jan 12, 2018 10:51 AM
posted by Spock

that may be the case from 1940-2008.  But the market sure as hell did responde to Obama / Trump merely on the fact of who was in the WH.

Yeah, from looking it up, it seemed to go up massively under Obama until stalling over his last year or so. Which means I don't think you actually were making the point you were trying to, but that's no surprise.


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 12, 2018 10:53 AM

The statists are losing their minds as The People once again see how free markets can work for the benefit of all once BIG government interference and control are abated.  

If you appreciate freedom, get on the train. 


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 12, 2018 10:54 AM
posted by salto

Hope you're ready to sell, before it ends.


The equity market never goes up and to the right in a perfectly straight line.  Pullbacks and backfilling are necessary.  

Stay alert. 


Son of the Sun

Fri, Jan 12, 2018 10:56 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

I’m a republican who didn’t vote for trump. I’m aware that the market has very little coorelation to who the sitting President is. But I am also not blind to the fact that Trump has been involved in several policy and economical decisions that have helped the country. If you can’t see that he has done SOME good so far, then you’re no different than the blind alt right idiots who wouldn’t EVER give Obama a single praise for anything. 

I'd agree with that. I'd also say that if Trump showed some degree of common sense and would let his policies speak for themselves over the period of a month or two instead of being a fucking moron on Twitter every single day about something, he'd do wonders for his approval ratings. But when people have to deal with "complete asshole; might be insane" comments by him, it gets harder to focus on actual good things he's doing.