Impressed by the Trump administration part II

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Senior Member

Tue, Jan 16, 2018 4:28 PM
posted by gut
(e.g. the Pennsylvania coal mine, Foxcon, the Toyoda/Mazda plant in AL).  Those things were in the works long before he came along.  It can be argued that moves like thos are what help create growth momentum in the markets.  

Well, the economic surge is real.   And I would mostly agree that all we really needed was to get Obama and his policies out of the WH.

Yes I agree ending Obama's yearly deficit reduction and charting the path toward trillion dollar annual deficits will leave more money in the private economy will be a good thing! Good to see you're coming around. 



Senior Member

Tue, Jan 16, 2018 4:32 PM
posted by like_that

Not sure which 68 economists they spoke to, but thoughts on this?


The article is an op-ed with the author's take on the polling from the economists, so it's slanted.   I tried to directly link the WSJ article, but you have to be a paid subscriber.  You can find the article on WSJ and try to read it in incognito view. 

The market's expectations for huge deficits from Trump's tax cuts and even a potential infrastructure bill and end to defense sequestration have had a real effect since the day after the election. Janet Yellen (and not Obama) deserves the credit for the begrudging expansion after Obama's re-election when the fiscal cliff deal to raise taxes and reduce spending and deficits were a drag on the economy. 


Senior Member

Tue, Jan 16, 2018 4:34 PM
posted by gut

I think that article is 100% on-the-money.  Only big gubmit Keynesians like Krugman would possibly disagree.

The corporate tax cuts is a big deal.  Even Obama talked about it - after mocking Romney for it in every debate - but of course didn't get it done.  Eliminating 20 regulations for every new 1 is probably typical Trump "facts", but not doubt that has been a real positive development after the direction we were trending under Obama (and likely to continue with Hillary).

I think businesses know how close we were to never coming back, and so they are voting their approval with their wallets and paying bonuses and investing to really try to convince people this is the path forward.  It probably won't work.

The more interesting aspect is we had two major recessions in a decade, have not fully recovered from the last one and had only illusory "cash and carry" growth under W before the house of cards collapsed.  Millenials in their 30's and nearing their 40's have never experienced a real economic boom, and probably limited financial success.  As the Boomers well, die, Millenials are going to choose the direction of this country.  And if they finally see some growth and opportunity in their careers then we may yet talk them back off the ledge of big gubmit.

Millenials are entering their prime earning years, and family expenses are becoming significant for them.  They get knocked down again they will never vote Republican.

Good thing for you then that we got a Trumpublican who won't follow your advice of smaller deficits and tighter monetary policy which would only ensure the millenials wind up democrats when the predictable disaster results. 


Senior Member

Tue, Jan 16, 2018 4:54 PM
posted by BoatShoes

Yes I agree ending Obama's yearly deficit reduction and charting the path toward trillion dollar annual deficits will leave more money in the private economy will be a good thing! Good to see you're coming around. 


Holy shit; you actually wrote that? 


obama added $10 fucking trillion to the debt in just 8 years; he doubled the entire national debt, and we got shit to show for it. 

Trump comes along, and the libtards are screaming because (inaccurate) estimates say the tax law will add $1 trillion in debt over a 10 year period.  


Christ, do you even read what you write? 



Senior Member

Tue, Jan 16, 2018 5:00 PM

"The White House physician said Tuesday that President Trump is in excellent physical and mental health, adding he has “absolutely no concerns about the president’s cognitive ability or his neurological function” after conducting a medical examination of the president last week.

“All clinical data indicates the president is healthy and that he will remain so for the duration of his presidency,” Dr. Ronny Jackson, a rear admiral in the Navy, said during a Tuesday briefing with reporters.

The president underwent a physical exam Friday at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. "




What will the fake news media have to talk about tonight? 


Senior Member

Tue, Jan 16, 2018 5:34 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Holy shit; you actually wrote that? 


obama added $10 fucking trillion to the debt in just 8 years; he doubled the entire national debt, and we got shit to show for it. 

Trump comes along, and the libtards are screaming because (inaccurate) estimates say the tax law will add $1 trillion in debt over a 10 year period.  


Christ, do you even read what you write? 


Well I doubt any of this will make you change your mind (indeed, you'll just double down on your false beliefs) but I enjoy it anyways. 

You're only about $4 Trillion off (but who's counting). 

That precipitous drop occured under divided gov't for the most part with the GOP congress and Obama spending years bargaining on reducing the deficit and the sharp drops coming after the fiscal cliff (mind you - these were huge mistakes). 

This was the fastest drop in the deficit since World War II

Again - I think this was a huge mistake. In any case, if you're a fan of lower deficits the fiscal cliff buttressed by loose monetary policy put us on a chart toward deficits near the historical average. And, CBO analysis from 2013 seemed pretty close to getting it right. 

^^^Link from Conservative Mercatus Center. 

The Republican Tax Plan produced under unified gov't reverses this trend and sends us back toward $1 Trillion Annual Deficits.

The Conservative Tax Foundation which supports the plan forecasts higher cumulated deficits of $10.14 trillion over a decade due to lost revenue even assuming strong economic responses to the plan with an average annual budget deficit of about $750 billion over the next five years. Moreover, the only way that number goes down is if the middle class tax cuts go away in five years. 

Just accept it! Increasing the deficit is good! Be proud of Trump and the GOP! 


Senior Member

Tue, Jan 16, 2018 9:03 PM

Boat you are an idiot.  Your charts are cute but you don't know what you are.


Obama "cut" deficit spending.  It was still adding to the deficit.  


Senior Member

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 10:18 AM

Defitics and the resulting debt enslave people, for decades; obama effectively enslaved more Americans to their master, BIG government, than any other person in US history.  It is an immoral,  national disgrace.  Own it.


Senior Member

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 10:21 AM

So Trump is medically diagnosed as ultra-fit, and passes cognitive tests with flying colors.  If anyone watched the national media lose their minds grilling the highly-credentialed doctor at yesterdays presser, please weigh in.  They proved themselves yet again to be the most biased, deranged, and unprofessional group of adolescents I have ever seen.  


Senior Member

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 10:38 AM

Lol trump is not ultra fit. 


Senior Member

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 11:03 AM

Compared to most Americans, he sure is.  The guy has an amazing energy level, sleeps maybe 5 hours a night; any reports he is given he marks them up before he finishes for the evening and has them back to the surrogates in the morning.  Totally engaged all the time.  Not saying he is likable, but he is a worker. 



Wed, Jan 17, 2018 11:06 AM
posted by QuakerOats

Compared to most Americans, he sure is.  The guy has an amazing energy level, sleeps maybe 5 hours a night; any reports he is given he marks them up before he finishes for the evening and has them back to the surrogates in the morning.  Totally engaged all the time.  Not saying he is likable, but he is a worker. 

Is he Bill Brasky? 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 11:10 AM

The best part is it is an Obama doctor. IDGAF if the president is fit. What a dumb fucking world we live in


Honorable Admin

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 11:13 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Is he Bill Brasky? 

I once saw Donald Trump breastfeed a baby flamingo back to health...


Senior Member

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 11:26 AM

If this thread just turns into using Brasky quotes to describe the President it will be the greatest contribution Quaker has ever made to this site. 

Also, it's not possible to be one pould shy of an 'obese' BMI and be 'ultra-fit'. If so, I've got some news for my doc at my next physcial. 

Just say for a man of his age and weight he's in overall good health and weight loss is a goal. Using the phrase 'ultra-fit' is what rightly brought the mockery. 


Honorable Admin

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 11:36 AM
posted by rocketalum

If this thread just turns into using Brasky quotes to describe the President it will be the greatest contribution Quaker has ever made to this site. 

Also, it's not possible to be one pould shy of an 'obese' BMI and be 'ultra-fit'. If so, I've got some news for my doc at my next physcial. 

Just say for a man of his age and weight he's in overall good health and weight loss is a goal. Using the phrase 'ultra-fit' is what rightly brought the mockery. 

Agreed on all points. Trump is doing alright for his age. But calling him ultra-fit is absurd.


Honorable Admin

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 11:38 AM

“I went camping with Trump … I’m in the back of a pickup with Donald Trump and a live deer. Well, Trump, he grabs the deer by the antlers, looks at it and says, ‘I’m Donald Trump! Say it!’ Then he squeezes the deer in such a way that a sound comes out of its mouth — “Donaldtrump!” It wasn’t exactly it, but it was pretty good for a deer.”


Senior Member

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 11:41 AM
posted by justincredible

Agreed on all points. Trump is doing alright for his age. But calling him ultra-fit is absurd.

This. I don't think he drinks, so that's probably why he's in decent shape for his age. But spare me the "ultra-fit" bullshit. 

Also, I do find it ironic that libs are full-on fat shaming Trump. But Trump fat shames Rosie O'Donnell and OMZZZZZZZ


Son of the Sun

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 11:43 AM

Look, he does play a round or two of golf every day, so he gets some sort of exercise and, as said, he doesn't drink, so for a guy in his 70s, he's probably in respectable shape. Ultra-fit? Lol, no. But respectable for the age, I get.


Senior Member

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 11:58 AM

Here's the more likely scenario: Trump and his team paid a doctor to run tests on him and say that he's "ultra-fit" which is exactly what Trump would call himself. Even better, they found a doctor that used to be Obama's doctor (like that means anything, but hey, right wingers like QO will eat it up!). So, the doctor takes his $100k (or whatever) and releases a statement that he's ultra fit. OMG! Science! Right wingers like QO eat it up and say things like he's "medically diagnosed as ultra-fit, and passes cognitive tests with flying colors" Then people on the left will post pictures of him being fat on a golf course and fat shame him similar to the fat shaming that they oh-so-despise when others do. 

Meanwhile, there's millions of (normal) people, like me, who just want to hear about 90 seconds of ACTUAL news and see what is going on in the country. Yet, we have to sift through the dozens of news sites' front pages that ask, "is Trump in good shape?" like that fucking matters?? just to get to an article at the bottom corner of the website that shows actual news.

And then, tomorrow, we wake up to a whole new Trump story, rinse, wash, repeat.  Love this country!


Senior Member

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 12:11 PM

Ultra-fit jab at the Leftists for saying he is unfit.  Obviously, he is merely fit.  


Good day


Senior Member

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 12:27 PM

“To Donald Trump! A ten-foot-tall, two-ton son of a bitch who could eat a hammer and take a shotgun blast standing!”


Senior Member

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 3:44 PM

dow up over 300 points today ..................


FERC directing utilities to cut consumer bills due to imrpoved margins from tax cuts; will be a big help to all, especially seniors on fixed incomes.  



Change we can [really] believe in ...


Senior Member

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 4:03 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

This. I don't think he drinks, so that's probably why he's in decent shape for his age. But spare me the "ultra-fit" bullshit. 

Also, I do find it ironic that libs are full-on fat shaming Trump. But Trump fat shames Rosie O'Donnell and OMZZZZZZZ

I wonder just how much exercise a round of golf is when you use a cart....

Otherwise, he's nearly obese and has a lousy diet.  Could be genetics, or just luck (like George Burns smoking a cigar all day until he was 100).  Although I'm sure no drugs, tobacco or alcohol definitely help offset some of the other unhealthy choices.