Impressed by the Trump administration part II

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Wed, Dec 6, 2017 11:38 AM
posted by QuakerOats

Border crossings now down 45% 

ICE deportations from those already here illegally up 40% 



More winning


While it may be easy to cite Trump as the reason, if this continues, honestly, is there reason there needs to be a multi billion dollar wall built? 

Can't we just continue to upgrade certain parts of the border, and use modern technology? Wouldn't that be a more cost effective and rational thing to do?


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 6, 2017 1:27 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

While it may be easy to cite Trump as the reason, if this continues, honestly, is there reason there needs to be a multi billion dollar wall built? 

Yeah, but once Trump really gets the economy humming the illegals will come pouring back into the US!  :)


Senior Member

Fri, Dec 8, 2017 11:04 AM

Another solid jobs report.  I like the numbers being added to the manufacturing sector. 

Onward and upward.



Fri, Dec 8, 2017 11:25 AM
posted by QuakerOats

ISIS has been routed from Iraq and Syria with an ease and speed that's surprised even the men and women who carried out the mission.

More on this:




will not see anywhere on major media, same with jobs numbers etc...    

Hold up. 

Last thing first uhhh yeah those stories are all over the major media. I received two alerts on my phone this AM about the jobs report. It is being reported man. 

On your post about ISIS, that is being reported as well as the increase in military troops in Syria. We have now have 2k troops in Syria. If it is going as well as you say, I guess we should expect those 2k troops to come home or be redeployed somewhere else in the near future. 


Senior Member

Fri, Dec 8, 2017 11:38 AM

another gotcha headline from the Wapo



Fri, Dec 8, 2017 11:42 AM
posted by QuakerOats

another gotcha headline from the Wapo

If you say so...

We still have about 2k troops there. 



Son of the Sun

Fri, Dec 8, 2017 11:53 AM
posted by QuakerOats

another gotcha headline from the Wapo

Well, considering your usual sources (such as your cut-n-paste of Drudge headlines), if there's one thing you'd understand, it's the use of "gotcha headlines".

EDIT: And wait a minute! You're the person who's repeatedly said to me when I knock one of your right-wing blog sources that I'm just knocking the messenger without reading the message. Pot, kettle, black.


Senior Member

Fri, Dec 8, 2017 12:17 PM

The headline could easily have read that the US has made great inroads in Syria in defeating ISIS etc..... (which is exactly how it would read if obama was prez)

Instead, sine they MUST put a negative spin on anything-Trump, they essentially say pentagon/trump have hoodwinked us on troop counts and hid shit ..........I am surprised the word Russia was not intertwined somehow.

The left-wing media has lost ALL credibility; it is nothing but a shit show.  Own it.




Son of the Sun

Fri, Dec 8, 2017 12:26 PM
posted by QuakerOats

The headline could easily have read that the US has made great inroads in Syria in defeating ISIS etc..... (which is exactly how it would read if obama was prez)

Instead, sine they MUST put a negative spin on anything-Trump, they essentially say pentagon/trump have hoodwinked us on troop counts and hid shit ..........I am surprised the word Russia was not intertwined somehow.

The left-wing media has lost ALL credibility; it is nothing but a shit show.  Own it.



Which is no different from the right-wing media (Fox, Breitbart, whoever) that you spent the last eight years cheerleading whenever they negatively spun something, so try harder.


Senior Member

Fri, Dec 8, 2017 1:00 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I received two alerts on my phone this AM about the jobs report. It is being reported man. 

Technically, the job pace is a bit behind Obama's last 12 months.  2.2M jobs (over 12 months, I believe) is only about 400k above the rate needed to pace population growth.

And I think I mentioned it before, but we're probably 2.5M jobs behind true "full employment".  These are people who have long given up and no longer count in the artificially low unemployment number.

Now, I also saw where job postings are at like a 15-yr high, but I'm pretty skeptical of that number for a couple of reasons.  While anecdotally I do hear of employers having trouble filling jobs, I think it's also the case with technology today that many of these are "perma-postings" that are collecting resumes in order to have a pool to draw from for turnover.  And you have postings that are more "nice to have" instead of need, in the sense of if a local candidate has the right experience and asking price then they might hire you. 

There also clearly are structural issues where employees are not willing to relocate where the jobs are, but employers aren't doing much to help make that happen.  Larger implications there of incentives for both employer and employee.  Millions of people either out-of-the-workforce or underemployed, but there are 6.5M unfilled job postings?   I call bullshit on that.

We've seen an uptick in optimism and some planning/investment, but I don't expect to see much real movement until Trump's economic plans actually get thru Congress.  And I haven't seen anything to address the above lack of mobility in the workforce.



Senior Member

Fri, Dec 8, 2017 1:54 PM

And we have a major problem with jobs going unfilled because a ridiculously high percent ofapplicants fail drug tests.



Fri, Dec 8, 2017 3:07 PM
posted by gut

Technically, the job pace is a bit behind Obama's last 12 months.  2.2M jobs (over 12 months, I believe) is only about 400k above the rate needed to pace population growth.

And I think I mentioned it before, but we're probably 2.5M jobs behind true "full employment".  These are people who have long given up and no longer count in the artificially low unemployment number.

Now, I also saw where job postings are at like a 15-yr high, but I'm pretty skeptical of that number for a couple of reasons.  While anecdotally I do hear of employers having trouble filling jobs, I think it's also the case with technology today that many of these are "perma-postings" that are collecting resumes in order to have a pool to draw from for turnover.  And you have postings that are more "nice to have" instead of need, in the sense of if a local candidate has the right experience and asking price then they might hire you. 

There also clearly are structural issues where employees are not willing to relocate where the jobs are, but employers aren't doing much to help make that happen.  Larger implications there of incentives for both employer and employee.  Millions of people either out-of-the-workforce or underemployed, but there are 6.5M unfilled job postings?   I call bullshit on that.

We've seen an uptick in optimism and some planning/investment, but I don't expect to see much real movement until Trump's economic plans actually get thru Congress.  And I haven't seen anything to address the above lack of mobility in the workforce.


I'd largely agree with that. The labor participation rate has slowly ticked up, which is great. But, there is still a long way to go. Wages too have largely been meh, flat in areas. 

The relocation issue is a big one I know for some fields. I know some people just simply do not want to move to a small town or a big city. I know I moved to DC from Ohio for school, but also becasue I knew the job prospects would be better. I do know relocating is expensive as shit and companies could kick in as a bonus to pay for moving expenses. Some companies I know do this, but I'm not sure if it is something a lot of companies do. 

I know in my field now, transportation and infrastructure, there is a constant demand for technical jobs to be filled on complex job sites. There is a serious lack of engineers and designers as more and more of the baby boomers retire. The industry feels that it may be hammered if boomers retire and there is that huge influx of projects on the infrastructure side. The demand is high, but the technical skills and know-how is simply not there yet. 

The industry is unsure yet how to address it, other than the usual, there needs to be more training and education, more STEM and engineers in the field. 


posted by QuakerOats

And we have a major problem with jobs going unfilled because a ridiculously high percent ofapplicants fail drug tests.

That is true. I'm not sure of the solution in that one. 



Senior Member

Fri, Dec 8, 2017 3:27 PM
posted by QuakerOats

And we have a major problem with jobs going unfilled because a ridiculously high percent ofapplicants fail drug tests.

I have never had a company tell me they are having trouble filling jobs because of failed drug tests.



Fri, Dec 8, 2017 3:48 PM
posted by gut

I have never had a company tell me they are having trouble filling jobs because of failed drug tests.

This article from over the summer from a plant in Wisconsin provides the example where the plant has to bring in robots becasue they cannot get people hired to actually do the work due to laziness/ drug failures.


Senior Member

Fri, Dec 8, 2017 3:55 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

This article from over the summer from a plant in Wisconsin provides the example where the plant has to bring in robots becasue they cannot get people hired to actually do the work due to laziness/ drug failures.

I've seen a few articles, it's just a little hard to believe (and doesn't align with what I see, granted anecdotally.)

It also seems like maybe it's a way to justify going to robots, at least in this article.


Senior Member

Fri, Dec 8, 2017 4:32 PM
posted by gut

I have never had a company tell me they are having trouble filling jobs because of failed drug tests.

Not sure what type of companies you are dealing with, but it is a MAJOR problem of every business/employer we talk to. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Sat, Dec 9, 2017 7:41 AM

Good luck finding the amount STEM graduates that are needed when you have easy degrees in all genres of humanities that younger students are chasing after, which pretty much guarantees that students will only be fit to be tenured in some college.


Senior Member

Tue, Dec 12, 2017 9:31 AM

In a press release, the National Association of Manufacturers (12/11) announced that on Monday, it “released the results of the Manufacturers’ Outlook Survey for the fourth quarter of 2017, showing manufacturers’ optimism has risen to unprecedented heights amid the legislative progress made on tax reform.” The survey found “94.6 percent of respondents saying they are positive about their own company’s outlook,” meaning, “this quarter’s optimism level is the highest in the survey’s 20-year history.” The release further noted that “optimism has been at historically high levels throughout the year, averaging 91.8 percent in the four quarters of 2017, up from a 64.3 percent average in 2016.”




Change we can [really] believe in ...


Senior Member

Tue, Dec 12, 2017 9:22 PM

Roy Moore doing well .  trump factor?


Honorable Admin

Tue, Dec 12, 2017 9:46 PM
posted by Spock

Roy Moore doing well .  trump factor?

Hillbilly factor.


Senior Member

Tue, Dec 12, 2017 10:18 PM

Write in votes going to call the race.

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Tue, Dec 12, 2017 10:23 PM
posted by Spock

Roy Moore doing well .  trump factor?

How’s he doing now ?


Senior Member

Tue, Dec 12, 2017 10:30 PM

CNN projects Moore loses.  Premature?


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Tue, Dec 12, 2017 10:40 PM

He lost, because the GOP are a bunch of dumb fucks. That’s what you get for screwing up one of the easiest states to keep seats. Way to go Bannon and McConnell.