Impressed by the Trump administration part II

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Wed, Dec 20, 2017 5:04 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

That is great. I do hope more companies do that. 

I'm absolutely shocked those evil, greedy corporation are doing this.  Of course, they can always just offset it with lower bonuses and raises next year :)


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Dec 20, 2017 5:44 PM

BTW 5/3 bank and wells fargo announced they are raising their min hourly wage to $15. 


"But teh gubmit must tell bizness to raze teh wagez!"


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 20, 2017 5:53 PM
posted by like_that

BTW 5/3 bank and wells fargo announced they are raising their min hourly wage to $15. 


"But teh gubmit must tell bizness to raze teh wagez!"

This is all pretty amazing.  I guess Corporate is voicing their support and directly refuting the propaganda from the left.

Although, again, when talking about retail banks this probably affects a small part of their workforce (reception, security,  janitors....the latter two are probably outsourced).  Everyone else down to teller should already be making over $15 an hour.

Nice symbolic gesture/language.  But let's see how much average wages actually move.


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 20, 2017 5:54 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

That is great. I do hope more companies do that. 

Already some doom and gloomers at my work pissed about a short term benefit that will lead to long term pain (social security going away was one of the examples used) due to lesser taxes to the government. Smh


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Dec 20, 2017 5:57 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Already some doom and gloomers at my work pissed about a short term benefit that will lead to long term pain (social security going away was one of the examples used) due to lesser taxes to the government. Smh

Don't you work for a bank?  Your coworkers at a bank are relying on social security?  LOL


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Dec 20, 2017 5:58 PM
posted by gut

This is all pretty amazing.  I guess Corporate is voicing their support and directly refuting the propaganda from the left.

Although, again, when talking about retail banks this probably affects a small part of their workforce (reception, security,  janitors....the latter two are probably outsourced).  Everyone else down to teller should already be making over $15 an hour.

Nice symbolic gesture/language.  But let's see how much average wages actually move.

They also announced bonuses and investment $$$, I just wanted to highlight you don't need the Government to set a standard minimum wage. 



Senior Member

Wed, Dec 20, 2017 6:04 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Already some doom and gloomers at my work pissed about a short term benefit that will lead to long term pain (social security going away was one of the examples used) due to lesser taxes to the government. Smh

You didn't remind them that FICA - what actually funds SS - was unchanged?  Bonus points if you told them Obama actually temporarily lowered FICA and asked if they complained then.


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 20, 2017 6:40 PM
posted by like_that

Don't you work for a bank?  Your coworkers at a bank are relying on social security?  LOL

Down the road, I’m sure some of them are lol not all of my coworkers do well/make any money. 

That being said, I’ll be pissed if I spend my entire working life paying into SS and then when I retire it goes away.  but yes, they’re morons for thinking a corporate tax cut-causing corporations to a one time bonus- is going to effect the survival of SS LOL


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 20, 2017 6:43 PM
posted by gut

You didn't remind them that FICA - what actually funds SS - was unchanged?  Bonus points if you told them Obama actually temporarily lowered FICA and asked if they complained then.

Wish I would have known that at the time lol 

although here in liberal fairy land Chicago, I just shut my mouth when liberals do their thing in their groupthink atmospheres. What’s the point?


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Dec 20, 2017 7:11 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Down the road, I’m sure some of them are lol not all of my coworkers do well/make any money. 

That being said, I’ll be pissed if I spend my entire working life paying into SS and then when I retire it goes away.  but yes, they’re morons for thinking a corporate tax cut-causing corporations to a one time bonus- is going to effect the survival of SS LOL

I would start getting pissed then, because that shit is a ponzi scheme and the baby boomers (not to sound like sleeper) are going to suck that shit up.  I have been pissed, that we have been paying into that bullshit. I was more making fun of people working for a bank and relying on SS for their retirement.  If you work for a bank, you have the knowledge and goods to plan for retirement.  Now if these people are baby boomers, then it makes sense why they are bringing up SS.  Somebody is getting the short end of the stick on SS, and my bet are the millenials. 


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Dec 20, 2017 7:14 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Wish I would have known that at the time lol 

although here in liberal fairy land Chicago, I just shut my mouth when liberals do their thing in their groupthink atmospheres. What’s the point?

Same shit in DC.  You gotta pick your battles.  Since I am pretty much the only "devils advocate," I pick and choose when an argument is about to happen.  It would be exhausting If I challenged every dumbass thing I heard.


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 20, 2017 7:23 PM
posted by like_that

Somebody is getting the short end of the stick on SS, and my bet are the millenials. 

Millenials are going to get so many handouts from their elected Derpocrats that they'll probably come out ahead.  :)

Really not much of an idea what my benefit will be 25 years from now, but I think in terms of today's dollars it's probably in the neighborhood of $1500 a month.  That's $18k a year, which is a nice chunk of change, but it's not much above poverty level (when you include the Medicare benefit).  But incrementally speaking, you're talking several nice trips or a decent condo in Florida.

I think it's only a matter of time before we start seeing significant increases in FICA, probably along with a reduced benefit.


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 20, 2017 11:12 PM

Although it ultimately fell short, a lot of good in the tax reform package and the markets were right to believe in the promises of higher future gov't deficits which will be a good thing for the economy. Way to go Trump and GOP. Just too bad the Dems believed the GOP deficit Fauxkery and did not go for a $1.5 trillion deficit with obamacaree private insurance premium subsidies thereby letting it be shittier and allowing people to absorb higher premiums. 

Hopefully if they didn't learn from Reagan or W they finally will learn from Trump...the deficit does not matter!!


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 20, 2017 11:24 PM
posted by like_that

I would start getting pissed then, because that shit is a ponzi scheme and the baby boomers (not to sound like sleeper) are going to suck that shit up.  I have been pissed, that we have been paying into that bullshit. I was more making fun of people working for a bank and relying on SS for their retirement.  If you work for a bank, you have the knowledge and goods to plan for retirement.  Now if these people are baby boomers, then it makes sense why they are bringing up SS.  Somebody is getting the short end of the stick on SS, and my bet are the millenials. 

The social security act contains permanent appropriation authority from the treasury beyond the "trust fund" for purposes of carrying out the act. FICA funding SS is a myth and a mirage grounded on old gold standard norms from the 40's. Alan Greenspan testified as much to a question from Paul Ryan on the house floor - there is zero solvency question when it comes to social security.

The question is whether we will have an economy that has assets on the supply side to support the demands and desires and needs of non-working old people as economies can always consume whatever they produce. 

The question is when will we stop talking about nonsense like saying SS is a ponzi scheme and start cutting or eliminating FICA payments so that the young don't have to forego current consumption to allow the old to consume. 

A tax reform plan that increases the deficit and boosts aggregate supply and aggregate demand that we can believe in?? Eliminate FICA for employees and and employers and appropriate dollars directly for SS as is already authorized under the Social Security Act. 


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 20, 2017 11:29 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Down the road, I’m sure some of them are lol not all of my coworkers do well/make any money. 

That being said, I’ll be pissed if I spend my entire working life paying into SS and then when I retire it goes away.  but yes, they’re morons for thinking a corporate tax cut-causing corporations to a one time bonus- is going to effect the survival of SS LOL

Social security will never go away. That notion is all a fraud based on a misunderstanding and history of tgecsocial security act. The deficit does not matter. GOP proved it again with tax bill. 


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 20, 2017 11:32 PM
posted by gut

Millenials are going to get so many handouts from their elected Derpocrats that they'll probably come out ahead.  :)

Really not much of an idea what my benefit will be 25 years from now, but I think in terms of today's dollars it's probably in the neighborhood of $1500 a month.  That's $18k a year, which is a nice chunk of change, but it's not much above poverty level (when you include the Medicare benefit).  But incrementally speaking, you're talking several nice trips or a decent condo in Florida.

I think it's only a matter of time before we start seeing significant increases in FICA, probably along with a reduced benefit.

FICA will not be increased. Hill tax staffers are starting to get $ sovereignty. GOP tax bill is exhibit A,


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Dec 21, 2017 6:28 AM
posted by BoatShoes

Social security will never go away. That notion is all a fraud based on a misunderstanding and history of tgecsocial security act. The deficit does not matter. GOP proved it again with tax bill. 

You’re right our debt doesn’t matter. We need to abolish taxes completely and just print money. 


Senior Member

Thu, Dec 21, 2017 7:32 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Down the road, I’m sure some of them are lol not all of my coworkers do well/make any money. 

That being said, I’ll be pissed if I spend my entire working life paying into SS and then when I retire it goes away.  but yes, they’re morons for thinking a corporate tax cut-causing corporations to a one time bonus- is going to effect the survival of SS LOL

SS wont go away in that manner.  They will pay out to anyonr that paid in.  They will either have a pay in/out option.


Senior Member

Thu, Dec 21, 2017 7:46 AM
posted by like_that

You’re right our debt doesn’t matter. We need to abolish taxes completely and just print money. 

The supply of Treasuries matters but not the way you think it does - as readily available, highly liquid savings vehicles parked in full reserve at the Federal Reserve for the private economy. Apple for example owns $52.6 billion worth of U.S. Treasuries - more than many foreign countries. Freaking out about the supply of treasuries is equivalent to freaking out about U.S. commercial banks having large amounts of savings accounts and C.D.'s. 


And while I have said this repeatedly on this board people still won't address the point and just say "abolish taxes and print money." Taxes owed and denominated in U.S. dollars preserve and maintain notional demand for the currency and maintain the dollar's supremacy over other monetary instruments like bitcoin that have to be converted to dollars to pay taxes. Accordingly, taxes/government spending should be set to the level that helps maintain a stable level of demand-pull inflation with rising consumption and purchasing power for the working classes. 

In short, taxes at this given level of government spending should be substantially reduced on the least and less well off. The current FICA rates for people making under $127k amounts to 15.3% that ultimately falls on the wages of average working people and is much more of a burden than the marginal income tax rates. Cut FICA rates on the employer and employee as in the stimulus bill and you'll have the very best kind of tax relief for the working people of America IMHO. 

You may not believe me but the GOP just proved again that I am right with regard to debt and deficits as the markets know better than any deficit scold. 


Senior Member

Thu, Dec 21, 2017 11:08 AM
posted by BoatShoes

promises of higher future gov't deficits which will be a good thing for the economy.

LMFAO....some of the shit you come up with is literally painful to read


Senior Member

Thu, Dec 21, 2017 11:10 AM
posted by BoatShoes

The current FICA rates for people making under $127k amounts to 15.3% that ultimately falls on the wages of average working people and is much more of a burden than the marginal income tax rates. Cut FICA rates on the employer and employee as in the stimulus bill and you'll have the very best kind of tax relief for the working people of America IMHO. 

Everyone pays - that's what makes it social opposed to yet another unfunded handout.


Senior Member

Thu, Dec 21, 2017 11:24 AM
posted by gut

Everyone pays - that's what makes it social opposed to yet another unfunded handout.

You make a terrific political point Gut. Everyone paying FICA as a dedicated tax for social security generates political support for the program. You make a good case for why we should retain some level of FICA percentage for political reasons so that people support social insurance (and a case for why we might consider creating other dedicated taxes e.g. other ideas like the Healthcare VAT, etc.) but the FICA rates should be substantially reduced.


Senior Member

Thu, Dec 21, 2017 11:34 AM
posted by gut

LMFAO....some of the shit you come up with is literally painful to read

This is the sort of response you would expect when the world continually fails to conform to your perpetual debt hysterics while the markets continue to agree with me showing nothing but confidence in the face of a tax cut package that affirms permanently higher deficits into the future and blowing past $20 trillion in debt. If you don't believe me believe the wisdom of the free market. 


Senior Member

Thu, Dec 21, 2017 11:35 AM
posted by Spock

SS wont go away in that manner.  They will pay out to anyonr that paid in.  They will either have a pay in/out option.

Social Security payments will continue until the United States no longer exists. 


Senior Member

Thu, Dec 21, 2017 12:13 PM

Boatshoes, you and all the dems who dont like lower taxes can go ahead and pay your regular rate.  When you do not take the Trump tax cut, then you can bitch.


But I have a feeling that EVERY Dem in the country will be glad to pay their lower rate at the same time they are bitching abou it