Impressed by the Trump administration part II

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Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Dec 18, 2019 6:54 PM
posted by gut

LMAO....."B" and "C" list politicians getting their 60 second to grandstand today.  And you thought the clowns on the committee were bad!  How do you get elected when you can't even nail a 60-second speech?


One of the Repubs LITERALLY sounded like Elmer Fudd, stutter and all.

Damn, if it's not great TV.

Loudermilk's simile comparing Trump to Jesus was terrible.  And hilarious.  And proof that Loudermilk either hasn't read that account in the Bible or doesn't remember it for shit.


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 18, 2019 7:18 PM
posted by O-Trap

Damn, if it's not great TV.

Speculation that Pelosi might not send the impeachment to the Senate.  Say what you will about Pelosi, but that would be a BOSS move.

Also, if Trump is re-elected it seems almost certain he'll be impeached again if the Dems hold on to the House.

On a related note, it seems like a bad strategy to talk about Trump trying to interfere in the 2020 election after you accused him of that for 2.5 years and completely whiffed.


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 18, 2019 9:52 PM

Nancy had to shush all the somber prayerful democrats as they cheered when the votes were final lol. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Thu, Dec 19, 2019 12:05 AM
posted by gut

Speculation that Pelosi might not send the impeachment to the Senate.  Say what you will about Pelosi, but that would be a BOSS move.

Also, if Trump is re-elected it seems almost certain he'll be impeached again if the Dems hold on to the House.

On a related note, it seems like a bad strategy to talk about Trump trying to interfere in the 2020 election after you accused him of that for 2.5 years and completely whiffed.

Yeah, but there will be some spin to turn it into some righteous crusade on principle.  I've heard enough of that about his one even.

posted by fish82

Nancy had to shush all the somber prayerful democrats as they cheered when the votes were final lol. 

I actually have to give her some credit for that.

Also, holy shit.  That was a mom stare she gave them.  I can't stand most of her policy, and she's a wackadoo on an awful lot of things, but this was an appropriate move.



Senior Member

Thu, Dec 19, 2019 12:55 AM
posted by O-Trap

Also, holy shit.  That was a mom stare she gave them.  I can't stand most of her policy, and she's a wackadoo on an awful lot of things, but this was an appropriate move.

I'm not that impressed considering the incredible losing battle she was fighting to hold back a smile when she officially announced his impeachment.


Senior Member

Thu, Dec 19, 2019 7:22 AM

History will write this chapter as a complete BS clusterf$%k.  She will go down as a partisan hack, nobody will ever remember any of the specifics but Trump was the only president to be impeached and then reelected.  Making him a GOAT president.




Chief Shenanigans Officer

Thu, Dec 19, 2019 10:23 AM
posted by gut

I'm not that impressed considering the incredible losing battle she was fighting to hold back a smile when she officially announced his impeachment.

Eh, she held it back, though.  Regardless of how she felt, she did the appropriate thing and provoked her party allies to do the same.  I can't not give her credit for that.  It's not like she would have faced any backlash from her constituency or from other Democrats in the House, who were all cheering.  She pretty much had a hall pass to do so as well, if she wanted to, but she took the appropriate route and immediately got her House majority to do the same.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Thu, Dec 19, 2019 10:44 AM
posted by Spock

History will write this chapter as a complete BS clusterf$%k.  She will go down as a partisan hack, nobody will ever remember any of the specifics but Trump was the only president to be impeached and then reelected.  Making him a GOAT president.



I am pretty sure Nancy and the dems secured Trump's reelection.  I hope it was worth it for them.  Let's just say for argument's sake that Trump did indeed expect a personal favor from Ukraine before he sent the money.  Are any of us ignorant enough to think that is not how the game is played.  The US has sent trillions of dollars out to countries over the decades.  Do we actually believe none of the men in the oval office have made these funds conditional on things that aren't exactly above board.  Talk about the land of unicorns and rainbows.


I'm not a Trump fan, but let the voters determine this - especially when they dems know it is literally impossible to get a vote in their favor from the senate.  They just want to be on record as voting "for" - much like the republicans in the house did in 1997.  



Thu, Dec 19, 2019 10:48 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

I am pretty sure Nancy and the dems secured Trump's reelection.  I hope it was worth it for them.  Let's just say for argument's sake that Trump did indeed expect a personal favor from Ukraine before he sent the money.  Are any of us ignorant enough to think that is not how the game is played.  The US has sent trillions of dollars out to countries over the decades.  Do we actually believe none of the men in the oval office have made these funds conditional on things that aren't exactly above board.  Talk about the land of unicorns and rainbows.


I'm not a Trump fan, but let the voters determine this - especially when they dems know it is literally impossible to get a vote in their favor from the senate.  They just want to be on record as voting "for" - much like the republicans in the house did in 1997.  

Doubt it. The election is still 11.5 months away and a shit ton of stuff can change from now to then. A lot of the numbers for Trump are already baked in, and this hasn't changed Trump's approval/ disapproval rating really at all. I think most of America view impeachment as meh and it won't matter in 2020. 

Trump is still hovering between 42-47% and right around 50% in Wisc and Penn. 

The 2020 election will come down to who the Ds put up as their ticket and how that tickets plays in 3 states: Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan in comparison to Trump. 

On your other point, that is probably why the impeachment story has not gained traction, People either view the call as no big deal or nothing at all. 


Son of the Sun

Thu, Dec 19, 2019 11:24 AM

I wouldn't know why anyone with a brain wouldn't look at impeachment as meh. I was at a friend's last night and while the news was on, the broadcaster was talking about "this historic day" because of it being the third impeachment vote and all I could think was that we know how it's going to go. It'll pass in the house and die in the senate and everyone will be back to square one, continuing to be annoying twats to each other and trying to get the most cutting soundbite to fire up the slackjaws composing their base.

Wake me when something that's actually meaningful happens, as opposed to partisans all doing partisan things because that's all partisans know how to do.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Thu, Dec 19, 2019 11:33 AM

Impeachment will probably become a badge of honor to a sitting president.  Although hopefully not all presidents are quite the narcissist the current one is, it will be seen as confirmation that they are legitimate.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Dec 19, 2019 1:42 PM
posted by gut

Speculation that Pelosi might not send the impeachment to the Senate.  Say what you will about Pelosi, but that would be a BOSS move.

How is that a boss move? Just proves what everyone already knows, that this impeachment is a joke.


Senior Member

Thu, Dec 19, 2019 1:43 PM

Another record high in the market ……..on the sham impeachment. :)



Senior Member

Thu, Dec 19, 2019 2:41 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Do we actually believe none of the men in the oval office have made these funds conditional on things that aren't exactly above board.  Talk about the land of unicorns and rainbows.

I agree that is correct.  And Trump, once again, is going to unintentionally clean things up.  I still think it's an abuse of power, and if the Dems hatred for Trump brings it to light, then I think we can expect future Presidents to be held to this new, higher standard.  Of course the great irony is Trump tried to do exactly what the prior administration did to him, and he's been crying foul for 3 years.

Because part of the problem is a dysfunctional, partisan Congress has gradually ceded more and more power to the POTUS.


Senior Member

Thu, Dec 19, 2019 2:47 PM
posted by iclfan2

How is that a boss move?

Because it makes their partisan kangaroo court the final word.  I doubt it would move the needle much, but once the Senate gets their hands on it they'll use it to further fire-up Trump's base and also cause problems for the Dems nomination process.



Senior Member

Thu, Dec 19, 2019 4:37 PM

Of all the shocking and vulgar things Trump has said, does it ever go lower than speaking bad of the dead? 

Not sure we've ever seen evidence of empathy from this guy, and complete lack of empathy has to score pretty high on the pyschopath scale.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Fri, Dec 20, 2019 10:38 AM

  1. A far left magazine?  Christianity Today?  You serious, Clark?  I mean, I've know of liberal evangelicals for a long time, but Christianity Today hardly fits that bill.
  2. Also, a "Radical Left nonbeliever" (sic)?  Dude called the book "Two Corinthians," had no idea what the verse actually said when he was asked what his favorite Bible verse was, doesn't demonstrate any real "fruit of the spirit," and banned bump stocks.  I'm not here to judge whether he is or isn't a believer, but in accordance with the point of James 2, it's hardly clear that he is, at least any more than the people he's accusing of being nonbelievers.  And he's restricted the Second Amendment more than either of the two previous administrations.

C'mon, man.


Senior Member

Fri, Dec 20, 2019 11:02 AM

there is no reason to poke the bear here.


Senior Member

Fri, Dec 20, 2019 1:41 PM

I'm honestly just so relieved today,  since the last president we impeached went away forever...and we never heard from him or his family again.


Senior Member

Fri, Dec 20, 2019 3:59 PM
posted by O-Trap
  1. A far left magazine?  Christianity Today?

When he's not watching Fox News, he's reading press clippings of himself.  Hard to imagine where he finds the time to campaign and golf so much.

Which sort of proves the point I've been making for a while - the President doesn't actually do anything.  The idea that POTUS "runs the country" is laughable.  It's a marketing & advertising position and you just rubber stamp all the real decisions.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Dec 20, 2019 5:11 PM
posted by fish82

I'm honestly just so relieved today,  since the last president we impeached went away forever...and we never heard from him or his family again.

Well done.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Dec 20, 2019 5:15 PM
posted by gut

When he's not watching Fox News, he's reading press clippings of himself.  Hard to imagine where he finds the time to campaign and golf so much.

Which sort of proves the point I've been making for a while - the President doesn't actually do anything.  The idea that POTUS "runs the country" is laughable.  It's a marketing & advertising position and you just rubber stamp all the real decisions.

According to QO, he's opening responsible for every manufacturing site currently being constructed.  Let's put it this way, Trump build more factories during his morning dump today than you and you kin will in 100 lifetimes.  Plus his dumps are "literally perfect"...people tell him that all the time.


Senior Member

Fri, Dec 20, 2019 5:21 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

According to QO, he's opening responsible for every manufacturing site currently being constructed. 

He's not entirely wrong.  But it's not Trump specifically, but rather just that POTUS is not a socialist.  Even just stalling the socialist agenda for 8 years is a pretty good tailwind for the economy.

And the corporate tax cuts were a big deal.  I hope the Dems aren't dumb enough to actually try to undo those.


Senior Member

Sat, Dec 21, 2019 10:09 PM

So, have to be 21 to buy tobacco now.  18 is good enough for the army, but not your vape cartridges.

Not to turn this into a "they can't drink, either!", but I don't imagine smoking [cigarettes] while driving has killed very many people.

Also, what are colleges going to do about this?  Are they going to start carding and busting kids for smoking like they do with alcohol?


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Sun, Dec 22, 2019 1:20 AM
posted by gut

So, have to be 21 to buy tobacco now.  18 is good enough for the army, but not your vape cartridges.

Not to turn this into a "they can't drink, either!", but I don't imagine smoking [cigarettes] while driving has killed very many people.

Also, what are colleges going to do about this?  Are they going to start carding and busting kids for smoking like they do with alcohol?

I seriously don't understand what the rationale is for someone to be an adult by legal standards, but for there to be laws in place for the purpose of criminalizing them for making decisions about their own lives as adults.

Fucking dumb.