Impressed by the Trump administration part II

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Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Oct 30, 2019 8:33 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

The far greater stuff is the news and continued coming forward of witnesses to testify how fucked up the Ukraine situation is. Trump will be impeached by the House, little doubt now, and the Senate trial will be interesting. He will be acquitted, but the Senate R's are not standing by the President by any measure. 

Do we not already know what was in the call? Highly doubt a bombshell is waiting to be uncovered.


Senior Member

Wed, Oct 30, 2019 9:27 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Great news for the country that the terrorist is dead. I was actually ok with Trump's messaging. It may have seen harsh, but Baghdadi was like a dog. The Post's initial headline deserves all the blasting it did receive. I thought it was a fake headline, then saw it and though oh, that's fucked up. 

I doubt this moves the needle for Trump, as it did not for Obama when Bid Laden was killed. There is simply too many other things going on, and the election is a year away for this to stick and matter to voters. 

Also, how screwed up is Trump's Syria policy? Let me just give up the Kurds to the Turks and Russians forcing them to ally with Assad. Even some Rs are having a lot of problems with it. 

The far greater stuff is the news and continued coming forward of witnesses to testify how fucked up the Ukraine situation is. Trump will be impeached by the House, little doubt now, and the Senate trial will be interesting. He will be acquitted, but the Senate R's are not standing by the President by any measure. 



I doubt it will come to a vote ………..if so, look for the dems to lose the House.



Wed, Oct 30, 2019 2:54 PM
posted by majorspark

So let me get this straight.  We are in an official defense alliance with the Turks to protect them from the Russians.  The Kurds and Turks hate each other.  The Russians are allied with Assad and now the Kurds are also allied with Assad.   But we are giving up the Kurds to the Turks and Russia.  Who wants their son to die in this shitty mess.

Not exactly correct. Yes, Turkey is an ally, but they have been a shitty one recently. They are actually moving closer to Russia Once the U.S. vacated the area in northern Syria, Turkey made a deal with the Russians to take over that northern area of Syria that was home to the Kurds. Turkey is pretty clear they want to eliminate all Kurds. So, by us leaving...we just gave them the green light to do that...

Turkey is also pretty close to buying the Russian S400 missile defense system. They country has also pretty much thrown out any function of a democracy recently. All in all, in a normal administration, they would be seriously be considered being thrown out of NATO. 

On the Kurds, it was them, not the Turks, that we have been fighting side by side against ISIS the last few years, and going back even further to the Iraq war years. They have been a hell of a reliable ally in that time, way more so than the Turks in that time. Trump had it reversed, what has Turkey done for us recently? 

So, we basically sold out our alliance with the Kurds and gave them up to the Turks and Russians. Why the hell would any country now trust us to stay in the fight? We just cut and run. 

posted by iclfan2

Do we not already know what was in the call? Highly doubt a bombshell is waiting to be uncovered.


I guess you have no problem with career civil servants, members of the military, and ambassadors stating what was said on the call was unnerving and not right? Pretty much everything the whistle blower said has been collaborated with the testimony over the last few days. 

posted by QuakerOats



I doubt it will come to a vote ………..if so, look for the dems to lose the House.

The Speaker has the votes and even the Ds in Trump District are in now favor of impeachment. Also, a majority of Americans are in favor of the impeachment process. 



Senior Member

Wed, Oct 30, 2019 5:13 PM

I see ptown is still taking the 2nd hand knowledge of a "whistle blower" over the actual transcript of the call. 




Wed, Oct 30, 2019 6:18 PM
posted by Spock

I see ptown is still taking the 2nd hand knowledge of a "whistle blower" over the actual transcript of the call. 


Oh you mean the transcript where the President sought a foreign power to investigate a political rival? A call that was so screwed up, several officials have now come forward saying the call was inappropriate and outside the norm, which validates all the concerns laid out by the whistleblower. 





Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Oct 30, 2019 8:09 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Oh you mean the transcript where the President sought a foreign power to investigate a political rival? A call that was so screwed up, several officials have now come forward saying the call was inappropriate and outside the norm, which validates all the concerns laid out by the whistleblower. 

But does it mean removed from office? Seems a bit much. And the main question was the 2016 election, then he threw in Biden. I guess I don’t understand how it’s worth the time or effort for asking about an obvious corrupt position to his son. Do you support the foreign involvement against Trump prior to the election?


Senior Member

Wed, Oct 30, 2019 8:13 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Oh you mean the transcript where the President sought a foreign power to investigate a political rival? A call that was so screwed up, several officials have now come forward saying the call was inappropriate and outside the norm, which validates all the concerns laid out by the whistleblower. 




Several Obama hold overs or never Trumpers?  Please....

So what do you think of the Biden clip where he says he is holding money from Ukraine until they fire the AG that is investigating his sons business?  Just par for the course?



Wed, Oct 30, 2019 8:29 PM
posted by iclfan2

But does it mean removed from office? Seems a bit much. And the main question was the 2016 election, then he threw in Biden. I guess I don’t understand how it’s worth the time or effort for asking about an obvious corrupt position to his son. Do you support the foreign involvement against Trump prior to the election?

Depends. If the investigations can lead to evidence showing the President used his power of the office and his own personal attorney to pursue personal gains and to improve his political power, then yeah. If the House can show that Trump and Guilani pressed Ukraine to investigate Biden or they will not release any of the military aid, then yeah, I think that may arise to removal of office. 

Main question is not the 2016 election and anything before Trump came into office. Nope. It is the current President using the power of the office to seek foreign countries to attack his political rival. 

posted by Spock

Several Obama hold overs or never Trumpers?  Please....

So what do you think of the Biden clip where he says he is holding money from Ukraine until they fire the AG that is investigating his sons business?  Just par for the course?

Do your homework man. I bet you believe in the deep state shit. 



Senior Member

Wed, Oct 30, 2019 9:02 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Depends. If the investigations can lead to evidence showing the President used his power of the office and his own personal attorney to pursue personal gains and to improve his political power, then yeah. If the House can show that Trump and Guilani pressed Ukraine to investigate Biden or they will not release any of the military aid, then yeah, I think that may arise to removal of office. 

Main question is not the 2016 election and anything before Trump came into office. Nope. It is the current President using the power of the office to seek foreign countries to attack his political rival. 

posted by Spock

Several Obama hold overs or never Trumpers?  Please....

So what do you think of the Biden clip where he says he is holding money from Ukraine until they fire the AG that is investigating his sons business?  Just par for the course?

Do your homework man. I bet you believe in the deep state shit. 


Answer the question man.




Senior Member

Wed, Oct 30, 2019 11:27 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

All in all, in a normal administration, they would be seriously be considered being thrown out of NATO.

The current Turkish regime are shitbags.  A normal administration would not even have the balls to threaten to destroy Turkey's economy as Trump has.  The Turks control access to the Black Sea and that strategic value would prevent any such consideration of the Turks being tossed to the curb by NATO.  Just hold your nose like every other normal administration has.


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 31, 2019 9:47 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Oh you mean the transcript where the President sought a foreign power to investigate a political rival? A call that was so screwed up, several officials have now come forward saying the call was inappropriate and outside the norm, which validates all the concerns laid out by the whistleblower. 




For clarification (because facts matter), the president did not ask them to investigate Biden; he asked them to look into why THEIR investigation into THEIR corruption was abruptly shutdown ……seemingly at the request of the then vice-president of the United States who we now know had a massive conflict of interest.


He also asked them to look into Crowdstrike, and that is the real reason why the democrats invented their current witch hunt to deflect attention from their criminality in involving foreign entities to sway a presidential election.


President Trump has a DUTY and an OBLIGATION to get to the bottom of these criminal activities and corruption on behalf of the American people.





Thu, Oct 31, 2019 11:23 AM
posted by QuakerOats



For clarification (because facts matter), the president did not ask them to investigate Biden; he asked them to look into why THEIR investigation into THEIR corruption was abruptly shutdown ……seemingly at the request of the then vice-president of the United States who we now know had a massive conflict of interest.


He also asked them to look into Crowdstrike, and that is the real reason why the democrats invented their current witch hunt to deflect attention from their criminality in involving foreign entities to sway a presidential election.


President Trump has a DUTY and an OBLIGATION to get to the bottom of these criminal activities and corruption on behalf of the American people.



The irony of someone who routinely gives credit to trump for jobs/factories/deals that were negotiated before he got elected saying because facts matter almost made me spill my drink at lunch.




Senior Member

Thu, Oct 31, 2019 1:52 PM
posted by geeblock

The irony of someone who routinely gives credit to trump for jobs/factories/deals that were negotiated before he got elected saying because facts matter almost made me spill my drink at lunch.




During the obama years I would get phone calls weekly from financiers wanting to lend money for capex projects.  For 8 years my response was we are not spending a dime until the radicals in the White House are gone; the reply back every time was “you wouldn’t believe how many people say the exact same thing”.


So yes, some projects were planned, but most were put on hold until Trump won the election.  Few would risk investment while capital was being assaulted on all fronts.


Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Nov 1, 2019 8:32 AM
posted by QuakerOats



During the obama years I would get phone calls weekly from financiers wanting to lend money for capex projects.  For 8 years my response was we are not spending a dime until the radicals in the White House are gone; the reply back every time was “you wouldn’t believe how many people say the exact same thing”.


So yes, some projects were planned, but most were put on hold until Trump won the election.  Few would risk investment while capital was being assaulted on all fronts.


Your generalities and personal opinions are convincing as always.  If QO says it's so, by God it must be.


I don't know about all your sophisticated financial dealings.  But two of the larger projects you've touted as Trump accomplishments - Cleveland-Cliffs' DRI plant in Toledo and the large Pennsylvania coal mine were originated, planned and started prior to Trump's election.  


I think all of Biden's problems were brought on himself, so I am not feeling sympathy for him at all.  He obviously used his position to benefit his kid.  Ugly as that is, it's no different than dems and republicans have been doing all along.  I consider it a "swamp" thing.  Problem with you getting all fired up about is that Trump's no different.  His daughter, son and son-in-law have all been given positions and advantages.  


On top of this, you acting like Trump was pressing the Ukrainians out of some ethical responsibility to "The People" is laughable.  He saw a chance to take Biden down and he went for it.  I can only imagine your rantings had Obama pulled a similar move.  Just acknowledge that you are a mindless partisan and people won't object to you so often.  


Senior Member

Fri, Nov 1, 2019 11:12 AM


Wage Growth for Low Income Workers Doubles Wage Growth for ...

Oct 05, 2019 · Posted on October 5, 2019 by sundance An interesting article within The Atlantic draws attention to one of the more intended consequences of Maganomics: wages for the middle-class Americans are rising twice as fast as wages for high-income earners.



U.SWage Growth Accelerated from 3.4 Percent to 3.8 ...

Apr 24, 2019 · The growth, accelerating from 3.4 percent to 3.8 percent annual as of March 2019, was driven by strong wage gains for workers in the manufacturing industry, representing 10 percent of the ...



Best “Recession” Ever – MAGAnomics: Inflation 1.7%, Wage ...

Sep 12, 2019 · In combination with low inflation on the items that matter, U.S. wage growth is exceeding 3.5 percent. Subtract the inflation of 1.7 percent from the wage growth of 3.5 percent and you get Real Earning Growth of +1.8 percent.



Thanks Barack.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Sat, Nov 2, 2019 6:08 AM
posted by QuakerOats

Thanks Barack.

Just dodge the challenge as always. 


Senior Member

Sun, Nov 3, 2019 6:30 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

The Speaker has the votes and even the Ds in Trump District are in now favor of impeachment. Also, a majority of Americans are in favor of the impeachment process. 


Not true, the highest the polls have had it is 49%, so it hasn't hit a majority yet.


Senior Member

Sun, Nov 3, 2019 6:33 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1


posted by Spock

So what do you think of the Biden clip where he says he is holding money from Ukraine until they fire the AG that is investigating his sons business?  Just par for the course?

Do your homework man. I bet you believe in the deep state shit. 

The problem with your reply here is that Biden admitted and laughed about it ON VIDEO. This is not disputable. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Tue, Nov 5, 2019 2:14 AM
posted by QuakerOats




Trump helps Nationals win World Series

Dr. Boogie looses mind




Suzuki dinning that hat doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I chuckle at what the reaction would have been had an athlete done something similar with an Obama campaign hat when he was in office. "Isn't it great to see an athlete use his position to stand for something.".   


Senior Member

Tue, Nov 5, 2019 10:41 AM

For the first time since at least 1978, the United States posted a trade surplus in petroleum.


Thank you, Barack, for embracing fossil fuels.



Senior Member

Tue, Nov 5, 2019 11:04 AM
posted by QuakerOats

For the first time since at least 1978, the United States posted a trade surplus in petroleum.


Thank you, Barack, for embracing fossil fuels.


sucks....we should be paying $1 for a gallon of gas then