Impressed by the Trump administration part II

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Senior Member

Tue, Sep 17, 2019 12:37 PM
posted by QuakerOats

$1.2 billion coal-to-liquids facility to be built in WVA.

I think this tech dates back to WWII.  It's generally not been cost effective until oil hits like $100 a barrel.  Why I laugh, because I'm guessing this is or hopes to be heavily subsidized....because climate change.  And I'd be curious to know the carbon footprint, because there's a lot of fossil fuel burned in that conversion process.

But it probably has mostly to do with all that coal WV is sitting on it doesn't know what to do with.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Sep 18, 2019 1:26 PM
posted by Spock

No you dont.  Does it help....sure.  But you can get a job without a phone

Not every job requires a phone, no.

However, not everyone can do, or is qualified for, the jobs that don't.  Based on my professional experience, (a) there's zero chance of me getting a job in a field I'm qualified for without a phone, and (b) even if I managed to somehow make that work, it would reflect poorly on me as a candidate to not have one.

Also, having a phone greatly increases the expediency by which you can get interviews for a new job.  It also increases the geography that you can cover in your job search.

You're cutting off your nose to spite your face by trying to prevent someone from leveraging the little income they get from unemployment to make themselves a better candidate for future employment.

posted by QuakerOats

Better yet, it precludes the notion that those in the middle class understand they have the economic mobility to potentially one day move up to/toward the top ………so long as the Marxists do not get elected.


True, though baked into that is potential flaw as well.  A major criticism I've seen of those in the middle class voting with the top 1% is that many Americans see themselves as "temporarily embarrassed millionaires" -- that they're actually part of the wealthy class, and they're just not there yet [I was accused of that exact thing a few days ago, which is where I grabbed the term from].

Now, if that's true, then it does show a lack of self-awareness.  If the voting IS based on who a person thinks they will be, and they're just voting in a sense of fortune-telling self-interest, it's a lack of self-awareness, and in a manner of speaking, it's ethically no better than low-income citizens supporting exorbitant taxes on the wealthy.  Each is done in self-interest.  The former is just less self-aware.

Instead of voting for/supporting positions based on what will help ourselves the most, it makes sense to vote for what we think is ethically most defensible.  As a result, I will sometimes vote for things that are against my own interests.  You probably do as well.  Not because we see ourselves as "temporarily embarrassed millionaires," but because we think that it's the most ethical position.

posted by Spock

So you are arguing with me the semantics of getting a job and you are going to bat for people that dont have a car but spend their money on a see the irony in that dont you?


You're advocating driving all over God's green creation to "pound the pavement" for a job, which would cost more in a week than a cell phone plan would cost for a month.  You also appear to be advocating taking on a car payment (several times larger than a cell service plan).  Do you not see THAT irony?

posted by Spock

I have 5 jobs rotating around that I choose to do.  I can get a few more at any time.  Getting a job isn't hard and surely doesnt require a phone. 

Remember the conversation started about holding unemployed welfare takers to a high standard to get free money.  Having the priorities  of feeding your kids over a cell bill seems like a logical thing to ask for.  

A couple more notes:

(a) Aren't you employed by public school system(s)?  Do you not see the irony of someone whose permanent salary is paid for by taxation saying that someone whose stop-gap temporary income is covered through unemployment tax (which is paid whether or not it gets used by a given former employee) shouldn't have a phone?

(b) Not everyone who is looking for work can do the same thing as you.  I doubt there's a critical shortage of gym teachers.

(c) Who says one necessarily has to choose between feeding their children and a cell phone?  Is there some rash of children dying in the streets because their parents opted instead to pay their Cricket Mobile bill that I haven't heard about?  And what about the people who don't have kids?

(d) If you're wanting to cut things people are allowed to spend money on while they're collecting unemployment, maybe you'd want to hold off on things that, whether or not they're outrightly necessary, notably expedite the process of getting a new job AND are less expensive (read: less wasteful of that "free money") than the alternative.  After all, shoes aren't required for running a marathon either, but they help substantially.



Senior Member

Thu, Sep 19, 2019 11:15 AM

U.S. housing starts increased an impressive 12.3 percent in August, reaching a 12-year


August mfg up


August retail sales up



Media:  recession


Fake news may never end



Senior Member

Thu, Sep 19, 2019 11:22 AM
posted by QuakerOats

U.S. housing starts increased an impressive 12.3 percent in August, reaching a 12-year

That's actually a strong and encouraging data point.  Of course, the dumbass builders always continue to overbuild right up until the recession hits


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 19, 2019 12:21 PM


Going to need more units with open borders.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 25, 2019 4:15 PM


Stocks up 160 on yet another democrat face-plant


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 26, 2019 3:32 PM


Meanwhile, more winning ….


  • “Trump said the first-phase deal would open up Japanese markets to some $7 billion worth of U.S. products annually, cutting Japanese tariffs on American beef, pork, wheat and cheese.”


Senior Member

Fri, Sep 27, 2019 8:09 AM

“I think I’ll get a Nobel prize for a lot of things if they gave it out fairly, which they don’t"



Senior Member

Wed, Oct 2, 2019 12:21 PM


Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. completes 457-foot furnace reactor tower for new Toledo operation


It's a major step on the iron ore mining company's path to opening a $700 million hot briquetted iron plant, which is slated to begin production in the first half of 2020.







“You didn’t build that” ……  LOL


Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Oct 2, 2019 2:06 PM
posted by QuakerOats


Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. completes 457-foot furnace reactor tower for new Toledo operation


It's a major step on the iron ore mining company's path to opening a $700 million hot briquetted iron plant, which is slated to begin production in the first half of 2020.







“You didn’t build that” ……  LOL


This project's was initiated, planned and begun long before Trump was elected.  

Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Wed, Oct 2, 2019 3:43 PM
posted by QuakerOats


Stocks up 160 on yet another democrat face-plant

Stocks down 920 over 2 days because of a dem coup that just ain’t the Dons’ fault



Wed, Oct 2, 2019 3:55 PM
posted by Devils Advocate

Stocks down 920 over 2 days because of a dem coup that just ain’t the Dons’ fault

Still above 25k. I won't start to worry until it gets below 20k. That is when shit will hit the fan. 


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 4, 2019 11:08 AM

Unemployment reached another 50-year low in September, as the economy added 136,000 jobs, according to the new Labor Department report. First, the overall data from CNBC:

  • “The jobless rate dropped 0.2 percentage points to 3.5%, matching a level it last saw in December 1969.”
  • “A more encompassing measure that includes discouraged workers and the underemployed also fell, declining 0.3 percent points to 6.9%, matching its lowest in nearly 19 years and just off the all-time low of 6.8%.”


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 4, 2019 2:59 PM


Market up 287, on recession and impeachment.


Have a great weekend.


Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Oct 11, 2019 11:08 PM

Okay Joe McCarthy


Senior Member

Mon, Oct 28, 2019 11:47 AM



The Donald takes down the leading terrorist ………..WAPO calls terrorist an ‘austere religious scholar’.



Trump has been right from Day One ……….MSM is indeed fake news.


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Oct 28, 2019 12:52 PM
posted by QuakerOats



The Donald takes down the leading terrorist ………..WAPO calls terrorist an ‘austere religious scholar’.



Trump has been right from Day One ……….MSM is indeed fake news.

Bloomberg News almost handled his death worse than WaPO. It’s hard to make an argument that the media is legitimate after how they reacted to Baghdadi being killed.


Senior Member

Mon, Oct 28, 2019 1:01 PM
posted by like_that

Bloomberg News almost handled his death worse than WaPO. It’s hard to make an argument that the media is legitimate after how they reacted to Baghdadi being killed.

Trump really is a cause of mental illness.  The Dems and their media surrogates are so determined to get rid of Trump that they refuse to give him credit for anything, or acknowledge anything he's done that's good.  That's how you end-up with that spin on Baghdadi.

Or like when he met with Kardashian about that pardon and criminal justice reform...some of the coverage deflected from that by focusing on "how dare she work with that racist Trump".


Senior Member

Mon, Oct 28, 2019 2:59 PM



ISIS spokesman Abu Hassan al-Muhajir, considered a potential Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi successor, was also killed in Syria, a senior State Department official confirmed…..





Bonus kill


Senior Member

Mon, Oct 28, 2019 4:01 PM
posted by QuakerOats







Bonus kill

Was he also “dead as a door nail”?  Hahaha

Trump supporters are lapping up his descriptions of these killings.  I believe he will easily be re-elected.




Tue, Oct 29, 2019 12:52 PM

Great news for the country that the terrorist is dead. I was actually ok with Trump's messaging. It may have seen harsh, but Baghdadi was like a dog. The Post's initial headline deserves all the blasting it did receive. I thought it was a fake headline, then saw it and though oh, that's fucked up. 

I doubt this moves the needle for Trump, as it did not for Obama when Bid Laden was killed. There is simply too many other things going on, and the election is a year away for this to stick and matter to voters. 

Also, how screwed up is Trump's Syria policy? Let me just give up the Kurds to the Turks and Russians forcing them to ally with Assad. Even some Rs are having a lot of problems with it. 

The far greater stuff is the news and continued coming forward of witnesses to testify how fucked up the Ukraine situation is. Trump will be impeached by the House, little doubt now, and the Senate trial will be interesting. He will be acquitted, but the Senate R's are not standing by the President by any measure. 


Senior Member

Tue, Oct 29, 2019 11:09 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Also, how screwed up is Trump's Syria policy? Let me just give up the Kurds to the Turks and Russians forcing them to ally with Assad. Even some Rs are having a lot of problems with it. 

So let me get this straight.  We are in an official defense alliance with the Turks to protect them from the Russians.  The Kurds and Turks hate each other.  The Russians are allied with Assad and now the Kurds are also allied with Assad.   But we are giving up the Kurds to the Turks and Russia.  Who wants their son to die in this shitty mess.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Oct 30, 2019 1:20 AM
posted by majorspark

So let me get this straight.  We are in an official defense alliance with the Turks to protect them from the Russians.  The Kurds and Turks hate each other.  The Russians are allied with Assad and now the Kurds are also allied with Assad.   But we are giving up the Kurds to the Turks and Russia.  Who wants their son to die in this shitty mess.

Not I, which is why I'd prefer we not be in "entangling alliances" in the first place.