Impressed by the Trump administration part II

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Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Jan 4, 2019 8:57 AM
posted by QuakerOats

Manufacturing Job Openings Reach All-Time High in October.
Manufacturing job openings reached a new all-time high (522,000) in the latest numbers from the Department of Labor…


Amazing how good all this Russian collusion has been for the American workforce.


Shocking how we haven't heard much from you during the recent market turmoil.  You were consistent in your weekly posts about he Dow and other market indicators when the seem to support your premise that Trump was the cause of the success.  Now that that the equity markets show some bumps, we suddenly are without your "change we can (finally) believe in" posts.  What gives?  I realize that yesterday's market fall was the result of the new democratic house which also began yesterday (according to your logic).  But what about the preceding weeks?  


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 4, 2019 9:27 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Shocking how we haven't heard much from you during the recent market turmoil.  You were consistent in your weekly posts about he Dow and other market indicators when the seem to support your premise that Trump was the cause of the success.  Now that that the equity markets show some bumps, we suddenly are without your "change we can (finally) believe in" posts.  What gives?  I realize that yesterday's market fall was the result of the new democratic house which also began yesterday (according to your logic).  But what about the preceding weeks?  

Jobs and employment is at an all time high and you want to talk about the stock market?  


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 4, 2019 10:52 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Shocking how we haven't heard much from you during the recent market turmoil.  You were consistent in your weekly posts about he Dow and other market indicators when the seem to support your premise that Trump was the cause of the success.  Now that that the equity markets show some bumps, we suddenly are without your "change we can (finally) believe in" posts.  What gives?  I realize that yesterday's market fall was the result of the new democratic house which also began yesterday (according to your logic).  But what about the preceding weeks?  


The market downturn coincides with the dems winning the House two months ago.  Obviously that is not the sole reason, but certainly a major factor as pro-growth legislation will stall.  Luckily much was accomplished prior thereto, which is why we get numbers like we did today:  another 312,000 new jobs added in December, blowing away all estimates.  Dow up nearly 600 points this morning on that strong number.  When the American economy has the shackles removed, great things can happen. 


Take care / God bless / Happy New Year






Son of the Sun

Fri, Jan 4, 2019 12:42 PM
posted by QuakerOats


The market downturn coincides with the dems winning the House two months ago.  Obviously that is not the sole reason, but certainly a major factor as pro-growth legislation will stall.  Luckily much was accomplished prior thereto, which is why we get numbers like we did today:  another 312,000 new jobs added in December, blowing away all estimates.  Dow up nearly 600 points this morning on that strong number.  When the American economy has the shackles removed, great things can happen. 


Take care / God bless / Happy New Year





A+ Kool-Aid drinking there from the site's leading Partisanship >>>>>> Thinking proponent.


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 4, 2019 1:56 PM
posted by Heretic

A+ Kool-Aid drinking there from the site's leading Partisanship >>>>>> Thinking proponent.


A 2,500 point decline (approx 10%) since the midterm election; numbers are numbers.



Good luck.


Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Fri, Jan 4, 2019 2:14 PM
posted by QuakerOats


A 2,500 point decline (approx 10%) since the midterm election; numbers are numbers.



Good luck.


If numbers are numbers, Trump needs the market to finish just north of. 50 thousand to beat Obama


Trump Needs to up his game. He’s taking way too much time to fix the train wreck he inherited


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 4, 2019 2:52 PM



Son of the Sun

Fri, Jan 4, 2019 4:55 PM
posted by QuakerOats


A 2,500 point decline (approx 10%) since the midterm election; numbers are numbers.



Good luck.


Then I'd start angrily watch-dogging all the people pulling stock out. After all, if the House switched over, it was the will of THE PEOPLE. And if THE PEOPLE wanted Trump to have more checks and balances and if you always are trumpeting about THE PEOPLE, then you should be absolutely livid that after THE PEOPLE got what they wanted, the market didn't reflect their desire.

That is, unless you actually use THE PEOPLE as words meaning "WHAT I WANT". But of course, you wouldn't do that, would you?

Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Fri, Jan 4, 2019 7:07 PM

Not that he’d admit

when you nail his balls to the wall ( that he shouldn’t have because he lost a bet to 2kool when Obama got re-elected) he just replies lol.


Senior Member

Fri, Jan 4, 2019 11:00 PM
posted by QuakerOats


The market downturn coincides with the dems winning the House two months ago.  Obviously that is not the sole reason, but certainly a major factor as pro-growth legislation will stall.  Luckily much was accomplished prior thereto, which is why we get numbers like we did today:  another 312,000 new jobs added in December, blowing away all estimates.  Dow up nearly 600 points this morning on that strong number.  When the American economy has the shackles removed, great things can happen. 


Take care / God bless / Happy New Year







Senior Member

Sat, Jan 5, 2019 12:35 PM
posted by Heretic

Then I'd start angrily watch-dogging all the people pulling stock out. After all, if the House switched over, it was the will of THE PEOPLE. And if THE PEOPLE wanted Trump to have more checks and balances and if you always are trumpeting about THE PEOPLE, then you should be absolutely livid that after THE PEOPLE got what they wanted, the market didn't reflect their desire.

That is, unless you actually use THE PEOPLE as words meaning "WHAT I WANT". But of course, you wouldn't do that, would you?



I went 2/3rds cash back in October when I saw the writing on the wall and largely missed the downturn.  I went back to 75% equities just prior to the Santa rally.   I will not be holding the bag though, if the left makes further inroads.  I will be watching closely as these radicals in DC, with their pure Marxist agenda, attempt to take wealth of The People and redistribute it --- going to be hell to pay at some point in the not-too-distant future.  In but one generation, the democrat party has slipped down the slope to become a socialists party.  Better be ready for what is surely to come.


Senior Member

Sat, Jan 5, 2019 12:57 PM
posted by QuakerOats



I went 2/3rds cash back in October when I saw the writing on the wall and largely missed the downturn.  I went back to 75% equities just prior to the Santa rally.   I will not be holding the bag though, if the left makes further inroads.  I will be watching closely as these radicals in DC, with their pure Marxist agenda, attempt to take wealth of The People and redistribute it --- going to be hell to pay at some point in the not-too-distant future.  In but one generation, the democrat party has slipped down the slope to become a socialists party.  Better be ready for what is surely to come.

Lmao no you didn’t 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Sat, Jan 5, 2019 8:47 PM
posted by QuakerOats



Better be ready for what is surely to come.

And what will that be?  

Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Sat, Jan 5, 2019 10:10 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

And what will that be?  

Who the fuck cares

Nostrofukus was sure Obama wouldn’t win a second term

Then he was sure the republic wouldn’t survive it when he won

His head is so full of shit, he can’t open his mouth without taking a dump

all over his self


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 7, 2019 2:43 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Lmao no you didn’t 


Indeed I did.


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 7, 2019 2:44 PM



Donald J. Trump





I am pleased to inform you that I will Address the Nation on the Humanitarian and National Security crisis on our Southern Border. Tuesday night at 9:00 P.M. Eastern.



1:44 PM - Jan 7, 2019




Thank God.


Lib’s head must be exploding.

Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Mon, Jan 7, 2019 3:03 PM

I stand corrected. The Don is more full of shit than Nostrofukus.

Further proof that if there is a God, It is punishing us all

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Mon, Jan 7, 2019 4:48 PM
posted by QuakerOats



Donald J. Trump





I am pleased to inform you that I will Address the Nation on the Humanitarian and National Security crisis on our Southern Border. Tuesday night at 9:00 P.M. Eastern.



1:44 PM - Jan 7, 2019




Thank God.


Lib’s head must be exploding.

Yes, his address will likely be so helpful to matters.  I can't wait.  


Luckily yours and my ancestors were allowed easy entry into the US by simply showing.up.  


"Wow, this place is great.  Now slam that friggin door and don't let anyone else in here after me."


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 7, 2019 5:12 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Yes, his address will likely be so helpful to matters.  I can't wait.  


Luckily yours and my ancestors were allowed easy entry into the US by simply showing.up.  


"Wow, this place is great.  Now slam that friggin door and don't let anyone else in here after me."



Thankfully they all came legally and assimilated, and refrained from gang activity, human trafficking, drug dealing and terrorism.



We remain the most welcoming nation on the planet; we just ask that you wait your turn and enter in a legal fashion …….simple manners.

Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Mon, Jan 7, 2019 5:41 PM

The best case scenario would make trump look like a lazy incompetent retard if he failed to act onthe terrorist infiltration and drug dealing human traffickers during the two years he’s been in office. He has touted over and over that he is enforcing the border better than anybody has done in history. What happened  to make this an emergency? 

So again in multitudes unseen by anyone at anytime the man is either a liar or is incompetent beyond reproach At least he would be the bestest at something




Son of the Sun

Mon, Jan 7, 2019 5:52 PM
posted by QuakerOats



Donald J. Trump





I am pleased to inform you that I will Address the Nation on the Humanitarian and National Security crisis on our Southern Border. Tuesday night at 9:00 P.M. Eastern.



1:44 PM - Jan 7, 2019




Thank God.


Lib’s head must be exploding.

Why would heads be exploding? Because a guy who's proven himself to be a rambling "all over the place" public speaker is going to give a speech that likely will include a fair amount of exaggeration and misleading claims to make his point, as per his norm? Unless he shows a currently unseen amount of coherence and lucidity and makes his points in a by-the-books fashion while being well-organized with his thoughts, libs will do what libs have done regularly: mock him while picking apart every word he says fact-checking style. AKA: USA politics for past couple decades, regardless of which side is doing what.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Mon, Jan 7, 2019 6:21 PM
posted by QuakerOats



Thankfully they all came legally and assimilated, and refrained from gang activity, human trafficking, drug dealing and terrorism.



We remain the most welcoming nation on the planet; we just ask that you wait your turn and enter in a legal fashion …….simple manners.

If they came anytime before 1920, their "legal" entry consisted of them simply showing up (unless they were from Asia in which case they were barred), so that ain't saying much.  On top of that, where is the conclusive evidence of all this supposed crime and terrorism from illegal immigrants?  There are lots of analysis that show illegals do not increase crime rates whatsoever.  And MS-13, which is a gang that originated in the US by the way, is certainly a terrible group.  But outside of the few small pockets in Long Island and LA, it is virtually not a factor to the country.  The vast majority of its members (which number around 10,000) were born here.  


Just because one man says that illegal immigrants are rapists, killers and terrorists doesn't make it so.  The facts don't support any of these claims.  Illegals come here for the same reason our ancestors did.  During the time my relatives came, a ticket on a boat was the only requirement to get in.  There were no quotas, no oaths, not visas, etc.  Most people that have come to the US during its history have come just like today's immigrants - desperate, with no resources looking for an opportunity.  Can you imagine the courage of a father in central America taking his family on the trek to the US?  Can you imagine how desperate he'd have to feel to do it?  


You are turning all of these people away because our president has made us fearful of them - unjustifiably so.  Have criminals entered our country illegally?  Most certainly.  Just like Italian, Irish, German and Russian criminals entered during the time our ancestors came.  But like today, these "bad hombres" were small enough in number to have had no measurable affect on crime in the country.


The illegal immigrants I see work their asses off everyday.  They build our houses, landscape our yards, build our roads - do a lot of tough jobs that we don't want to do anymore.  On Sunday, they attend church with their families at a rate far higher than the rest of our population.  Are they all great law-abiding people?  Of course not.  No more than the rest of our population.  


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 7, 2019 6:51 PM
posted by QuakerOats



Thankfully they all came legally and assimilated, and refrained from gang activity, human trafficking, drug dealing and terrorism.



We remain the most welcoming nation on the planet; we just ask that you wait your turn and enter in a legal fashion …….simple manners.


Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Mon, Jan 7, 2019 7:36 PM
posted by Spock


You are close to number three

right behind the don and nostrofukis


Senior Member

Tue, Jan 8, 2019 3:14 PM


Charlotte, N.C.-based Nucor is planning to build a $1.35 billion plate-steel mill in the Midwest.