Impressed by the Trump administration part II

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Senior Member

Sat, Feb 3, 2018 5:41 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

There's a good reason seemingly decent people like Trey Gowdy are getting out of there.  These two parties are assclown central.  The president is a first class douchebag and you can't do anything without it being leaked out.  

From what I've read regarding Schiff's memo, he's deftly addressing things not said in the memo.  His memo apparently says the FISA court was aware of possible political motivations behind the Dossier....but that's not what Nunes memo says, that said material information that the memo was funded by Hillary and the DNC was not disclosed.  So not a lie, but there is another debate about whether or not the source and motivation matters, which probably not for liberals when its Dems spying on Repubs.

Schiff then goes on to discuss other information and qualification for the warrant.  Again, that's NOT what Nunes memo says.  Schiff claims, allegedly (have not seen it from him directly), that McCabe didn't say what was attributed to him.  Well, Nunes says release the transcripts - we can guess who the number one opponent of that will be, on grounds of "national security...sources and methods".

So very carefully crafted spin to disparage the Nunes - or should we say "alternative" - memo.  I'm sure it will be effective for the usual useful idiots.  Although it is curious to see the Dems and their media so uncharacteristically out-of-sync trying to spin and respond.  That national security tripe days before the memo was released was a horrible miscalculation, and it really should cause people to strongly question their credibility on this.


Senior Member

Sat, Feb 3, 2018 5:42 PM
posted by QuakerOats


Unleashing human spirit, innovation and ingenuity because of economic and political freedom is our salvation. 

While Trump passes Solar tariffs and mines for more oil.   Got it.  


Senior Member

Sat, Feb 3, 2018 5:47 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

There's a good reason seemingly decent people like Trey Gowdy are getting out of there.  These two parties are assclown central.  The president is a first class douchebag and you can't do anything without it being leaked out.  

I'd add that a huge part of the problem is how career politicians are ruling those parties with an iron fist.  The entire system is set-up to keep movers & shakers from coming in and even questioning the status quo.   They will screw you with no committees, no money and no co-sponsoring bills....and then heavily fund your challenger in the primaries.  You can pretty much guarantee if you don't play ball you'll be a one-termer.


Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 11:32 AM
posted by salto

While Trump passes Solar tariffs and mines for more oil.   Got it.  

Let the miners mine; let the solar folks do their thing; get the government out of all of it.






Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 11:33 AM

Labor Department: Economy Added 200,000 Jobs In January, Wages Accelerated At Fastest Pace In 8 Years.

The AP (2/2, Rugaber) reported that the Labor Department announced Friday that the US added 200,000 jobs in January, while the unemployment rate “stayed at a low 4.1 percent for the fourth straight month.” In addition, “pay raises, the US economy’s Achilles’ heel in its long recovery from the Great Recession, finally showed signs of accelerating last month.”



Imagine that...


Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 12:13 PM
posted by salto

While Trump passes Solar tariffs and mines for more oil.   Got it.  


BLM Considers Allowing More Wind, Solar Projects On Federal Lands.

Reuters (2/2, Groom) reported that the Bureau of Land Management said in a statement on Thursday that “it would consider amending” a California desert plan that had set aside areas for renewable energy development, “as part of a broader federal effort to unwind regulations that impede energy development.” BLM Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Katharine MacGregor said, “We need to reduce burdens on all domestic energy development, including solar, wind and other renewables.” The move “drew praise from the wind and solar industries but criticism from California officials and environmental groups.”




Take care


Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 1:14 PM

Down down 400 pts 


Take care


Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 1:42 PM

A very healthy pullback ............I may jump back in later this afternoon.  


Here's a tip:  NTNX


Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 2:06 PM

Altria Giving Employees $3,000 Bonus With Windfall From Federal Tax Cut.

The AP (2/2) reported Altria announced it is giving its employees a $3,000 bonus “with a fraction of its windfall from the federal corporate tax cut.” The one-time payout to about 7,900 non-executive employees totals about $24 million. The company posted a $10.3 billion profit last year. Additionally, according to the AP, Altria “announced plans Thursday to set aside $35 million over the next three years for donations to philanthropic programs, mostly centered on youth development and workforce preparedness, in communities where it operates.”

        In an editorial, the Richmond (VA) Times-Dispatch (2/2) praised Altria for the bonuses and devotion to philanthropy. The Times-Dispatch further chastised “liberal Democrats” who can “no longer pretend the tax cut does nothing for the middle class.” The newspaper also questions why these so-called “hyper-greedy executives” would decide to give up “at least $1.7 billion in profits for a few headlines” if, in the eyes of Democrats, they are so “uncontrollably rapacious its executives would sell their own mothers’ blood for an extra nickel.”





Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 2:20 PM
posted by QuakerOats

A very healthy pullback ............I may jump back in later this afternoon.  


Here's a tip:  NTNX

So a pullback is healthy and part of the market cycle, but when the markets in an upswing it’s due to Trump? 

Isnt the upswing also part of the market cycle? I don’t think you realize how blatantly biased you are, which is the scary part.  


Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 3:00 PM

The overall move in the market to the upside over the last year is due to Trump's policies, and the increase in confidence associated with same.

No market upswing is 'up-and-to-the-right' without interruption.  When the market gets ahead of itself, it pulls back, temporarily. 

A retrenchment of 5-10% will be healthy in building a new base.  


Good luck. 




Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 3:12 PM

largest intraday drop in history

all gains from 1/1/18 erased

dow down 2100 points from friday. who the hell is WINNING now quacktarded trumpsucker?


Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 3:19 PM
posted by Devils Advocate

dow down 2100 points from friday. who the hell is WINNING now quacktrarded trumpsucker?

11/7/17 = 18,847

2/5/18; 3:15pm = 24,723


UP 31% 



Hope that helps



Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 3:24 PM

Ignoring your politard bullshit, this day is nuts! The fucking dow dropped 850 points in 15 min. That hadn’t happened in an entire day before. Largest intra day drop in history. Incredible. 


Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 3:50 PM

Actually, on a percentage basis, it is barely in the Top 300 drops.  Maintain perspective. 


Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 3:59 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Actually, on a percentage basis, it is barely in the Top 300 drops.  Maintain perspective. 

Like you have, whenever it went up a few points.  Got it.   Closing at its lowest point for the year is fake news, apparently.  


Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 4:03 PM

Nothing fake about it.

I moved back in just prior to the close. 


Good luck to all longs.


Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 4:40 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Nothing fake about it.

I moved back in just prior to the close. 


Good luck to all longs.

You are either a liar or the biggest fuckin idiot of all time. Why would you have pulled out of the hugest most fantastic winningest market of all time, only to buy back at market close.

The only thing you are short on is the cheeto colored schlong you been sucking. The only thing long is your endless line of shit you continue to throw about.

Does the endless line of hyperbolic, trumpsucking

 diatribe actually make you feel better?






Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 6:16 PM

Jesus...everybody try and get a fucking grip for like 10 seconds.


My god.


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 6:32 PM

It always brings the lulz to see people get rattled by QO. 


Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 6:33 PM
posted by fish82

Jesus...everybody try and get a fucking grip for like 10 seconds.


My god.

Not sure if referring to me, but I love days like this. It’s a healthy pullback. My excitement was more looking and seeing the Dow -1,550. Pretty crazy to see lol I realize it’s not that steep a fall historically, but still historical in sheer points. 

Im an FA..has just two phone calls today and both were to buy in at these low prices. That’s when you know you haven’t hit rock bottom yet! 

Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 6:46 PM

I was just going in long and hard. my diversification and polical portfolio demands a unified stance.


And I called him sir.


Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 8:16 PM

Drumpf's layers want him to refuse interview w/ Mueller.  


lol  fake news.....amirite?


Senior Member

Tue, Feb 6, 2018 6:16 AM

The last several posts make me happy that I'm too stupid to "play the market" in favor of investing in good companies and using random market drops as an opportunity to buy undervalued stocks. OTOH, I'm happy to be too smart to be part of the statist bullshit and pretending there's a dime's difference between the major parties.



Senior Member

Tue, Feb 6, 2018 8:43 AM
posted by salto

Drumpf's layers want him to refuse interview w/ Mueller.  


lol  fake news.....amirite?

They know what will happen if Trump does and Mueller pushes hard enough. Full. Colonel. Jessup.