Impressed by the Trump administration part II

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Senior Member

Fri, Feb 2, 2018 2:16 PM

Absolutely ...................release it all.   Drain the swamp at long last. 


Senior Member

Fri, Feb 2, 2018 2:42 PM

It's a pretty shitty look for the FBI, regardless.



Fri, Feb 2, 2018 2:52 PM

Perhaps,. But, again, consider the source. The House Rs want to make the FBI look bad for political reasons. This is not a bipartisan document. The D's version was not released. It is only one source, one opinion of the source material. 

We need to see the source material to come to any actual conclusion. 


Oh, and by the way, two other stories today. The Nuclear Posture Review is being released now, and the stock market is down about 500 points today. 


Senior Member

Fri, Feb 2, 2018 3:00 PM

Wow.  You are staring directly at corruption and fraud, and you can only parrot media talking points. 





Fri, Feb 2, 2018 4:05 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Wow.  You are staring directly at corruption and fraud, and you can only parrot media talking points. 



Look man, this is just the House R's version of this and is only a few pages. Excuse me for taking that with a grain of salt. Just like you wouldn't trust a source from the Ds. I need to see more information and the actual text before I scream Oh My God, burn it all down like you are. 

Dow is down 670 points now btw. MAGA! 



Senior Member

Fri, Feb 2, 2018 4:08 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1


Dow is down 670 points now btw. MAGA! 


Worst week in two years. Change we can believe in. 


Senior Member

Fri, Feb 2, 2018 4:17 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Look man, this is just the House R's version of this and is only a few pages. Excuse me for taking that with a grain of salt. Just like you wouldn't trust a source from the Ds. I need to see more information and the actual text before I scream Oh My God, burn it all down like you are. 

Dow is down 670 points now btw. MAGA! 


A very healthy pullback; backfilling necessary given the run up.  BTW, I transferred to 80% cash yesterday afternoon, as I mentioned pulling marbles off the table last week.  Will jump back in when the dust settles next week. 


Senior Member

Fri, Feb 2, 2018 4:20 PM
posted by MontyBrunswick

Worst week in two years. Change we can believe in. 


Atlanta Federal Reserve Forecasts 5.4% Growth In First Quarter Of 2018.

Reuters (2/1) reports that the Atlanta Federal Reserve said Thursday that “the US economy is setting a torrid pace in the first three months of 2018

Amgen Announces Plans For $300M US Manufacturing Plant, Credits Tax Reform.

The Wall Street Journal (2/1, Hufford, Subscription Publication) reports that Amgen Inc. announced on Thursday that it would invest an estimated $300 million to build a new manufacturing plant in the US, and credited the December passage of tax reform legislation for the move.


Dayton Ohio Region Registered Record $1B In Capital Investment Last Year.

Writing behind a paywall, The Dayton (OH) Business Journal (2/1, Bush, Subscription Publication) reports that the Dayton region recorded a record $1 billion in capital investment in 2017, while “companies also committed to create more than 2,000 new jobs,” and “average pay climbed approximately $10,000 since 2016.”



All on top of another good jobs report today, along with wages rising at the fastest pace in a decade.


And I am quite sure that everyone liked the extra bump in their paycheck today; thanks Don.


Change we can [really] believe in ...


Senior Member

Fri, Feb 2, 2018 5:10 PM
posted by Con_Alma

...soooo, the memo is basically the FBI knowingly misleading the FISA court by using a political document paid for by the Clinton campaign to gain permission to spy on Trump. Have I got that correct or is there something else in this?

That's a pretty big deal - FINALLY some actual illegality in the whole Russian collusion thing.

Libs are, predictably, calling it a nothingburger.  And while it's nowhere near Watergate, everyone should be outraged by this.  We are dealing only with Carter Page here, but this is a smoking gun of abusing the intelligence apparatus to spy on political opponents. 

Abuse of power to target opposition is a recurring pattern in the Obama Administration.  It's unfortunate that Trump is such a loathsome individual or people would be a lot more upset about all this.


Senior Member

Fri, Feb 2, 2018 5:14 PM
posted by gut

That's a pretty big deal - FINALLY some actual illegality in the whole Russian collusion thing.

Libs are, predictably, calling it a nothingburger.  And while it's nowhere near Watergate, everyone should be outraged by this.  We are dealing only with Carter Page here, but this is a smoking gun of abusing the intelligence apparatus to spy on political opponents. 

Abuse of power to target opposition is a recurring pattern in the Obama Administration.  It's unfortunate that Trump is such a loathsome individual or people would be a lot more upset about all this.

Understatement of the decade! 






Dept of Interior 



and on and on ........  the assault on liberty has been immeasurable 


Senior Member

Fri, Feb 2, 2018 5:18 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

My question is, and we won't know without the actual FISC Applications, is what evidence was used to keep the application going? Did they find more dirt and that was the reason the applications kept going? 

This is a new level of head-in-the-sand even for you.  McCabe TESTIFIED a warrant would not have been sought without the Dossier - which was clearly not vetted, and later determined to be unreliable.

Remember how upset everyone was with the fake yellow cake docs?  But now you "need more information".


Senior Member

Fri, Feb 2, 2018 5:20 PM

Ptown.....please stop.  This is a huge DC scandal and you are posting like boat.

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Fri, Feb 2, 2018 5:35 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Dow 30


+204.31 (+0.77%)



Getting tired of so much winning .............probably going take some marbles off the table for a while. 

Have a great weekend. 


No Dow update?



Fri, Feb 2, 2018 7:41 PM
posted by gut

This is a new level of head-in-the-sand even for you.  McCabe TESTIFIED a warrant would not have been sought without the Dossier - which was clearly not vetted, and later determined to be unreliable.

Remember how upset everyone was with the fake yellow cake docs?  But now you "need more information".


posted by Spock

Ptown.....please stop.  This is a huge DC scandal and you are posting like boat.

Look guys. That testimony, we only have parts of it, not the whole transcript.

The memo is, again, one data point. It is one opinion of a primary source. It was written by R staff members from the Hill, not for sure legal experts with an unbias viewpoint. 

Plus, yes, perhaps, the initital request was kinda iffy, but, we do not have all the evidence that was used for that first request, but more importantly, all the other requests. Perhaps, there was more information that was more credible, and that dossier was the main reason to start, but then once they starting the FISA warrent, they found more information, and dossier was not needed, or the primary reason for the warrent. 

I'm sorry, I'm not coming to conclusions based on one data point and one opinion without reference to the primary sources. 

Maybe, the FBI did fuck up, but, without the actual FISA warrents, I do not know for sure. Neither do you all.

I'm not a FISA lawyer, and I'm sure most people on here are not either, so I feel safe to say, I just don't know enough, without all the proper context, that I'm willing to scream bloody murder like all you guys. 

If that is called my head buried in the sand, then so be it. I would like to see you all make life or work decisions with one data point from one point of view...



Senior Member

Fri, Feb 2, 2018 8:15 PM

Ptown....tou hsve to admit that regardless of "one data point".....the rest will be damning and likely paint a worse picture.

Heads should roll....with what is already out....jail time should happen.


Senior Member

Fri, Feb 2, 2018 8:44 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_

Look guys. That testimony, we only have parts of it, not the whole transcript.


Help me understand your ambiguity and confusion of "without the Steele Dossier [FBI] would not have sought a FISA warrant".  Carter Page is going to get P.A.I.D.

Put your seething hatred for Trump aside and call a spade a spade.  This isn't really even about Trump collusion, just a pretty clear - possibly criminal - abuse of power.  Everyone should be condemning this - they wiretapped a private US citizen because of manufactured bullshit.  That's police state level crap right there. 

Everyone who touched that Dossier, by the way, is pretty much an unwitting foreign agent duped and played by Russia.


Senior Member

Fri, Feb 2, 2018 8:47 PM

Its not about trump....the DNC snd the deep state would have done this to anyone.  


Senior Member

Fri, Feb 2, 2018 9:01 PM
posted by Spock

Its not about trump....the DNC snd the deep state would have done this to anyone.  

It's bizarre.  We go from "this can't be damages national security....yada yada yada" to "this is a nothingburger"....and finally to "we need to hear from the Democrats and Schiff's memo".

Unless there is a different memo from the one I read, that's a hell of a lot of dancing and spinning over what I'm not exactly sure.

My theory is that Nunes said more is to come.  So after failing to block the release of this memo, the Dems are now scrambling to get ahead of the coming tsunami.  Obviously the Repubs have been abusing the hyperbole, but I think worse is yet to come and the never-Trumpers (got include those, because I saw McCain lying thru his teeth, too) are nervous.  Nothing in this memo about unmasking - and Samantha Power made hundreds of requests, but testified she didn't actually sign off on most of those.


333 - I'm only half evil

Sat, Feb 3, 2018 9:40 AM

So the democrats now want to release their own memo. I hope that they are given clearance by Trump. 

I hope this all devolves to where both sides are ratting each other out. That way an all-around general exposure happens. And then we voters can get to work on cleaning house and hopefully people start getting more interested in voting 3rd party (libertarian).


Senior Member

Sat, Feb 3, 2018 12:37 PM
posted by gut

This is a new level of head-in-the-sand even for you.  McCabe TESTIFIED a warrant would not have been sought without the Dossier - which was clearly not vetted, and later determined to be unreliable.

Remember how upset everyone was with the fake yellow cake docs?  But now you "need more information".

The Most enjoyable thing about this Memo is how it has made Conservatives leap to the same wild conclusions without hard evidence that they criticize the liberals for doing with regard to #MuhTRumPRussia.

I don't care about any of this stuff but your motivated reasoning is enjoyable to read.

The Memo itself states that FBI agent Peter Strzok opened the investigation based on information about Papadapolous. 

Here is Orin Kerr's take on it - a pretty well known libertarian leaning attorney who has practiced on 4th Amendment issues - and the general idea that somehow, even if this were based on the dossier, that it would be some kind of a fraud on the four Republican FISA court judges that authorized surveillance on a guy the FBI thought was a spy. 

It seems likely that the House Intelligence Committee will soon #ReleaseTheMemo. According to press reports, the memo claims that the FISA application to monitor Trump campaign advisor Carter Page included information sourced from former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele "without adequately explaining to the judge that Democrats financed Mr. Steele’s research." 

This is a scandal, the argument runs,  because it means the application was fraudulent.  Because Steele was funded by Democrats, his reports were just unreliable opposition research designed to make Trump and his associates look bad.  And if the FISA application was based on Steele's unreliable research, and DOJ never told that to the FISA Court, then DOJ misled the court and the court should not have issued the warrant.

As a Fourth Amendment nerd, it seems to me that the premise of #ReleaseTheMemo is pretty dubious. The apparent idea is that the failure to adequately document the funding behind Steele's work is a huge deal and a fraud on the court. But as a matter of law, that seems pretty unlikely to me. When federal judges have faced similar claims in litigation, they have mostly rejected them out of hand. And when courts have been receptive to such claims, it has been because of specific facts that are likely outside the scope of the memo that will be released.


I have been pretty happy overall with Trump's presidency so far given his terrible personality as none of the hyperbolic predictions have come to pass. Bad the sad reality of people like Gut falling into line to carry water believing wild things to defend Trump, etc. shows how the fruit could be there for awful things to come to pass




Senior Member

Sat, Feb 3, 2018 1:34 PM
posted by BoatShoes

The Most enjoyable thing about this Memo is how it has made Conservatives leap to the same wild conclusions without hard evidence that they criticize the liberals for doing with regard to #MuhTRumPRussia.

I don't care about any of this stuff but your motivated reasoning is enjoyable to read.

The Memo itself states that FBI agent Peter Strzok opened the investigation based on information about Papadapolous. 

Here is Orin Kerr's take on it - a pretty well known libertarian leaning attorney who has practiced on 4th Amendment issues - and the general idea that somehow, even if this were based on the dossier, that it would be some kind of a fraud on the four Republican FISA court judges that authorized surveillance on a guy the FBI thought was a spy. 

It seems likely that the House Intelligence Committee will soon #ReleaseTheMemo. According to press reports, the memo claims that the FISA application to monitor Trump campaign advisor Carter Page included information sourced from former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele "without adequately explaining to the judge that Democrats financed Mr. Steele’s research." 

This is a scandal, the argument runs,  because it means the application was fraudulent.  Because Steele was funded by Democrats, his reports were just unreliable opposition research designed to make Trump and his associates look bad.  And if the FISA application was based on Steele's unreliable research, and DOJ never told that to the FISA Court, then DOJ misled the court and the court should not have issued the warrant.

As a Fourth Amendment nerd, it seems to me that the premise of #ReleaseTheMemo is pretty dubious. The apparent idea is that the failure to adequately document the funding behind Steele's work is a huge deal and a fraud on the court. But as a matter of law, that seems pretty unlikely to me. When federal judges have faced similar claims in litigation, they have mostly rejected them out of hand. And when courts have been receptive to such claims, it has been because of specific facts that are likely outside the scope of the memo that will be released.


I have been pretty happy overall with Trump's presidency so far given his terrible personality as none of the hyperbolic predictions have come to pass. Bad the sad reality of people like Gut falling into line to carry water believing wild things to defend Trump, etc. shows how the fruit could be there for awful things to come to pass



But but but, gut isn't a Republican! gut hates Trump!



Son of the Sun

Sat, Feb 3, 2018 1:36 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

So the democrats now want to release their own memo. I hope that they are given clearance by Trump. 

I hope this all devolves to where both sides are ratting each other out. That way an all-around general exposure happens. And then we voters can get to work on cleaning house and hopefully people start getting more interested in voting 3rd party (libertarian).

Yeah, get it to where something that's actually unpredicable and noteworthy happens. So far, this is all too generic and typical.

1. Alleged smoking gun.

2. People on one side say it's a HUGE ASS CONSPIRACY, JUST LIKE WATERGATE IF NOT WORSE and other amazing uses of hyperbole. Other side's people say that it's nothing and reflect more on the other side's paranoia and desire to pass the buck.

Been there, seen that, let's move on to where both sides are simultaneously very, very uncomfortable. And maybe, if only for a few moments, it'll shut up the bottom-feeders who equate replacing one swamp with a different, equally corrupt, one to "draining the swamp"


Senior Member

Sat, Feb 3, 2018 2:45 PM

Without evidence? LOL, don't go full libtard.  This isn't Harry Reid slandering someone from the Senate floor because he has immunity.  This is an official statement and finding of FACT, based yes on evidence, from a INVESTIGATORY committee.  

Enough with the bullshit spinjob coming from the Dems - that memo is accurate and truthful.  If it were not, Comey and others names would have a lawsuit on their hands.  And McCabe TESTIFIED that without the memo they don't seek a warrant.  How that continues to be overlooked and spun is beyond me.   Truly a new low where an official memo from Congress is called lies and cherry picking.  For all the fears about Trump "destroying the US", the Dems and their media sycophants are doing a bang-up job on their own.

It's really not about Trump, but anything even remotely connected to Trump causes libtards to lose their minds.  It's about abuses in the FISA process, which WAS a bipartisan issue....until it's used against people connected to Trump, then Dems be like "I'm good".

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Sat, Feb 3, 2018 4:48 PM

There's a good reason seemingly decent people like Trey Gowdy are getting out of there.  These two parties are assclown central.  The president is a first class douchebag and you can't do anything without it being leaked out.  


Senior Member

Sat, Feb 3, 2018 5:07 PM

from a WSJ article....

In March of 2007, he announced that he was “deeply troubled” by what he called “abuses of authority” by the FBI in acquiring personal information on U.S. citizens. Over the years, he urged various restrictions on the ability of the executive branch to get information on Americans’ phone calls. In order “to protect privacy and increase transparency” he sought in various ways to reform the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court—the very court that approved the electronic surveillance of a Trump associate for reasons that are still not entirely clear.

Way ahead of the news, this particular lawmaker specifically introduced the “Ending Secret Law Act” which according to a press release from his office, “would require the Attorney General to declassify significant Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) opinions, allowing Americans to know how the Court has interpreted” its legal authorities.

This lawmaker said that his legislation “will help ensure we have true checks and balances when it comes to the judges who are given the responsibility of overseeing our most sensitive intelligence gathering and national security programs.”

His name is Adam Schiff, and he is now the ranking member on House Intelligence. But oddly he doesn’t seem to want to take credit for his early concern for civil liberties.