Impressed by the Trump administration part II

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Senior Member

Thu, Feb 8, 2018 4:43 PM
posted by QuakerOats

If the election were held today, he would win again.  That is the bottom line.


posted by Spock

and he will win in 2020 also.  Dems gonna put up someone that has voted no on all this agenda that is winning bigly?  Easy to debate against a Dem




Senior Member

Thu, Feb 8, 2018 5:12 PM
posted by Devils Advocate

What a load of rino shit quacker








President Donald Trump has told nearly six times more lies in the first 10 months of his presidency than former President Barack Obama did in his entire 8-year term,




Holy shit!   


Senior Member

Thu, Feb 8, 2018 5:15 PM
posted by MontyBrunswick

Stock market down bigly again. MAGA

Zwick celebrating people losing money. Shocking.


Senior Member

Thu, Feb 8, 2018 6:12 PM
posted by QuakerOats


Perspective matters. 





lol irony


Son of the Sun

Fri, Feb 9, 2018 12:07 PM
posted by QuakerOats


+30% since the election.

Perspective matters. 





"Perspective matters". Said by the person who made sure we all knew just how much the market rose EVERY SINGLE DAY as part of his "look how much we're WINNING today!" crusade. It's gotta be nice to be so simple that it's actually possible to live in a world where the meaning of every little thing is determined solely by how you personally want to feel about it.


Honorable Admin

Fri, Feb 9, 2018 12:24 PM
posted by superman

Zwick celebrating people losing money. Shocking.

Monty isn't Zwick. Just an FYI.



Mon, Feb 12, 2018 10:18 AM

I'm really looking forward to the Quaker and Spock defense of the Trump budget today. 


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Feb 12, 2018 10:43 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I'm really looking forward to the Quaker and Spock defense of the Trump budget today. 

I know cc/spock comes off as an idiot, BUT in his defense he criticized it in boatshoes' debt thread.


Senior Member

Mon, Feb 12, 2018 10:52 AM
posted by justincredible

Monty isn't Zwick. Just an FYI.

Yeah. Ok. Sure. 


Senior Member

Mon, Feb 12, 2018 3:58 PM

Company looks to build $2.5B plant in Ind.

Riverview Energy is proposing a plant in Dale, Ind., that would convert coal into diesel fuel. The construction timeline hasn't yet been determined, but the company has requested a construction permit for the $2.5 billion plant.

U.S. News & World Report/The Associated Press (2/9) 




Change we can [really] believe in ...


Senior Member

Fri, Feb 23, 2018 9:42 AM

Yeah, let's have the 30k/year teacher start packin. It's a decent thought, but not feasible. He's just blabbing.

Just did a quick run through of my highschool teachers, none with any significant military/police experience


Senior Member

Fri, Feb 23, 2018 9:57 AM
posted by Automatik

Yeah, let's have the 30k/year teacher start packin. It's a decent thought, but not feasible. He's just blabbing.

Just did a quick run through of my highschool teachers, none with any significant military/police experience

You act like every teacher in a school is CC. I’m not a big “gun guy” but if a responsible gun carrier happens to be a teacher and he/she wants to legally carry a weapon during class, why the fuck not? You act like they’re going to pull these guns out and let the kids run around recess with them. The majority of people wouldn’t even know they’re carrying. And if some psycho starts shooting up the school, they can help stop the threat. 

That sounds so completely logical to me. But you have people like you who just mock everything (lol they don’t make any money lol) and don’t actually offer any suggestions yourself and another day goes by where kids are stuck in schools as sitting ducks. 


Honorable Admin

Fri, Feb 23, 2018 10:03 AM

I saw a headline floating around claiming that allowing teachers to be armed would lead to them murdering black students in class. I didn't click on it, because it's clearly drivel. These people are out of their minds.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Feb 23, 2018 10:12 AM
posted by justincredible

I saw a headline floating around claiming that allowing teachers to be armed would lead to them murdering black students in class. I didn't click on it, because it's clearly drivel. These people are out of their minds.

The argument that people having guns will use them more (gun free zones, etc) is so stupid. Nothing stops someone from carrying a gun anywhere anyway unless there is a metal detector or something. So if Teacher/Person A doesn't kill someone normally, having a gun with them doesn't magically turn them into a killer. It is so illogical. 


Senior Member

Fri, Feb 23, 2018 10:13 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

You act like every teacher in a school is CC. I’m not a big “gun guy” but if a responsible gun carrier happens to be a teacher and he/she wants to legally carry a weapon during class, why the fuck not? You act like they’re going to pull these guns out and let the kids run around recess with them. The majority of people wouldn’t even know they’re carrying. And if some psycho starts shooting up the school, they can help stop the threat. 

That sounds so completely logical to me. But you have people like you who just mock everything (lol they don’t make any money lol) and don’t actually offer any suggestions yourself and another day goes by where kids are stuck in schools as sitting ducks. 

That's a lot of assumptions from my two sentence post. I'm not against teachers carrying, I just don't see it happening regularly.

Did you actually listen to what he said? I'm referring to teachers who are "highly adept." and "a little bit of a bonus." My school was full of rather old teachers or younger ones fresh out of college. None that I would consider "highly adept" regarding handling a firearm in a time of crisis.



Senior Member

Fri, Feb 23, 2018 10:18 AM
posted by Automatik

That's a lot of assumptions from my two sentence post. I'm not against teachers carrying, I just don't see it happening regularly.

Did you actually listen to what he said? I'm referring to teachers who are "highly adept." and "a little bit of a bonus." My school was full of rather old teachers or younger ones fresh out of college. None that I would consider "highly adept" regarding handling a firearm in a time of crisis.


So your school had inept teachers = every school has inept teachers. Got it. 


Senior Member

Fri, Feb 23, 2018 10:18 AM

I'm actually all for having a LEGIT guard, officer, protector, whatever you want to call it in a school.

Not some glorified rent-a-cop, or over the the hill guy just collecting a paycheck and is too scared to engage.

Also, lock the building the fuck down. Make it a process to enter, for students and visitors. 


Senior Member

Fri, Feb 23, 2018 10:24 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

So your school had inept teachers = every school has inept teachers. Got it. 

More assumptions. You're not very good at this. 


Honorable Admin

Fri, Feb 23, 2018 10:25 AM

I think S&L is being a little unfair to Auto. Auto, curious if you watched the Colion Noir video in the school shooting thread. 


Senior Member

Fri, Feb 23, 2018 10:31 AM

Yes, and I agree with everything he said. Common sense. 

Metal detectors and searches when entering is rather common here in NYC. Standardize it throughout the country.


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Feb 23, 2018 10:42 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

You act like every teacher in a school is CC. I’m not a big “gun guy” but if a responsible gun carrier happens to be a teacher and he/she wants to legally carry a weapon during class, why the fuck not? You act like they’re going to pull these guns out and let the kids run around recess with them. The majority of people wouldn’t even know they’re carrying. And if some psycho starts shooting up the school, they can help stop the threat. 

That sounds so completely logical to me. But you have people like you who just mock everything (lol they don’t make any money lol) and don’t actually offer any suggestions yourself and another day goes by where kids are stuck in schools as sitting ducks. 

This.  If they are already law abiding and responsible gun owners why the fuck not? It's not like they are going to put a loaded gun on a wall in a glass case for all of their students to see.  I am ok with giving these teachers bonuses too, or paying legitimate armed guards to be at the school.  Our education system has tripled their funding since 1970 and test scores have not advanced.  It's pretty obvious more $ does not = better educational results.  Shift some of that bloated funding to secure your schools.

It's a much better approach than all of these "common sense" laws being proposed that will never work.  Btw, if we are raising the age for gun ownership to 21 are we also going to stop sending 18-20 year olds to fight and die in war?  How can we say these kids are responsible to actually engage in combat if we are saying at home they aren't responsible to own a guy.  Are we going to raise the voting age to 21?  Clearly our nation is conflicted.  We think we should legislate based on what a bunch of emotional teenagers say, but we also don't think they should drink until 21, own a gun until 21, and we need legislation to prevent them from eating tide pods. 

posted by justincredible

I saw a headline floating around claiming that allowing teachers to be armed would lead to them murdering black students in class. I didn't click on it, because it's clearly drivel. These people are out of their minds.


So the white Shaun King?

posted by Automatik

More assumptions. You're not very good at this. 


You kinda are projecting your school's case to the rest of the nation, while also getting a classic cheap shot in on teachers/gun owners.  What is your point that their salary is 30K (not every teacher is making this small amount btw, but you know that)?  What does that have to do with anything with being a responsible gun owner? 

 It's obviously case by case for every school, but I am willing to bet there are a lot of schools that have trained and responsible gun owners, where carrying firearms would be helpful.  I can think of several teachers or administrators at my school on the top of my head that could have taken on this responsibility.  

posted by Automatik

I'm actually all for having a LEGIT guard, officer, protector, whatever you want to call it in a school.

Not some glorified rent-a-cop, or over the the hill guy just collecting a paycheck and is too scared to engage.

Also, lock the building the fuck down. Make it a process to enter, for students and visitors. 

I am for this as well.  As I said earlier, this is a much better approach than the "common sense" gun laws.  I would also like to add, how about enforcing our current laws?  The police department ignored 39 reports regarding the shooter and their sheriff had the audacity to virtue signal at the CNN town hall.  He should resign with the officer who did not engage the shooter.  Clearly the Sheriff is incompetent from running a department that is supposed to do their job protecting citizens. 



Senior Member

Fri, Feb 23, 2018 10:56 AM

My jab regarding 30k/year is more that I feel teachers are not paid enough for what they do as it is, but that's another topic.

Then you add on a responsibility of carrying in an attempt to stop a would be shooter. Sure there will be ones who be adept and willing to do this. I just don't see it being common enough to be a feasible solution.

Standardized security protocol across the entire country. It's actually crazy that it's not already a thing.

I'm not familiar with police training and their program choices, but what about a focus/path that sends on your way to becoming an armed school guard?