Impressed by the Trump administration part II

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Senior Member

Tue, May 12, 2020 5:08 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Lol, trump voluntarily tweets 100 times in a day, the media reports it, QO and CC blame the media. 



I didn’t say one thing about his tweets or the media reporting same.


Good luck.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Tue, May 12, 2020 5:47 PM
posted by QuakerOats



The issue at the end of yesterday’s briefing involved a reporter for a Chinese media outlet (which is really not a media outlet) asking another of her gotcha questions, to which he properly replied, ‘you should ask China that question’.  He was right.  Then she and another reporter would not let it go, so he ended it.  To think he has to answer to communist Chinese advocates is insane.  They started the fire.

She was a correspondent from CBS.  Her question had nothing to do with China. 


Again, every president gets scrutinized by the media. Running off like a child and saying "no one's ever been treated worse" is not the equivalent of ACTUALLY being treated any differently than every other president in the modern age. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Tue, May 12, 2020 6:00 PM
posted by QuakerOats

No, the point is the press WOULD report if he was involved in nefarious business dealings.

If it is bad for Trump, or can be made to just look bad for Trump, you bet your ass it is going to be reported.

Can’t make it any clearer.

Erm ... Aren't you the one who has accused the media of lying about Trump more than once anyway?  If they've got nothing against lying to make him look bad, what makes you think whether or not it's true carries any weight regarding whether or not they'd carry it as a story?




Wed, May 13, 2020 7:49 AM
posted by QuakerOats



No, the point is the press WOULD report if he was involved in nefarious business dealings.

If it is bad for Trump, or can be made to just look bad for Trump, you bet your ass it is going to be reported.

Can’t make it any clearer.

Like I said then, google the news stories by the press regarding potential Trump business dealings in China, Russia, and the Middle East and let me know your thoughts. I'm sure you will take them as  valid given your track record with media stories.

You are also still talking out both sides of your mouth in saying well if the media reports it it is fake news and since the media does not report it there is nothing there. 





Wed, May 13, 2020 7:50 AM
posted by QuakerOats



The issue at the end of yesterday’s briefing involved a reporter for a Chinese media outlet (which is really not a media outlet) asking another of her gotcha questions, to which he properly replied, ‘you should ask China that question’.  He was right.  Then she and another reporter would not let it go, so he ended it.  To think he has to answer to communist Chinese advocates is insane.  They started the fire.

You do know she was not from a Chinese media outlet yet? Just because she looks Chinese does not mean she actually is...For fuck sake man. You are so wrong here. 


Senior Member

Wed, May 13, 2020 11:22 AM
posted by QuakerOats



The issue at the end of yesterday’s briefing involved a reporter for a Chinese media outlet (which is really not a media outlet) asking another of her gotcha questions, to which he properly replied, ‘you should ask China that question’.  He was right.  Then she and another reporter would not let it go, so he ended it.  To think he has to answer to communist Chinese advocates is insane.  They started the fire.


Shes a CBS news White House corespondent you idiot. 
Also it wasn’t a “gotcha” question. Trump always “brags” about how the US has the best tests, is testing more than any country, etc. and I think a lot of people are wondering why he’s making it into a competition. It was a perfectly normal question.  He couldn’t answer it, so he said “ask China” and you and all the Trumper Inbreds ate it up—shocker


Son of the Sun

Wed, May 13, 2020 11:42 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

You do know she was not from a Chinese media outlet yet? Just because she looks Chinese does not mean she actually is...For fuck sake man. You are so wrong here. 

I think we all should just appreciate the irony of the dude who ALWAYS bitches about the media making up stuff due to bias coming on here to openly make up stuff in order to justify Trump's actions.

But that's Quaker. EVERYTHING, including reality, is fake news unless it supports his viewpoint.


Senior Member

Wed, May 13, 2020 1:21 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Also it wasn’t a “gotcha” question. Trump always “brags” about how the US has the best tests, is testing more than any country, etc. and I think a lot of people are wondering why he’s making it into a competition.

He's not making a competition - he's been pounded for months that we aren't testing enough.  There were some hiccups early on at the CDC, but I'm not sure that was the fault of the administration.  Some senior official was testifying yesterday that they moved quickly to resolve those issues - only a day or two and not a week or two as has been reported.  Trump is simply trying to reset expectations and the narrative, which is something all politicians try to do.  Cuomo is receiving wide praise when NY is the epicenter of the US cases and about 40% directly of why our numbers are so high.

I thought it was kind of a gotchya question because she's basically asking about an absolute number of deaths and cases as some sort of failure when, measured correctly on a per capita basis, we are below most of the EU countries.  It WAS a stupid question, but one that a skilled politician might have easily exploited to their advantage.

If she wanted to be an actual reporter, she might have asked him why he keeps bragging about the number of tests when the US still trails many EU countries testing on a per capita basis.


Senior Member

Wed, May 13, 2020 2:11 PM
posted by gut

He's not making a competition - he's been pounded for months that we aren't testing enough.  There were some hiccups early on at the CDC, but I'm not sure that was the fault of the administration.  Some senior official was testifying yesterday that they moved quickly to resolve those issues - only a day or two and not a week or two as has been reported.  Trump is simply trying to reset expectations and the narrative, which is something all politicians try to do.  Cuomo is receiving wide praise when NY is the epicenter of the US cases and about 40% directly of why our numbers are so high.

I thought it was kind of a gotchya question because she's basically asking about an absolute number of deaths and cases as some sort of failure when, measured correctly on a per capita basis, we are below most of the EU countries.  It WAS a stupid question, but one that a skilled politician might have easily exploited to their advantage.

If she wanted to be an actual reporter, she might have asked him why he keeps bragging about the number of tests when the US still trails many EU countries testing on a per capita basis.

Almost every press conference he says something to the tune of “The United States leads every country in _______” 

My group of friends have a group chat that NEVER gets political, and last week a couple of them asked why trump is making testing and covid numbers a competition between other countries. 

You may not think of it as bragging, because well, obvious reasons. But to people who don’t really have an opinion on the guy And just tune in to get some info on covid, it definitely comes off as bragging. I actually liked the question. No idea why he felt like he had to respond that way, when it would be a perfect response to a ton of other questions. 


Senior Member

Wed, May 13, 2020 2:40 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

You may not think of it as bragging, because well, obvious reasons. But to people who don’t really have an opinion on the guy And just tune in to get some info on covid, it definitely comes off as bragging. I actually liked the question. No idea why he felt like he had to respond that way, when it would be a perfect response to a ton of other questions. 

What are those obvious reasons?   You really can't help yourself from being a dick with every other post, can you?


He's promoting something they are doing well, sort of.  Something he's been beat-up on for months.  That's the cold, rational take on it.  Not a defense of him, it's what politicians do.

The guy is a carnival barker.  Always has been.  This is not some unique form of braggery or competition.  He's just trying to reframe how people view the performance of the administration on this pandemic.

I thought the question was lame.  It was sort of like a "but what about the children!!!!" question.  She literally asked "why do you keep talking about other areas of concern of Covid when people are dying".  It's a classic trap question, and an asinine one.  The entire point of the conference is literally talking about what we are doing to stop people from dying.  Otherwise, it's more of Trump being Trump.  Only reason this is being talked about is his normal deflection of "blame China" magically becomes racist when directed at an Asian-American reporter.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, May 13, 2020 2:41 PM
posted by gut

He's not making a competition - he's been pounded for months that we aren't testing enough.  There were some hiccups early on at the CDC, but I'm not sure that was the fault of the administration.  Some senior official was testifying yesterday that they moved quickly to resolve those issues - only a day or two and not a week or two as has been reported.  Trump is simply trying to reset expectations and the narrative, which is something all politicians try to do.  Cuomo is receiving wide praise when NY is the epicenter of the US cases and about 40% directly of why our numbers are so high.

I thought it was kind of a gotchya question because she's basically asking about an absolute number of deaths and cases as some sort of failure when, measured correctly on a per capita basis, we are below most of the EU countries.  It WAS a stupid question, but one that a skilled politician might have easily exploited to their advantage.

If she wanted to be an actual reporter, she might have asked him why he keeps bragging about the number of tests when the US still trails many EU countries testing on a per capita basis.

Assume what you say is true, president's get those kinds of questions. They have all gotten them - liberal and conservative. The fact that he can't seem to take the heat and runs off stage like a child is a terrible showing. I know he probably does it to play into his hardcore cheerleaders, but come on. I honestly think he's doing a pretty good job on this considering the nature of this pandemic. 


Senior Member

Wed, May 13, 2020 2:48 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Assume what you say is true, president's get those kinds of questions. They have all gotten them - liberal and conservative. The fact that he can't seem to take the heat and runs off stage like a child is a terrible showing. I know he probably does it to play into his hardcore cheerleaders, but come on. I honestly think he's doing a pretty good job on this considering the nature of this pandemic. 

That's nothing new.  He's been that way from pretty much the beginning shutting down questions he doesn't like with "that's fake news".

It's not a good a look, but it doesn't really bother me that he shuts down the trap questions.  He's never going to handle that stuff gracefully because, well, he's more than a little lacking in that area.  I'm just done caring that he's not the POTUS he was never going to be.

You're probably right that he does it to pander to his base.  I've said repeatedly his primary, practically only, job is to communicate and he absolutely sucks at it.  He's trying to frame criticism of his handling of this as unfair and "fake news".  It's what he's done with every criticism of everything he does since day one.



Wed, May 13, 2020 3:47 PM
posted by QuakerOats



I know. BFD.

Did you? Cause it sure didn't sound like you did....


Son of the Sun

Wed, May 13, 2020 4:00 PM
posted by QuakerOats



I know. BFD.

BFD! Well, except for how the part where she's a CBS correspondent and not from a random "not really a media outlet" Chinese place essentially invalidates virtually everything you were trying to say.

Lol, no wonder you're always so gung ho about politics. You're as loose with the truth as the typical politician and are as bad at lying as the most inept of them.


Senior Member

Wed, May 13, 2020 4:05 PM

What’s sad, is that I don’t even think QO is trolling. I think CC trolls 25% of the time, other 75% just stupidity. I think QO 100% of the time is just how he normally is. Which is frightening. 


Senior Member

Wed, May 13, 2020 4:23 PM


  jimmies rustled ?


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, May 14, 2020 8:03 AM

No idea where this should go, but Burr is in some serious hot water right now. And if he did sell stocks using insider info from Covid then good. Already hate Congress for getting rich off doing nothing, they don’t need to get rich off of more bullshit. Pretty high up dude to go down if it’s true. Hope there is more to follow (Loeffler and Feinstein if I remember back when the allegations came out). 


Senior Member

Thu, May 14, 2020 9:30 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

What’s sad, is that I don’t even think QO is trolling. I think CC trolls 25% of the time, other 75% just stupidity. I think QO 100% of the time is just how he normally is. Which is frightening. 

100% troll.  

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Thu, May 14, 2020 9:38 AM
posted by QuakerOats



I know. BFD.

You are guilty of spreading FAKE NEWS. 


Senior Member

Thu, May 14, 2020 9:53 AM

You’re right; there are no communist Chinese apologists and propagandists in any media outlets.


Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Thu, May 14, 2020 11:16 AM
posted by QuakerOats

You’re right; there are no communist Chinese apologists and propagandists in any media outlets.


Everyone on here knows that this is your opinion.  That is not the same thing as what you said - that the lady who asked Trump the question was from a Chinese media outlet.  It'd be more credible for you to admit you spread fake news and move on. 


Senior Member

Thu, May 14, 2020 11:33 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Everyone on here knows that this is your opinion.  That is not the same thing as what you said - that the lady who asked Trump the question was from a Chinese media outlet.  It'd be more credible for you to admit you spread fake news and move on. 

The fake news part of it is that CBS likely made sure they sent an asian looking reporter in there on purposely and ask a loaded question to get him triggered.   



Thu, May 14, 2020 11:35 AM
posted by Spock

The fake news part of it is that CBS likely made sure they sent an asian looking reporter in there on purposely and ask a loaded question to get him triggered.   

LOL. Riiiight. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Thu, May 14, 2020 11:40 AM
posted by Spock

The fake news part of it is that CBS likely made sure they sent an asian looking reporter in there on purposely and ask a loaded question to get him triggered.   

Good God.  If you are this deep, there's no saving you.  Yes, that's probably exactly what they did.