Disgusted by the Trump administration part II

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Senior Member

Tue, Mar 26, 2019 10:02 AM
posted by thavoice

How is it that Pelosi seems to be the voice of reason now for the Dems regarding impeachment and this report?

She is correct, but the rest of those jackals cannot resist to keep attacking 

Unfortunately, the democratic party has shifted so far left that Pelosi is now "middle" in comparison...


Senior Member

Tue, Mar 26, 2019 10:46 AM
posted by BoatShoes


Kind of funny to me - in both the Hillary email case and likely in this case - much to the chagrin of people who dislike them - the criminal investigators have set high bars for the standards of criminal intent necessary and really we should all think that a good result in a society that values freedom. 



In the Clinton case, the statute does not require intent. 


The twisting and turning never ceases.


Senior Member

Tue, Mar 26, 2019 2:28 PM
posted by QuakerOats



In the Clinton case, the statute does not require intent. 


The twisting and turning never ceases.

The first lesson in first year crim law is that all crimes require proving mens rea "criminal intent" and an actus reus "criminal act"

The criminal intent in Hillary's case - 18 USC 793(f) - is "gross negligence" and her "intent" did not rise to that standard following Supreme interpretation of the espionage act. 

As with Trump - collusion that would rise to the level of a crime - conspiracy against the united states under 18 USC 371 - you have to prove that the parties "knowingly" agreed to commit some crime. Per Barr's letter, the Special Counsel found nothing that would rise to such an illegal agreement. 

Hope that helps! 


Senior Member

Tue, Mar 26, 2019 3:42 PM


Subsection (f) of the pertinent statute (the Espionage Act, codified at Section 793 of Title 18, U.S. Code) makes it a felony to mishandle classified information “through gross negligence”



Take care


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Tue, Mar 26, 2019 7:37 PM
posted by QuakerOats


Subsection (f) of the pertinent statute (the Espionage Act, codified at Section 793 of Title 18, U.S. Code) makes it a felony to mishandle classified information “through gross negligence”



Take care

BoatShoes' post addressed that.

"The criminal intent in Hillary's case - 18 USC 793(f) - is 'gross negligence' and her 'intent' did not rise to that standard following Supreme interpretation of the espionage act."

My bolding, obviously.




Senior Member

Tue, Mar 26, 2019 8:13 PM

Trumps new budget cuts out funding for special Olympics. What kind of soulless human does that? I used to volunteer in HS for the special Olympics and it was awesome. 

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Tue, Mar 26, 2019 8:47 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Trumps new budget cuts out funding for special Olympics. What kind of soulless human does that? I used to volunteer in HS for the special Olympics and it was awesome. 

To be fair, it’s hard to justify the Special Olympics  when there’s so much money to be made in charter schools. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Mar 27, 2019 3:23 AM

I'm sure this will be an unpopular view, but I don't have a problem with that.  As far as I can tell, the only rebuttal to it would be an emotional appeal.  A sort of "Think of the children" reaction.

Historically, emotional choices on money matters have rarely been wise.

Having said that, I certainly would hate to see the Special Olympics go away.  I wonder if they would be able to have the drop privately funded.  With the name recognition and publicity of this drop in funding, I would think so.


333 - I'm only half evil

Thu, Apr 25, 2019 6:13 AM

So Jack Dorsey, the face of twitter, just had a short meeting with Trump. Firstly the meeting was so short I don't know how in the world anybody could accomplish anything. Jack is quite progressive and what he things Trump will do to help him and his company is beyond me. The last person I would go to for anything concerning social policy would be Trump wtf. I think both of these screwballs were just looking for that media recognition of appearing to be working together or something.


Senior Member

Thu, Apr 25, 2019 11:05 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

So Jack Dorsey, the face of twitter, just had a short meeting with Trump. Firstly the meeting was so short I don't know how in the world anybody could accomplish anything. Jack is quite progressive and what he things Trump will do to help him and his company is beyond me. The last person I would go to for anything concerning social policy would be Trump wtf. I think both of these screwballs were just looking for that media recognition of appearing to be working together or something.


I believe he went to thank Trump for making him billions of dollars.  The more Trump tweets the more this guy makes money


Son of the Sun

Thu, Apr 25, 2019 11:55 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

So Jack Dorsey, the face of twitter, just had a short meeting with Trump. Firstly the meeting was so short I don't know how in the world anybody could accomplish anything. Jack is quite progressive and what he things Trump will do to help him and his company is beyond me. The last person I would go to for anything concerning social policy would be Trump wtf. I think both of these screwballs were just looking for that media recognition of appearing to be working together or something.

From a story I saw, I noticed a certain someone whining about losing "followers" due to Twitter's occasional purging of bot and spam accounts earlier in the day of said meeting. While that wasn't given as the official reason for their meeting, it wouldn't be shocking if that turned into the focus of it.


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Apr 25, 2019 1:02 PM
posted by Heretic

From a story I saw, I noticed a certain someone whining about losing "followers" due to Twitter's occasional purging of bot and spam accounts earlier in the day of said meeting. While that wasn't given as the official reason for their meeting, it wouldn't be shocking if that turned into the focus of it.

Saw that too and actually thought that was the purpose of the meeting leading up to it lol.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 14, 2019 3:05 PM

Sometimes Trump does something too stupid even to just be trolling.


You presumably don't want McGahn to testify before Congress.  Then don't go and suggest he misspoke or was mistaken about his THIRTY HOURS of interviews with Mueller's team.

I think, sure, maybe he really is trying to goad Dems into impeaching him because that will rally his base, especially if the IG and Barr come out with some concerning stuff around the whole investigation.  I just don't see who that mastermind in the Trump Admin would be (certainly not the Orange One).


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 14, 2019 5:40 PM
posted by gut

I just don't see who that mastermind in the Trump Admin would be (certainly not the Orange One).

I don't know if it is just blind luck but Trump makes a comment on a hypothetical and Andrew McCabe is out there spelling out how dirt from foreign operatives is laundered to political campaigns and its completely legal cause its been properly washed.



Senior Member

Fri, Jun 14, 2019 6:27 PM
posted by majorspark

I don't know if it is just blind luck but Trump makes a comment on a hypothetical...

That's an interesting point.  Not the first time he's done this - push the buttons to provoke a lot of uber partisan hot-takes, and then he finally spells it out and makes his detractors look stupid pushing fake news.

I didn't think his response to the hypothetical was bad, it was just insufficient.  Yes, you should not invite foreign influence or possibly "owe" someone something.  However, I think you actually have a duty to hear it, and then pass it on to the media and FBI so that it's not covered up. 

The risk is that you end-up being used to legitimize a smear.  And, as we've seen, that's precisely what happened with Russia-collusion.  And I doubt there was any coordination with McCabe, but I think you have to be an idiot not to realize that it's 100% true (the laundering of otherwise illegal/unethical oppo research).  It's exactly what Hillary did - it's a distinction without a difference to have the information voluntarily delivered be illegal, but money funneled thru a couple of third parties to BUY that info isn't illegal.  And I think this particular area, and some others, are kind of rigged to work against outsiders - even if you know about the dirt peddaling network, you probably don't know how to access it legally.

What people, myself included, forget is that Trump is very experienced in the political influence and dirty politics sphere.  He doesn't have to be all that savvy, but because of his money and profile he's been playing that game for close to 50 years.  He plays dumb because it comes naturally, but sometimes I think he is setting traps for his opponents.  He's also very good at leveraging this unique political asset where his words are malleable, and forgiven for being prone to misspeaking and abusing hyperbole - he gets the do over, and uses that to his advantage to bait his opponents into indefensible positions.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Sun, Jul 14, 2019 11:03 AM

Trump is such a dipshit. The democrats are infighting with the 4 young clowns, and instead of him sitting back and letting it go, he decides to tweet out that they should go back to the countries they came from (other than Omar none are actually immigrants). 


1st Team All-PWN

Sun, Jul 14, 2019 2:34 PM
posted by iclfan2

Trump is such a dipshit. The democrats are infighting with the 4 young clowns, and instead of him sitting back and letting it go, he decides to tweet out that they should go back to the countries they came from (other than Omar none are actually immigrants). 

He just can't help himself.  He always tries to heat check himself.  If he left it with his comments defending Pelosi, he would have been golden. 


Senior Member

Sun, Jul 14, 2019 5:08 PM
posted by like_that

He just can't help himself.  He always tries to heat check himself.  If he left it with his comments defending Pelosi, he would have been golden. 

Just imagine if he drank.  Trunk drunk-tweeting is beyond comprehension.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Mon, Jul 15, 2019 12:10 AM
posted by gut

Just imagine if he drank.  Trunk drunk-tweeting is beyond comprehension.

Oh sweet Moses ...


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Jul 15, 2019 7:29 AM
posted by gut

Just imagine if he drank.  Trunk drunk-tweeting is beyond comprehension.

It would actually be hilarious if drinking had the exact opposite effect on his tweets and he came off really mellow.  


333 - I'm only half evil

Mon, Jul 15, 2019 10:44 AM

Just putting it here for those who don't follow twitter and the like much: 

“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.”


Senior Member

Mon, Jul 15, 2019 10:51 AM

If Trump stayed off Twitter till 2020 he would win easily


Senior Member

Mon, Jul 15, 2019 12:01 PM
posted by iclfan2

Trump is such a dipshit. The democrats are infighting with the 4 young clowns, and instead of him sitting back and letting it go, he decides to tweet out that they should go back to the countries they came from (other than Omar none are actually immigrants). 

Exactly, let them eat their own, no need to act like a moron with "go to your country and fix it first" to people who for the most part are from the US (except Ohan as mentioned above).


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Mon, Jul 15, 2019 2:12 PM

That part obviously adds to the idiocy of it, but even if they were all immigrants, it's still an idiotic statement.


Senior Member

Mon, Jul 15, 2019 2:19 PM
posted by dipshit

“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.”

I mean, I don't want to put words in geeblocks mouth, but this seems pretty racist to me. You can pretend that Trump is a dipshit, because he is, but there are people who agree with this 100%.