Disgusted by the Trump administration part II

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Sun, Mar 24, 2019 8:08 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Schiff is saying that he's going to subpoena Mueller.

My guess is he's going to say that, and then blame Trump/Republicans when he doesn't actually follow through.


Senior Member

Mon, Mar 25, 2019 7:09 AM

Holy shit, that's incredible! Whatever sider you're on, you have to admit that's some damn good work. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Mon, Mar 25, 2019 10:05 AM
posted by like_that

Imagine having TDS so badly, that you are depressed the president didn't commit treason.  

Also, LOL at anyone who bought those mueller prayer candles. 

And +1 to whoever thought to sell them and bank on this.





Mon, Mar 25, 2019 12:34 PM

I was getting tired of the Mueller watch over the weekend. The worst parts of the media were showing the time between Friday and Sunday afternoon. It was all speculation. 

I too am glad the report found the President did not collude with the Russians. Although, as stated, it is not exonerate him either. If I had to guess what Mueller would find, the summary of the AG was about that. Russians were doing shady things, Wikileaks did hack the DNC , and those items ended up being released. The connection with Trump and the campaign was always iffy and unknown, but sounds like they could not for sure link anyone in the campaign to any of the efforts by Russia. The obstruction piece is interesting as I think you have to take the AG's summary with a grain of salt. I would hope the actual report will become public and we could see for ourselves the evidence. 

I do like this pretty much kills any impeachment talk, which I thought was nuts anyways. It also should hopefully force the Ds to focus on actually beating the guy in 2020 on his record and low job approval instead of trying to go back to 2016. 

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Mon, Mar 25, 2019 12:45 PM

For everyone's sake I hope the full report is released or nothing changes for either side. If I were a betting man I'd give that chance slim to none. 


Senior Member

Mon, Mar 25, 2019 12:46 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

The connection with Trump and the campaign was always iffy and unknown, but sounds like they could not for sure link anyone in the campaign to any of the efforts by Russia.

That is all simply false, if the summary was accurate.  If the connection was iffy and unknown, Mueller would not have reached a conclusion.  Instead, the conclusion was no conspiracy or collusion despite multiple offers.  That language matters - they looked everywhere, and did not find evidence of collusion.  It's not a question left open - not a case of "not for sure" being able to link anyone, but instead for sure there were no links.

The connection was never really iffy and unknown - that was fake news springing from a bullshit dossier and a joke on the campaign trail.  If you want to play the "unknown" game, it's "unknown" how much Hillary colluded with Russia.



Mon, Mar 25, 2019 1:04 PM
posted by gut

That is all simply false, if the summary was accurate.  If the connection was iffy and unknown, Mueller would not have reached a conclusion.  Instead, the conclusion was no conspiracy or collusion despite multiple offers.  That language matters - they looked everywhere, and did not find evidence of collusion.  It's not a question left open - not a case of "not for sure" being able to link anyone, but instead for sure there were no links.

The connection was never really iffy and unknown - that was fake news springing from a bullshit dossier and a joke on the campaign trail.  If you want to play the "unknown" game, it's "unknown" how much Hillary colluded with Russia.

Oh, I agree actually. From the outside, we were thinking the link was iffy/ unknown. I would not call it fake news, just speculation. There was a lot of smoke. 

Mueller was not able to find any link, no fire, and thus issued, well the AG stated, there was no connection. 

On your last point, I guess we won't know that until the/ unless the report is released. 



Senior Member

Mon, Mar 25, 2019 1:36 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Mueller was not able to find any link, no fire, and thus issued, well the AG stated, there was no connection.

I was half-joking about Hillary.  But I think we may need an investigation into whether the whole collusion story was a politically motivated abuse of power.

I think we need a full accounting of how & why the investigation came to be opened, and there better be a whole hell of a lot more than the dossier.  In order to restore confidence in the DOJ/FBI, the case has to be clearly laid out for the American people.

Now is Trump unique, or have we opened a pandora's box of political opposition?  A pandora's box that doesn't even require controlling a single branch of govt to obstruct the controlling party.  Frankly, this has been the direction of Congress for over 30 years.  And it's never payback in kind, but rather they ramp it up like 3 notches.  The Republicans can put a stop to this insanity, or they can launch like 10 special counsel investigations into the next Democratic POTUS.  Smart money is, sadly, on the latter.

Meanwhile, Manafort and Gates were doing this crap for years.  It wasn't a secret, apparently.  But we have endless investigations over emails, Benghazi, Trump, etc.....nothing comes of it.  It's just all political theater.  Just a fake effort at providing oversight, accountability and transparency.  If anyone was actually doing anything to clean-up DC, Manafort and Gates would have been behind bars years ago.


Senior Member

Mon, Mar 25, 2019 2:47 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I was getting tired of the Mueller watch over the weekend. The worst parts of the media were showing the time between Friday and Sunday afternoon. It was all speculation. 

I too am glad the report found the President did not collude with the Russians. Although, as stated, it is not exonerate him either. If I had to guess what Mueller would find, the summary of the AG was about that. Russians were doing shady things, Wikileaks did hack the DNC , and those items ended up being released. The connection with Trump and the campaign was always iffy and unknown, but sounds like they could not for sure link anyone in the campaign to any of the efforts by Russia. The obstruction piece is interesting as I think you have to take the AG's summary with a grain of salt. I would hope the actual report will become public and we could see for ourselves the evidence. 

I do like this pretty much kills any impeachment talk, which I thought was nuts anyways. It also should hopefully force the Ds to focus on actually beating the guy in 2020 on his record and low job approval instead of trying to go back to 2016. 


Now there’s a lot of nothing.



Russians were attempting to meddle long before Trump became president.  The obama administration knew it and did nothing about it.  There are a lot of people on the left who need to be heading to jail; I sure as hell hope it happens.  With each passing day it is becoming more apparent that the disrupter from the outside known as Donald Trump is indeed a blessing in disguise.


Senior Member

Mon, Mar 25, 2019 4:19 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1


I do like this pretty much kills any impeachment talk, which I thought was nuts anyways. It also should hopefully force the Ds to focus on actually beating the guy in 2020 on his record and low job approval instead of trying to go back to 2016. 

Since I know you have been paying attention to politics, specifically the Ds over the last 2-3 years, you KNOW this will not happen. They will focus on investigations of Trump and get nothing passed in the HoR.


Heck, they are already upset with the Senate for calling for a vote on the democrats own bill (Green New Deal). I mean yes, we know it won't pass the Senate, but the Ds are actually upset that the Rs are asking for a vote on a D's bill...


333 - I'm only half evil

Mon, Mar 25, 2019 5:39 PM
posted by jmog

Heck, they are already upset with the Senate for calling for a vote on the democrats own bill (Green New Deal). I mean yes, we know it won't pass the Senate, but the Ds are actually upset that the Rs are asking for a vote on a D's bill...

When the AFL-CIO comes out against the green new deal, you know the dems just aren't for the working class people anymore. They've forgotten who they are supposed to be.


Senior Member

Mon, Mar 25, 2019 7:38 PM
posted by gut

That is all simply false, if the summary was accurate.  If the connection was iffy and unknown, Mueller would not have reached a conclusion.  Instead, the conclusion was no conspiracy or collusion despite multiple offers.  That language matters - they looked everywhere, and did not find evidence of collusion.  It's not a question left open - not a case of "not for sure" being able to link anyone, but instead for sure there were no links.

The connection was never really iffy and unknown - that was fake news springing from a bullshit dossier and a joke on the campaign trail.  If you want to play the "unknown" game, it's "unknown" how much Hillary colluded with Russia.

I think the "Collusion is not a crime" defense is what comes out in the end. If we get to see the full report we'll see evidence of the Trump team knowing Russians were wanting to help them and that they were cool with it but that nothing rose to the legal standard of conspiracy - Barr made sure to include the legal definition of conspiracy I.e. knowing agreement - in the letter. 

Kind of funny to me - in both the Hillary email case and likely in this case - much to the chagrin of people who dislike them - the criminal investigators have set high bars for the standards of criminal intent necessary and really we should all think that a good result in a society that values freedom. 

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Mon, Mar 25, 2019 8:33 PM

And on cue McConnell blocks the release of the report to the public. Shocking. 


Senior Member

Mon, Mar 25, 2019 8:41 PM
posted by kizer permanente

And on cue McConnell blocks the release of the report to the public. Shocking. 

It's a non-binding resolution. Hence, who gives a shit? 


Senior Member

Mon, Mar 25, 2019 8:42 PM
posted by fish82

It's a non-binding resolution. Hence, who gives a shit? 

Of course you say that

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Mon, Mar 25, 2019 8:45 PM
posted by fish82

It's a non-binding resolution. Hence, who gives a shit? 

420-0 gave a shit? So do about 55% of Americans last I looked? 


Senior Member

Mon, Mar 25, 2019 9:29 PM
posted by BoatShoes

I think the "Collusion is not a crime" defense is what comes out in the end.

I think what you meant to say was there is no evidence of collusion, and even if there were it's still not a crime.


Senior Member

Mon, Mar 25, 2019 9:32 PM
posted by kizer permanente

And on cue McConnell blocks the release of the report to the public. Shocking. 

McConnell can very subtly troll with the best of them.


Senior Member

Mon, Mar 25, 2019 10:12 PM

How is it that Pelosi seems to be the voice of reason now for the Dems regarding impeachment and this report?

She is correct, but the rest of those jackals cannot resist to keep attacking 


Senior Member

Tue, Mar 26, 2019 12:21 AM

Pelosi is practically a moderate in this version of the Democratic party.  Scary stuff.

But people like Schiff are completely safe, so he can lie with impunity to further the agenda.  It's just like Trump supporters - Schiff's voters literally don't care if he's lying about Trump.  It fires them up when he takes on the POTUS, whether it's true doesn't matter.

Pelosi, on the other hand, is thinking about the larger overall election and what overstepping is going to do for their majority.  I feel like Trump may be able to continually troll people like Schumer, Schiff and others....and they'll take the bait and help him get re-elected.


Senior Member

Tue, Mar 26, 2019 6:00 AM
posted by kizer permanente

420-0 gave a shit? So do about 55% of Americans last I looked? 

Unclench, Sport. Didn't Barr already say he was going to release it? 

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Tue, Mar 26, 2019 6:17 AM
posted by fish82

Unclench, Sport. Didn't Barr already say he was going to release it? 

lol Unclench? Didn't mean to scare you with such ferocity. I apologize. 
And has Barr already said he'd release it? I missed it then. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, Mar 26, 2019 7:00 AM

I have a feeling that if it is released it will be so heavily redacted that you'll have *lefties screaming that vital information will be withheld. We'll then see another conspiracy theory sprout, led by the media. If you think about it how else will the media get a Trump Bump?

In the past twenty years we've had:

Truthers - 911
Birthers - Obama
Gaters - Trump

Social media has turned everybody into a nutter.
* edit
I would be remiss if I didn't include the spastic right in this.