Disgusted by the Trump administration part II

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333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, Apr 4, 2023 6:30 PM
posted by geeblock

I’m just glad to that everyone is finally on board with equality. 

The best he's got lol


333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, Apr 4, 2023 6:32 PM

Nobody was /against/ equality.

In Geeblock's case, he obviously chooses to conflate the two to mean the same thing. Understanding definitions certainly won't let him keep his ideology.
It's no wonder he argues for the things he does lol



Tue, Apr 4, 2023 6:33 PM

I’ll leave you with this and the. We can move on. I don’t think companies look at diversity hires or promotions and assume that the person can’t do the job as mentioned here. I don’t think whatever that paragraph cbhs wrote about some conglomerate dept in a company that wastes money is remotely true. I think companies look at diversity as a way to grow their business and creativity to make sure they are getting the most out of their most important resource which is people. It doesn’t have to be a fearful scary thing to self reflect as a company. If anything the business growth often will outweigh any expense. 


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 4, 2023 7:58 PM
posted by geeblock

I’m just glad to that everyone is finally on board with equality. 

I don’t think anyone on this board has ever not been for equality. 

You want equity which is an idiotic ideology  


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 4, 2023 8:01 PM
posted by geeblock

I’ll leave you with this and the. We can move on. I don’t think companies look at diversity hires or promotions and assume that the person can’t do the job as mentioned here. I don’t think whatever that paragraph cbhs wrote about some conglomerate dept in a company that wastes money is remotely true. I think companies look at diversity as a way to grow their business and creativity to make sure they are getting the most out of their most important resource which is people. It doesn’t have to be a fearful scary thing to self reflect as a company. If anything the business growth often will outweigh any expense. 

A whole big paragraph that proves you have never worked in private industry.


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 4, 2023 9:00 PM
posted by jmog

A whole big paragraph that proves you have never worked in private industry.

LOL....I think DEI goes the way of ESG.

Most companies, either because of lawsuits or recognizing the value in diversity, went that way a long time ago.  Today's DEI and ESG are not about fundamentals, but like so many other things "virtue signaling".

It's really all quite humorous to me.  When you break it down, while none of these groups/initiatives explicitly exclude anyone, the programs are essentially a way for like-minded individuals to form their own cliques.

If certain individuals don't understand why people view some of this as "reverse" discrimination (a.k.a simply discrimination), it's probably because they don't see the irony with the inherent exclusion.  As is often the case, it's more about getting even than getting equity.  Take women in business, for example.  It's an answer to the "old boys network".  But it's not an inclusive, all-encompassing mentoring network that one might expect with DEI.  No, it's about creating equity by starting your own version of the "in club".

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Apr 5, 2023 7:22 AM
posted by geeblock

I don’t think whatever that paragraph cbhs wrote about some conglomerate dept in a company that wastes money is remotely true. 

HR Department at every Fortune 500 company where I’ve worked:  “Hold my beer.”


Senior Member

Wed, Apr 5, 2023 8:24 AM
posted by geeblock

. I don’t think whatever that paragraph cbhs wrote about some conglomerate dept in a company that wastes money is remotely true.

Not to belabor the point, but this sentence proves you have never worked at even a remotely decent size private company. 

Verbal Kint

Senior Member

Wed, Apr 5, 2023 9:39 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

HR Department at every Fortune 500 company where I’ve worked:  “Hold my beer.”

And same for private held equity firms who need to virtue signal


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Apr 5, 2023 10:14 AM
posted by geeblock

I don’t think whatever that paragraph cbhs wrote about some conglomerate dept in a company that wastes money is remotely true. I 

Are you familiar with the WNBA? 



Wed, Apr 5, 2023 10:20 AM
posted by jmog
Not to belabor the point, but this sentence proves you have never worked at even a remotely decent size private company. 

no I dont think the DEI dept in a decent size company is vastly large consuming large amounts of resources.  I dont think liberals have some large conspiracy to create large govt institutions inside of companies or whatever was being alleged.  

This has nothing to do with the discussion or my comment but to answer your question I currently work with Amazon/Boeing to bring a flightworks training program to vocational schools to train students to work in the Airplane building industry.  A big part of the program for first year students in semester 1 is about Innovation/invention and a large part of that involves the creative process.  Both of these companies believe that the more diverse the group is, that the better it is because you have more ideas from different cultures and different ways of thinking.  This along with self reflection activities on leadership and what type of personality each person is are also key to the first semester of learning.  ( edit.. they 100% created the program not the schools)


Senior Member

Wed, Apr 5, 2023 10:36 AM
posted by geeblock

no I dont think the DEI dept in a decent size company is vastly large consuming large amounts of resources.  I dont think liberals have some large conspiracy to create large govt institutions inside of companies or whatever was being alleged. 

This has nothing to do with the discussion or my comment but to answer your question I currently work with Amazon/Boeing to bring a flightworks training program to vocational schools to train students to work in the Airplane building industry.  A big part of the program for first year students in semester 1 is about Innovation/invention and a large part of that involves the creative process.  Both of these companies believe that the more diverse the group is, that the better it is because you have more ideas from different cultures and different ways of thinking.  This along with self reflection activities on leadership and what type of personality each person is are also key to the first semester of learning.

Working with is not the same as working for, hope that helps.

Again, you haven't worked for one of these companies if you don't understand the vast waste of time and money most of these programs are, they are a huge resource sink hole.

I am not even saying they have bad intentions or are bad people, most of them are great and are really trying to do good and believe in their ideology. But that's a shit ton of salaries in a department that doesn't change anything other than making everyone else go through monthly or quarterly DEI training, which is ALWAYS repetitive (same shit we saw last quarter).

So my company has over 66,000 employees world wide. Thats roughly 250,000 man hours of DEI training each and every year which basically boils down to "don't treat people like shit, be nice to everyone" which every human being already knows. We all know you don't act like a fool at work if you want to keep working.

So if the average hourly wage from low end to CEO is $40/hr (probably close for us) that's $10,000,000 per year used up on DEI training on top of whatever all of the DEI employees make year round.

I'm not saying that is a total loss, because sure, maybe a couple people didn't know they shouldn't be an asshole or that they couldn't pass up someone for a promotion just because they are black, but in 2023 that is like 1 person in that 66,000 employees. 


Senior Member

Wed, Apr 5, 2023 10:44 AM
posted by geeblock

Diversity , equity, inclusion are all good things. 

No, not necessarily.  Diversity for the sake of diversity is not a good thing, it can actually lead to bad outcomes.  

Equity is essentially Marxism.

Inclusion ........not exactly sure what the warriors mean by it, but obviously including the views of others can help in decision-making, but only if the views have merit.  

Merit is what we should ALL be striving for; that is what is important, not how many boxes you can check. 



Wed, Apr 5, 2023 10:52 AM
posted by jmog

Working with is not the same as working for, hope that helps.

Again, you haven't worked for one of these companies if you don't understand the vast waste of time and money most of these programs are, they are a huge resource sink hole.

I am not even saying they have bad intentions or are bad people, most of them are great and are really trying to do good and believe in their ideology. But that's a shit ton of salaries in a department that doesn't change anything other than making everyone else go through monthly or quarterly DEI training, which is ALWAYS repetitive (same shit we saw last quarter).

So my company has over 66,000 employees world wide. Thats roughly 250,000 man hours of DEI training each and every year which basically boils down to "don't treat people like shit, be nice to everyone" which every human being already knows. We all know you don't act like a fool at work if you want to keep working.

So if the average hourly wage from low end to CEO is $40/hr (probably close for us) that's $10,000,000 per year used up on DEI training on top of whatever all of the DEI employees make year round.

I'm not saying that is a total loss, because sure, maybe a couple people didn't know they shouldn't be an asshole or that they couldn't pass up someone for a promotion just because they are black, but in 2023 that is like 1 person in that 66,000 employees. 

there are many aspects to it besides employee training which I wouldnt argue with this

Not that it matters, like I said I had that opinion before I started working with them so I dont know why you had to throw in the hope that helps part.  I guess you just cant help being a condescending asshole but

Also, yes I work for  directly for Boeing in the summer, I spent 8 weeks in Alabama the last 2 summers,  and they are paying for my training to go back to school to learn how to use all of the tools and machines, so that in the future even my teacher salary will be paid through Amazon/Boeing as a Teacher On Special Assignment,  and If I want I will have the opportunity to not teach at all and help them expand the program around the country. It's Actually very exciting i'm hoping our new school superintendent sticks with the program.


Senior Member

Wed, Apr 5, 2023 11:36 AM
posted by geeblock

Not that it matters, like I said I had that opinion before I started working with them so I dont know why you had to throw in the hope that helps part.  I guess you just cant help being a condescending asshole but

I do have a tendency to be a condescending asshole online when people say absolutely stupid shit. I am working on that, not perfect here. 

But trying to say that equity is desirable, is stupid shit. 

Trying to say that DEI, for the most part, isn't a huge resource sink hole for most companies, is stupid shit.

If they were Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion with some restrictions (diversity because being diverse is a good idea, but not forced diversity like Affirmative Action...etc) then their ideology and programs may start to make sense.

But blanket statements like "by 2025 our executive board will be >50% minorities" without even knowing if there are qualified applicants is "stupid shit" just for appeasing people.

How about we just work on making sure everyone has the same opportunity without talking about trying to guarantee the same outcomes, because that is Marxist stupid shit.

Again, I will work on the condescending shit like "hope that helps", but it typically only comes out when people type absolutely stupid shit.


Honorable Admin

Wed, Apr 5, 2023 11:51 AM
posted by jmog

Working with is not the same as working for, hope that helps.

Again, you haven't worked for one of these companies if you don't understand the vast waste of time and money most of these programs are, they are a huge resource sink hole.

I am not even saying they have bad intentions or are bad people, most of them are great and are really trying to do good and believe in their ideology. But that's a shit ton of salaries in a department that doesn't change anything other than making everyone else go through monthly or quarterly DEI training, which is ALWAYS repetitive (same shit we saw last quarter).

So my company has over 66,000 employees world wide. Thats roughly 250,000 man hours of DEI training each and every year which basically boils down to "don't treat people like shit, be nice to everyone" which every human being already knows. We all know you don't act like a fool at work if you want to keep working.

So if the average hourly wage from low end to CEO is $40/hr (probably close for us) that's $10,000,000 per year used up on DEI training on top of whatever all of the DEI employees make year round.

I'm not saying that is a total loss, because sure, maybe a couple people didn't know they shouldn't be an asshole or that they couldn't pass up someone for a promotion just because they are black, but in 2023 that is like 1 person in that 66,000 employees. 

Do you guys have a Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer? We're about 5000 employees and have recently added that title to our leadership team. Not saying I agree or disagree with it, but it now exists. We also have a VP of ESG.

The DEI stuff at our place hasn't been terrible. I don't think anything has been mandatory, but they do bribe you with points that can increase the company contribution to your health savings, etc. My wife is dealing with it at the University level and it seems to be the kind of joke you would expect at a large state school.

Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Wed, Apr 5, 2023 12:02 PM

I’ve been a supporter of DEI for over 30 years. I never got the fax that It didn’t stand for Dale Earnhardt Incorporated anymore


Senior Member

Wed, Apr 5, 2023 12:08 PM
posted by justincredible

Do you guys have a Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer? We're about 5000 employees and have recently added that title to our leadership team. Not saying I agree or disagree with it, but it now exists. We also have a VP of ESG.

The DEI stuff at our place hasn't been terrible. I don't think anything has been mandatory, but they do bribe you with points that can increase the company contribution to your health savings, etc. My wife is dealing with it at the University level and it seems to be the kind of joke you would expect at a large state school.

We have all that shit, but not sure if its the same exact title or not. We have a whole group in each "region's" HR department for DEI.


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, Apr 5, 2023 4:44 PM

At face value I don't really care if Trump is indicted/arrested. He's not a family member or even my friend.

But the shit show going on is cringe. The political persecution that has now gone on for years is tiresome. And I have to wonder if, as a body, the dems understand what they are doing, think about consequences. We all know what their strategy is - but are they really betting that the outcome they want (Trump to never be president again) is worth what will come after?

I have to ask the Biden voters on here: Is this one of the minute reasons that you voted for Biden? Did you think that things like this would keep going on or did you think that it would stop once a dem won the presidency? Did you vote for Biden out of ideological habit? Or was Trump so crass that putting up with all of this was worth it to you? Did you think that Biden had better foreign/domestic agendas? Was it his promises of diversity hires (first black this, first gay that, first trans, first non-binary, etc.)?

Verbal Kint

Senior Member

Thu, Apr 6, 2023 9:57 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

I have to ask the Biden voters on here: Is this one of the minute reasons that you voted for Biden? Did you think that things like this would keep going on or did you think that it would stop once a dem won the presidency? Did you vote for Biden out of ideological habit? Or was Trump so crass that putting up with all of this was worth it to you? Did you think that Biden had better foreign/domestic agendas? Was it his promises of diversity hires (first black this, first gay that, first trans, first non-binary, etc.)?

I imagine that most votes are usually not for a candidate, but rather against the other candidate.  2016 & 2020 probably was on the edge of the bell curve for that.  Hard to imagine seeing Biden as competent.  I voted against a candidate in 2016 for president, since the state I reside in was determined result in 2020, I actually voted for a candidate


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Apr 6, 2023 5:50 PM

DEI is a grift, as is ESG. Just more ways for liberals to project their garbage social policies. Not surprised Gblock supports it. OSU supposedly has over 80 DEI employees, that’s absurd and adds 0 value, especially for the top line. 

Equity- literally not letting in the best students into colleges to fit a quota, lowering scoring for professions like doctors and pilots, letting violent criminals out on bail.

Inclusion- letting boys play in girls sports, letting mentally ill children be mutilated, big corporations promotions mentally ill trans people to boost their social credit score. 

No thanks. Also LOL that Chicago voted in one of the most liberal mayors in the country. Let it burn. 



Fri, Apr 7, 2023 9:32 AM
posted by iclfan2

DEI is a grift, as is ESG. Just more ways for liberals to project their garbage social policies. Not surprised Gblock supports it. OSU supposedly has over 80 DEI employees, that’s absurd and adds 0 value, especially for the top line. 

Equity- literally not letting in the best students into colleges to fit a quota, lowering scoring for professions like doctors and pilots, letting violent criminals out on bail.

Inclusion- letting boys play in girls sports, letting mentally ill children be mutilated, big corporations promotions mentally ill trans people to boost their social credit score. 

No thanks. Also LOL that Chicago voted in one of the most liberal mayors in the country. Let it burn. 

It can be hard to see all the power shift from straight white males but I promise you will be ok. MLK was brought up on this thread and your hot take and some others reminds me of this hot take from the day after the I have a dream speech. 

Verbal Kint

Senior Member

Fri, Apr 7, 2023 7:52 PM
posted by geeblock

It can be hard to see all the power shift from straight white males but I promise you will be ok. MLK was brought up on this thread and your hot take and some others reminds me of this hot take from the day after the I have a dream speech. 

Which person on this website wrote that abhorent article?


Senior Member

Sat, Apr 8, 2023 5:37 AM
posted by geeblock

It can be hard to see all the power shift from straight white males but I promise you will be ok. MLK was brought up on this thread and your hot take and some others reminds me of this hot take from the day after the I have a dream speech. 

Kind of hypocritical to call me condescending when you post shit like this “It can be hard to see all the power shift from straight white males but you will be ok.”

Kind of lost all credibility with that one chief.


333 - I'm only half evil

Sat, Apr 8, 2023 9:25 AM

Women couldn't vote before I was born. 

muh oppression!