Disgusted by the Trump administration part II

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Wed, Jul 17, 2019 2:59 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

"Wokeback Mountain"

There's been a concerted effort by the far left to change the meaning of words and people are slowly starting to conform to it. The mislabeling of fascism, nazism and even nationalism. There's nothing wrong with being a nationalist IMO. But we're slowly being led, as a society, to believe that the very utterance of the word "nationalism" is a dog whistle for racism. 

Meanwhile the left is becoming even more authoritarian and violent. I had somebody tell me on Twitter that it's (paraphrasing) ok to be authoritarian if the left does it because it brings about good change lol



I feel the same thing about the word “socialism”. Certainly North Korea and Venezuela are examples of how socialism can ruin a country. Free healthcare or college to me isn’t “socialism” plenty of countries incorporate these things very easily. There are also plenty of countries that incorporate aspects of socialism for the betterment of their people. I feel like the middle class is voting against their best interests overall just to fix immigration. I still see the rich benefiting the most from gop policy


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 17, 2019 3:14 PM
posted by geeblock

They really don’t have to run on policies like giving folks healthcare or worry about the middle class. They can just run a campaign based on fear and as trump said yesterday “many people agree with me” “many people love it”. This election could be a land

I may not agree with his policies, but I think many in the working class DO view Trump's actions on illegal immigration and trade as policies that benefit them.  Reparations and Open Borders certainly aren't policies that are going to appeal to most of the middle class.

And most people did get more money from the tax cuts.  Of course, the liberals always cry about not enough tax cuts going to people who don't pay taxes.  They also are completely silent about how taxes trickle down, EXCEPT when you're talking about tariffs then all of sudden they understand economics.

Barring a recession, Trump is going to tout record employment - across the board - and wage and economic growth not seen in 10+ years....and then he's going to say "see, we're making America great for everyone".


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Jul 17, 2019 3:19 PM
posted by geeblock

I feel the same thing about the word “socialism”. Certainly North Korea and Venezuela are examples of how socialism can ruin a country. Free healthcare or college to me isn’t “socialism” plenty of countries incorporate these things very easily. There are also plenty of countries that incorporate aspects of socialism for the betterment of their people. I feel like the middle class is voting against their best interests overall just to fix immigration. I still see the rich benefiting the most from gop policy

I'd recommend reading a couple history books instead of partially skim reading op-eds if you "feel" socialism is being misused.   As far as other countries incorporating "free" healthcare "very easily," the US still has the best quality care in the world.  England's system (NHS) used to be lauded and now they are turning down numerous procedures, because they can't keep up.  On top of the hefty taxes they arlready pay, they are also now making people pay for their own "lower priority" procedures.  So much for "free."  France just had their court order to stop providing support for a quadriplegic man (google Vincent Lambert)  Once the order came thru the hospital stopped providing him food or water.  This was against his family's wishes and the man was aware of what was going on the entire time.  He finally died his slow and painful death a few days ago.   Not to mention you're comparing countries that are a fraction of the USA's size, have a homogeneous society, and their defense is subsidized by the US. 

I also find it hilarious that failed socialist countries are not allowed to be used as examples of why it is such a shitty system.  Venezuela was the darling of socialism, until it wasn't.  The goalposts will always be moved as long as another country is dumb enough to try it.  The fact of the matter is capitalism (which apparently is now only a policy owned by the GOP according to gblock), has saved millions of lives and lifted millions out of poverty.  Socialism on the other hand has done the exact opposite.  Socialism is a good deal until you run out of everyone else's money.  After that, it is only a good deal for those on top of the chain. 


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 17, 2019 3:22 PM
posted by geeblock

I didn’t “inject” race into it. She literally asked him what his ethnicity was. That injected race into it. I’m trying to understand what her point was. If he answered a country or race was she going to tell him he could go back there if he doesn’t like this country even if he was born here? How is this different than the go back to Africa movement in the 60’s. 

You said, and I quote:

Was she trying to say I’m whiter than you? 

You did inject race into it.


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 17, 2019 3:23 PM
posted by geeblock

I do think the emotion and statement she made at the end is what a lot of people are buying into and it definitely could get trump re elected. They really don’t have to run on policies like giving folks healthcare or worry about the middle class. They can just run a campaign based on fear and as trump said yesterday “many people agree with me” “many people love it”. This election could be a landslide 

Ignore his talk/rhetoric for 10 seconds and think, is the country better off now than they were nearly 3 years ago?


By every measure they are. 



Wed, Jul 17, 2019 3:28 PM
posted by jmog

You said, and I quote:

Was she trying to say I’m whiter than you? 

You did inject race into it.

The whole conversation was literally about race but ok 



Wed, Jul 17, 2019 3:29 PM
posted by jmog

Ignore his talk/rhetoric for 10 seconds and think, is the country better off now than they were nearly 3 years ago?


By every measure they are. 

I’ll agree he hasn’t messed it up and things have stayed on the same line they were on 3 years ago. I’m happy for it. I’m not rooting for our country to fail.



Wed, Jul 17, 2019 3:34 PM
posted by like_that

I'd recommend reading a couple history books instead of partially skim reading op-eds if you "feel" socialism is being misused.   As far as other countries incorporating "free" healthcare "very easily," the US still has the best quality care in the world.  England's system (NHS) used to be lauded and now they are turning down numerous procedures, because they can't keep up.  On top of the hefty taxes they arlready pay, they are also now making people pay for their own "lower priority" procedures.  So much for "free."  France just had their court order to stop providing support for a quadriplegic man (google Vincent Lambert)  Once the order came thru the hospital stopped providing him food or water.  This was against his family's wishes and the man was aware of what was going on the entire time.  He finally died his slow and painful death a few days ago.   Not to mention you're comparing countries that are a fraction of the USA's size, have a homogeneous society, and their defense is subsidized by the US. 

I also find it hilarious that failed socialist countries are not allowed to be used as examples of why it is such a shitty system.  Venezuela was the darling of socialism, until it wasn't.  The goalposts will always be moved as long as another country is dumb enough to try it.  The fact of the matter is capitalism (which apparently is now only a policy owned by the GOP according to gblock), has saved millions of lives and lifted millions out of poverty.  Socialism on the other hand has done the exact opposite.  Socialism is a good deal until you run out of everyone else's money.  After that, it is only a good deal for those on top of the chain. 

I guess I just don’t see free healthcare as socialism. I’m all for smaller govt and less taxes but I’m willing to pay for healthcare. I guess we disagree on where our tax money goes. I would like to see a smaller military and for us to stop giving millions of dollars a day to other countries. We should take care of our people first. I get people don’t like Obamacare. My question is why not offer people something better? They will sign up for it and Obamacare will go away. 3 years later nothing better has came along and we keep spending on military, giving out millions to corporations and crossing our fingers it will trickle down, but mostly just arguing about immigration. 


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Jul 17, 2019 3:42 PM
posted by geeblock

I guess I just don’t see free healthcare as socialism. I’m all for smaller govt and less taxes but I’m willing to pay for healthcare. I guess we disagree on where our tax money goes. I would like to see a smaller military and for us to stop giving millions of dollars a day to other countries. We should take care of our people first. I get people don’t like Obamacare. My question is why not offer people something better? They will sign up for it and Obamacare will go away. 3 years later nothing better has came along and we keep spending on military, giving out millions to corporations and crossing our fingers it will trickle down, but mostly just arguing about immigration. 

So then pay for it...  Look into direct primary care if you really hate paying for insurance. 

Also again, it is not "free" healthcare.  You're taking the quality of our care for granted.  It's the best quality in the world and it's not even close.  The issue you have is that you have to pay for it.  All other countries are paying for it one way or the other.  The difference is their quality isn't even close to ours.  Now countries like England are forcing their residents to pay even more for certain procedures on top of the taxes that were apparently supposed to pay for their healthcare.  If you are asking why the Government can't come up with a better option, the short answer is beacause it is teh Government.


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 17, 2019 3:43 PM
posted by geeblock

I feel the same thing about the word “socialism”. Certainly North Korea and Venezuela are examples of how socialism can ruin a country. Free healthcare or college to me isn’t “socialism” plenty of countries incorporate these things very easily. There are also plenty of countries that incorporate aspects of socialism for the betterment of their people. I feel like the middle class is voting against their best interests overall just to fix immigration. I still see the rich benefiting the most from gop policy



For God’s sake there is NOTHING free about it; their taxes are through the roof, and the incentive to work hard to get ahead is nill.


Get in the game!


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 17, 2019 3:45 PM
posted by geeblock

The whole conversation was literally about race but ok 



Maybe start a thread on racism, then we can skip all this fake-racism-to-fit-a-liberal-narrative-and-demoize-Trump-and-all-white-males stuff.



Wed, Jul 17, 2019 3:50 PM
posted by QuakerOats



Maybe start a thread on racism, then we can skip all this fake-racism-to-fit-a-liberal-narrative-and-demoize-Trump-and-all-white-males stuff.

Let me guess you are fine with trump calling the 4 congresswomen racist for the last 3 days 



Wed, Jul 17, 2019 3:53 PM
posted by like_that

So then pay for it...  Look into direct primary care if you really hate paying for insurance. 

Also again, it is not "free" healthcare.  You're taking the quality of our care for granted.  It's the best quality in the world and it's not even close.  The issue you have is that you have to pay for it.  All other countries are paying for it one way or the other.  The difference is their quality isn't even close to ours.  Now countries like England are forcing their residents to pay even more for certain procedures on top of the taxes that were apparently supposed to pay for their healthcare.  If you are asking why the Government can't come up with a better option, the short answer is beacause it is teh Government.

Personally I have great healthcare but I’m tired of seeing all my timelines filled everyday with our real insurance plan in this country. Go fund me. Everyone is going to get sick at some point. You shouldn’t lose everything you work for your whole life. 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Jul 17, 2019 4:01 PM
posted by geeblock

I feel the same thing about the word “socialism”. Certainly North Korea and Venezuela are examples of how socialism can ruin a country. Free healthcare or college to me isn’t “socialism” plenty of countries incorporate these things very easily. 

Arguments about healthcare is one thing, even though there is already a safety net where hospitals don’t just let you die (and Medicaid). But at least the arguments have validity. Fuck free college. Work to make loans a smaller fixed interest rate or something, or force colleges to spend less on administration if they are publically funded, but haven’t heard a valid argument to hand out free tuition for pointless degrees for kids where some shouldn’t be going anyway. The same goes for student loan forgiveness. No one made anyone sign up for $30k a year tuition. 



Wed, Jul 17, 2019 4:04 PM
posted by QuakerOats



For God’s sake there is NOTHING free about it; their taxes are through the roof, and the incentive to work hard to get ahead is nill.


Get in the game!

What is the correlation between going to see a doctor or getting a surgery or losing your house because of cancer, with working hard. I see people all the time who worked at their job 40 years only lose everything. Bad ex


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Jul 17, 2019 4:14 PM
posted by iclfan2

Arguments about healthcare is one thing, even though there is already a safety net where hospitals don’t just let you die (and Medicaid). But at least the arguments have validity. Fuck free college. Work to make loans a smaller fixed interest rate or something, or force colleges to spend less on administration if they are publically funded, but haven’t heard a valid argument to hand out free tuition for pointless degrees for kids where some shouldn’t be going anyway. The same goes for student loan forgiveness. No one made anyone sign up for $30k a year tuition. 

I think the general public is starting to figure it out, and you don't need the Government to come in and fix it.  Enrollment numbers are dropping and the internet makes it much easier to access knowledge.  If people stop being stupid about loans and the degrees they choose, I believe colleges will be forced to adapt.  I can also see down the line "white collar" industries accepting certifications in lieu of degrees. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, Jul 17, 2019 7:32 PM
posted by geeblock



”even tho they are American now, they are not acting American” 😝

edit: they are members of the women for trump/trumpettes for America.


The woman in the front left reminds me of Kellyann Conway. I've never heard of the "Trumpettes" wtf

CNN is also catching 7 kinds of hell from everybody for having Richards Spencer on for a chat. WTF CNN?



Wed, Jul 17, 2019 8:05 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

The woman in the front left reminds me of Kellyann Conway. I've never heard of the "Trumpettes" wtf

CNN is also catching 7 kinds of hell from everybody for having Richards Spencer on for a chat. WTF CNN?

I saw that about cnn. Wonder if they are trying to be like espn and change their image. I saw a lot of funny memes saying things like “breaking on cnn 2 nazis and 8 white wen say trumps comments not  racist “lol 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Jul 17, 2019 8:41 PM
posted by geeblock


I’ve never heard this but the president of the us shouldn’t be saying this 

She filed tax returns with 2 diff dudes. Whether she meant to or not, there is some sketch about it. She’s also a horrible human



Wed, Jul 17, 2019 8:54 PM
posted by iclfan2

She filed tax returns with 2 diff dudes. Whether she meant to or not, there is some sketch about it. She’s also a horrible human

Wait. We talking about tax returns? (Allen Iverson voice)



Wed, Jul 17, 2019 9:42 PM
posted by iclfan2

Or anti terrorist sympathizer/ anti-semite. You cling on some conspiracies

Isn’t anti anti-Semite the same thing as pro Israel?