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Senior Member

Tue, Sep 8, 2020 3:06 PM
posted by Al Bundy

Just for the potential lulz. If the ratio of  Trump to Biden signs is 500 to 1, and you saw 2 Biden signs, how many Trump signs did you see?



Senior Member

Tue, Sep 8, 2020 5:48 PM

Biden will cure cancer 


Senior Member

Tue, Sep 8, 2020 6:44 PM
posted by sportchampps

Biden will cure cancer 

The amazing part of that clip isnt that Biden has completely lost it by saying that but the people around him having to go off the rails and defend that statement by saying he is an expert in that area.....unreal.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 9, 2020 10:23 AM
posted by Automatik

Trump weirdos all over the place in the Ohio Valley. Flags out of car windows on the highway, posted up yelling on the side of the road. I even saw one guy cruising around talking out of a bullhorn. 

You'd think it was an economically booming area thanks to Donald. LOL

Actually, much of it has turned around in a big way due to the billions and billions invested in the shale oil and gas in the region.  Fracking has been a boon for the area, and drastically lowered heating costs for the entire eastern half of the U.S.

Take care.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 9, 2020 10:32 AM

You've obviously never been there. 

Fracking was solid, but it's decreasing, they take and move on to the next. 

Fucking hospitals are closing, public school quality is going down the shitter. BIG turnaround!? You have no idea what you're talking about.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 9, 2020 11:23 AM
posted by Automatik

You've obviously never been there. 

Fracking was solid, but it's decreasing, they take and move on to the next. 

Fucking hospitals are closing, public school quality is going down the shitter. BIG turnaround!? You have no idea what you're talking about.

The upper Ohio Valley has been the benefactor of the shale boom.  Nat gas plants and a MASSIVE cracker plant across the river in PA have led to thousands of construction jobs.  There are still about 40 cranes on that jobsite alone.

Had obama not bankrupted the coal industry, as he said he would, the entire region would be doing very, very well.  Clean coal will come back, as long as Trump wins.

How many more shootings and murders in New York / Brooklyn over the weekend.  Nice place.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 9, 2020 12:26 PM

Honest question. Have you even been there? Take a drive through Steubenville and tell me how "booming" it is. Hell....drive the entire length of Route 7 on the river.

Shuttered businesses. Rampant meth, opioid and fentanyl use. Poorly funded schools. CLOSING HOSPITALS. If that doesn't signal degradation I don't know what does. 

I was born and raised there. I have friends and family directly involved with fracking, including my own father. Again...you don't know what you're talking about. Coal is out because it's expensive and inefficient.  

Brooklyn is fantastic. FYI: NYC alone practically equals the state of Ohio in population. Also, Brooklyn is huge in terms of land. Just because you're told of "omg violence, shootings!" in Brooklyn by whatever garbage news source you ingest, doesn't mean it's in everyone's back yard. Educate yourself.


Son of the Sun

Wed, Sep 9, 2020 12:54 PM

posted by Automatik

Honest question. Have you even been there? Take a drive through Steubenville and tell me how "booming" it is. Hell....drive the entire length of Route 7 on the river.

Shuttered businesses. Rampant meth, opioid and fentanyl use. Poorly funded schools. CLOSING HOSPITALS. If that doesn't signal degradation I don't know what does. 

I was born and raised there. I have friends and family directly involved with fracking, including my own father. Again...you don't know what you're talking about. Coal is out because it's expensive and inefficient.  

Brooklyn is fantastic. FYI: NYC alone practically equals the state of Ohio in population. Also, Brooklyn is huge in terms of land. Just because you're told of "omg violence, shootings!" in Brooklyn by whatever garbage news source you ingest, doesn't mean it's in everyone's back yard. Educate yourself.

All good points, except for...

You're talking to a blind partisan who is incapable of giving anything other than talking points in order to prop up his side at the expense of the other, regardless of how truthful they actually are. No critical thinking, no "it's good in some ways, but bad in others" sort of compromise -- just "everything my side does is great; everything else sucks" idiocy over and over and over again to the degree that most of the more conservatively-aligned posters on this site look at him as a joke whom they try to distance themselves from as much as possible.

In a way, it's funny a person can be this willfully delusional; in another, it's pretty sad that a person's life can be so hollow and meaningless that their entire sense of self-worth is directly tied to a fucking political party.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 9, 2020 3:30 PM
posted by Automatik

Honest question. Have you even been there? Take a drive through Steubenville and tell me how "booming" it is. Hell....drive the entire length of Route 7 on the river.

Shuttered businesses. Rampant meth, opioid and fentanyl use. Poorly funded schools. CLOSING HOSPITALS. If that doesn't signal degradation I don't know what does. 

I was born and raised there. I have friends and family directly involved with fracking, including my own father. Again...you don't know what you're talking about. Coal is out because it's expensive and inefficient.  

Brooklyn is fantastic. FYI: NYC alone practically equals the state of Ohio in population. Also, Brooklyn is huge in terms of land. Just because you're told of "omg violence, shootings!" in Brooklyn by whatever garbage news source you ingest, doesn't mean it's in everyone's back yard. Educate yourself.

Yes, I have been there; and yes I reside near there.  I understand the issues they still face after bureaucrats, dems, and global elites sold out US manufacturing over the last 30 years.  The jobs left, and the drugs moved in; we all understand that.  We also were able to embrace fracking and the technology to harness the many centuries' worth of natural gas and oil directly beneath us.  Becoming energy independent has been a very good thing, not just here, but for the country.  Coal is not necessarily expensive - hell we export a lot of it; it has just been massively over-regulated.  So yes, obama largely bankrupted it by regulating it to near death.  The end of that story though, has not been written ..........unless Biden and the radicals win.  What no one on the coasts understands - STILL - is that Trump is the only one who is doing more than paying lip service the issues that face the valley.  There is a reason life-long democrats have turned away from the democrat party in the Ohio valley and Mahoning valley and hitched along with Trump -- damn good reason.  And it is shocking that almost no one in the national media dares to venture into flyover country to get the real stories - they could not care less.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 9, 2020 4:35 PM

and these numbers are about a year old .....

Report: Ohio's Shale-Related Investment Reached $78 Billion ...

www.energyindepth.org › report-ohios-shale-related-in...

Nov 27, 2019 - Total shale-related investment in Ohio has reached nearly $78 billion ... 2011 – the year the state's first Utica Shale wells went into production ...

Ohio's shale energy industry attracts nearly $78 billion in ...

www.worldoil.com › news › 2019/11/20 › ohio-s-shale...

Nov 20, 2019 - Total investment in Ohio's resource rich shale energy sector has ... the Utica and Marcellus shale region, of which Ohio is a significant part, will ...

Investment in Ohio's Utica Shale approaches $78B ...

www.kallanishenergy.com › Company News

Nov 25, 2019 - Total investment in Ohio's Utica Shale is nearly $78 billion since tracking began in 2011, according to a new study by Cleveland State ...

Ohio shale investment hits $74 billion since 2011 - Business ...

www.dispatch.com › business › ohio-shale-investment-...

Apr 22, 2019 - It comes just weeks after researchers at IHS Markit released estimates that show by 2040, the Utica and Marcellus shale regions in Ohio, West ...


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 9, 2020 5:04 PM

You're not telling me anything I don't already know. I'm not anti-fracking. 

The point is, the area has been circling the drain for a while and it started long before Obama was in office. Trump didn't bring it back, and neither will another 4 years of him in office.

It's false hope and just a reason for people to drink beer and wave flags like jackasses.


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 10, 2020 10:28 AM

I am pro-beer drinking.


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 10, 2020 10:54 AM

I see where the Dems/media have done a job on keeping the squad quite recently


Honorable Admin

Thu, Sep 10, 2020 10:54 AM
posted by Spock

I see where the Dems/media have done a job on keeping the squad quite recently

Quite what?



Thu, Sep 10, 2020 12:04 PM
posted by justincredible

I drove to Northern Minnesota and back last week, through Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin. I'd say 90% of the Presidential signs I saw along the way were Trump. This certainly means nothing, it was just an observation I had.

Yeah, that is not indiucative of anything. I drove over to the Maryland Eastern shore and downstate Delaware over the holiday. I saw a ton of Trump signs. That does not mean Trump is winning Maryland or Delaware. 



Thu, Sep 10, 2020 12:06 PM
posted by Spock

I see where the Dems/media have done a job on keeping the squad quite recently

Maybe because they are just single House Reps, 4 out of 435, and there are more important things to focus on now. 

I wonder why this board hasn't mentioned the Atlantic article last week, or the Woodward quotes yesterday, or even the DHS whistleblower report from yesterday as well?

Trump has spoken ill of the military, downplayed the virus, and his own DHS is downplaying right wing threats. Maybe that is why Trump is down in the polls?



Thu, Sep 10, 2020 12:13 PM

We are post Labor Day and Post Convention and the race is largely the same. Biden is still ahead by 7-9 points and about 1-3 points in the battleground states. Seems like most people's minds are set already and the debates may or may not move the needle much. If you look at 538 where they capture all the polls, Biden is up in most polls in all the battleground states, 

I highly doubt he wins them all, but that is still something. Biden is even up in AZ by 5-8 points, which is really something given how Trump campaigned in 2016. Trump will have to pull an even bigger upset than he did in 2016 if he does not close ground in all these battleground states. I do think the mail in voting aspect and how that may impact voter turnout is a huge factor in how this shakes down. 


I was also playing around on 270 to win and even if Trump wins PA, OH, and FL, he can still lose the election if Biden takes MI, WI, the two Congressional districts and AZ. 



1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Sep 10, 2020 12:16 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Maybe because they are just single House Reps, 4 out of 435, and there are more important things to focus on now. 

I wonder why this board hasn't mentioned the Atlantic article last week, or the Woodward quotes yesterday, or even the DHS whistleblower report from yesterday as well?

Trump has spoken ill of the military, downplayed the virus, and his own DHS is downplaying right wing threats. Maybe that is why Trump is down in the polls?

Nobody has mentioned it until now, but I call bullshit on the Atlantic story.    Trump was in France two years ago, and now this story all of a sudden comes out?  The media reports anything and everything to strike up rage about Trump.  This would have been reported weeks after Trump left France, let alone 2 years ago if he actually said it.   The fact the DHS whistleblower is magically coming from Schiff after riots have made Dems look bad, leads me to believe it will also be bullshit.  The Woodward quotes are bad, but since the media drowns everyone with bullshit, I bet the Woodward story will go away for the next fake controversy in a week or so.  The media is our modern day boy who cried wolf. Remember the USPS controversy?  That feels like 9 months ago. 



Thu, Sep 10, 2020 12:49 PM
posted by like_that

Nobody has mentioned it until now, but I call bullshit on the Atlantic story.    Trump was in France two years ago, and now this story all of a sudden comes out?  The media reports anything and everything to strike up rage about Trump.  This would have been reported weeks after Trump left France, let alone 2 years ago if he actually said it.   The fact the DHS whistleblower is magically coming from Schiff after riots have made Dems look bad, leads me to believe it will also be bullshit.  The Woodward quotes are bad, but since the media drowns everyone with bullshit, I bet the Woodward story will go away for the next fake controversy in a week or so.  The media is our modern day boy who cried wolf. Remember the USPS controversy?  That feels like 9 months ago. 

Yet, no one except the White House press people is denying the story. It is a lot of no comments. Jeff Goldberg does not just make up shit. The comments also make sense as they fall in line with comments Trump has made about McCain. The Woodward stuff is just the latest in a long line of bad quotes, so yeah it will go away, But will just be baked into all the other shit he says. 

The DHS stuff is just the continuation of the squashed intel report a few weeks ago and I wouldn't link them with all the other shit that is going on. 

The USPS controversy is still going on and Dejoy may have to resign for violating NC campaign law.. Gotta keep up man. 


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Sep 10, 2020 1:15 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yet, no one except the White House press people is denying the story. It is a lot of no comments. Jeff Goldberg does not just make up shit. The comments also make sense as they fall in line with comments Trump has made about McCain. The Woodward stuff is just the latest in a long line of bad quotes, so yeah it will go away, But will just be baked into all the other shit he says. 

The DHS stuff is just the continuation of the squashed intel report a few weeks ago and I wouldn't link them with all the other shit that is going on. 

The USPS controversy is still going on and Dejoy may have to resign for violating NC campaign law.. Gotta keep up man. 

It’s hard to keep up with the news overseas let alone trump hate porn. Trump’s quote came out two years later from an anonymous source. Not even a full 24 hours after the “story” broke we had media conducting morning interviews with heartbroken vets.  QO has more credibility with his conspiracy thread than this story. You’re smarter than that. There are plenty of other trump stories to get worked up over. This ain’t it.  If there is one thing I will appreciate for Trump it’s the fact he (mostly inadvertently) exposed how full of shit the media is. That’s why nobody trusts them and it’s going to take decades for them to gain any trust back.  It will be interesting to see how the media adjusts when trump is gone and they no longer have trump hate porn to drive up revenue. 



Thu, Sep 10, 2020 1:20 PM
posted by like_that

It’s hard to keep up with the news overseas let alone trump hate porn. Trump’s quote came out two years later from an anonymous source. Not even a full 24 hours after the “story” broke we had media conducting morning interviews with heartbroken vets.  QO has more credibility with his conspiracy thread than this story. You’re smarter than that. There are plenty of other trump stories to get worked up over. This ain’t it.  If there is one thing I will appreciate for Trump it’s the fact he (mostly inadvertently) exposed how full of shit the media is. That’s why nobody trusts them and it’s going to take decades for them to gain any trust back.  It will be interesting to see how the media adjusts when trump is gone and they no longer have trump hate porn to drive up revenue. 

Yeah, again, Jeff Goldberg has more credibility than that. I've read his stuff for over 20 years and he is always been a credible reporter. He is not one to make shit up or get played for quotes. 

Also, they would all revert back to pre-2016 like most of us will I hope.  But, Trump is not going away quietly. He will still be on whatever media spouting off crazy shit even after he is gone. 


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Sep 10, 2020 1:40 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yeah, again, Jeff Goldberg has more credibility than that. I've read his stuff for over 20 years and he is always been a credible reporter. He is not one to make shit up or get played for quotes. 

Also, they would all revert back to pre-2016 like most of us will I hope.  But, Trump is not going away quietly. He will still be on whatever media spouting off crazy shit even after he is gone. 

Ahh yes, I recall the same thing being said about Ronan Farrow and other reporters during the Kavanaugh fiasco (just a small sample of journalists who have taken a credibility hit). I revert back to my previous comment.  I will appreciate Trump for exposing the media for what they truly are.  

And speaking of pre-2016 media, I am sure you will take "credible" anonymous sources about democrat administrations for face value, just like you did for the Obama admin and Hillary campaign. 



Thu, Sep 10, 2020 2:02 PM
posted by like_that

Ahh yes, I recall the same thing being said about Ronan Farrow and other reporters during the Kavanaugh fiasco (just a small sample of journalists who have taken a credibility hit). I revert back to my previous comment.  I will appreciate Trump for exposing the media for what they truly are.  

And speaking of pre-2016 media, I am sure you will take "credible" anonymous sources about democrat administrations for face value, just like you did for the Obama admin and Hillary campaign. 

Yes..the two are exactly the same. Come on. 

Anonymous stories are not all created equal. Jeff Goldberg and Woodward are pretty damn credible.  

I think this all matters as it is just more shit and evidence that Trump is an asshole and is only in it for himself. I think the voters are tired of his actions and statements. 


Honorable Admin

Thu, Sep 10, 2020 2:39 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yeah, that is not indiucative of anything. I drove over to the Maryland Eastern shore and downstate Delaware over the holiday. I saw a ton of Trump signs. That does not mean Trump is winning Maryland or Delaware.