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Fri, Oct 30, 2020 3:11 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Who of credibility in the media said Trump was going to jail? 

LMFAO.  A bunch of people on MSNBC and CNN said that almost daily for YEARS.  They even had Brennan, Clapper and Schiff - and let's not forget Avenatti over a hundred times - repeatedly lying their ass off about damning evidence they claimed to have seen and KNEW didn't exist.  Have you been living under a rock the past 4 years while the leftwing media was having almost daily discussions over whether a sitting POTUS could be indicted?!?

There are STILL people talking about Trump going to jail after he leaves office. How the hell can you seriously ask that question?  I never pegged you for a useful idiot.



Fri, Oct 30, 2020 3:19 PM
posted by gut

LMFAO.  A bunch of people on MSNBC and CNN said that almost daily for YEARS.  They even had Brennan, Clapper and Schiff - and let's not forget Avenatti over a hundred times - repeatedly lying their ass off about damning evidence they claimed to have seen and KNEW didn't exist.  Have you been living under a rock the past 4 years while the leftwing media was having almost daily discussions over whether a sitting POTUS could be indicted?!?

There are STILL people talking about Trump going to jail after he leaves office. How the hell can you seriously ask that question?  I never pegged you for a useful idiot.

I said of credibility there man. MSNBC and CNN is not credible, even to me.  (That may shock some on here) Also, I highly doubt Brennan, and Clapper said the President would go to jail. Schiff, maybe, but I doubt it. 

Avenatti is fucking tool too. 

I have not been under a rock. I just don't live in the right wing fantasy bubble that you do. Sorry. 


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 3:22 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

And I am asking you and people on here why are they falling for the Hunter shit?

You say they have shit, but do they? 

It seems like you guys are falling hook, line, and sinker for the Russia stuff the left fell for. 

What am I falling for - facts?!?  Did Hunter not receive millions from Ukraine and China?  It's never been denied.  What about Bobulinski?  If he's lying, he's subject to defamation & slander, and potentially fraud and campaign finance violations, for starters.

Honest question Ptown - should there be a special counsel investigating Hunter obviously trading on his dad's name?  He has associates IN JAIL for doing just that.  There's nothing to fall for - there's only one reason Hunter got that money, but you refuse to admit it.

What I'm saying, Ptown, is to hold the media to the same standards.  The problem is, their standard for Trump has been simply that the story is negative.  The principle concern with Trump, from the start, was whether he was compromised....This Hunter stuff is about 100X worse than anything concrete we ever saw with Trump.  And it's a non-story, just fake?  Witnesses on the record, corroborating documents and a money trail.....vs. "unnamed sources"....yet, which one is deemed newsworthy?


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 3:30 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I said of credibility there man. MSNBC and CNN is not credible, even to me.  (That may shock some on here) Also, I highly doubt Brennan, and Clapper said the President would go to jail. Schiff, maybe, but I doubt it. 

Avenatti is fucking tool too. 

I have not been under a rock. I just don't live in the right wing fantasy bubble that you do. Sorry. 

LOL, I don't live in a right-wing fantasy bubble - I deal in facts and draw my own conclusions.  No one here has ever believed you were close to moderate, but you finally dropped the mask.  That you deluded yourself into believing you're only slightly left leaning DOES explain how you've completely distorted reality of the past 4 years.

And way to move the goalpost, bubble boy.  They all talked about criminality.  And in case you haven't realized it yet, CNN and MSNBC take most of their talking points straight from WaPo and NYT.  LOL, google "Trump criminality" and nearly 4.4M hits come up, but Ptown says "no one credible is talking about it".

You need to take a few days off because you've completely clowned yourself in this thread.



Fri, Oct 30, 2020 3:41 PM
posted by gut

What am I falling for - facts?!?  Did Hunter not receive millions from Ukraine and China?  It's never been denied.  What about Bobulinski?  If he's lying, he's subject to defamation & slander, and potentially fraud and campaign finance violations, for starters.

Honest question Ptown - should there be a special counsel investigating Hunter obviously trading on his dad's name?  He has associates IN JAIL for doing just that.  There's nothing to fall for - there's only one reason Hunter got that money, but you refuse to admit it.

What I'm saying, Ptown, is to hold the media to the same standards.  The problem is, their standard for Trump has been simply that the story is negative.  The principle concern with Trump, from the start, was whether he was compromised....This Hunter stuff is about 100X worse than anything concrete we ever saw with Trump.  And it's a non-story, just fake?  Witnesses on the record, corroborating documents and a money trail.....vs. "unnamed sources"....yet, which one is deemed newsworthy?

Did he receive millions? Sounds like it. But, does it impact Joe in any way? Not clear. 

Should there be? I don't know, I think the Senate report did a decent job at detailing Hunter's dealings. They said his actions did not compromise US policy or impact his father. The laptop is just hearsay and we will wait for the FBI and others to show what it actually says. 

On your last point, I just don't see it that way yet. Plain and simple. 


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 3:50 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yes. My reading of history and understanding is apparenrly vastly different than yours. 

Is yours jaded by MSNBC and Occupy Democrats? Because the Steele dossier led directly to a FISA warrant to spy on an opposing campaign. The spying led to Adam Schiff just plain lying all over the MSM and Senate floor about “damning evidence proving Trump collusion”. This led to impeachment. 

If you don’t agree with those facts than you are not living in reality. 


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 3:54 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Did he receive millions? Sounds like it. But, does it impact Joe in any way? Not clear.

Dear lord.  Can you not see how unequal the standards you've set are?

Do you know another reason Hunter would have gotten that money?  You want to talk conflicts of interest, why are you ignoring a giant obvious one with Biden's son?  It's clearly influence pedaling and warrants a full investigation.  You're not being honest with yourself if you think that money came without strings attached.

Biden DOES have a history of being soft on China, actually quite a bit more than Trump is alleged to with Russia.  And Ukraine may have been consistent with policy, but twisting the arm to provoke action happened to be pretty timely for Burisma.

You simply can't think the Mueller investigation was justified but there's nothing to see here with Hunter.  Not a single legitimate business reason for Hunter to have gotten money from anyone.



Fri, Oct 30, 2020 3:55 PM
posted by gut

LOL, I don't live in a right-wing fantasy bubble - I deal in facts and draw my own conclusions.  No one here has ever believed you were close to moderate, but you finally dropped the mask.  That you deluded yourself into believing you're only slightly left leaning DOES explain how you've completely distorted reality of the past 4 years.

And way to move the goalpost, bubble boy.  They all talked about criminality.  And in case you haven't realized it yet, CNN and MSNBC take most of their talking points straight from WaPo and NYT.  LOL, google "Trump criminality" and nearly 4.4M hits come up, but Ptown says "no one credible is talking about it".

You need to take a few days off because you've completely clowned yourself in this thread.

I pop on here every so often to get a different view and take on things. I have noticed that the board has really just gone all in on the right wing conspiracy shit stuff. 

I can only just imagine of the shit that you guys will post after the election. 

I just find the world you guys live in so off and odd. First it is was dementia shit, now the Hunter shit.  

If clowning myself means I have a different interpretation of the issues at hand or apparently a completely different worldview from yours then sure. 

Whatever guys, maybe I will take your advice and peace out for a bit. You guys are just so off and in your own fantasy land it is jarring. 


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 3:59 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

The Hunter shit has not been evenly closely verified or linked to Joe as any of the Russia stuff. 

But, keep living in your right wing fantasy world guys.

I also give people shit on here because there are many more Trump conflicts of interests that is given little or no mention on here. It is like it is all Hunter, Hunter, Hunter! 

You say play it straight. Very few on here are is my overall point. 

You are living in a dream world if you don’t believe the Hunter shit is less corroborated than the Russia shit. 

There is no way an unbiased human being that has read and understood the facts of both cases believes this.



Senior Member

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 4:00 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Again, your reading of things and history is wrong based on the various Senate reports and the Mueller Report. But, keep living in the right wing world man. 

So are you denying the verifiable, by video, fact that Comey directly said the FISA warrants were pursued and obtained due to the Steele Dossier?

Just wondering how far your delusion has gone  


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 4:09 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I pop on here every so often to get a different view and take on things. I have noticed that the board has really just gone all in on the right wing conspiracy shit stuff. 

I can only just imagine of the shit that you guys will post after the election. 

I just find the world you guys live in so off and odd. First it is was dementia shit, now the Hunter shit.  

If clowning myself means I have a different interpretation of the issues at hand or apparently a completely different worldview from yours then sure. 

Whatever guys, maybe I will take your advice and peace out for a bit. You guys are just so off and in your own fantasy land it is jarring. 

Quoted for irony...it’s as if SnL or QO posted this...


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 4:47 PM

C'mon man


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 4:48 PM
posted by QuakerOats

C'mon man

Sorry,  but whether it’s QO or Qcity On yappi you are just to the left of Alex Jones. 



Fri, Oct 30, 2020 5:29 PM
posted by justincredible

Anyone got a clue as to what he's trying to say here? True international *something* pressure?

I got “mobilize true International pressure”. Sounds like his stutter popped up during “International”. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 5:31 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I said of credibility there man. MSNBC and CNN is not credible, even to me.  (That may shock some on here) Also, I highly doubt Brennan, and Clapper said the President would go to jail. Schiff, maybe, but I doubt it. 

But I remember you once saying that you usually watch Morning Joe (MSNBC). So why would you watch that channel if you didn't find it credible? Entertainment value?

Oh and as an aside, you all forgot "The walls are closing in!"


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 5:38 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yeah.,..I don't remember you thinking that during the Obama years when you did latch on to various shit about him. But, ok man. 

Do you have an example of a questionable story that I latched onto? I know as an Obama apologist it was very tough to see any criticism of your messiah, but I’ll wait for you to provide me an example.

I am not shocked by S&L, but I’m a little surprised you let QO break you on this site. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised considering you have lived in DC (or in the area) for probably a decade.  That’s an echo chamber on steroids. Your friends literally convinced you that you are a right moderate.


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 5:41 PM

As far as I know, people are still getting banned on Twitter for linking the NYP story. Perhaps if the left didn't create The Streisand Effect, it wouldn't be so concerning for half the country. When you censor news, doesn't matter if you agree or not, people in general don't appreciate it. And it's being done right before an election, that makes it exponentially worse. These are facts. What is happening is not a conspiracy theory, it is happening. 


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 5:47 PM

These Biden rallies with the cars honking remind me of the tryouts scene from Drumline LOL

BTW, if the Repubs somehow hold the Senate what kind of shitshow are we in for when the Dems try to shut everything down because of Covid?  Or would a couple of Repubs vote for more stimulus?  That's probably best accomplished by lame ducks, but if the Dems want $5T more in stimulus (and other things) in June it's going to be ugly.


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 5:49 PM

And also Glenn Greenwald has resigned from The Intercept, a publication that he was a founding member of. Why? Because they were censoring his reporting on the Biden stuff. He's on the left.

Matt Taibbi, being censored for trying to cover the Biden stuff. He's on the left.

This all isn't just a right-wing conspiracy, Ptown. Medias, not just social medias, are actively working, doing everything that they can, to keep the story out of the public. These are facts. It just so happens to bother you quite a lot. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 5:51 PM
posted by gut

These Biden rallies with the cars honking remind me of the tryouts scene from Drumline LOL

BTW, if the Repubs somehow hold the Senate what kind of shitshow are we in for when the Dems try to shut everything down because of Covid?  Or would a couple of Repubs vote for more stimulus?  That's probably best accomplished by lame ducks, but if the Dems want $5T more in stimulus (and other things) in June it's going to be ugly.

It's going to be a shitshow, no matter what. I saw some pics of businesses boarding up their windows in advance of the election.

Think about that. People boarding up windows in fear of a reaction to an election. In the US. Hard to believe.


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 6:04 PM


The Intercept’s editors, in violation of my contractual right of editorial freedom, censored an article I wrote this week, refusing to publish it unless I remove all sections critical of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden
The censored article, based on recently revealed emails and witness testimony, raised critical questions about Biden’s conduct. Not content to simply prevent publication of this article at the media outlet I co-founded, these Intercept editors also demanded that I refrain from exercising a separate contractual right to publish this article with any other publication.


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 6:25 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

As far as I know, people are still getting banned on Twitter for linking the NYP story. Perhaps if the left didn't create The Streisand Effect, it wouldn't be so concerning for half the country. When you censor news, doesn't matter if you agree or not, people in general don't appreciate it. And it's being done right before an election, that makes it exponentially worse. These are facts. What is happening is not a conspiracy theory, it is happening. 

It's truly astounding.  The money Hunter got from Ukraine and China doesn't seem to be disputed by anyone, least of all the Bidens.  That alone should be cause for MAJOR concern from everyone screaming "Russia! Russia! Russia!" for 4 years.

I believe Ratliff confirmed the FBI has the laptop, which is inappropriate, but as sitting DNI he is a credible figure in the know.  This is a new thing with the left when a Admin official says something they don't like they accuse him of lying for Trump (they prefer instead to quote "sources" with dubious stories about Trump off the record).  If Ratliff did this post-office on Fox or some other right wing outlet, ala Brennan/Comey/Clapper, then OK grain of salt.  But to cite Adam Schiff - who is a proven liar second possibly to only Trump - saying the laptop is Russian disinformation with no evidence of that over Ratliff is not journalism, it's a cover-up.

Then on top of that, you have Bobulinski and another guy who have gone on the record and provided corroborating evidence.  Now the one guy is a criminal, and Bobulinski might have an ax to grind.  But by what standard is all this deemed fake Russian disinformation and suppressed?!?  Certainly not any standard applied to Trump, not remotely.  Fox has allegedly confirmed Bobulinski was interviewed by the FBI and phones examined - and still not newsworthy?!?  There's a lot of decidely un-fake aspects to this story.

Granted, the Hunter money angle wasn't been suppressed previously.  And the laptop is very questionable, but Ratliff does add credibility and make it newsworthy.  What was the standard applied to Comey or Bolton and many others?  Then we have named witnesses on the record.  So you have a dossier-like thing at the center of this story, and the whole story gets suppressed?  Where were the fact checkers on Russia?  Where was the suppression of the fake stories from the dossier?

Finally, how are Adam Schiff and other hacks allowed to claim the laptop is Russian disinformation without providing proof?  Are those stories being suppressed?  If the laptop doesn't exist, how can it be Russian disinformation?  And if emails are corroborated on the record - mind you, by people who legitimately possess them (a.k.a not leaked or stolen) - then the laptop isn't even the center of the story any more.

I'm just shocked.  This is literally something you expect from communist China.  Now I haven't seen much that's new [and relevant] information, just confirmation and that Biden probably lied about knowing about Hunter's dealings (which, of course he did!).  So it's fascinating that the laptop triggered this, and that the laptop is why it's still being censored.  But Bobulinksi is the story now, not the laptop.  And there's no evidence I've seen that he's not credible.  He may have a giant grudge, but if he were making any of this up that's a huge personal risk to take, and for what?  The laptop is irrelevant - Bobulinski has validated the key aspects of the story.  How many stories run on Don Jr. and Eric?  Yet that same media practically ignores the Hunter fiasco.  There was more coverage of Ivanka's patent for voting machines in China than Hunter.  That's just a fucking disgrace.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 6:32 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

It's going to be a shitshow, no matter what. I saw some pics of businesses boarding up their windows in advance of the election.

Think about that. People boarding up windows in fear of a reaction to an election. In the US. Hard to believe.

I mean it’s not no matter what though. There is only one side that riots, bc they don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves. 


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 6:36 PM
posted by iclfan2

I mean it’s not no matter what though. There is only one side that riots, bc they don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves.

Not rioting is white privilege.