2020 Presidential Election thread

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Senior Member

Wed, Oct 28, 2020 1:57 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

What about the Steele Dossier and the Hunter Stuff? 

I have to reeducate myself on the right wing conspiracy shit, Was the Steele stuff before or after the election? I think it was after, so it really does not compare to the Hunter stuff. 

If we want to make a 1 to 1 comparison, it is the Comey letter and emails of Hillary vs. the Hunter stuff. There the media covered the Comey letter and email stuff on a daily basis. The Hunter stuff still has not been properly vetted. 

I don't think it matter honestly. You can scream Hunter all you want, the virus is the main story. 

The press says the virus is the main story; they want it that way and they control it.

The Steele dossier was completely unverified and now proven to be completely false.  Yet, it was used prior to the election in order to illegally spy on innocent Americans associated with the Trump campaign; i.e. Carter Page et.al.  However, the fact that it was not verified did not stop the media whatsoever from pushing the false narrative that it was somehow true; they WANTED it to be true so they ran with it. 

Contrast that with the first person allegations made by Tony B against the Biden Inc. complete with full corroborating evidence - real evidence - and the media literally refuses to even look at it ..........because they know the evidence is real; they know the story is true; they know it would be incredibly damaging and likely swing the election for sure. 

Thus, on the one hand they ran with a false story and an unverified document as the basis of the false story to damage one candidate; on the other hand they refuse to examine the barrage of evidence that is completely true and original from the CEO of the Biden enterprise in question and are conspiring to suppress the story to support another candidate.

It is almost unbelievable, but thankfully because of Trump, the staggering bias has been exposed, time and time again.  FAKE news has never been a more accurate descriptor than today.


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, Oct 28, 2020 2:26 PM

I'm leaning towards agreeing with QO on this. I'm very rarely on FB so I cannot talk or reference much about it. Never been on TikTok (lol).  But I'm on Twitter daily and see the political shenanigans that have played out. 

I just saw somebody there link to the fact that Trump has been censored by Twitter 65 times.  Just read Likethat's post about Khomenei. How many times has he been censored? Has Twitter ever censored the Steel Dossier stuff? Have they censored Biden's stuff? 

The NYP was not only censored, but banned. Still banned because they refuse to delete the tweet or alter how it was presented. Think about that. Jack Dorsey actually lied about this to the committee today by saying that the NYP wasn't censored.

There is an argument that all of that is some sort of interference. To what degree is going to be opinion, but it's pretty undeniable at this point. What's worse, Jack Dorsey is now asking the public on what Twitter can do better because they recognize the unrest and dissatisfaction. He wouldn't be asking that if he thought Twitter was truly impartial. 

Here Jack is playing word magic in a thread, pretending that he *now* wants to take a "good faith" approach and is asking people what that is and how it can be achieved.


Senior Member

Wed, Oct 28, 2020 3:50 PM

So if Trump loses, how is he going to overcome withdrawl from not being able to have rallies?

There was a big rumor, back in 2016, that Trump was going to launch a conservative news network.  I wonder if he'll still do that, or if he'll perhaps buy a stake in OAN.

I think, unfortunately, he's going to break all the norms and decorum about being a former POTUS (seen, occasionally, and rarely heard).


Senior Member

Wed, Oct 28, 2020 5:01 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

What about the Steele Dossier and the Hunter Stuff? 

I have to reeducate myself on the right wing conspiracy shit, Was the Steele stuff before or after the election? I think it was after, so it really does not compare to the Hunter stuff. 

If we want to make a 1 to 1 comparison, it is the Comey letter and emails of Hillary vs. the Hunter stuff. There the media covered the Comey letter and email stuff on a daily basis. The Hunter stuff still has not been properly vetted. 

I don't think it matter honestly. You can scream Hunter all you want, the virus is the main story. 

Both existed prior to the election.  Both were known by the FBI prior to the election.  Both were known by the opposition campaigns prior to the election.

The Steele dossier was used by political opposition primarily after the election.  This Hunter stuff is being utilized by political opposition before the election.

The Chairman could come out and put this all to bed before Tuesday.  He could deny this hoax.  Firmly state he never received any foreign money laundered through his son or brother.   State that this Tony Bobulinski is a "lying dog-faced pony soldier".  But he will not because he can't.  At least while he is not in power.

As for the virus I think you underestimate how many people loathe political corruption. Or maybe I'm underestimating how many people are scared shitless of it.



Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Oct 28, 2020 8:04 PM
posted by Heretic

Of course. If he wins, there will be completely unjustified riots and shit because the damn lefties can't accept the truth; if he loses, well it was rigged and the damn lefties cheated their way past Jesus II so they wouldn't have to accept the truth.

QoAnon is the right-wing version of the most hysterical progressives when it comes to political takes.

So one party chooses violence , and the other does’nt?


Son of the Sun

Wed, Oct 28, 2020 8:42 PM
posted by iclfan2

So one party chooses violence , and the other does’nt?

Note to self: Include all possible scenarios for every situation to avoid this sort of stuff.

My guess is that regardless of who wins, the losing side isn't gonna be quiet.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Oct 28, 2020 8:59 PM
posted by gut

So if Trump loses, how is he going to overcome withdrawl from not being able to have rallies?

There was a big rumor, back in 2016, that Trump was going to launch a conservative news network.  I wonder if he'll still do that, or if he'll perhaps buy a stake in OAN.

I think, unfortunately, he's going to break all the norms and decorum about being a former POTUS (seen, occasionally, and rarely heard).

He'll come up with some platform - he needs the adulation too much. 


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Oct 29, 2020 9:14 AM

I am sure Ptown will get around to NYT story regarding the anonymous "Senior WH Official," not actually being a senior WH official.  We know how cynical he is about anonymous sources. 



Thu, Oct 29, 2020 9:50 AM
posted by like_that

I am sure Ptown will get around to NYT story regarding the anonymous "Senior WH Official," not actually being a senior WH official.  We know how cynical he is about anonymous sources. 

Yes, cause all anonymous stories are to be believed and thought as gospel.....

The Op-ed was laughable from the start and I am not surprised it was a mid level DHS official. 



Thu, Oct 29, 2020 9:52 AM
posted by majorspark

Both existed prior to the election.  Both were known by the FBI prior to the election.  Both were known by the opposition campaigns prior to the election.

The Steele dossier was used by political opposition primarily after the election.  This Hunter stuff is being utilized by political opposition before the election.

The Chairman could come out and put this all to bed before Tuesday.  He could deny this hoax.  Firmly state he never received any foreign money laundered through his son or brother.   State that this Tony Bobulinski is a "lying dog-faced pony soldier".  But he will not because he can't.  At least while he is not in power.

As for the virus I think you underestimate how many people loathe political corruption. Or maybe I'm underestimating how many people are scared shitless of it.


Yeah, see on the debate Biden came out against the story and how he has not taken foreign money. But, as I said, that is still not enough for you. You will move the goalposts on him because you are not voting for him. 

Whatever on the Steeler stuff. I think it is more complicated than that, but I'll let you live in your little world view. 


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 29, 2020 10:17 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yeah, see on the debate Biden came out against the story and how he has not taken foreign money. But, as I said, that is still not enough for you. You will move the goalposts on him because you are not voting for him. 

Whatever on the Steeler stuff. I think it is more complicated than that, but I'll let you live in your little world view. 

So, Biden says 'nothing to see here' and the media and deep state apparatus buy it without reservation and immediately move on.  On the other hand Trump says the Russia collusion hoax is a hoax, but is hammered for 3 years by the media and the deep state apparatus and impeached by political enemies. 

There is no one with one ounce of integrity who could possibly think this is remotely fair or satisfactory. 

This is exactly why Trump must win.


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 29, 2020 10:23 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yeah, see on the debate Biden came out against the story and how he has not taken foreign money. But, as I said, that is still not enough for you. You will move the goalposts on him because you are not voting for him. 

Whatever on the Steeler stuff. I think it is more complicated than that, but I'll let you live in your little world view. 

Of course the Chairman never took any foreign money.  That was Hunter who was to hold a percentage for the "Big Guy".  This is the kind of thing old brother Jim refers to as "plausible deniability".


Explain to me how I am moving the goalposts when from the beginning I have said the Chairman should categorically deny this. 


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 29, 2020 10:24 AM

Nice letter from Jack Nicklaus endorsing Trump:



Senior Member

Thu, Oct 29, 2020 4:53 PM

Always enjoyable; heck the beginning may be better than the end. 


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 29, 2020 5:01 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Always enjoyable; heck the beginning may be better than the end. 

LOL, if you're throwing in the towel then it must be a Biden landslide.


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 29, 2020 5:46 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yeah, see on the debate Biden came out against the story and how he has not taken foreign money. But, as I said, that is still not enough for you. You will move the goalposts on him because you are not voting for him. 

Whatever on the Steeler stuff. I think it is more complicated than that, but I'll let you live in your little world view. 

Steele dosier had less corroborating evidence than this laptop yet it led to 3 years of "Russia Russia Russia" and an impeachment. That is factual information.

It's that the left and MSM wanted the Steele dosier to be right so they pushed the narrative. 

The laptop maybe a hoax, but it has more factual evidence behind it than the dosier did, and yet the MSM is completely ignoring it and you are blowing it off as well.


Honorable Admin

Thu, Oct 29, 2020 10:58 PM

Lil Wayne is MAGA. 


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 29, 2020 11:57 PM
posted by justincredible

Lil Wayne is MAGA. 

I totally respect these rappers coming out and saying "I'm not voting for my taxes to double - screw that".

Maybe not a bigger "F U" to the Democratic platform than being unapologetic for being rich, and prioritizing one's wallet over one's skin color.


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 5:27 AM

There was a vid by Dame Pesos who covered the TYT election reaction. That was probably the best reaction vid of '16.


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 5:58 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yes, cause all anonymous stories are to be believed and thought as gospel.....

The Op-ed was laughable from the start and I am not surprised it was a mid level DHS official. 

Normally when it fits your agenda. 


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 8:13 AM
posted by gut

I totally respect these rappers coming out and saying "I'm not voting for my taxes to double - screw that".

Maybe not a bigger "F U" to the Democratic platform than being unapologetic for being rich, and prioritizing one's wallet over one's skin color.


This kid went from nothing to something without the help of anyone.  You should read the twitter comments.  Unreal how quickly the left goes after someone


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 30, 2020 11:21 AM
posted by gut
LOL, if you're throwing in the towel then it must be a Biden landslide.

Hardly; if it's a landslide, it ain't gonna be the "Big Guy".



Fri, Oct 30, 2020 11:44 AM
posted by QuakerOats

Nice letter from Jack Nicklaus endorsing Trump:


Wait, I thought it was stick to sports with you? 

Seriously though, that is a fine letter by the Bear. 



Fri, Oct 30, 2020 11:47 AM
posted by majorspark

Of course the Chairman never took any foreign money.  That was Hunter who was to hold a percentage for the "Big Guy".  This is the kind of thing old brother Jim refers to as "plausible deniability".


Explain to me how I am moving the goalposts when from the beginning I have said the Chairman should categorically deny this. 

What I am saying is by the evidence of calling him the Chairman, there is literally nothing Biden could say as a denial that you would be happy with and accept. The fact that Biden denied the money story and called it a smear is not acceptable to you, yet is what you asked for a week plus ago.