2020 Presidential Election thread

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Senior Member

Sun, Oct 25, 2020 7:44 AM
posted by Rotinaj

Donald Trump is a shitty person and TERRIBLE leader. If pointing these things out over and over again when it comes to the President of the United States labels that person as someone with TDS then that's a bit crazy. Do some people go way overboard? Absolutely. I don't feel anyone on here does though. 

Find where I came down on anyone for calling him a shitty person.

Calling people out for their BS about him being racist just because they don’t like him and they take things he says out of context or watches cut up video clips, etc is not defending him is pointing out their ignorance.

The left calling people racist, homophobic, etc to anyone that doesn’t think just like them is EXACTLY why this asshole got elected and they don’t see that they are doing it again. 

He didn’t get elected because people love him, he got elected because the left drove the middle road voters to him by their rhetoric and name calling.

If everyone is racist, then no one really is.


Senior Member

Sun, Oct 25, 2020 7:49 AM
posted by Rotinaj

Donald Trump is a shitty person and TERRIBLE leader. If pointing these things out over and over again when it comes to the President of the United States labels that person as someone with TDS then that's a bit crazy. Do some people go way overboard? Absolutely. I don't feel anyone on here does though. 

This kind of post troubles me. The average person is not affected by who the president is.  They are a 1,000 miles away.  You have no evidence that he is a terrible leader but you say it anyways.  

Actually as a politician, he must be a good leader cause he gets shit done.  He demands actions and obviously gets them.  Unlike Biden who is just an influence peddler.  He has gotten nothing done in 47 years.  


Tits McGee

Sun, Oct 25, 2020 9:14 AM
posted by jmog

Find where I came down on anyone for calling him a shitty person.

Calling people out for their BS about him being racist just because they don’t like him and they take things he says out of context or watches cut up video clips, etc is not defending him is pointing out their ignorance.

The left calling people racist, homophobic, etc to anyone that doesn’t think just like them is EXACTLY why this asshole got elected and they don’t see that they are doing it again. 

He didn’t get elected because people love him, he got elected because the left drove the middle road voters to him by their rhetoric and name calling.

If everyone is racist, then no one really is.

What if people say he's racist because he's racist

Al Bundy

Senior Member

Sun, Oct 25, 2020 9:30 AM
posted by Spock
You have no evidence that he is a terrible leader 

Did you miss the last 8 months?


Senior Member

Sun, Oct 25, 2020 10:41 AM
posted by Fab4Runner

What if people say he's racist because he's racist

I would ask for direct evidence. Actual quotes not chopped up out of context like the Charlottesville and Mexicans are rapists quotes. I would ask for actual policies he has instituted that shows he is vs those that point as evidence that he is not.

Anyone who doesn’t have TDS could admit that if you go with actual factual things said, Biden has said far more racist things than Trump has but I bet you don’t care about that do you?


Senior Member

Sun, Oct 25, 2020 11:41 AM
posted by jmog

The left calling people racist, homophobic, etc to anyone that doesn’t think just like them is EXACTLY why this asshole got elected and they don’t see that they are doing it again. 

Largely true. Having one of the worst human beings on the planet as an opponent didn't hurt.


Senior Member

Sun, Oct 25, 2020 11:54 AM

Trump is the first President to openly support gay marriage before being elected. He actually did something about prison reform. (More needs to be done but he’s working on it) The economy under him had the lowest unemployment rate for African Americans ever.  He gave money to hbcu that desperately needed it. He’s made great progress on opportunity zones. 

If you open minded you have to admit his Presidency has helped African Americans even Van Jones had admitted so on CNN. 


Son of the Sun

Sun, Oct 25, 2020 12:34 PM
posted by Al Bundy
You have no evidence that he is a terrible leader 

Did you miss the last 8 months?

I'm pretty sure those are part of that 4D chess that CC's always going on about where he's gonna trick the 'Rona to disappear by pretending it doesn't actually exist.


333 - I'm only half evil

Mon, Oct 26, 2020 7:06 AM

At the end of today, I'm still wondering if JoMala will beat Bush in this senate race!


333 - I'm only half evil

Mon, Oct 26, 2020 9:52 AM

Long post incoming. Several things I want to say that's all over the place, but I'll try to keep them categorized.

1.) "muh Trump's racism!"  Citations please. What was actually said or done as far as policy that was racist. 

***Off the top of my head, it IS arguable that the misnomered "muslim ban" is racist.***

Other than that, I'm not sure what he said or EO'd into policy that was racist.
If you're going to try to critical theorize the false definition of racism, shut the fuck up in advance. 
One more time for those in the back - If you're going to use the critical theory version of the definition of racism, SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP.

2.) What Joe Biden has said and done (policy) is exponentially more racist than whatever Trump has said or done (policy). Citations are all throughout this thread, all over youtube, twitter, facebook, MSNBC/CBS/NBC/CNN/FOX/Slate/Vox/Buzzfeed/Breitbart/etc.
If you're going to accuse Trump of racism and using that as an excuse to vote for Biden shut the fuck up. One more time for those in the back, SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. 

3.) Same as number two, only replace racism with misogyny.

4.) Same as number two and three, only replace racism and misogyny with assault (pick any type of assault).

5.) It feels good to be the asshole, sometimes. Raise your hand if you claim to have never been an asshole on this site and then shut the fuck up.

6.) Be honest and just admit that whoever you vote for (if you haven't already) is basically going to be you holding your nose and pulling the lever for whoever you feel is the most likeable of two evils, the same way it's been for 30+ years. Unless you write in somebody not from the twin powers of republican/democrat. We've reached the point where whatever type of "charisma" is more tolerable to you edges out not only policy but reality.

7.) Proof of number 6 is that for those who will not vote 3rd party, you're choices are Trump and JoMala. 

8.) Thanks for reading the most unfriendly Ted Talk!

9.) For your viewing pleasure, I present to you Jimmy Dore:


Senior Member

Mon, Oct 26, 2020 10:12 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

At the end of today, I'm still wondering if JoMala will beat Bush in this senate race!

I saw that the other day when Biden mentioned "George" as the person we can't have 4 more years of, as in George Bush.

His wife sitting next to him wanted to correct him, you could see it in her face, in the fact that her mouth started to move, etc. Just like most "all there" adult caretakers try to do with their patients.

It reminds me of the last time I got to golf with my grandpa, who died 2 years ago from dementia. The summer before he was pretty much like Joe, able to go out, do things, etc but "not all there". 

He was in the cart with me, my son and dad were in the other cart.

After the first hole I couldn't remember if he got a 5 or a 6 on the par 4 so I asked him "grandpa, did you get a 5 or a 6?"

He laughed and said "Jason, I couldn't tell you if I got a 4 or a 10. You drive me up to my ball and I hit it towards the green."

Joe doesn't know if he is running for Senate or POTUS and doesn't know if Trump or Bush is currently president. His mind jumps back about 12 years when it was still perfectly "clear" and he was in the Senate and Bush was the POTUS. 


Senior Member

Mon, Oct 26, 2020 11:45 AM

....... Add to that, Comma La Harris doesn't know where she is either - Jesus Christ:



Mon, Oct 26, 2020 1:46 PM
posted by jmog

I have spent 20 years in the combustion research and energy industry. So yes, I do know what I am talking about with regards to this.

I know you hate to admit it, but it is ok to admit when you are wrong.

Oh good for you. You are partially right. Yes, it is partially political with little to no new nuclear power plans. The Nuclear Regulatory Agency is very old school in their thinking and that makes part of the cost of constructing the plants pretty high. The other aspect is it is really expensive on an up front cost to construct these projects. For the large construction firms, getting the funding to start and follow through has been a challenge. These plants runs in the billions and fewer and fewer firms are able to really construct these plants in the US without losing their shirts.  The profit margins are slim to almost zero. 

That is without the whole we have no idea where to store the waste political football question. 


Senior Member

Mon, Oct 26, 2020 1:48 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Oh good for you. You are partially right. Yes, it is partially political with little to no new nuclear power plans. The Nuclear Regulatory Agency is very old school in their thinking and that makes part of the cost of constructing the plants pretty high. The other aspect is it is really expensive on an up front cost to construct these projects. For the large construction firms, getting the funding to start and follow through has been a challenge. These plants runs in the billions and fewer and fewer firms are able to really construct these plants in the US without losing their shirts.  The profit margins are slim to almost zero. 

That is without the whole we have no idea where to store the waste political football question. 

You had a valid point until your last sentence.



Mon, Oct 26, 2020 1:49 PM
posted by jmog

I saw that the other day when Biden mentioned "George" as the person we can't have 4 more years of, as in George Bush.

His wife sitting next to him wanted to correct him, you could see it in her face, in the fact that her mouth started to move, etc. Just like most "all there" adult caretakers try to do with their patients.

It reminds me of the last time I got to golf with my grandpa, who died 2 years ago from dementia. The summer before he was pretty much like Joe, able to go out, do things, etc but "not all there". 

He was in the cart with me, my son and dad were in the other cart.

After the first hole I couldn't remember if he got a 5 or a 6 on the par 4 so I asked him "grandpa, did you get a 5 or a 6?"

He laughed and said "Jason, I couldn't tell you if I got a 4 or a 10. You drive me up to my ball and I hit it towards the green."

Joe doesn't know if he is running for Senate or POTUS and doesn't know if Trump or Bush is currently president. His mind jumps back about 12 years when it was still perfectly "clear" and he was in the Senate and Bush was the POTUS. 

Sorry for your grandpa. That is tough. 

However....just because you saw one clip that is what, 10 seconds....you think that overrides all the other interviews and debates he has done over the last few months to say he has dementia? Is it possible he was not talking about Bush but maybe the host George Lopez? But whatever Dr. jmog. 

I asked last week where the crazy dementia talk went. There it is! Thanks for bringing it back. You guys mention TDS, but I feel like this board is on Biden dementia watch. 


Senior Member

Mon, Oct 26, 2020 1:56 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Sorry for your grandpa. That is tough. 

However....just because you saw one clip that is what, 10 seconds....you think that overrides all the other interviewers and debates he has done over the last few months to say he has dementia? Is it possible he was not talking about Bush but maybe the host George Lopez? But whatever Dr. jmog. 

I asked last week where the crazy dementia talk went. There it is! Thanks for bringing it back. You guys mention TDS, but I feel like this board is on Biden dementia watch. 

I hope your Lopez question was a joke, because that would be worse than thinking George Bush is still POTUS.

I don't know if Ohiochatter will be around in 4 years for the next go around about this, but I would be willing to place a bet, travel to whatever town you live in, and buy you dinner if Biden is still POTUS at the end of 4 years and isn't removed for either the "25th" or steps down due to "health concerns". With the whole body of evidence sinde the primaries, these aren't just "gaffes" anymore they are complete lapse in memories.

Would you be willing to bet that he would still be in office in 4 years?


333 - I'm only half evil

Mon, Oct 26, 2020 2:25 PM

Oh hey Ptown, since you're around again, perhaps you missed a prior question that I had asked specifically for you?

It was along the lines of, why do you think that the media/democrat approach was different between the Steel Dossier and the Hunter Biden laptop?


Honorable Admin

Mon, Oct 26, 2020 2:32 PM
posted by jmog

I hope your Lopez question was a joke, because that would be worse than thinking George Bush is still POTUS.

I don't know if Ohiochatter will be around in 4 years for the next go around about this, but I would be willing to place a bet, travel to whatever town you live in, and buy you dinner if Biden is still POTUS at the end of 4 years and isn't removed for either the "25th" or steps down due to "health concerns". With the whole body of evidence sinde the primaries, these aren't just "gaffes" anymore they are complete lapse in memories.

Would you be willing to bet that he would still be in office in 4 years?

Chances are VERY slim.


Senior Member

Mon, Oct 26, 2020 3:13 PM


Honorable Admin

Tue, Oct 27, 2020 11:34 AM

Unintentional hilarity. Apparently the 22nd Amendment doesn't exist.


333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, Oct 27, 2020 11:46 AM

Interesting viewpoint!


Honorable Admin

Tue, Oct 27, 2020 12:19 PM


Senior Member

Tue, Oct 27, 2020 1:45 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Interesting viewpoint!

The left is really pushing this narrative.....so that if Trump wins, he must have stolen the election and needs investigated and impeached!!!!!!


Senior Member

Tue, Oct 27, 2020 1:54 PM
posted by gut

The left is really pushing this narrative.....so that if Trump wins, he must have stolen the election and needs investigated and impeached!!!!!!

Precisely, which will then 'justify' the demonstrating and rioting now being planned.


Senior Member

Tue, Oct 27, 2020 3:36 PM

But if he loses, it’s rigged. Ammirite?