2020 Presidential Election thread

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Thu, Oct 22, 2020 10:30 PM
posted by gut

Facts and truth aren't right wing talking points simply because Fox occasionally shares facts and truth.

Give me ONE reason anyone would want to give Hunter Biden millions.  You know the truth, and it has nothing to do with right wing talking points and everything to do with you denying facts and reality.

But go ahead and call it right wing talking points because it's indefensible and that's all you got.

Yeah, go ahead and focus on Hunter and how that really will impact a Biden administration while turning a blind eye on the Trump kids. 

Your bias is showing. 

Get the fuck out of here. 



Thu, Oct 22, 2020 10:31 PM
posted by iclfan2

You posted the same conspiracy about a secret China account... which wasn’t secret. Trump will probly lose, but at least he destroyed the Main Street media. Trolled 60 minutes by releasing his entire interview so they couldn’t cut it up. It’s all a joke. Vote for what you want, but I only care about my money staying with me. That’s it. 

Main Street media? 

Also, yeah gotta own 60 Minutes while he couldn't handle tough questions..

Come the fuck on. 



Thu, Oct 22, 2020 10:33 PM

BTW, does Biden still have dementia? 

I can't keep track of all the right wing bullshit. 

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 10:39 PM

Trump and pence don’t answer anything.  They have their talking points about how bad Joe is and stick to that. He never goes off his record. He never says what he plans to do.  He just said Joe bad Joe bad. 


Honorable Admin

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 10:52 PM

Lol @ this thread. 

Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 11:58 PM
posted by Automatik

Uhhh I missed this.... backstory!?!?

Q Onon bet 2kool4school that if Obama won on 2012 he would get a vasectomy so he couldn’t procreate. If  Obama lost 2kool would reciprocate. Obviously Obama won and Q Onon’s Catholic ass didn’t reciprocate.


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 23, 2020 12:15 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

You guys claim I live in a bubble. wow. 

Yes, Hunter clearly profited from his dad. How much did Joe know or profit from it? Well, we know he did not profit from it because he has released his tax returns and we can see he did not. What else do we know about it, not much because it is very unclear how much information is actually legit vs. not, even other posters on here agree on that. 

It should be a wash anyways, because if it did matter, the fact the Trump kids and Trump organization is also making money overseas and even here in the US would also raise a lot of red flags. We do not know anything really about how the Trumps could be using the office of the Presidency to profit because we do not legally have any of their tax or financial situation. If posters on here really cared about kids profiting off their dad, they would mention the Trumps, yet barely a mention on this board.

Is it worse than Russia? Not right now as there is no one in jail or under trial like the Russia information or scandal. Until the campaign manager for Biden goes to jail, kinda hard to say it is worse than Russia. 

On healthcare, wtf are you talking about? McConnell is the one saying they do not have the votes to even consider any other version of what they already passed. If the two chambers pass two different versions, they are supposed to have a conference and hammer out the details. 

At least crazy Nancy is willing to play ball and come to some sort of agreement of numbers and aid. McConnell only cares about the Court and has pretty much he is not willing to pass anything before the election. Blaming the Ds in the Senate is just being a partisan hack. 

I hope half of this post is in jest. Are you watching too much MSNBC lately ptown?


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 23, 2020 1:44 AM

Look at this shit too.  All people who donated to Trump by name and address by hating libs.  https://donaldtrump.watch



Fri, Oct 23, 2020 6:08 AM

Much better healthcare.. beautiful healthcare 


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Oct 23, 2020 6:11 AM
posted by geeblock

Funny part is when they announced trump as a candidate I was like cooool

I didn't have that reaction. I was very dumbfounded, couldn't believe it. Was posting here pretty much the whole night, along with everybody else. I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump, it really didn't matter to me. But that election did NOT go as I had assumed it would. Not just me, I don't know if anybody saw that coming.

*Edit to add*

I take that back. A few people on here actually DID see it coming. Spock, Fishy maybe?, and somebody else from Pennsylvania, I forget his name.


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Oct 23, 2020 6:19 AM

Also, I haven't been watching the debates. I didn't watch the 60 minutes interview with Trump. I'm kind of turned off of all of it these past few weeks.  

Other than that, I don't think Biden has been making many performances, has he? Kamala is getting more facetime than he is, I think. All I know is that he's been putting lids on media at 9am.


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Oct 23, 2020 6:33 AM

Interestingly, after reading the last few pages of this thread and then posting, I watched this vid. It dovetails nicely into the current topic and raises a point or two that I hadn't thought of being a possibility.


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Oct 23, 2020 6:35 AM

To Ptown specifically.

Can you give your thoughts on the way that the Steel Dossier was handled by the media vs how the media is treating the Biden case?


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 23, 2020 7:13 AM
posted by geeblock

Lol this is like a repeat of the 2016 but her emails. When you don’t have any policy for healthcare, covid, no stimulus plan, no policies at all for that matter, you just have to destrqct people with conspiracies and try to convince them the other guy is worse than me 

The idea you would post this implies you think all this stuff with emails from Clinton and now Biden isnt real.  You are a fool.  THey are both felons.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Oct 23, 2020 7:25 AM



Fri, Oct 23, 2020 7:31 AM
posted by Spock

The idea you would post this implies you think all this stuff with emails from Clinton and now Biden isnt real.  You are a fool.  THey are both felons.

ill try to do better


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Oct 23, 2020 8:07 AM

IC I'll see your tweets and raise you with one of my own.


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 23, 2020 8:16 AM
posted by iclfan2

That so far is my second favorite part of last night. The number of lefties going off the rails thinking Trump meant the canine coyote.

My favorite was Biden challenging Trump to post a video of Biden saying “no fracking” as Biden claimed he never said it. Trump’s team posted a montage of him saying it repeatedly right on Trump’s twitter within minutes.


Honorable Admin

Fri, Oct 23, 2020 8:48 AM


Honorable Admin

Fri, Oct 23, 2020 8:51 AM

BTW, this lady is a state representative. And has been since 2010, apparently.


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Oct 23, 2020 9:20 AM

Curriculum has drastically changed from the time I was in high school in the late 80's. 


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 23, 2020 10:37 AM
posted by geeblock

Lol this is like a repeat of the 2016 but her emails. When you don’t have any policy for healthcare, covid, no stimulus plan, no policies at all for that matter, you just have to destrqct people with conspiracies and try to convince them the other guy is worse than me 

Mind numbing.

If you want to talk policies - highly successful ones; let's do it:

Taxes - reduced marginal tax rates and expanded tax credits for the middle class resulting in substantially more take-home pay for families, so they can better take care of themselves - it is their labor; it should be their money.  Also cut corporate tax rates to a level where American companies can compete globally, resulting in a tremendous hiring surge; lowest unemployment in history; and huge private capex spending.

Regulations - reduced asinine regulations so that small businesses can survive and prosper, resulting in an economic boom and significantly more jobs and hiring.  A job is better than a handout.

Energy - reduced asinine regulations to unleash the resources we have been gifted with to make our nation energy independent.  The prices we pay for heating homes is incredibly low, a major benefit to seniors and others on fixed incomes.  Side benefit -- no more wars in the middle east over oil.

Foreign policy - defeated ISIS; terrorism in check; no new wars; bringing troops home; NATO paying their fair share.

Trade - pulled out of horrific trade deals and reconstructed a good deal USMCA.  Took on China which has been stealing us bling, and bringing manufacturing back:  +700,000 new mfg jobs.

COVID - halted China travel saving tens of thousands of lives.  Marshaled one of the greatest private/public efforts in history to turn back the virus and further save 2 million lives. 

Should I continue? 


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 23, 2020 10:42 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yes, the NYT taxes only tell part of the story. I will say the NYT has a better track record than say the Post. Tax returns do tell part of the story, yes. The rest of the Trump Organization is a black hole where we have zero idea how the Trumps could be using or misusing their platform for personal use. 

There could be smoke about Biden, but I have seen so much smoke with the Trump organization over the years too, yet zero on the board here about it. 

While yes there is a laptop, the FBI neither confirmed nor denied other stuff. So, don't get head of yourself. The DOJ itself is partisan and you know i, just like how you would say the same thing about the Obama DOJ. 

As I said about Russia too, until there is the Biden campaign manager in jail, kinda hard to say it is worse than Russia. 

This board is so funny sometimes on just either ignoring or playing off all the shady Trump stuff yet screams to high heaven about Hunter. 

The two main Biden partners in the deal are felons >> WIRE FRAUD

Take care.