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Thu, Oct 22, 2020 7:27 PM

Please show me the qualifications for trumps kids for the money they make for whatever they do.. how much has trumps golf courses made from his golf? Two of the same coins just different sides. The middle class still loses 


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 7:30 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Will Trump release his tax returns and his business dealings? Does he have a bank account in China?If it is bad for the Biden's, why is it not for Trump and his family?  

Whataboutism. Typical 



Thu, Oct 22, 2020 7:41 PM
posted by sportchampps

Whataboutism. Typical 

He actually said if he was elected he would show them no? Is this a 10 year audit? 



Thu, Oct 22, 2020 7:42 PM
posted by sportchampps

Whataboutism. Typical 

OOO. Nice comeback.

Yeah, questioning the unknown nature of the Trump family financial situation is whataboutism. 

I mean, how do we know Trump is not cutting business deals right now while in office? 

This board is silent on anything to do with Trump and his business interests. 


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 7:44 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

It is more of a defense than anything Trump can say. You know that. 

If they are in fact looking into that, that would be a story...if they really were. Rumors are just that...rumors. 

I'm not saying Biden family is clean in any way, just that this board does not apply the same logic to Trump and his family. 

Bullshit.  For starters, your claim is based off tax returns NYT claims to have, but no one but them has seen.  The same "news" organization that has been caught, hundreds of times, playing fast and loose with sources and printing stories that proved to be meritless.

Tax returns tell you some things, but they're not going to prove or disprove anything.  This seems to be a meme that's been floating around the left to dupe the ignorant and gullible that Trump's tax returns are hiding a smoking gun. 

The DOJ has confirmed they have the laptop. They have said it is not Russian disinformation.  You have two people - on the record, by name (barely one fucking case of a single named source, much less two, in thousands of Trump stories) - corroborating various aspects of the story.  Questionable characters and motivations?  Sure.  But there is REAL smoke here, unlike what we were subjected to for 3 years of bullshit Russian collusions stories.


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 7:48 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I mean, how do we know Trump is not cutting business deals right now while in office? 

This board is silent on anything to do with Trump and his business interests. 

Perhaps because Mueller, Congress and the NY AG have been anally probing Trump's business dealing for 4 years and despite dozens of promises of "pending indictments" it's been a giant nothingburger?

The NYT has dedicated how many dozens of reporters to Trump's "corruption", but dismiss this Biden story with one phone call to the repair shop?  Are we actually having this conversation?!?  Yes, let's talk about whatabouttism...



Thu, Oct 22, 2020 7:53 PM
posted by gut

Bullshit.  For starters, your claim is based off tax returns NYT claims to have, but no one but them has seen.  The same "news" organization that has been caught, hundreds of times, playing fast and loose with sources and printing stories that proved to be meritless.

Tax returns tell you some things, but they're not going to prove or disprove anything.  This seems to be a meme that's been floating around the left to dupe the ignorant and gullible that Trump's tax returns are hiding a smoking gun. 

The DOJ has confirmed they have the laptop. They have said it is not Russian disinformation.  You have two people - on the record, by name (barely one fucking case of a single named source, much less two, in thousands of Trump stories) - corroborating various aspects of the story.  Questionable characters and motivations?  Sure.  But there is REAL smoke here, unlike what we were subjected to for 3 years of bullshit Russian collusions stories.

Yes, the NYT taxes only tell part of the story. I will say the NYT has a better track record than say the Post. Tax returns do tell part of the story, yes. The rest of the Trump Organization is a black hole where we have zero idea how the Trumps could be using or misusing their platform for personal use. 

There could be smoke about Biden, but I have seen so much smoke with the Trump organization over the years too, yet zero on the board here about it. 

While yes there is a laptop, the FBI neither confirmed nor denied other stuff. So, don't get head of yourself. The DOJ itself is partisan and you know i, just like how you would say the same thing about the Obama DOJ. 

As I said about Russia too, until there is the Biden campaign manager in jail, kinda hard to say it is worse than Russia. 

This board is so funny sometimes on just either ignoring or playing off all the shady Trump stuff yet screams to high heaven about Hunter. 


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 7:54 PM
posted by geeblock

Please show me the qualifications for trumps kids for the money they make for whatever they do.. how much has trumps golf courses made from his golf? Two of the same coins just different sides. The middle class still loses 

Years working in the family business dating well back to before Trump pursued any political office.  His business empire DOES make money.  His kids have an equity interest.  There's nothing remotely unusual or corrupt about any of that.  The Trump brand is a real brand, and has been.  They're all already filthy rich - they don't need to sell influence.

It's completely apples-to-oranges.


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 7:54 PM

We will see what the "Chairman" has to say tonight.



Thu, Oct 22, 2020 7:57 PM
posted by gut

Perhaps because Mueller, Congress and the NY AG have been anally probing Trump's business dealing for 4 years and despite dozens of promises of "pending indictments" it's been a giant nothingburger?

The NYT has dedicated how many dozens of reporters to Trump's "corruption", but dismiss this Biden story with one phone call to the repair shop?  Are we actually having this conversation?!?  Yes, let's talk about whatabouttism...

Come on, you know that they really have not looked into the full Trump organization or his kids. The scope did not include the financails until very, very recently. 

Yes, we are having this conversation because this board has its heads in the sand on the issue yet screaming Hunter!


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 7:57 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yes, the NYT taxes only tell part of the story. I will say the NYT has a better track record than say the Post. Tax returns do tell part of the story, yes. The rest of the Trump Organization is a black hole where we have zero idea how the Trumps could be using or misusing their platform for personal use. 

There could be smoke about Biden, but I have seen so much smoke with the Trump organization over the years too, yet zero on the board here about it. 

While yes there is a laptop, the FBI neither confirmed nor denied other stuff. So, don't get head of yourself. The DOJ itself is partisan and you know i, just like how you would say the same thing about the Obama DOJ. 

As I said about Russia too, until there is the Biden campaign manager in jail, kinda hard to say it is worse than Russia. 

This board is so funny sometimes on just either ignoring or playing off all the shady Trump stuff yet screams to high heaven about Hunter. 

It's pretty well established that Trump was a multi-billionaire before taking office.  To stop with the bullshit aspersions to deflect from Biden's obvious pay-for-play scheme.  The NYT valiant track record, like CNN and WaPo, went to complete shit once Trump took office.  You don't hear about "all the smoke" about Trump on this board because it's been almost 100% bullshit.

The point that is sailing over your head is anything negative got rushed to air on Trump.  It's not remotely the same standard for Biden.  NYT, CNN and WaPo and others have gone all in state-media for the Dems.  They're all worse than they've ever accused Fox of being.

I didn't say the FBI confirmed anything other than they have the laptop.  I said there are two people - ON THE RECORD - who have confirmed other details.  The money from China and Ukraine is also not in question.  There's a lot more in those 3 sentences than there ever was on Russian Collusion, and you know it.



Thu, Oct 22, 2020 8:01 PM
posted by gut

Years working in the family business dating well back to before Trump pursued any political office.  His business empire DOES make money.  His kids have an equity interest.  There's nothing remotely unusual or corrupt about any of that.  The Trump brand is a real brand, and has been.  They're all already filthy rich - they don't need to sell influence.

It's completely apples-to-oranges.

Nope. Not at all. Is the use of the Trump hotel in DC to favor his personal interest not a bad thing? Is the amount they charge the Secret Service for all the stays at Trump properties not a bad thing? 

Is the fact that Trump wanted the G5 at his resort not a bad thing? 

Do we know if Ivanka and Kushner really have divested their personal funds while working in government? Nope, we do not. 

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 8:02 PM

Record turnout so far.  Most likely bc people don’t want to vote on Election Day with everyone else. But records turnout doesn’t bode well for an incumbent. 


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 8:04 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Come on, you know that they really have not looked into the full Trump organization or his kids. The scope did not include the financails until very, very recently. 

Yes, we are having this conversation because this board has its heads in the sand on the issue yet screaming Hunter!

What basis do they have for looking into the Trump organization and it's kids?  JFK you are a dense apologist.  Talk about whatabboutism, my goodness.  The Trump organization has been an ongoing, international business concern FOR DECADES.  Trump has been audited for years - we also know that.  So, yeah, he's received a hell of a lot more scrutiny than Biden. 

You keep trying to draw parallels.  Hunter Biden's money has all come from being son of a VP and future POTUS candidate.  He has nothing without that.  The Trump kids were all already rich before daddy ran for POTUS.

At this point, you really should be a hell of a lot more skeptical about what NYT is running.



Thu, Oct 22, 2020 8:05 PM
posted by gut

It's pretty well established that Trump was a multi-billionaire before taking office.  To stop with the bullshit aspersions to deflect from Biden's obvious pay-for-play scheme.  The NYT valiant track record, like CNN and WaPo, went to complete shit once Trump took office.  You don't hear about "all the smoke" about Trump on this board because it's been almost 100% bullshit.

The point that is sailing over your head is anything negative got rushed to air on Trump.  It's not remotely the same standard for Biden.  NYT, CNN and WaPo and others have gone all in state-media for the Dems.  They're all worse than they've ever accused Fox of being.

I didn't say the FBI confirmed anything other than they have the laptop.  I said there are two people - ON THE RECORD - who have confirmed other details.  The money from China and Ukraine is also not in question.  There's a lot more in those 3 sentences than there ever was on Russian Collusion, and you know it.

I don't think it is well established. You are just slurping up the right wing talking points and thinking. You are borderline Quaker with your media thoughts on here. Your bias is showing, like most on this board. 

Again, spare me on the last sentence. Until there are people in jail, it is not as bad as Russia. You are just really really trying to make this a story like 2016. 

And you say I live in a bubble....get out of your right wing one. 



Thu, Oct 22, 2020 8:07 PM

Good to see when I pop in this board it is shitting right wing talking points....

God, I want this shitshow to be over so the right wingers on here can go back to their tax and spend issues. 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 8:10 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Good to see when I pop in this board it is shitting right wing talking points....

God, I want this shitshow to be over so the right wingers on here can go back to their tax and spend issues. 

You posted the same conspiracy about a secret China account... which wasn’t secret. Trump will probly lose, but at least he destroyed the Main Street media. Trolled 60 minutes by releasing his entire interview so they couldn’t cut it up. It’s all a joke. Vote for what you want, but I only care about my money staying with me. That’s it. 



Thu, Oct 22, 2020 8:15 PM

Is there a reason that Trump hasn’t released his taxes when the stat quo by most was to do it?


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 8:24 PM
posted by geeblock

Is there a reason that Trump hasn’t released his taxes when the stat quo by most was to do it?

I'd assume he's not worth the $10B he claimed.  The second I'd argue has already been shown to be true, which is real estate taxes are complicated and it was never going to be a good look when non-accountants like NYT started making ignorant statements about it.

Most people can't comprehend how you can be arguing over $70M with the IRS and NOT be guilty of fraud or tax evasion.  But the truth is cases like that happen frequently, and the IRS often will negotiate a settlement to avoid an adverse court interpretation of the law, setting a precedent that costs them billions in additional revenues.  You never go to jail in cases like that - if you do lose, you pay the fines and interest.  But because it's a gray area, you could win and so negotiation becomes an alternative to court.

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 8:24 PM
posted by geeblock

Is there a reason that Trump hasn’t released his taxes when the stat quo by most was to do it?

Ownin the libs bro 


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 8:26 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Good to see when I pop in this board it is shitting right wing talking points....

God, I want this shitshow to be over so the right wingers on here can go back to their tax and spend issues.

Facts and truth aren't right wing talking points simply because Fox occasionally shares facts and truth.

Give me ONE reason anyone would want to give Hunter Biden millions.  You know the truth, and it has nothing to do with right wing talking points and everything to do with you denying facts and reality.

But go ahead and call it right wing talking points because it's indefensible and that's all you got.



Thu, Oct 22, 2020 8:39 PM

The irony in this thread is unp


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 22, 2020 8:45 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Again, so is McConnell and the Senate. They have said the same, they will not even entertain any discussion between the House and the White House. 

Ds and Rs really do not want anything passed until the lame duck. 

Yeah this isn’t on any one person or party but really all of them. They think not getting it done is better than conceding and actually helping people. 



Thu, Oct 22, 2020 8:58 PM

The irony in this thread is unprecedented  



Thu, Oct 22, 2020 8:59 PM

Funny part is when they announced trump as a candidate I was like cooool