2020 Presidential Election thread

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Senior Member

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 8:42 AM

First off, to even think that Trump is a tax cheat is stupid.  To somehow value someones Americanism by how much they let the government steal from them is really strange.

He knows he is getting audited, stupid to think he was hiding something.  All he does is take advantage of the loopholes that Biden likely voted for over the last half century.  

As for the debate:

1.  Biden is raising taxes

2.  Biden is going to have a problem with the Bernie bros and AOC by slamming the left.

3.  Trump needs  anew debate tactic.  He is an idiot when it comes to baiting Biden.  

4.  A draw is a win for the incumbent.  


Honorable Admin

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 9:02 AM

I watched it.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 9:03 AM

I don’t understand all the encouraging to go vote. Well, I don’t understand it in 2020, anyways. Most people don’t care for either of these guys but there’s still the strong insistence to go vote. 


Honorable Admin

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 9:05 AM
posted by friendfromlowry

I don’t understand all the encouraging to go vote. Well, I don’t understand it in 2020, anyways. Most people don’t care for either of these guys but there’s still the strong insistence to go vote. 


Bullshit. You're the one putting these morons in office. 


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 9:08 AM
posted by friendfromlowry

I don’t understand all the encouraging to go vote. Well, I don’t understand it in 2020, anyways. Most people don’t care for either of these guys but there’s still the strong insistence to go vote. 

What's not to understand? It's been happening every election for as long as I've been alive.

As for the debate. This morning I'm wondering how/why I sat through the entire thing. 


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 9:11 AM
posted by justincredible

I watched it.

Agreed...America lost tonight...anyone, and I mean anyone, that watched that shit show and thought "I like this guy..." no matter which "guy" it was, is lying to themselves and/or so far up their own ass in terms of bias its pathetic.

They both sucked, and sucked bad. 

God why did the dems give us this moron rather than someone who knew what the hell is going on like Tulsi or Yang?


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 9:13 AM
posted by friendfromlowry

I don’t understand all the encouraging to go vote. Well, I don’t understand it in 2020, anyways. Most people don’t care for either of these guys but there’s still the strong insistence to go vote. 

The lower the turnout, the more my vote counts.


Honorable Admin

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 9:15 AM
posted by jmog

God why did the dems give us this moron rather than someone who knew what the hell is going on like Tulsi or Yang?

I believe it's called "The Establishment."

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 9:33 AM

People want the safe pic and Biden made them feel warm and snuggly since he's a big name whose been around forever. Yang was the only real pick for me but no ones heard of him so he had no chance. That's how america votes. Whos popular and who do you think can win. No one cares about policy. 


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 9:38 AM
posted by kizer permanente

People want the safe pic and Biden made them feel warm and snuggly since he's a big name whose been around forever. Yang was the only real pick for me but no ones heard of him so he had no chance. That's how america votes. Whos popular and who do you think can win. No one cares about policy. 

I still believe Trump only won last time for 2 reasons:

1. Everyone knew his name.

2. People were tired of the far left labeling everyone that wasn't far left racist/homophobic/etc so they just went "fuck you" and voted in this guy.

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 9:39 AM
posted by jmog

I still believe Trump only won last time for 2 reasons:

1. Everyone knew his name.

2. People were tired of the far left labeling everyone that wasn't far left racist/homophobic/etc so they just went "fuck you" and voted in this guy.

last night was a shit show and a big fuck you to every sane US citizen. So fuck you to all who put them there. Sincerely. 


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 9:53 AM

If Trump can be asked about his taxes how come they move on so quick from Hunter Biden discussions? 

Also hate last nights format where each person gets equal time but you don’t get to rebuttal. 

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 9:54 AM
posted by sportchampps

If Trump can be asked about his taxes how come they move on so quick from Hunter Biden discussions? 

Also hate last nights format where each person gets equal time but you don’t get to rebuttal. 

Is Hunter Biden running for President?


Honorable Admin

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 9:56 AM


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 10:31 AM
posted by kizer permanente

Is Hunter Biden running for President?

I think given all the grave concern over false Russian collusion claims, the very real millions of dollars Hunter received from several bad actors should be an issue.

It may be fairly common among friends and family of influential politicians, but there is absolutely no doubt those payments are quid pro quo because he was completely unqualified (and the Burisma payments were about double or more what most F500's pay, even Goldman).  Now there were no policy inconsistencies found, but it may have been a hedged bet that Biden would run in 2016 (we're talking SOVEREIGNS where a few million, even a few billion, is a rounding error).  So when he becomes POTUS, there may be some debts owed.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 10:35 AM
posted by jmog

I still believe Trump only won last time for 2 reasons:

1. Everyone knew his name.

2. People were tired of the far left labeling everyone that wasn't far left racist/homophobic/etc so they just went "fuck you" and voted in this guy.

3. A decent number of people think Trump is one of the five worst human beings in the country, then the Dems nominated one of the top four.

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 10:54 AM
posted by gut

I think given all the grave concern over false Russian collusion claims, the very real millions of dollars Hunter received from several bad actors should be an issue.

It may be fairly common among friends and family of influential politicians, but there is absolutely no doubt those payments are quid pro quo because he was completely unqualified (and the Burisma payments were about double or more what most F500's pay, even Goldman).  Now there were no policy inconsistencies found, but it may have been a hedged bet that Biden would run in 2016 (we're talking SOVEREIGNS where a few million, even a few billion, is a rounding error).  So when he becomes POTUS, there may be some debts owed.

Then you're just going to have Biden bring up Trumps kids and in laws.. it doesn't solve anything. It's obviously what they're instructed to do though.. don't answer, give hot taekz.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 11:00 AM
posted by kizer permanente

Then you're just going to have Biden bring up Trumps kids and in laws.. it doesn't solve anything. It's obviously what they're instructed to do though.. don't answer, give hot taekz.

But what have they gotten since Trump became POTUS?  It's a completely different game running their dad's international real estate company.  I get what you're saying, but there's really no comparison with Hunter, who appears to have made the rounds throughout Eastern Europe and Asia collecting kickbacks.

I think Ivanka got some patents for voting machines from China.  LOL, that's gotta be a joke (as if voting machines are worth anything in China!).

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 11:16 AM
posted by Automatik

What's not to understand? It's been happening every election for as long as I've been alive.

As for the debate. This morning I'm wondering how/why I sat through the entire thing. 

Agreed.  It was brutal.  My suggestion for the next moderator is based upon a meme I saw - Samual L. Jackson.  "I'm going to ask my question, and then you two muthafuckers have 2 minutes to talk.  You interupt...I'm gonna fuck your shit up.  You don't answer the question...I'm going to fuck your shit up.  Now shut the fuck up and let me speak."

Chris Wallace had no handle on things.  I'm not sure anyone could have.  But he got run over.  Biden seemed desperate to wedge in his talking point.  Trump was his usual bully self.  I was sad my 14 year old daughter watched this as an example of democracy in action.  When I was 14, Reagan debated Mondale and it was - regardless of your preference - a constructive conversation.  Last night was a joke.  

This is the best our country can do?  Wow.

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 11:17 AM
posted by gut

But what have they gotten since Trump became POTUS?  It's a completely different game running their dad's international real estate company.  I get what you're saying, but there's really no comparison with Hunter, who appears to have made the rounds throughout Eastern Europe and Asia collecting kickbacks.

I think Ivanka got some patents for voting machines from China.  LOL, that's gotta be a joke (as if voting machines are worth anything in China!).

My point is Trump will say its not true and Biden will say it's not true just as he did last night and it's a moot point.


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 11:21 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Agreed.  It was brutal.  My suggestion for the next moderator is based upon a meme I saw - Samual L. Jackson.  "I'm going to ask my question, and then you two muthafuckers have 2 minutes to talk.  You interupt...I'm gonna fuck your shit up.  You don't answer the question...I'm going to fuck your shit up.  Now shut the fuck up and let me speak."

Chris Wallace had no handle on things.  I'm not sure anyone could have.  But he got run over.  Biden seemed desperate to wedge in his talking point.  Trump was his usual bully self.  I was sad my 14 year old daughter watched this as an example of democracy in action.  When I was 14, Reagan debated Mondale and it was - regardless of your preference - a constructive conversation.  Last night was a joke.  

This is the best our country can do?  Wow.

It really would be better if a robot moderated the debate.  Ask the question, give them time, cut off the other guy’s mic and then give them a rebuttal period.


Son of the Sun

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 11:47 AM

Reading about it here and on Twitter makes me really happy I spent my evening drinking and hanging out with friends. Looks like a lot of you lost a few hours of your life and will never get them back.


Honorable Admin

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 12:09 PM


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 30, 2020 2:14 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Chris Wallace had no handle on things.  I'm not sure anyone could have.  But he got run over.  Biden seemed desperate to wedge in his talking point.  Trump was his usual bully self.  I was sad my 14 year old daughter watched this as an example of democracy in action.  When I was 14, Reagan debated Mondale and it was - regardless of your preference - a constructive conversation.  Last night was a joke.  

This is the best our country can do?  Wow.

Compared to what I remember of 2016 moderators, he actually did a decent job at least trying to keep the stupid assholes in check. It wasn’t as nasty in 2016, but I remember Lester Holt, among others, not even challenging the rule breaches.

I believe the next 2 moderators are new to doing this, and are going to get absolutely steamrolled, even compared to Wallace.

Unless something changes where mics can be cut when you go against the rules that were agreed to, this is what it will be.