OSU Football 2018

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paying it forward

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 9:11 AM
posted by BR1986FB

He probably thinks Joe Paterno should've gotten a pass too. Both heinous acts and if both coaches were aware (Paterno apparently was) they should be canned.

Apples and oranges, BR, and not even close to the same thing--please don't lump these together in an attempt to disparage another poster's opinion (he does that quite easily himself).


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 9:14 AM
posted by vball10set

Apples and oranges, BR, and not even close to the same thing--please don't lump these together in an attempt to disparage another poster's opinion (he does that quite easily himself).

Trying to figure out your "apples & oranges" comments. Two different types of crimes but both similar in that both could've known what was going on and both could've looked the other way. 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 9:17 AM
posted by BR1986FB

Trying to figure out your "apples & oranges" comments. Two different types of crimes but both similar in that both could've known what was going on and both could've looked the other way. 

I don't think it is similar at all. One is looking the other way of a guy who allegedly beat his grown adult wife and that the police knew about, vs. a guy raping kids that no one knew about. 


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 9:22 AM

It's not the same. Authorities were involved in the Smith's ongoing PERSONAL situation. The only issues are with Title IX and the possibility of a coverup.



Fri, Aug 3, 2018 9:24 AM

They are not even close to the same. But potentially will have the same outcome, which I think would be justified if Urbans staff pressured her to drop charges. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 9:48 AM
posted by Classyposter58

Shit is so stupid. I don’t get how you fire Urban Meyer for this. If I go home, hit my girlfriend and she texts my boss’s wife about this and he doesn’t fire me then he should be canned?

Your boss should not be fired UNLESS he worked under a signed contract, which he had voluntarily signed, that expressly states he must report such an incident.  That is the difference.  


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 10:14 AM
posted by BR1986FB

Trying to figure out your "apples & oranges" comments. Two different types of crimes but both similar in that both could've known what was going on and both could've looked the other way. 

It seems to me in this case there was enough crazy behavior on the part of the victim to leave reasonable doubt as to what was really going on. The problem is that at the end of the day - if it was anyone else other than Earl Bruce's grandson - Urb probably would've cut Zach Smith loose a long time ago IMHO. 

I think it ends up like - and sorry to bring up a political topic - the Hillary email scandal. Where there's a lot of smoke, etc. and there will be a lot of loud calls for Urb to go but that this independent committee will ultimately determine the ambiguity of the situation warrants a suspension and not a termination. But then again I could very well be wrong.

And, sadly I'm probably biased because I personally don't believe Urb should be fired for this and really hope he isn't. 


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 10:27 AM
posted by BR1986FB

Trying to figure out your "apples & oranges" comments. Two different types of crimes but both similar in that both could've known what was going on and both could've looked the other way. 

I feel a moral obligation to look after children, none when it comes to adults. I also fail to understand why the head football coach is responsible for the non-work actions of an employee. I never had that relationship anywhere, as the worker or as the boss.



Son of the Sun

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 10:37 AM
posted by queencitybuckeye

I feel a moral obligation to look after children, none when it comes to adults. I also fail to understand why the head football coach is responsible for the non-work actions of an employee. I never had that relationship anywhere, as the worker or as the boss.


Lord, if my bosses had to be responsible for me out-of-work, there'd be sooooo much turnover at that position! Highest-stress job in America!!!


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 10:45 AM
posted by queencitybuckeye

I feel a moral obligation to look after children, none when it comes to adults. I also fail to understand why the head football coach is responsible for the non-work actions of an employee. I never had that relationship anywhere, as the worker or as the boss.


Well no one disagrees but it’s in his contract ..


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 10:53 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Well no one disagrees but it’s in his contract ..

Perhaps, but apparently it's not as black and white as some would lead us to believe.



Bottom line is that the legal stuff will affect money should they decide to get rid of him. The decision will be made on public perception. IMO, the opinions of the public that should matter are:

1. The people of Columbus.

2. The people of Ohio.

3. People outside Ohio with a connection to the university (went there, worked there, etc.).

4. No one else.





Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 11:09 AM
posted by queencitybuckeye

Perhaps, but apparently it's not as black and white as some would lead us to believe.



Bottom line is that the legal stuff will affect money should they decide to get rid of him. The decision will be made on public perception. IMO, the opinions of the public that should matter are:

1. The people of Columbus.

2. The people of Ohio.

3. People outside Ohio with a connection to the university (went there, worked there, etc.).

4. No one else.





The problem is the Ohio State - certainly not unique - threw in a long time ago with the big time college football way of doing things.  The school's athletic department became a brand name that is promoted well beyond Ohio.  This is not as  much a legal issue as a PR issue in my opinion.  Television, radio, internet, newspapers are the tools used to promote big-time college football.  Unfortunately, if you live by that promotion, it can bite hard when something like this happens.  I agree with many that the moral outrage without knowing the facts is laughable.  None of these commentators know any more about the story than I do.  And I certainly don't know enough to make some judgement on whether Urban Meyer knew about any of this or not.  Hopefully the OSU investigation is able to determine the true answer to this before action is taken.  


But Ohio State wishes to be a huge name in the sports world. Like it or not, the rules of perception are a factor there.  Not to mention that Urban himself has been outspoken about doing things the right way and offering his opinion that coaches should be fired for not holding themselves to the very best standards. These factors will make it hard for the school to not get rid of him if there is any hint that he may have known.  Right or wrong.  


I am a life long OSU fan and a graduate as well. However I feel no sympathy with the school on this.  After choosing not to stand up for Tressel in spite of his mistake, I came to see that Ohio State values wins and money over people.  That's the bed they've made. 



Fri, Aug 3, 2018 11:39 AM

Yeah, I am trying to keep my homer OSU views down on this whole situation. 

I didn't think it was a big deal until some of the details started to come out. Urban didn't do himself any favors with the way he handled himself at B1G Media days. 

I like the move of the University to put him on paid leave and the news this morning of the outside group to investigate. Whatever they decide, I'm good with. They need to take the time to fully look into this and decide what to do. If it is a few games/ nothing/ or full firing, I'm good with that. 

Given the topic, serious allegations, and the shitshow of 2011, OSU needs to get this right. 

I'm an alum of the University first and fan second. The last month or so have been pretty brutal (the whole wrestling story). If Urban gets fired, I'll still root for the scarlet and gray and have total faith in Ryan Day to get us through this year. 


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 11:44 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yeah, I am trying to keep my homer OSU views down on this whole situation. 

I didn't think it was a big deal until some of the details started to come out. Urban didn't do himself any favors with the way he handled himself at B1G Media days. 

I like the move of the University to put him on paid leave and the news this morning of the outside group to investigate. Whatever they decide, I'm good with. They need to take the time to fully look into this and decide what to do. If it is a few games/ nothing/ or full firing, I'm good with that. 

Given the topic, serious allegations, and the shitshow of 2011, OSU needs to get this right. 

I'm an alum of the University first and fan second. The last month or so have been pretty brutal (the whole wrestling story). If Urban gets fired, I'll still root for the scarlet and gray and have total faith in Ryan Day to get us through this year. 

This one is a joke at best, especially considering the source of the allegations. 



Fri, Aug 3, 2018 11:48 AM
posted by like_that

This one is a joke at best, especially considering the source of the allegations. 

Yeah, agreed.  Still doesn't look good when you see your university tied to it. 


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 2:30 PM
posted by wildcats20

Hesitant to share this, but apparently it was posted on Bucknuts. 

I would like to see this info from a source because it smells of victim blaming to me. But I would not be disappointed if it's true. I wish everyone would take a step back now, not jump to conclusions, and wait for the results of the investigation. 


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 2:36 PM

It's the internet, this is what happens in situations like this.

Wild stuff is coming out from all angles. I won't believe anything until conclusions are made after the investigation is complete.


Elderly Intellectual

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 2:58 PM

Courtney just figured out that ex husband is out of work, settlement check aren't coming in, rent is due and life style is changing for the worst quickly.   What to do ?....... run to the media, sell the story, price tag on photos and what the going rate for interviews... 

How about taking responsibility Courtney for your own action, your own issues and owning up to the shitty life you let happen...

The only problem Urban Meyer and his wife has is knowing you and your ex ...  

2010 to 2018 and you couldnt get help for yourself, police protection, abuse reports, mental health support and family members that cared about your situation ...  now you want to throw people under the bus for profit...  

Urban Meyer did noting wrong but being successful, and that puts a target on his back. There could have been a 100 things done different but Urban Meyer didnt create the problem and the problem should not end with Urban Meyers. Check  where the failure failed first that where this issue should end. 



Senior Member

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 3:02 PM
posted by Belly35

Courtney just figured out that ex husband is out of work, settlement check aren't coming in, rent is due and life style is changing for the worst quickly.   What to do ?....... run to the media, sell the story, price tag on photos and what the going rate for interviews... 

How about taking responsibility Courtney for your own action, your own issues and owning up to the shitty life you let happen...

The only problem Urban Meyer and his wife has is knowing you and your ex ...  

2010 to 2018 and you couldnt get help for yourself, police protection, abuse reports, mental health support and family members that cared about your situation ...  now you want to throw people under the bus for profit...  

Urban Meyer did noting wrong but being successful, and that puts a target on his back. There could have been a 100 things done different but Urban Meyer didnt create the problem and the problem should not end with Urban Meyers. Check  where the failure failed first that where this issue should end. 


I, uhh.....haha I don’t even know


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 3:15 PM

Belly with the fantastic Belly drop-in.


Son of the Sun

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 3:28 PM
posted by Automatik

Belly with the fantastic Belly drop-in.

And right after you were talking about how you aren't believing anything until the matter has been concluded, he jumps in with a pure "jump to conclusions" bit of over-the-top homerism.



Fri, Aug 3, 2018 4:20 PM
posted by FatHobbit

I would like to see this info from a source because it smells of victim blaming to me. But I would not be disappointed if it's true. I wish everyone would take a step back now, not jump to conclusions, and wait for the results of the investigation. 

Zero chance the police stopped coming for 911 calls..also 911 calls are public records so that would be easily verifiable if it were true.

also they really kill stay at home moms lol. Stay at home moms work hard. Also they were divorced in 2016 so the divorce decree would be final. Her money and support wouldn’t change if he loses his job with cause especially. I had friends who got fired with cause and had to pay child support for 10 more years based upon their old job which was double current salary 


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 5:19 PM

McMurphy was interviewed on Columbus sports radio today.  He said that OSU needs to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Urban didn't know.  How do you prove a negative? I would like McMurphy to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he didn't molest his daughter. 


Senior Member

Fri, Aug 3, 2018 6:10 PM

So he minced his words at the media day. He reported. To whom then? I assume this would be documented. Get that shit out asap!