posted by CenterBHSFanI lay the bulk of the blame onto the millennial generation, to be quite frank. That's not going to seem very nice or even fair, but hear me out.
My condensed version:
History has always showcased cross dressers and trannies, but culturally acceptance was really beginning to grow in the 70's, 80's, 90's and into the 2000's (music, television, movies, books). Everybody knew that trans people existed, but nobody cared, unless you were personally into that scene. Well then enter the social media age when the Millies were coming into their own. That opened up a whole brouhaha of activism, feelings, strong-arming, etc. Millies - being resentful of the Boomers, their student loan debts, staying at home until their late 20's/early 30's, had embraced social media exponentially more than GenX did. It was the perfect storm for the modern form of activism. They had a harder time being stoic and while they were being tremendously innovative in the tech world, they were fairly listless in the mundane parts of life. And who can blame them, really? Everybody likes the convenience of sharing their thoughts into the void, internet consumerism and so on. So where to focus all this extra energy? That's when and where the race to become the most open-minded, the most libertine, the most caring, etc. really amped up. Political ideologues rather quickly recognized this as a ripe moment to seize a new generation so they did; sometimes purposeful but sometimes accidental. Strategically speaking, it was rather artful and amazingly fast and how successful it has turned out to be.
But once they got on a roll, there was no way to stop it. Now we are seeing the consequences of not being able to curb enthusiasms. Even saying things like "I draw a hard line to this when it comes to kids" gets people upset. We've seen it shown on this very forum. Not even a little bit of pushback is acceptable to these people. It has to be all or nothing.Of course, there are a lot of things left out of the condensed timeline I listed and as far as ideologues go, the conservatives also shot themselves in the foot many times. That cannot be denied. As part of the "middle child/ignored" GenX, that's just the way I've seen things played out. Others will naturally see things in a different way and so what?
Hi, a "millie" here, born 1984. Thanks for repeating things I have been hearing for almost 20 years. It was BS then and is BS now. Painting an entire generation with a broad brush like that is lazy. It is really easy to cherry pick to make the author's overall political point.
Generations are large, diverse, and cannot and do not fit into one box to make whatever ideological point you are trying to make.