Impressed by the Trump administration part II

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Chief Shenanigans Officer

Sat, May 26, 2018 4:02 PM
posted by like_that

You are really over analyzing one post and actually one word in particular.  I think people coming out of hiding (for this particular topic) dancing on Trump's grave to mock him for "failing" peace talks counts as "celebrating."  Whatever you want to label it, most can agree it is pathetic.

I wasn't really trying to analyze it.  It's gotten a bit bigger than I anticipated.  The initial statement that Dems were "celebrating" the cancellation of the peace summit just seemed odd, as all I'd seen was complaining about his [insert negative character trait here] as manifested in his canceling the summit.  It all sounds like complaining, which doesn't sound equitable to celebration no matter how much or how little analysis you do.


Senior Member

Sat, May 26, 2018 4:17 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Elon Musk: My twitter feed showed nothing but contempt from media towards Elon Musk. They were on full attack mode.I don't think his plan is to be friends with the media.

Ehhhh, I thought he was talking specifically about Trump (and he has TDS in a major way) when he made the announcement.  Like I said, I really think it will end-up being another case of the left labeling objective and truthful that which they agree with, and calling what they disagree with lies an bullshit.

You know the one singular thing the left is most pissed at Trump about is the fact he stole their "fake news" tag and made it his own.  They - CNN especially - can't handle the fact Trump is winning the "fake news" war.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Mon, May 28, 2018 11:17 AM

Speaking of fake news, did anyone see the media get completely owned on Sunday? Media and other regressives were retweeting a picture of illegal immigrant children in a pen as if it were Trumps fault, only to find out it was in 2014. Weird they didn’t remember, but they probably didn’t report on it bc of savior Obama.

It gets more clear everyday that journalists failed us all during the Obama years and I don’t think any reasonably intelligent person can argue otherwise. 


Senior Member

Mon, May 28, 2018 1:47 PM
posted by iclfan2

It gets more clear everyday that journalists failed us all during the Obama years and I don’t think any reasonably intelligent person can argue otherwise. 

I remember CNN being pretty decent, but then at some point they became unapologetic cheerleaders for Obama and Hillary.

I think the 2008 wave election convinced liberals Republicans were dead....and those in the media stopped pretending to be objective or non-partisan because it no longer mattered.   Ironically enough, Obama and Hillary may have actually done more damage to the Democrats than to Repubs.


333 - I'm only half evil

Mon, May 28, 2018 3:48 PM

CNN has basically devolved to the point that they only report on their truth, not the truth. Same with CBS, NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, NYT, HuffPo. Of course, same can be said of Breitbart and FOX. But it is obvious that "truth" is now entirely subjective in the mainstream media (which we all know leans left by a vast majority).

I've been into The Knife Media lately. It's pretty much right down the middle without the unnecessary use of adjectives, slants and obvious biases - and critiqueing/rating how mainstream media almost always uses these tricks to sway and gather the herd.


Senior Member

Mon, May 28, 2018 5:16 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

CNN has basically devolved to the point that they only report on their truth, not the truth..

When Trump got elected, the one thing I was looking forward to was liberal heads exploding on a daily basis....and I've not been disappointed!

But the whole "fake news" thing really disgusts me in that it was ok when Obama singled out Fox, not just ok but a lot in the mainstream media cheered it and loved it.  Then when Trump turns around and does the same thing to CNN (granted, in his own over-the-top way), liberals lose their shit and suddenly Trump is destroying Democracy and freedom.


Senior Member

Mon, May 28, 2018 9:17 PM

Until someone infiltrates the major media market with fair and unbiased reporting....these new outlets will only get worse


Senior Member

Mon, May 28, 2018 9:59 PM
posted by Spock

Until someone infiltrates the major media market with fair and unbiased reporting....these new outlets will only get worse

I thought I saw where someone is launching a cable news channel that will be right of Fox (basically the right-wing version of MSNBC, as Fox really is the mirror of CNN or what CNN used to be before it tried to go left of MSNBC).

That will be interesting because presumably it will steal a lot of Fox's audience, and will probably knock Fox down easily to 2nd or 3rd place.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 1, 2018 2:52 PM

June 12 summit back on doubt the media is pissed as Trump may pull off another big win. 


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 1, 2018 2:59 PM
posted by QuakerOats

June 12 summit back on doubt the media is pissed as Trump may pull off another big win. 

just go back to how the media talked/viewed the Iran deal (only flip the responses)

But it is funny - I think reactions to the tax cuts showed you the depths of stupidity Dems and the liberal media are capable of sinking to with anything Trump.  At some point I'd have to consider the possibility that Trump renders his opponents incapable of rational thought is not unintentional.


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Jun 1, 2018 3:02 PM

A lot of the hot takes on NK on this site have so far not aged well at all.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 1, 2018 3:02 PM

it's interesting to consider that the media mocking Trump for this and declaring it could never happen June 12th.....made it happen on June 12th.  Heck, I could see Trump writing that letter solely for the purpose of chumming the "fake news" waters.



Fri, Jun 1, 2018 3:03 PM
posted by QuakerOats

June 12 summit back on doubt the media is pissed as Trump may pull off another big win. 

Sure. This is nice. 

A few things that are good.

1. Bolton was not in the meeting. That is very, very good and shows that Trump is not listening to him on this issue. That is great.

2. Expectations are starting to come together. Previously, Trump wanted to have North Korea give up their nukes during the meeting,. Now, this is just a face to face intro he said. 

That leads to some cautious things to focus on.

1. North Korea has always wanted to meet with a President face to face without preconditions about them giving up their nukes. Clinton, Bush, and Obama turned that down. Trump just accepted it. He just conceded that he will meet with North Korea without them pledging to give up their nukes. If you read the statements by North Korea, they are not giving up their nukes on their own. 

2. Human Rights, Chemical weapons, and Bio weapons are not on the table as they have not been discussed as of yet. 

3. Trump basically said China and South Korea will figure out the details, pretty much washing our hands if we sign a peace treaty. 

This may all work out yet, but I'm still very, very cautious about a meeting and what comes from it. Trump will say this is the best meeting of all time, but the specifics of what comes out from the meeting will tell if this is still the same old, same old game, or if he is truly doing something different. 


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 1, 2018 3:08 PM

Devil is always in the details and the oversight.



Fri, Jun 1, 2018 3:10 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Devil is always in the details and the oversight.

Ding ding. 
The only way this works is if North Korea agrees to rejoin the Nonproliferation Treaty, intrusive IAEA safeguards, inspections, and a verified dismantlement of its Chemical, Bio, and Nuclear Program. Anything short of that is a failure. 


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Jun 1, 2018 3:12 PM

Ptown comes in telling us to be cautious (most of us have been and still are). Last week he came in hot with his “told you so” posts. Lmao, take your own advice. 



Fri, Jun 1, 2018 3:13 PM
posted by like_that

Ptown comes in telling us to be cautious (most of us have been and still are). Last week he came in hot with his “told you so” posts. Lmao, take your own advice. 

LOL. I said at the time that it could still work out. 


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 1, 2018 3:26 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Anything short of that is a failure. 

"De-nuking" would be a MASSIVE success.  Anything else is just icing on the cake.   But it appears you're already starting to set unrealistic expectations so that you can shit all over whatever deal happens.



Fri, Jun 1, 2018 3:30 PM
posted by gut

"De-nuking" would be a MASSIVE success.  Anything else is just icing on the cake.   But it appears you're already starting to set unrealistic expectations so that you can shit all over whatever deal happens.

De-nuking would be a massive success. But, my point is how do you verify it? You verify it with international IAEA inspectors, going to sites to see the dismantling of that process as I said above. Those are the steps you need to take to ensure they are de-nuking. Otherwise, they would cheat. 

If North Korea agrees to de-nuke, but we don't have any means to verify it, it means nothing. 



Senior Member

Fri, Jun 1, 2018 4:27 PM

So, you have learned a few things from obama's personal, unilateral, Iran deal. ??



Sun, Jun 3, 2018 6:39 PM
posted by QuakerOats

So, you have learned a few things from obama's personal, unilateral, Iran deal. ??

Iran deal was unilateral? That's news to me. It was a multilateral deal with other countries and the IAEA. It also had robust IAEA verification measures. If anything, the Iran deal, technically, is a model for North Korea. 

I'm assuming you mean that it was not brought to Congress. Fair point. 

We'll see what Trump does with whatever agreement he can come up with. 


Senior Member

Sun, Jun 3, 2018 7:14 PM

I really think Rudy is getting senile, but he comes out again with the talk of Trump pardoning himself.

At this point, it's clear Trump and his surrogates love trolling the left....but they keep falling for it.  Every time.


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 4, 2018 8:56 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Iran deal was unilateral? That's news to me. It was a multilateral deal with other countries and the IAEA. It also had robust IAEA verification measures. If anything, the Iran deal, technically, is a model for North Korea. 

I'm assuming you mean that it was not brought to Congress. Fair point. 

We'll see what Trump does with whatever agreement he can come up with. 

I had this discussion with a very liberal friend of mine a couple weeks back with regards to Trump pulling out of the Iran deal.


He was adamant that the "President can not pull out of a treaty on his own without congressional approval".


I responded with "you are 100% correct, however, the Iran Deal was not a treaty" (yes, I was baiting him now)

He said "What do you mean it wasn't a treaty? It was signed by Obama as a treaty with many other countries"

Of course I replied with "A President can not enter into a treaty without Congressional approval, according to our own Constitution. Obama never got Congressional approval for the Iran Deal, which is why it was a 'Deal' and not a treaty. So, if a previous President can enter into a deal without Congressional approval, then a current one can pull out of said deal without Congressional Approval".

He then went on to talk about Russia and some other drivel because he realized he was completely wrong. I just told him he should really lay off Occupy Democrats and MSNBC if he wants to understand reality rather than a liberal fantasy world.



Mon, Jun 4, 2018 9:21 AM
posted by gut

I really think Rudy is getting senile, but he comes out again with the talk of Trump pardoning himself.

At this point, it's clear Trump and his surrogates love trolling the left....but they keep falling for it.  Every time.

Yeah, man he is pure entertainment. I actually enjoy watching him knowing he is just playing to the camera and the game. 

posted by jmog

I had this discussion with a very liberal friend of mine a couple weeks back with regards to Trump pulling out of the Iran deal.


He was adamant that the "President can not pull out of a treaty on his own without congressional approval".


I responded with "you are 100% correct, however, the Iran Deal was not a treaty" (yes, I was baiting him now)

He said "What do you mean it wasn't a treaty? It was signed by Obama as a treaty with many other countries"

Of course I replied with "A President can not enter into a treaty without Congressional approval, according to our own Constitution. Obama never got Congressional approval for the Iran Deal, which is why it was a 'Deal' and not a treaty. So, if a previous President can enter into a deal without Congressional approval, then a current one can pull out of said deal without Congressional Approval".

He then went on to talk about Russia and some other drivel because he realized he was completely wrong. I just told him he should really lay off Occupy Democrats and MSNBC if he wants to understand reality rather than a liberal fantasy world.

Yeah, that is the biggest flaw in the deal, that the administration did not go all out on getting it through the Senate like an actual treaty. If they would have brought in the Senate early on, I think it would have passed the 2/3rds needed, but barely. 

Regarding Trump, he will need a lot of Ds to agree on whatever agreement comes out of the Korean talks.