Impressed by the Trump administration part II

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Chief Shenanigans Officer

Fri, May 25, 2018 12:34 AM
posted by superman

Lefties celebrating the break down of peace talks.  SMDH

Source?  I have only seen lefties with negative responses to cancellation of the peace talks.  The only ones I've seen calling it a "good" thing have been Republicans with some semblance of a "trust Trump" message.


Senior Member

Fri, May 25, 2018 6:51 AM

Is it even possible to discuss peace talks with NK? No idea why we were even trying to in the first place. 



Fri, May 25, 2018 8:06 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Is it even possible to discuss peace talks with NK? No idea why we were even trying to in the first place. 

Under the right conditions, maybe. I was open, still am, to Trump's new point of view. Maybe it will work in the long run, I don't know. So far, it is failing like every other policy tried. 

Trump it seems to get ahead of himself. He wanted to have this big meeting with North Korea already declaring they will give up their nukes, when in fact North Korea just wanted a meeting to show they are equal to the U.S. as a nuclear power and once the meeting occurs, then they can discuss mutual nuclear disarmament. It seems once Trump realized that, the meeting broke down. 

Still, could be worse. At least we aren't at war, and hey as I said, we got that sweet ass coin. 


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, May 25, 2018 8:39 AM

NK came out and said they still want to meet with the US btw.  A little premature for some of you all to be dancing on the grave for failed peace talks.  



Fri, May 25, 2018 9:10 AM
posted by like_that

NK came out and said they still want to meet with the US btw.  A little premature for some of you all to be dancing on the grave for failed peace talks.  

Yeah, I saw that today. That's why I am still open to maybe this works. 


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, May 25, 2018 9:13 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yeah, I saw that today. That's why I am still open to maybe this works. 

So you admit you were premature by dancing on the grave?  I could have easily predicted you were going to appear on this thread or the NK thread after Trump pulled out.  Boogie and DA to follow.    Hate Trump all you want, but I am not sure why anyone would be happy if peace talks failed.  Also, have you all not learned anything from Trump?  When something happens, give it at least 72 hours and the headline can easily change.  If I were to lay money down, I bet they still meet up, especially if China will stick with their stance.  NK is feeling the pain. For those in sales, Trump just used the classic take away tactic. 



Fri, May 25, 2018 9:17 AM
posted by like_that

So you admit you were premature by dancing on the grave?  I could have easily predicted you were going to appear on this thread or the NK thread after Trump pulled out.  Boogie and DA to follow.    Hate Trump all you want, but I am not sure why anyone would be happy if peace talks failed.  Also, have you all not learned anything from Trump?  When something happens, give it at least 72 hours and the headline can easily change.  If I were to lay money down, I bet they still meet up, especially if China will stick with their stance.  NK is feeling the pain. For those in sales, Trump just used the classic take away tactic. 

All I said is the Trump approach so far has failed, but come on, I also added that Trump and the policy could still work and I am still open to seeing how this plays out. 

Maybe the meeting on the 12th will still happen, I don't know.

But the roll out yesterday was so stupid in that our allies were caught off guard and we had freaking Americans still in North Korea that could have been at risk. It has also failed as the assumption that North Korea would give up their arms before the talks were naive. Oh, the whole Libya model thing was so dumb. 



Senior Member

Fri, May 25, 2018 9:27 AM
posted by like_that
For those in sales, Trump just used the classic take away tactic. 

I'm not ruling anything out, but of course the liberal media all painted this as "Trump did this to save face because Kim was about to pull out".

While the useful idiots on both sides are beyond saving, Trump's greatest accomplishment so far is showing everyone how partisan and deceptive the liberal media is.  Enter Elon Musk to create a liberal "media scoring" organization to prop-up left-leaning media over conservative sources.  At least he had the decency to call it "Pravda" without a hint of irony.


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, May 25, 2018 9:55 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

All I said is the Trump approach so far has failed, but come on, I also added that Trump and the policy could still work and I am still open to seeing how this plays out. 

Maybe the meeting on the 12th will still happen, I don't know.

But the roll out yesterday was so stupid in that our allies were caught off guard and we had freaking Americans still in North Korea that could have been at risk. It has also failed as the assumption that North Korea would give up their arms before the talks were naive. Oh, the whole Libya model thing was so dumb. 


All I know is this forum was awfully silent when things were going well on the NK front.  We had DA trying to play down bringing back hostages though, because they ethnic Americans.  As soon as Trump pulled out, this forum was popping again on NK, but then completely silent when NK came out and said they still want to meet.  Granted I get that a lot of it comes from QO's hyperbole, but this forum pretty much sums up our national discourse.  If a meeting does happen and NK gives up a lot, will any of those people who cried come back and admit they are wrong?  I am willing to bet the majority of them will be nowhere to be found. 

I don't think the meeting will happen on the 12th, but I do think a meeting is going to happen. It seems China and the US are currently on friendly terms, so as it stands I think they will remain firm with their approach to NK.  If that is the case NK is going to be feeling the pain until they can get a deal out of the US.   I don't think the roll out was stupid.  What most of the media fails to report is WH aides had been trying to get ahold of NK to work out details for the summit and they refused to respond.  The pulled the carpet from underneath NK, before NK could do it to us imo. 

I agree though, mentioning the Libya model was completely idiotic.  That was just common sense.  Taking everything into consideration, I remain cautiously optimistic, but I also think it is pathetic if anyone celebrates peace talks failing. 


posted by gut
For those in sales, Trump just used the classic take away tactic. 

I'm not ruling anything out, but of course the liberal media all painted this as "Trump did this to save face because Kim was about to pull out".

While the useful idiots on both sides are beyond saving, Trump's greatest accomplishment so far is showing everyone how partisan and deceptive the liberal media is.  Enter Elon Musk to create a liberal "media scoring" organization to prop-up left-leaning media over conservative sources.  At least he had the decency to call it "Pravda" without a hint of irony.

Why is this necessary, when it already has been happening for 15+ years LOL?  Also, pretty sure this is a black mirror episode. 



Senior Member

Fri, May 25, 2018 10:41 AM
posted by superman

Lefties celebrating the break down of peace talks.  SMDH


I saw that .............I think it was a CNN comment that took the prize 


It used to just be a joke when CNN was referred to as the Communist News Network ........ maybe it is merited.


Senior Member

Fri, May 25, 2018 11:04 AM
posted by O-Trap

Source?  I have only seen lefties with negative responses to cancellation of the peace talks.  The only ones I've seen calling it a "good" thing have been Republicans with some semblance of a "trust Trump" message.

no the left has flipped on this to fit the anti trump narrative.  2 weeks ago its was "oh god, trump is going to start a war after this meeting"  Now its "OMG he is a bad president becasue he cant seal the deal"



Fri, May 25, 2018 11:14 AM

Kinda sounds like when North Korean called out Pence calling him and idiot, Trump didn't like that and said screw it and called off the meeting. Now, North Korea is like, "Nah, we didn't mean it, let's talk some more." Now, talks are back on. Hey, this could still happen. I think both sides really, really, really want that photo op. 

Here is what North Korea released some hours ago. Jives with the White House statements now:

“Kim Kye Gwan, first vice-minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK, issued the following statement Friday upon authorization:

 The historic summit is now high on the agenda between the DPRK and the U.S., and the preparations for it are being pushed forward at the final stage amid the remarkably great concern of the world.”

“The sincere pursuit and active efforts made by the DPRK to end the relations of hostility and distrust that have lasted for decades and build a new landmark for the improvement of the DPRK-U.S. relations have commanded unanimous sympathy and support from the public at home and abroad.”

“But suddenly President of the United States of America Trump made public his official stand on May 24 to cancel the DPRK-U.S. summit that had already been made a fait accompli.”

“Explaining the reason for it, he said that the statement made by Vice Foreign Minister of the DPRK Choe Son Hui carried "tremendous anger and open hostility" and that it is not appropriate to hold the meeting at present, a precious one that has long been planned.”

“I would like to take this expression of his stand on the DPRK-U.S. summit as a decision not consistent with the desire of humankind for peace and stability in the world, to say nothing of those in the Korean peninsula.”

“As for the "tremendous anger and open hostility" referred to by President Trump, it is just a reaction to the unbridled remarks made by the U.S. side which has long pressed the DPRK unilaterally to scrap nuclear program ahead of the DPRK-U.S. summit.”

“The inglorious situation today is a vivid expression of the severity of the present status of the hostile DPRK-U.S. relations of long historical roots and the urgent necessity for the summit meeting for the improvement of the ties.”

“As far as the historic DPRK-U.S. summit is concerned, we have inwardly highly appreciated President Trump for having made the bold decision, which any other U.S. presidents dared not, and made efforts for such a crucial event as the summit.”

“His sudden and unilateral announcement to cancel the summit is something unexpected to us and we cannot but feel great regret for it.”

“It is hard to guess the reasons.”

“It could be that he lacked the will for the summit or he might not have felt confident.”

“But for our part, we have exerted sincere efforts, raising hope that the historic DPRK-U.S. summit meeting and talks themselves would mark a meaningful starting point for peace and security in the region and the world and the improvement of the bilateral relations as the first step forward to settling the issue through dialogue.”

“We even inwardly hoped that what is called "Trump formula" would help clear both sides of their worries and comply with the requirements of our side and would be a wise way of substantial effect for settling the issue.”

The chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK has also exerted all efforts for the preparations for the summit, saying that the meeting with President Trump could help make a good start.” (emphasis added)

“The U.S. side's unilateral announcement of the cancellation of the summit makes us think over if we were truly right to have made efforts for it and to have opted for the new path.”

“But we remain unchanged in our goal and will to do everything we could for peace and stability of the Korean peninsula and humankind, and we, broad-minded and open all the time, have the willingness to offer the U.S. side time and opportunity.”

“The first meeting would not solve all, but solving even one at a time in a phased way would make the relations get better rather than making them get worse.”

“The U.S. should ponder over it.”

“We would like to make known to the U.S. side once again that we have the intent to sit with the U.S. side to solve problem regardless of ways at any time.”



1st Team All-PWN

Fri, May 25, 2018 11:21 AM

Yup sit back and grab your popcorn.  There will be a lot of back and forth.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Fri, May 25, 2018 12:33 PM
posted by Spock

Now its "OMG he is a bad president becasue he cant seal the deal"

That's a negative response to the cancellation.  My statement was that all I'd seen was "negative response to the cancellation of peace talks."  You had said that the lefties were "celebrating" the breakdown of peace talks, not lamenting them.



Senior Member

Fri, May 25, 2018 2:26 PM
posted by O-Trap

That's a negative response to the cancellation.  My statement was that all I'd seen was "negative response to the cancellation of peace talks."  You had said that the lefties were "celebrating" the breakdown of peace talks, not lamenting them.


Look at the responses from the usual suspects in this thread.  Celebrating.


Senior Member

Fri, May 25, 2018 2:27 PM

They were, at least the one I saw.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Fri, May 25, 2018 2:30 PM
posted by superman

Look at the responses from the usual suspects in this thread.  Celebrating.

If one celebrates it, then one thinks it is good.  If one thinks it is good, then one is agreeing with Trump's decision to do it.

If one laments it, then one thinks it is bad.  If one thinks it is bad, then one is disagreeing with Trump's decision to do it.

I'm a little concerned that the above needs articulated.

So, were they celebrating the decision to pull out of the summit, or were they disagreeing with Trump's decision to do so?  They're quite literally mutually exclusive.


Senior Member

Fri, May 25, 2018 2:57 PM

They appeared to be happy as, in their minds, it represented another Trump  perceived misstep.  



MSNBC reporter Stephanie Ruhle who speaking to MSNBC’s Peter Alexander exclaimed, “Peter, this is a huge a wow for us.”


Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, May 25, 2018 3:35 PM
posted by QuakerOats

They appeared to be happy as, in their minds, it represented another Trump  perceived misstep.  



MSNBC reporter Stephanie Ruhle who speaking to MSNBC’s Peter Alexander exclaimed, “Peter, this is a huge a wow for us.”


Why in the world are you watching  MSNBC?  Since you already know it to be a left wing news source, is it safe to assume you watch it only to get yourself all worked up?


Senior Member

Fri, May 25, 2018 4:05 PM

I don't watch it; I saw a clip of it elsewhere.  I rarely watch any of them; I just read. 


Senior Member

Fri, May 25, 2018 4:15 PM
posted by O-Trap

If one celebrates it, then one thinks it is good.  If one thinks it is good, then one is agreeing with Trump's decision to do it.

If one laments it, then one thinks it is bad.  If one thinks it is bad, then one is disagreeing with Trump's decision to do it.

I'm a little concerned that the above needs articulated.

So, were they celebrating the decision to pull out of the summit, or were they disagreeing with Trump's decision to do so?  They're quite literally mutually exclusive.

They are celebrating what they perceive to be a Trump "failure." Literally celebrating the failure of peace talks.  


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, May 25, 2018 6:51 PM

Elon Musk: My twitter feed showed nothing but contempt from media towards Elon Musk. They were on full attack mode.I don't think his plan is to be friends with the media.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Fri, May 25, 2018 11:29 PM
posted by QuakerOats

They appeared to be happy as, in their minds, it represented another Trump  perceived misstep.

posted by superman

They are celebrating what they perceive to be a Trump "failure." Literally celebrating the failure of peace talks.  

Make no mistake, I'm a firm believer in the existence of blind partisanship in the DNC, so it wouldn't surprise me if this was the sentiment of plenty.

However, there are those actually celebrating it that way?  "Woohoo!  He cancelled the peace summit, which will be huge for us!"



1st Team All-PWN

Sat, May 26, 2018 8:58 AM
posted by O-Trap
posted by superman

They are celebrating what they perceive to be a Trump "failure." Literally celebrating the failure of peace talks.  

Make no mistake, I'm a firm believer in the existence of blind partisanship in the DNC, so it wouldn't surprise me if this was the sentiment of plenty.

However, there are those actually celebrating it that way?  "Woohoo!  He cancelled the peace summit, which will be huge for us!"


You are really over analyzing one post and actually one word in particular.  I think people coming out of hiding (for this particular topic) dancing on Trump's grave to mock him for "failing" peace talks counts as "celebrating."  Whatever you want to label it, most can agree it is pathetic.