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Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Thu, Jun 21, 2018 8:59 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Classical liberals have been saying for a few years now that Asians were to be the next targets of the SJW crowd to be outed. They were correct. This is a problem when you buy into the progressive stack. Somebody must always be placed higher and lower. Due to Asians' tenacity in succeeding (in this case, test scores), they must automatically be placed lower in the scale of victimhood, hence, they do not require as much "help" because they are seen as being able to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. 

And the plan would have succeeded if it weren’t for you meddling kids.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 10:46 AM
posted by QuakerOats


just a little more fake news


POLL: Majority Blame Illegal Parents For Crisis... 

media, again, well out of touch ...


If it is all fake news, why did Trump feel compelled to sign an executive order?  For someone who points out daily how out of touch the media is, you consume more of it than seemingly anyone on here.  Try not reading it for a week, you'll feel better.  


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 10:56 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

If it is all fake news, why did Trump feel compelled to sign an executive order?  For someone who points out daily how out of touch the media is, you consume more of it than seemingly anyone on here.  Try not reading it for a week, you'll feel better.  

I hate to defend QO, but the photo is the definition of fake news or at the very least extremely deceiving.  As for the poll, it is a Rasmussen poll.  I'd like to see other polls to average it out, but for the most part I still believe the outrage is very selective and fake.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 11:02 AM
posted by like_that

I hate to defend QO, but the photo is the definition of fake news or at the very least extremely deceiving.  As for the poll, it is a Rasmussen poll.  I'd like to see other polls to average it out, but for the most part I still believe the outrage is very selective and fake.

He's perfectly entitled to chase the fake news stuff everyday.  But to what end?  The media presents a selective view of the world?  So what?  Being outraged by that is then turning around and giving the news media credibility as the only outlet to see the world.  If it is fake, why consume it?  Biased media reporting is as old as time.  So if it is so outrageous, why constantly immerse one's self in it?  


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 11:03 AM
posted by like_that

I hate to defend QO, but the photo is the definition of fake news or at the very least extremely deceiving.  

If a person can't see that the media is out to purposefully spread disinformation, I got a bridge to sell them 


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 11:06 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

He's perfectly entitled to chase the fake news stuff everyday.  But to what end?  The media presents a selective view of the world?  So what?  Being outraged by that is then turning around and giving the news media credibility as the only outlet to see the world.  If it is fake, why consume it?  Biased media reporting is as old as time.  So if it is so outrageous, why constantly immerse one's self in it?  

A selective view is quite different than a deliberate attempt to deceive.



Senior Member

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 11:09 AM

I just take whatever CNN is reporting and think of it as the complete opposite is likely the factual info about the topic.




1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 11:12 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

He's perfectly entitled to chase the fake news stuff everyday.  But to what end?  The media presents a selective view of the world?  So what?  Being outraged by that is then turning around and giving the news media credibility as the only outlet to see the world.  If it is fake, why consume it?  Biased media reporting is as old as time.  So if it is so outrageous, why constantly immerse one's self in it?  

Being rattled by QO has forced you to bark up the wrong tree for this specific example.  He is actually right.  The photo is deceptive.   


There are plenty of times where QO looks like a classic trumper spewing fake news at actually legitimate news, and you choose to attack the time he is right.  Congrats.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 11:20 AM
posted by like_that

Being rattled by QO has forced you to bark up the wrong tree for this specific example.  He is actually right.  The photo is deceptive.   


There are plenty of times where QO looks like a classic trumper spewing fake news at actually legitimate news, and you choose to attack the time he is right.  Congrats.

I'm not disputing the photo is faked.  I guess I was just wondering why the outrage everyday over something that is as old as dirt.  I have a brother who gets pissed off at liberals anew every single day.  It's like Groundhog Day.  I ask him why he subjects himself to the news media if it pisses him off so much.  He claims it is a civic duty to remain informed.  But if your source of information is all lies, how is that keeping informed?


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 11:26 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

I'm not disputing the photo is faked.  I guess I was just wondering why the outrage everyday over something that is as old as dirt.  I have a brother who gets pissed off at liberals anew every single day.  It's like Groundhog Day.  I ask him why he subjects himself to the news media if it pisses him off so much.  He claims it is a civic duty to remain informed.  But if your source of information is all lies, how is that keeping informed?

Well if you haven't been paying attention the past week the media  has all of a sudden quadrupled it's coverage on an issue that has been occurring for years.   Now a misleading photo is being used to further enrage the people who all of a sudden decided to be outraged a week ago.  I think it's fair to call it out.

Notice how I posted about the same thing regarding the misleading photo right before QO did, and you only attacked him? Further proves my point that QO has you rattled no matter what. Keep up the good fight though.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 11:44 AM
posted by like_that

Well if you haven't been paying attention the past week the media  has all of a sudden quadrupled it's coverage on an issue that has been occurring for years.   Now a misleading photo is being used to further enrage the people who all of a sudden decided to be outraged a week ago.  I think it's fair to call it out.

Notice how I posted about the same thing regarding the misleading photo right before QO did, and you only attacked him? Further proves my point that QO has you rattled no matter what. Keep up the good fight though.

The Time photo...I get it.  If you want to be swept up by it, you will be.  If you find it outrageous, you'll see it that way.  What's so new about any of that?  


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 11:59 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

The Time photo...I get it.  If you want to be swept up by it, you will be.  If you find it outrageous, you'll see it that way.  What's so new about any of that?  

I am not the right person to ask this question.  Ask this question to the thousands of people (and media) drowning us with crocodile tears and actually believing it's legitimate photo of a child being separated.  Time still hasn't made a correction btw.  I am sure IF they do, it will be after millions see and share the photo.   If you don't think that is a big issue, then I don't know what to tell you.

You definitely like to cherry pick when you use the "guise this happens on both sides" card.   The main difference is the stuff you bring up hardly even is a blip on the radar when it comes to news coverage, meanwhile something like this will dominate the national coverage and discussion for weeks.  Considering where you lean, it makes sense why you think it isn't a big deal. 


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 1:09 PM
posted by like_that

You definitely like to cherry pick when you use the "guise this happens on both sides" card.   The main difference is the stuff you bring up hardly even is a blip on the radar when it comes to news coverage, meanwhile something like this will dominate the national coverage and discussion for weeks.  Considering where you lean, it makes sense why you think it isn't a big deal. 

I'd add that it has not "always been this way".  Not nearly this bad, nor nearly this prevalent.

You'd think there's a golden opportunity for an actual unbiased, objective and accurate news source.  But the simple fact is they all became highly partisan because the eyeballs and clicks went to where people could hear the things they agree with.

Another funny example of unintended consequences from the "resist" movement is that I think Breitbart readership like quadrupled.  Literally the day after Trump brought Bannon onto the campaign, the left invented the term "alt right" and made a fringe news site ground zero for the "movement".


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 1:26 PM

There are currently 765,000 children separated from an active-duty parent. 







Senior Member

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 1:37 PM
posted by QuakerOats

There are currently 765,000 children separated from an active-duty parent. 






Good point, we should immediately get the military back to being a defense force instead of a decade-long occupier, and give these children their parents back.


Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 2:51 PM
posted by gut

I'd add that it has not "always been this way".  Not nearly this bad, nor nearly this prevalent.


As long as news has been reported by people, it has always had bias.  The difference now is the information age has spawned an industry of pointing it out daily.  


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 2:54 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

As long as news has been reported by people, it has always had bias.  The difference now is the information age has spawned an industry of pointing it out daily.  

Same post as before, bias != agenda where outright lies are acceptable.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 3:24 PM
posted by queencitybuckeye

Same post as before, bias != agenda where outright lies are acceptable.


And not only that, but there used to be a much clearer distinction between news reporting and opinion on the news.  Injecting opinion into straight news was a no-no.  And opinion pieces, the good ones, discussed both sides of the issue fairly (i.e. you didn't cherry-pick the weak counterarguments to prop-up your view).

In general, what constitutes "journalism" today is, with a few exceptions, almost unrecognizeable 20-30 years ago.

Not just journalism, either.  Politics and agendas have become accepted in economics and science, as well.   My personal favorite is the economist, who's expertise might be US tax policy, presenting BS about global trade as an "expert opinion"....he's not staking career or reputation because this is not research presented to peers, he's literally selling his credentials to be an "expert witness" promoting the host's agenda.  That would have been a cardinal sin 20-30 years ago, and really there were few platforms for an academic to express political views because that had no place in science.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 3:44 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Sorry to interrupt, but we have a 30 year update relative to global warming, and it is not favorable to the alarmists.


It's sad to see people who know almost nothing about the climate alarmist cause keep calling people anti-science for rejecting the theory.

CO2 was supposed to be a catalyst for amplifying warming effects.  Assumptions based much more on correlation than on science (correlation was all they had, because they understand so little about the true climate model).  20 years later and it's pretty clear if CO2 is a catalyst for anything, it's for slight COOLING effects (which actually makes senes if you consider the earth has a lot of self-regulating ability).

To say nothing that what little warming has been observed over the past 20 years has been desperately propped-up with a constant revision of past temperatures lower (almost always lower, except when more recent temps are increased to show a positive trend).

I won't bother with all the failed models that formed the basis of global warming alarmism - nothing more than data mining exercises in junk science.

Should be fun to watch in the coming years.  The impact of variations in solar intensity have largely been dismissed in all this, but there's a growing number of scientists who believe we're entering a new solar minimum that will result in flat or likely lower temps.  Which I expect will eventually be acknowledged so that they have an excuse to re-jigger past measurements in order to produce a warming trend again.


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 4:38 PM

So, it looks like the ACLU is backing away from defending free speech and sliding into the slot of cultural marxism. They will also not be defending anyone who exercises their right to bear arms (carrying while marching/protest/etc.) so the 2nd Amendment is sliding off their chart. 

Interesting to note that their income/donations skyrocketed after Trump was elected. As with many other organizations, their principles follow the money.



More indepth info here:



Reppin' the 330/216/843

Sat, Jun 23, 2018 1:23 PM

A loser restaurant owner kicked out Sarah Sanders because she works for Trump. Now the left is mad she tweeted about it. You can’t make this shit up. Bake the fucking cake!

And before someone misinterprets, I’m all for private businesses doing and serving who they want, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be free market consequences. 


Senior Member

Sat, Jun 23, 2018 2:06 PM
posted by iclfan2

A loser restaurant owner kicked out Sarah Sanders because she works for Trump. Now the left is mad she tweeted about it. You can’t make this shit up. Bake the fucking cake!

Same as that ACLU article.....The intolerant left is actually trending toward a sort of Democratic fascism.  They simply want to silence people they disagree with, and they do that by labeling everything they disagree with as either hate speech or anti-science (that one always cracks me up).

These people are a cancer.  They will never stop creating victims to fuel their need to be outraged. 

I think it's great this restaurant owner kicked her out.  If SS knew what an asshat that owner was, I'm sure she would have gone somewhere else for dinner in the first place.

Again, the Left always lashes out lower and more radical than the Right.  Jay Carney was likened to Baghdad Bob, but I never heard of him being refused service or protestors outside his house...or doxxing him.