Disgusted with progressives, part 2...

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Tue, Sep 25, 2018 10:59 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Here's some more!




Because it's all about optics!

and they probably voted for a ticket with Biden then Bernie.


Senior Member

Tue, Sep 25, 2018 12:30 PM

The whole 'We Stand With #CHRISTINEBLASEYFORD' movement mystifies me.....

What proof do they have that the FBI, law enforcement, Congress, etc not have?  Is there some sort of bombshell evidence that will come out on Thursday that no one has at this time?  All that I have seen so far is a 'she said / he said' argument.

I will stand with #CHRISTINEBLASEYFORD too as soon as I see some physical proof that what she says happened......really did happen.


Son of the Sun

Tue, Sep 25, 2018 12:37 PM
posted by wkfan

The whole 'We Stand With #CHRISTINEBLASEYFORD' movement mystifies me.....

What proof do they have that the FBI, law enforcement, Congress, etc not have?  Is there some sort of bombshell evidence that will come out on Thursday that no one has at this time?  All that I have seen so far is a 'she said / he said' argument.

I will stand with #CHRISTINEBLASEYFORD too as soon as I see some physical proof that what she says happened......really did happen.

Probably as much proof as the people standing behind Kavanaugh, adamant that nothing happened and that the vote should be rushed through.

With that said, for her allegations to be truly taken seriously, she and her lawyer need to actually take things further than "way back when, this happened" and actually testify in order to determine whether there's reasonable evidence out there to call his nomination into serious question, as opposed to playing the "we'll testify on some date if concessions are made" game that doesn't exactly make it look like she has anything other than "he said/she said" talk to offer.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Tue, Sep 25, 2018 12:51 PM
posted by Heretic

Probably as much proof as the people standing behind Kavanaugh, adamant that nothing happened and that the vote should be rushed through.


Rushed through? Was there not a 2 week confirmation process where Feinstein had this letter from 4 weeks prior to that?  Was there a reason Ford needed a week once outed to actually talk with the Judiciary? C'mon. Agreed with the rest of your post though.


1st Team All-PWN

Tue, Sep 25, 2018 1:39 PM
posted by Heretic

Probably as much proof as the people standing behind Kavanaugh, adamant that nothing happened and that the vote should be rushed through.

With that said, for her allegations to be truly taken seriously, she and her lawyer need to actually take things further than "way back when, this happened" and actually testify in order to determine whether there's reasonable evidence out there to call his nomination into serious question, as opposed to playing the "we'll testify on some date if concessions are made" game that doesn't exactly make it look like she has anything other than "he said/she said" talk to offer.

He was nominated in July and the dems held this info until the very last second.  I am not sure how this is being rushed, especially since they have moved the goalposts twice now for Ford to testify.  Who knew it was so difficult to tell the truth?

Between the 2 accusations you have about 12 witnesses that have been identified and they all more/less say they don't know wtf the accusers are talking about.  You don't hold up a SCOTUS vote for a very weak accusation.


Senior Member

Tue, Sep 25, 2018 1:43 PM

When the nominee passed all questioning with flying colors, the left ran out of ammo and had to resort to a letter they purposefully sat on (FOR 7 WEEKS) for one purpose only:  to attempt to delay the process of confirming a conservative to the court. If they cared about the woman and her claim, they would have immediately entered the information into the record and questioned Kavanaugh.  But they did not, which again proves that, for the left, it is not about women, it is always and only about political power.



Senior Member

Tue, Sep 25, 2018 2:01 PM
posted by Heretic

Probably as much proof as the people standing behind Kavanaugh, adamant that nothing happened and that the vote should be rushed through.


Guilty until he can prove himself innocent?


Senior Member

Tue, Sep 25, 2018 2:35 PM
posted by wkfan

Guilty until he can prove himself innocent?

I'm kind of stunned that people are actually saying he should invite an FBI investigation to clear his name, over accusations not formally made with no witnesses and no evidence.  Secondly, the FBI is not in the business of "clearing someone of an accusation".  Kavanaugh's recourse is a civil suit for slander and defamation, but though's are almost always losers.  And these women are welcome to file civil or criminal suit against Kavanaugh, but they have 0 chance of winning...which is why they want to waste govt resources on an FBI investigation to delay, delay, delay because impeachment is never going to happen.

That is such a fundamental violation of due process and privacy rights.  I expect the media & Dems to say that (they wouldn't if he was a liberal nominee, and same for Repubs), but you wish your average person knew better.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Tue, Sep 25, 2018 2:39 PM
posted by gut

you wish your average person knew better.

Unfortunately, the "average" person is an idiot. Just read responses to the dumbest posts from media on both sides and be prepared of the dumbest ass takes you've ever seen. 


Senior Member

Tue, Sep 25, 2018 3:20 PM
posted by gut

That is such a fundamental violation of due process and privacy rights.

Apparently, those no longer exist when dealing with #METOO........


Senior Member

Tue, Sep 25, 2018 9:35 PM

I am betting the farm that the chick isnt showing up.  Its all a political game.  They want the Kavenaugh vote to actually happen without her testimony.  It fits their narative that he will be on the bench illegitimate


Senior Member

Tue, Sep 25, 2018 10:26 PM
posted by Spock

I am betting the farm that the chick isnt showing up.  Its all a political game.  They want the Kavenaugh vote to actually happen without her testimony.  It fits their narative that he will be on the bench illegitimate

Well, not sure I'd seriously want to bet on it, but I don't think she or the Dems want her to testify. 

Once she gets up there and answers about 3 dozen questions with "I don't know...I don't recall....I'm not sure" it's going to ruin the narrative.  The Dems just want to use her to gain a few more seats in November, and I think her testifying might have the opposite effect.


How massively disappointed were Dems when Kavanaugh said he kissed that one girl, and she came back with "I never even went out with him?".


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Sep 26, 2018 8:25 AM

The more I read about this whole thing the dumber it gets. The Committee still hasn't gotten the therapist notes or lie detector results from Ford. A week ago Dems wanted outside counsel but now they say there shouldn't be, dumbass media tried saying the outside counsel worked for Sheriff Joe, The 2nd accuser's lawyer hasn't given any evidence to the committee yet even though they've asked over 6 times. It's a complete clown show and am still waiting for anyone on here to defend this shitty behavior.

And for all those who say "why the rush", umm bc Dems, if they win Congress, would try to stall from adding anyone to the court for the next 2 years. Pretty simple


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Sep 26, 2018 8:44 AM
posted by iclfan2

The more I read about this whole thing the dumber it gets. The Committee still hasn't gotten the therapist notes or lie detector results from Ford. A week ago Dems wanted outside counsel but now they say there shouldn't be, dumbass media tried saying the outside counsel worked for Sheriff Joe, The 2nd accuser's lawyer hasn't given any evidence to the committee yet even though they've asked over 6 times. It's a complete clown show and am still waiting for anyone on here to defend this shitty behavior.

And for all those who say "why the rush", umm bc Dems, if they win Congress, would try to stall from adding anyone to the court for the next 2 years. Pretty simple

That's because they want the "old white men" questioning her for optics.  Don't believe me, just ask ptown.  He is preemptively jerking off to those optics. 


As for the "rushing," there is nothing rushed about it.  He was nominated early July and they held onto Ford's allegation for 8 weeks.  GTFO.  You don't hold a SCOTUS confirmation for two extremely weak cases.  Yes,  the cases so far are extremely weak.  I am not sure how you can look at Ford's case where all 4 witnesses deny being at the party.  These are written statements to the judiciary committee, which is punishable if they turn out to be false.  Same with Ramirez's case where all witnesses she named also say they don't know wtf she is talking about.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 26, 2018 8:53 AM
posted by iclfan2

The more I read about this whole thing the dumber it gets.

Someone needs to say until one of these woman is willing to attest TO ANYTHING under penalty of perjury, then this is a smear and not an accusation.

Although Ford's alleged story is allegedly credible, but that still doesn't address the reliability and accuracy of her recollection.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 26, 2018 8:56 AM

Even money odds that Avenati drops his "bombshell" later this afternoon to provide cover for Ford withdrawing from testifying.  Then the Dems and their media propagandists will scream for an FBI investigation while the Senate, rightly so, votes to confirm tomorrow.

The confirmation has to be teetering, though.  If Dems keep a united front, only one or two Repubs have to vote no, and a few seem to be leaning that way.


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Sep 26, 2018 9:11 AM
posted by gut

Someone needs to say until one of these woman is willing to attest TO ANYTHING under penalty of perjury, then this is a smear and not an accusation.

Although Ford's alleged story is allegedly credible, but that still doesn't address the reliability and accuracy of her recollection.

Based on what we have so far, the only thing credible about her story is she was drunk in HS.  

posted by gut

Even money odds that Avenati drops his "bombshell" later this afternoon to provide cover for Ford withdrawing from testifying.  Then the Dems and their media propagandists will scream for an FBI investigation while the Senate, rightly so, votes to confirm tomorrow.

The confirmation has to be teetering, though.  If Dems keep a united front, only one or two Repubs have to vote no, and a few seem to be leaning that way.

Hasn't it already been dropped?  He has implied that Kavanaugh and Judge were part of some gang rape group.    He has made his twitter account private.  Rumors floating around the Internets, that he was fooled by a 4chan user LOL.  Avenatti getting involved makes this entire shit even less credible. 



Honorable Admin

Wed, Sep 26, 2018 9:18 AM
posted by like_that

Based on what we have so far, the only thing credible about her story is she was drunk in HS.  

posted by gut

Even money odds that Avenati drops his "bombshell" later this afternoon to provide cover for Ford withdrawing from testifying.  Then the Dems and their media propagandists will scream for an FBI investigation while the Senate, rightly so, votes to confirm tomorrow.

The confirmation has to be teetering, though.  If Dems keep a united front, only one or two Repubs have to vote no, and a few seem to be leaning that way.

Hasn't it already been dropped?  He has implied that Kavanaugh and Judge were part of some gang rape group.    He has made his twitter account private.  Rumors floating around the Internets, that he was fooled by a 4chan user LOL.  Avenatti getting involved makes this entire shit even less credible. 

I know it's likely not, but I really, really want this to be true.



333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, Sep 26, 2018 9:27 AM

The funny thing about it is that 4chan has already set precedent for trolling political people!


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 26, 2018 9:44 AM
posted by justincredible

I know it's likely not, but I really, really want this to be true.


Creepy Porn Lawyer running around screaming “I’M NOT OWNED, goddamnit!” is doing a pretty good job convincing me that it’s true. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Sep 26, 2018 11:10 AM
posted by QuakerOats

Latest Kavanaugh accuser was a George Soros senior Fellow in 2003. 


Soros is funding an anti Kavanaugh campaign.

You can’t make this stuff up. 

Well, you can.  In fact, people make stuff up and attach Soros to it all the time.  If anything, linking him makes it more likely to be made up (that could just be me, since I've been hearing libertarian conspiracy theorists treating Soros like a boogeyman for 15 years now).

Also, it's already been proven to not be the same Deborah Ramirez.  Also, where's this anti-Kavanaugh campaign that Soros is carrying out?

So yeah, it's actually pretty easy to make this stuff up.

posted by justincredible

I know it's likely not, but I really, really want this to be true.


I would kek.



Senior Member

Wed, Sep 26, 2018 11:15 AM
posted by justincredible

I know it's likely not, but I really, really want this to be true.


Oh I hope this is real....that would be the funniest thing all year.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 26, 2018 11:21 AM

this whole thing is so awesome........I would like to congratulate Prez Trump on his 2020 election for a 2nd term..  Its not hard to run a campaign against these idiots