Disgusted with progressives, part 2...

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Thu, Sep 20, 2018 7:26 PM
posted by Spock

These people are stupid and are only doing this to be in front of a camera.

The big mouth from Hawaii has said some truly offensive things, along the lines of "the woman is to be believed....he said/she said always favor him".  No, they both get to tell their story and be judged equally.

Someone else, maybe more than one, said something about "a bunch of old white men questioning a rape victim".  Ummm, is that not a completely sexist, ageist and racist comment?!?  I think part of the reason Trump supporters don't care about the toxic stuff he says is because prominent voices in the Democratic party are pretty much the same way.


Senior Member

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 1:43 AM

I'll take therapist for 200 Alex.


Senior Member

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 6:39 AM
posted by gut

The big mouth from Hawaii has said some truly offensive things, along the lines of "the woman is to be believed....he said/she said always favor him".  No, they both get to tell their story and be judged equally.

Someone else, maybe more than one, said something about "a bunch of old white men questioning a rape victim".  Ummm, is that not a completely sexist, ageist and racist comment?!?  I think part of the reason Trump supporters don't care about the toxic stuff he says is because prominent voices in the Democratic party are pretty much the same way.

They are way worse


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 8:44 AM

He is going to get confirmed and the left will have their consolation prize by claiming he is illegitimate.  I don't think there is a conservative judge the let believes is legitimate. 

Clarence: Anita Hill!

Roberts & Alito: Bush stole the election from Gore!!!!

Gorusch: Russia and Garland!

Kavanaugh: Ford/Rapist, Russia, and Garland!


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 9:19 AM

I've been trying to imagine how the aftermath of the midterms will go.
If there is a blue wave: regressives will have tearful religious fervency that will rival any Biblical rapture.

If the republicans hold the majority: regressives will be stupefied, will absolutely lose any remaining semblance of rationality, "American democracy is lost forever!"

On the other hand...

If there is a blue wave: republicans will be outraged, making claims of a huge conspiracy of the liberal media that has been gaslighting and propagandizing the American public, "American democracy is lost forever!"

If the republicans hold the majority: "Americans have spoken!" , will espouse joyous platitudes that will rival any Biblical rapture.


Senior Member

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 9:49 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

If there is a blue wave: republicans will be outraged, making claims of a huge conspiracy of the liberal media that has been gaslighting and propagandizing the American public, "American democracy is lost forever!"

Some people have been saying for years that win elections is not about appealing to moderates and independent swing voters...but turning out your base.  That's what Trump did.  That's what Dems try to do with their identity politics and gaslighting.  Anger is a powerful motivator.  And when the economy is doing well, you need to get your base that much angrier.


Senior Member

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 9:53 AM

Couldn't believe an article that came across my news feed this morning.  I read about halfway thru and it was just sickening.  A lengthy article about the elitist prep schools around DC, and the culture of drinking, drugs and "taking advantage of women" (a.k.a high school).  An absolute smear piece that was basically a dog whistle saying "it was the culture....so therefore the accusation against Kavanaugh is probably true".

You know, like those high profile group rape cases at Duke and Virginia...those boys had to be guilty because that's what college frat boys and athletes do.


Also in the same story - and this is the danger of an FBI investigation where they can't verify what people say but feel obligated to report it if the person sounds credible - some woman on Facebook claimed she remembered hearing the story about Kavanaugh.  She later deleted it saying "I'm out of this circus".  An obvious "look at me" moment to get attention, until she realized the implications of such a statement.


Senior Member

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 10:03 AM

It's been funny watching the near polar-opposite coverage on Fox and CNN.  Most shows usually get around to alternative views and being relatively fair/respectful to both sides.  But the tone generally comes down to "why would this woman make it up" vs. "how could Kavanaugh ever prove this wasn't him?".

But the new narrative is we need an FBI investigation.  Cuomo was ranting last night about all the evidence and witnesses....Ummm, no.  She identified one witness, who already formally stated in a letter, subject to perjury, he wasn't there.  Nothing else has been made public or shared with Repubs, and she has made no official statements or complaints.  According to her own words, there is basically nothing to investigate.  And, yeah, the new standard is an innocent person "should welcome an FBI investigation" to clear their name every time an allegation is made.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 10:38 AM
posted by Spock

They are way worse

I dunno.  I think it's easy for Trump supporters to either forget or gloss over some of the pretty ridiculous things he's said.

But yes, the Louies are also really bad.  Just as bad, I think.

posted by gut

Some people have been saying for years that win elections is not about appealing to moderates and independent swing voters...but turning out your base.  That's what Trump did.  That's what Dems try to do with their identity politics and gaslighting.  Anger is a powerful motivator.  And when the economy is doing well, you need to get your base that much angrier.


Truthfully, I do think a lot of Trump's success did come from appealing to moderates.  If you'll recall, there appeared to be a bit of infighting among the RNC over Trump.  There were even a few well-known GOP politicians who chalked themselves up as #nevertrump people.  That seems like it would have appealed to people who didn't like the DNC or the RNC norms.

I honestly think that his ability to portray himself as the "unpolitician" (to borrow from the T-Mobile marketing campaign) helped him as much as anything.  Granted, he certainly spent time rallying his base, of course.  But his penchant for portraying himself as anti-status-quo-Washington I think did him more favors than anything else.

posted by gut

Couldn't believe an article that came across my news feed this morning.  I read about halfway thru and it was just sickening.  A lengthy article about the elitist prep schools around DC, and the culture of drinking, drugs and "taking advantage of women" (a.k.a high school).  An absolute smear piece that was basically a dog whistle saying "it was the culture....so therefore the accusation against Kavanaugh is probably true".

You know, like those high profile group rape cases at Duke and Virginia...those boys had to be guilty because that's what college frat boys and athletes do.


Also in the same story - and this is the danger of an FBI investigation where they can't verify what people say but feel obligated to report it if the person sounds credible - some woman on Facebook claimed she remembered hearing the story about Kavanaugh.  She later deleted it saying "I'm out of this circus".  An obvious "look at me" moment to get attention, until she realized the implications of such a statement.


Not that I'm surprised, but who published that?  That's almost on-the-nose too much to be a dog whistle.

posted by gut

It's been funny watching the near polar-opposite coverage on Fox and CNN.  Most shows usually get around to alternative views and being relatively fair/respectful to both sides.  But the tone generally comes down to "why would this woman make it up" vs. "how could Kavanaugh ever prove this wasn't him?".

But the new narrative is we need an FBI investigation.  Cuomo was ranting last night about all the evidence and witnesses....Ummm, no.  She identified one witness, who already formally stated in a letter, subject to perjury, he wasn't there.  Nothing else has been made public or shared with Repubs, and she has made no official statements or complaints.  According to her own words, there is basically nothing to investigate.  And, yeah, the new standard is an innocent person "should welcome an FBI investigation" to clear their name every time an allegation is made.

I genuinely wish shows with political commentary had Q&A sessions.  I would have liked to see him answer the question, "Which evidence and what witnesses are you talking about?"



333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 10:44 AM

Although I am, and always have been, very skeptical about this woman's accusation... She should not be threatened in any manner in the way that she has been. She should not have to move out of her house and go into hiding. This is ridiculous. You can criticize her all you want, you can even call her out in as public manner as you can, you can call her names. But there is no reason on this earth to threatened her and/or her family bodily harm. I absolutely abhor this sort of behavior and there should be no room for it anywhere.

I can full well understand why the left is circling the wagons around her - it pulls at emotion when this sort of thing happens. I don't agree with it, fully, but I can understand it. Because of this, there is no room in their minds for logic and reason. It is truly a catch 22.



Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 10:46 AM

Trump tweeted about her, he's a moron

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 10:52 AM
posted by iclfan2

Trump tweeted about her, he's a moron

He couldn't stay above the fray if his life depended upon it.  


Senior Member

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 10:56 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

... She should not be threatened in any manner in the way that she has been. She should not have to move out of her house and go into hiding.

Now THAT is something the FBI should investigate....assuming the story is true.  :)

I'd be willing to bet most people that threatened on social media, or email, or voicemail probably didn't hide their tracks.  Prosecute them.  Kavanaugh has allegedly received threats, as well.   LOL, wtf is wrong with people?!?


Son of the Sun

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 11:08 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

I've been trying to imagine how the aftermath of the midterms will go.
If there is a blue wave: regressives will have tearful religious fervency that will rival any Biblical rapture.

If the republicans hold the majority: regressives will be stupefied, will absolutely lose any remaining semblance of rationality, "American democracy is lost forever!"

On the other hand...

If there is a blue wave: republicans will be outraged, making claims of a huge conspiracy of the liberal media that has been gaslighting and propagandizing the American public, "American democracy is lost forever!"

If the republicans hold the majority: "Americans have spoken!" , will espouse joyous platitudes that will rival any Biblical rapture.

That's about it. The top two are what my Twitter feed will be from the poli people; the bottom two are what my Facebook feed will be from the poli people (as well as QQ on this site).


Senior Member

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 12:27 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Although I am, and always have been, very skeptical about this woman's accusation... She should not be threatened in any manner in the way that she has been. She should not have to move out of her house and go into hiding. This is ridiculous. You can criticize her all you want, you can even call her out in as public manner as you can, you can call her names. But there is no reason on this earth to threatened her and/or her family bodily harm. I absolutely abhor this sort of behavior and there should be no room for it anywhere.

I can full well understand why the left is circling the wagons around her - it pulls at emotion when this sort of thing happens. I don't agree with it, fully, but I can understand it. Because of this, there is no room in their minds for logic and reason. It is truly a catch 22.



Agreed.  And then, sadly, I wonder whether some of it is ‘fake threats’, as in Soros-paid nuts lobbing threats in an attempt to make it look like old, white, conservative guys are demeaning her and showing ‘that violent side’ again, which would play into the narrative they want you to follow.

Crazy that we have arrived at a point that such a thought might have merit.


Son of the Sun

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 1:19 PM
posted by QuakerOats


Agreed.  And then, sadly, I wonder whether some of it is ‘fake threats’, as in Soros-paid nuts lobbing threats in an attempt to make it look like old, white, conservative guys are demeaning her and showing ‘that violent side’ again, which would play into the narrative they want you to follow.

Crazy that we have arrived at a point that such a thought might have merit.

Ah, your favorite "PAID BY THE BOOGEYMAN!!!!!" pet theory back in full force. Great thing about it is that it can be applied to virtually every situation where a person sees something happen that seems even remotely suspicious or uncool.

Rs wanting to push Kavanaugh vote through regardless of allegations and before they're at least reasonably proven to be false or true: PAID BY THE KOCH BROS!

Rs immediately coming up with 65 people saying that Kavanaugh is a great guy: PAID BY THE KOCH BROS!

You making a dozen or so blindly partisan posts on this forum a day: PAID...no, wait. You're not significant enough to warrant anything other than a Bazooka Joe wrapper and a stale fortune cookie.


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 1:39 PM

Has anyone mentioned yet how Ford is being advised by democratic operative Ricki Seidman?   The same lady who advised Anita Hill, worked as com director for biden, investigator for ted kennedy, and helped the Obama admin with Sotomoyer's confirmation. 

Listen to the dems though, this is not political at all. 


Senior Member

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 2:16 PM
posted by like_that

Has anyone mentioned yet how Ford is being advised by democratic operative Ricki Seidman?   The same lady who advised Anita Hill, worked as com director for biden, investigator for ted kennedy, and helped the Obama admin with Sotomoyer's confirmation. 

Listen to the dems though, this is not political at all. 

Get ready to be lectured by the poster directly above.



Chief Shenanigans Officer

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 3:07 PM
posted by like_that

Has anyone mentioned yet how Ford is being advised by democratic operative Ricki Seidman?   The same lady who advised Anita Hill, worked as com director for biden, investigator for ted kennedy, and helped the Obama admin with Sotomoyer's confirmation. 

Listen to the dems though, this is not political at all. 

I don't think anybody believes that none of this is political.

Also, operative?


Son of the Sun

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 3:16 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Get ready to be lectured by the poster directly above.


For what? He doesn't come off as a nutcase who is so blindly partisan that "he's being paid off" is actually a more preferable option than "that's how he is" when it comes to gauging the validity of his views.


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 4:02 PM

Actually, Soros has been proven to "pay" people to protest. Actual evidence. What he does is give "directors" money to pay people in cash, in advance, to protest. When they are arrested they already have bail money. This was done as recently as Kavannaugh's job interview (so to speak). 

Now whether paying people beyond stuff like that hasn't really been proven, although it has been highly suspected by both lefties and righties before Dr. Ford's accusation was flung out.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 4:35 PM

Lol the ladies' lawyer now says she is afraid to fly. 


Senior Member

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 4:46 PM
posted by iclfan2

Lol the ladies' lawyer now says she is afraid to fly. 

Can this get any more ridiculous?  They aren't really even hiding the fact this is nothing but a delay tactic.

50/50 she ever testifies.  But my money is going to be delay some more, than schedule something later next week....which will then be canceled for some reason....re-schedule a few weeks later....then demand an investigation based on something she said.


Senior Member

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 4:48 PM
posted by iclfan2

Lol the ladies' lawyer now says she is afraid to fly. 

Also...there will be NO shortage of rich liberals offering use of their private planes.  Well, played lady!


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Sep 21, 2018 5:32 PM

So, a lot going on in this video.

1.) Trump told a Spanish official to build a wall in the Sahara.

2.) Lefties clutching their pearls and landing on their fainting couches over this.

3.) The UN says that 7 out of every 10 muslim people who are illegally crossing borders are migrant workers, not refugees.

4.) It used to be that migrants would sneak over in the middle of the night in obscure areas to get into the countries that they were headed. Now, they're just doing it in broad daylight, landing at posh resort beaches haha!

4.) Spain now has migrants that are leaving Morocco and cutting fences, throwing quicklime, battery acid and feces at police in order to get into Spain (territories).

I guess the migrants pulling these stunts won't be happy until they get another Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand (very right) to oppose them.