Disgusted with progressives, part 2...

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Senior Member

Tue, Sep 18, 2018 9:36 PM
posted by iclfan2

...but if she doesn’t show up on Monday to a private one, hold the vote. 

We're almost back to where we were when it was "an unnamed incident from an unnamed source...".

She tried a couple different ways to report this anonymously.  Fair enough.  But then when that isn't enough, THEN you come forward....except you're not technically willing to come forward on the record.  That smells like someone unwilling to testify under oath, and frankly someone who has thus far avoided any direct potential risk for slander/defamation.  

Demanding an FBI investigation is, I'm sorry, a tacit admission that your story is not compelling on its own, if this is anything more than a delay tactic.  You've come this far, and have been given an opportunity to tell your story behind closed doors.  And you say no?!?  And why would that preclude an FBI investigation?  Tell your story under oath and then you'll have no shortage of calls for an FBI investigation.


Senior Member

Tue, Sep 18, 2018 9:38 PM
posted by iclfan2

Now her lawyer is demanding an FBI investigation. 

Besides, you know Soros has already spent millions trying to find someone willing to corroborate her story, or at least lie for enough cash. :)


Senior Member

Tue, Sep 18, 2018 9:48 PM

If she really wanted this done she should have sent this to Grassley.  If he would have kept it without reporting then that would have held it all up.  Even the left cant get their scams right


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 19, 2018 8:07 AM

This is getting beyond dumb. Just schedule the damn vote. 


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Sep 19, 2018 8:55 AM

Gotta love female privilege. You can make an accusation and then nobody is allowed to question you otherwise they are terrible people.  You also don't actually have to prove it happened per Ford's lawyer's comments.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 19, 2018 11:36 AM

If I was President Mushroom Penis, I'd point out how the Dems want to open a fishing expedition to delay/obstruct Kavanaugh's confirmation....their new go-to tactic, just like Russia collusion.




Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Sep 19, 2018 4:53 PM
posted by gut

To be fair, she brought this up soon after he was nominated.  Which is another reason to believe this isn't some elaborate fabrication.  But if you're not willing to testify, then maybe the story is not what has been reported and/or you don't fully trust your own recollection.  Door #3 is she was a real party girl, and doesn't want her family to know that.  Not passing judgement on that, but it would explain why her attorney is supposedly trying to set boundaries.

An unwillingness to officially testify on the record does seem like it would cast "reasonable doubt," particularly if the testimony would be given behind closed doors.

posted by gut

You've come this far, and have been given an opportunity to tell your story behind closed doors.  And you say no?!?  [...] Tell your story under oath and then you'll have no shortage of calls for an FBI investigation.


To borrow the colloquialism, it's time to shit or get off the pot.  She's had virtually every hurdle between her and giving official testimony removed or overcome.  MAYBE that whole idea that she doesn't want people to know she was a partier after the fact, but I'm pretty sure the lid's already open on that box.



Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Sep 19, 2018 7:50 PM

It’s funny how some of you have come full circle now. The entire thing was a dem delay game. The metoo people should be furious that Feinstein hid it, and more mad that they’re trying to say that a week with private testimony is too soon. It’s a joke, always has been. 


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 19, 2018 9:34 PM

Hillary clinton sure has the balls to be on TV the past few days talking shit.  


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Sep 19, 2018 10:14 PM
posted by iclfan2

It’s funny how some of you have come full circle now. The entire thing was a dem delay game. The metoo people should be furious that Feinstein hid it, and more mad that they’re trying to say that a week with private testimony is too soon. It’s a joke, always has been. 

It still doesn't make sense for her to have done this all as part of a delay tactic with the facts that are out there.

However, Feinstein and those who are using her story are definitely more interested in playing three-card monte with her than they are actually helping her do what she ought to.

This lady appears to have bought into the notion that Democrats just care about people.  She's a sheep trusting wolves to help her.


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 20, 2018 1:06 AM
posted by O-Trap

This lady appears to have bought into the notion that Democrats just care about people.  She's a sheep trusting wolves to help her.

Not sure I'd go that far.  Spock actually made a great point - bring this to a Repub 3 months ago and it would have to be addressed.

I believe that she believes her version of events....I have some [very] modest doubts this isn't all a scam.  She was an activist, and we've all seen what TDS can do to people.


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 20, 2018 1:09 AM
posted by O-Trap

It still doesn't make sense for her to have done this all as part of a delay tactic with the facts that are out there.

Mind you - alleged "facts" - of which she is unwilling to affirm under oath.


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 20, 2018 10:41 AM
posted by gut

Not sure I'd go that far.  Spock actually made a great point - bring this to a Repub 3 months ago and it would have to be addressed.

I believe that she believes her version of events....I have some [very] modest doubts this isn't all a scam.  She was an activist, and we've all seen what TDS can do to people.


You attend HS house parties and get hammered.  You fool around and 35 years later you accuse someone of something.  She never named Kavenaugh in any of it.  Her therapist notes dont have his name in them.  I bet a million dollars the lie detector questions didnt have his name in them.  She isnt coming monday because she cant purger herself on national TV and look credible.  She will look like most HS girls that get hammered drunk and end up in situations like hers.  #someofitisonher


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Thu, Sep 20, 2018 10:49 AM
posted by gut

Not sure I'd go that far.  Spock actually made a great point - bring this to a Repub 3 months ago and it would have to be addressed.

I believe that she believes her version of events....I have some [very] modest doubts this isn't all a scam.  She was an activist, and we've all seen what TDS can do to people.

posted by gut

Mind you - alleged "facts" - of which she is unwilling to affirm under oath.

Perhaps.  I agree that she believes her version of events, as the timeline doesn't really allow for much else.

Perhaps it is a ruse otherwise.



Senior Member

Thu, Sep 20, 2018 1:57 PM
posted by O-Trap
posted by gut

Mind you - alleged "facts" - of which she is unwilling to affirm under oath.

Perhaps.  I agree that she believes her version of events, as the timeline doesn't really allow for much else.

I said "alleged" facts because we've only heard from her lawyer and Feinstein, and possibly a reporter or two (most of whom I've come to view with the integrity of the National Enquirer).  It's hearsay.  No official statements or press releases have been made by this woman.  I don't think Feinstein has even shown the full letter to everyone.

Or maybe the more appropriate view is the Dems are cherry picking her story, and the version we're hearing is not actually this woman's version of events.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Thu, Sep 20, 2018 3:41 PM
posted by gut

I said "alleged" facts because we've only heard from her lawyer and Feinstein, and possibly a reporter or two (most of whom I've come to view with the integrity of the National Enquirer).  It's hearsay.  No official statements or press releases have been made by this woman.  I don't think Feinstein has even shown the full letter to everyone.

Or maybe the more appropriate view is the Dems are cherry picking her story, and the version we're hearing is not actually this woman's version of events.

Could be.  I would hope that if that were the case, either the woman herself or someone who Feinstein and the lawyer don't effectively have at their behest would speak up.

The beauty of trusting much of what passes for press to do nothing but chase ratings and act otherwise self-interested is that if you have a bomb to drop on an already-juicy story, they'd likely gobble it up like Joey Chestnut at Coney Island.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Sep 20, 2018 4:22 PM

Beyond the he said she said, the democrats are going completely nuts on this. The head of the judiciary offered TO FLY TO HER HOUSE to hear her story, and the Dem senators are all saying that the republicans are "jamming it through" and "putting her on the spot", it's completely absurd. And then you read the twitter comments and you wonder how these people tie their shoes in the morning. Our elected officials don't give a shit about anything but re-election, give these old clowns term limits.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Thu, Sep 20, 2018 4:29 PM
posted by iclfan2

Beyond the he said she said, the democrats are going completely nuts on this. The head of the judiciary offered TO FLY TO HER HOUSE to hear her story, and the Dem senators are all saying that the republicans are "jamming it through" and "putting her on the spot", it's completely absurd. And then you read the twitter comments and you wonder how these people tie their shoes in the morning. Our elected officials don't give a shit about anything but re-election, give these old clowns term limits.

Yeah, it's become quite a shit show.  I'm seeing people lose their minds about it on social media.  Hell, political party be damned, everyone seems to have lost their minds over it.  A few Republicans I know are calling her entire story into doubt because she hasn't acted like an emotionless, fearless strategist in the whole thing.  And several Democrats/Socialists I know are practically ready to cast her likeness and start a church around her.

You know, when I was little, I used to trust authorities.  If I hadn't done anything wrong, I didn't have anything to hide, and they could be trusted with any and all information about me.

Then, I see stuff like this, and I'm reminded why I stopped believing politicians and their various extensions can be trusted with anything without consent.


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 20, 2018 4:44 PM

I am starting to question whether she actually took a lie detector (nevermind what questions were or weren't asked).  Same with the therapist notes.  Is anyone other than Feinstein and the lawyer privy to any of this?

Plus, Feinstein slipped the other day saying "I don't know if it's true...".  I think the reality is what she would have to say under oath is a big nothingburger, which is why Dems are actually trying to keep her from testifying.  Much easier and effective to smear Kavanaugh without this lady ever going on the record.

Seems obvious to me, if this woman was compelling and convincing, that Dems would trip all over themselves to get her to testify.  Because then it becomes very problematic for Repubs to move ahead with confirmation, at least without an investigation first.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Thu, Sep 20, 2018 5:21 PM
posted by gut

I am starting to question whether she actually took a lie detector (nevermind what questions were or weren't asked).  Same with the therapist notes.  Is anyone other than Feinstein and the lawyer privy to any of this?

Plus, Feinstein slipped the other day saying "I don't know if it's true...".  I think the reality is what she would have to say under oath is a big nothingburger, which is why Dems are actually trying to keep her from testifying.  Much easier and effective to smear Kavanaugh without this lady ever going on the record.

Seems obvious to me, if this woman was compelling and convincing, that Dems would trip all over themselves to get her to testify.  Because then it becomes very problematic for Repubs to move ahead with confirmation, at least without an investigation first.

I've seen so many people mentioning the stuff about therapist's notes and the polygraph.  I didn't realize no therapist has confirmed it or that no polygraph results have actually come out.

Shit, if they lied about that, that would've been a pretty big gamble.  And given the way things are going, it doesn't seem like it's going to pay off very well.


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 20, 2018 5:40 PM
posted by O-Trap

I've seen so many people mentioning the stuff about therapist's notes and the polygraph.  I didn't realize no therapist has confirmed it or that no polygraph results have actually come out.

Shit, if they lied about that, that would've been a pretty big gamble.  And given the way things are going, it doesn't seem like it's going to pay off very well.

As far as I know, she does not have a history of radical activism.  I don't doubt she has a story, just that I can't believe any of it until she tells that story formally.

Apparently, the woman provided "portions of the therapist notes" to WaPo for their review.  But when it comes to Trump, or a conservative SCOTUS, I trust WaPo and NYT about as much as InfoWars.

But, ummm, yeah if the notes and lie detector don't actually exist then she's not attesting to that under oath.  Like you, I can't believe this stuff wouldn't exist.  But you're not sharing/disclosing the only two pieces of evidence that adds credibility to the story you've yet to tell....bullshit.

Until this woman comes forward to testify, I'm inclined to believe this is nothing but Feinstein and a prominent #MeToo lawyer smearing a conservative SCOTUS nominee with impunity.


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 20, 2018 5:42 PM

But to add another angle to this....If Kavanaugh sues her for defamation, even if that is a sure loser, it WOULD compel her to be deposed, under oath.  If it's truly bullshit, wouldn't you already have sued this woman? Again, Kavanaugh may not remember, so it could backfire because he surely had blackout drunk moments in high school.


What a bizarro world that the only people who seem to want this woman to actually testify....are Republicans!


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Sep 20, 2018 6:48 PM

So now the lawyer comes out and says she can testify next week, but not Monday. Like why? And then further says but they’d really like an investigation prior. Umm what do they investigate without talking to her to hear what she has to say? All they have is a letter than says it happened. Isn’t the first step in any investigation to speak with the accuser? Assault or not, she and her lawyers are acting in bad faith at the least.


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 20, 2018 7:10 PM

These people are stupid and are only doing this to be in front of a camera.


If she felt compelled to come forward after 35 years, she should have walked into a local police station and filed a complaint about being raped.  End of story.  She should have gave all info the the pubs because if people found out they sat on it, game over.




Senior Member

Thu, Sep 20, 2018 7:17 PM
posted by iclfan2

And then further says but they’d really like an investigation prior. Umm what do they investigate without talking to her to hear what she has to say? 

I think I have this figured out.  Local police aren't going to investigate this.  Maybe a few questions, but it will be over in a matter of days.  But if the FBI drags out an investigation, "anonymous leaks" can continue the character assassination on Kavanaugh up thru the election.

I don't know why Repubs just don't come out and say "By her own admission in the WaPo story, it is 100% he said/she said.  By her own admission, there is nothing to investigate or fact check".  I believe the committee has already questioned Kavanaugh and his buddy, under oath.  Dems declined to attend!!!!