Disgusted with progressives, part 2...

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Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Sep 26, 2018 5:28 PM
posted by geeblock

Kids get charged as adults all the time. 

Typically, when this happens, it's because they are either close to adult age or they exhibit other signs of fully understanding their actions.

Or because a prosecutor has an axe to grind.  Let's not pretend that doesn't happen.

Even if it does happen, though, it's the pretty drastic exception -- and as I said, that's for a reason.



Wed, Sep 26, 2018 6:53 PM
posted by QuakerOats


I kindly refer you to the ‘Impressed by Trump Administration part II’ thread, wherein you will find a plethora of facts and related links concerning the economy and business activity occurring since the Trump election. 


Dispute up.


I think he asked you for links about something else but I see another trump tactic.. immediately change the subject 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Sep 26, 2018 7:24 PM

Lol a 4th accuser! Well, her mom wrote a letter, that in ‘98 her daughter was pushed against a wall and he looked at her sexually. The daughter is still traumatized so she couldn’t write it herself... 4 witnessses too! But no names, and obviously not real, solid reporting NBC. 

It’s like the left wants Republicans to show up to the mid terms. Also over 60 classmates signed a letter saying they’ve never heard of the girl and never saw anything like that. This is fucking wild.


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Sep 26, 2018 8:16 PM
posted by iclfan2

Lol a 4th accuser! Well, her mom wrote a letter, that in ‘98 her daughter was pushed against a wall and he looked at her sexually. The daughter is still traumatized so she couldn’t write it herself... 4 witnessses too! But no names, and obviously not real, solid reporting NBC. 

It’s like the left wants Republicans to show up to the mid terms. Also over 60 classmates signed a letter saying they’ve never heard of the girl and never saw anything like that. This is fucking wild.

Correction, it was the friend of the mother's daughter. 

It looks like this is coming from the transcript of Kavanaugh's interview yesterday with the Judiciary committee.  He was asked about EVERYTHING, including a rape accusation coming from a twitter account of a guy who apparently is unhinged over Trump.  NBC decided to report this as news.  


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, Sep 26, 2018 10:37 PM
posted by iclfan2

in ‘98 her daughter was pushed against a wall and he looked at her sexually. The daughter is still traumatized so she couldn’t write it herself... 4 witnessses too! But no names

Ok, with that... I have no more hesitations. I had my doubts with #1, some hesitance with #2. But with this? Nope. Mind made up!

I have to wonder what "looked at her sexually" means. A leer? A glance at her boobs? gawd!


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 8:54 AM

And there goes the AP to join the media with no credability "Like the Kennedy assassination, Challenger explosion, and the twin towers, will the Kav-Ford hearing be a where-were-you moment?"  GTFO.

Ha, 2 guys came out and now said they are the ones who assaulted Ford. (I don't believe them) But funny to see the dems condemn them for their "11th hour" charade. 


Honorable Admin

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 8:56 AM
posted by iclfan2

And there goes the AP to join the media with no credability "Like the Kennedy assassination, Challenger explosion, and the twin towers, will the Kav-Ford hearing be a where-were-you moment?"  GTFO.

LOL. Give me a break.



333 - I'm only half evil

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 9:19 AM

After this is all said and done, I really hope that both parties never pull this kind of crap again. Ever. 

lol, what's the odds of THAT coming to fruition?


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 9:23 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

After this is all said and done, I really hope that both parties never pull this kind of crap again. Ever. 

lol, what's the odds of THAT coming to fruition?

Ehh, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I'm not advocating using fake sexual assault bc that's absurd, but next time the Dems try to get someone confirmed I hope the process takes just as long and annoys everyone. You already have people, including here, saying oh well Repubs would do the same thing, so already guilty before doing it. So blow it up.


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 9:54 AM
posted by iclfan2

Ha, 2 guys came out and now said they are the ones who assaulted Ford. (I don't believe them) But funny to see the dems condemn them for their "11th hour" charade. 

So bizarre.  Wonder if it's fake news?  I can't imagine ANYONE admitting to that, statute of limitations or not.  But we should summarily dismiss them, right, even though they're making an admission counter to their interests?


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 10:24 AM
posted by iclfan2

Ehh, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I'm not advocating using fake sexual assault bc that's absurd, but next time the Dems try to get someone confirmed I hope the process takes just as long and annoys everyone. You already have people, including here, saying oh well Repubs would do the same thing, so already guilty before doing it. So blow it up.

What if several women DO testify that Kavanaugh raped them? Then will you still be saying derp derp derp Democrats are slimy derp derp derp!

None of us know what really happened. and yes it appears that several dems are using this as political sabotage because they don’t want Kavanaugh in. But is no one going to point out that when there’s smoke there’s fire and Kavanaugh at the very least does appear to have a few skeletons? 


333 - I'm only half evil

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 10:31 AM

The dems IMO have gone through stages in this. Like...

"Ok we have this accusation."

"Ok, that didn't really do much, let's put THIS really weird accusation out."

"Wellllllll, the spaghetti still isn't sticking to the wall, let's throw this really really weird accusation out."

"Fuck, now what?"

And not only are we supposed to suspend our logic and reasoning and numerous FBI investigations for prior employment, but we're also supposed to totally disregard due process. The situation has been set up so that Kavanaugh cannot and will not face his accuser/s. All of this on top of the fact that Feinstein only introduced this first accusation for political leverage.

I tried giving benefit of the doubt, but I cannot do it. I've tried sitting on the fence on this but the black and white facts of events isn't letting me continue. I really really think this is not going to end well for the dems in DC. Possibly even trickle down to the lower levels of government, which is a shame, because I think local democrats are the dems that do the most good. We just saw 2 years ago how negative reactions to dems work out.

I'm waiting on somebody to come forth and proclaim that they saw Kavanaugh worship a turnip and sacrificed a canteloupe in honor of the turnip.



1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 10:38 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

What if several women DO testify that Kavanaugh raped them? Then will you still be saying derp derp derp Democrats are slimy derp derp derp!

None of us know what really happened. and yes it appears that several dems are using this as political sabotage because they don’t want Kavanaugh in. But is no one going to point out that when there’s smoke there’s fire and Kavanaugh at the very least does appear to have a few skeletons? 

Dude, 12+ witnesses have been named by these accusers and all of them at the very worst said they weren't at these parties.  Some of them said they don't even know who the fuck Kavanaugh is and this is coming from some witnesses are who close friends of the accusers.  The other accusations coming out of the woodwork the past 12 hours are already proven to be 100% bullshit as well. I am done playing the "what if," or " big, if true" game with these people.

Feinsten held onto Ford's accusation for 8 weeks, they release this shit right before the vote, they have done nothing to prove this is legit and they are have been pretty transparent their current goal is to delay, which will ultimately lead to their end goal of blocking this nomination.  They are pretty open about it.  At this point I am all in that these people are full of shit and the dems can go fuck themselves.  Have the vote, and if they want to try to impeach him good luck with their currently weak ass cases.  You don't delay a SCOTUS confirmation, because a bunch of butt hurt cry babies are throwing shit on a wall.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 10:40 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

What if several women DO testify that Kavanaugh raped them? Then will you still be saying derp derp derp Democrats are slimy derp derp derp!

None of us know what really happened. and yes it appears that several dems are using this as political sabotage because they don’t want Kavanaugh in. But is no one going to point out that when there’s smoke there’s fire and Kavanaugh at the very least does appear to have a few skeletons? 

The only plausible one is the first one. And the evidence doesn't hold up, all witnesses have denied. The other 2 are complete garbage. So no, I don't see any smoke. And testifying with no evidence ever brought up does nothing to change my opinion that the democrats played this for political gain. Feinstein sat on it for 6 weeks and all they have done since then is try to delay based on  garbage reasoning (Ford afraid to fly, a week is too early, etc). They should have stuck with Ford only, the ones after that has made the whole thing a circus.

I don't believe Kavanaugh on his word, skeptical of anyone, but when anyone Ford has mentioned denies it, including another female, I have no reason to believe her. The burden of evidence is on the accuser. 

Currently, Feinstein is up there saying nothing about the current case but of sexual abuse in America. Has nothing to do with this alleged incident.


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 10:40 AM

Watch out guys, the dems invited Alyssa Milano to the hearing.  It's over, Kavanuagh is a serial rapist.


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 10:42 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

After this is all said and done, I really hope that both parties never pull this kind of crap again. Ever. 

lol, what's the odds of THAT coming to fruition?

What if he's not confirmed? I'm not saying he won't be and I think he will be and I agree it is a hatchet job but I mean is there not some element of blame on the GOP for blowing this? 

I mean Neil Gorsuch was a boy scout & sailed through. At the outset guys like Hugh Hewitt warned against going with Kavanaugh cuz of his trove of documents related to working as a GOP operative. 

I mean the Democrats were dishonorable in,playing politics with the information they discovered but the women came forward to them without solicitation. 

There are scores of non-frat boy douchers that would have been fine conservative choices. Kavanaugh isn't on trial, he's interviewing for a very high profile job and had baggage. 

The Mark Judge guy and his tons of pictures with teen girls on his Flickr account? Jesus Christ sure doesn't help Kavanaugh when you look at his buddy and think "yeah he rapes" 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 10:47 AM

Agreed, they should have went Barrett. She would have got roasted for some of her religious things, but obv not to this level. Wonder if the Dems would really try to delay seating someone for 2 years if Kav somehow doesn't get confirmed.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 10:54 AM

Kudos to Ford for showing up though. I don't think she made up getting assaulted, something definitely happened to her in the past, I just think she could be mis-remembering since none of what she has stated could be backed up by anyone. The rub is, do you not confirm a nominee because a woman sounds sincere, but no evidence actually points to it being true?  That is what some of the Republicans will be trying to figure out. I think there are a couple on the fence. The Dems were obviously voting no before any of this even came out.


333 - I'm only half evil

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 10:55 AM
posted by BoatShoes

What if he's not confirmed? I'm not saying he won't be and I think he will be and I agree it is a hatchet job but I mean is there not some element of blame on the GOP for blowing this? 

I mean Neil Gorsuch was a boy scout & sailed through. At the outset guys like Hugh Hewitt warned against going with Kavanaugh cuz of his trove of documents related to working as a GOP operative. 

I mean the Democrats were dishonorable in,playing politics with the information they discovered but the women came forward to them without solicitation. 

There are scores of non-frat boy douchers that would have been fine conservative choices. Kavanaugh isn't on trial, he's interviewing for a very high profile job and had baggage. 

The Mark Judge guy and his tons of pictures with teen girls on his Flickr account? Jesus Christ sure doesn't help Kavanaugh when you look at his buddy and think "yeah he rapes" 

Before Feinstein released her "bombshell" I was indifferent. After first woman came forward I was skeptical. Second accuser came out and I was smelling smoke. Third/fourth... I'm not buying any of it now.

I agree that there were plenty of other choices for the GOP. Would you have approved if they immediately dropped him like a hot potato? I know it probably would have crossed MY mind to do that, but that doesn't mean that is what I would do. But it would have crossed my mind. Do you think that the GOP is/was wrong in trying to get this woman to tell her side of the story? Would you rather that they did not?

I suppose that there might be some culpability in the GOP but right now, I can't think of what it is.

I don't give two shits or a fuck about Mark Judge. 

Again, I hope this never happens again. I don't believe it is beneficial to the accusers, the accused, the politicians or the public.


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 10:56 AM
posted by BoatShoes

What if he's not confirmed? I'm not saying he won't be and I think he will be and I agree it is a hatchet job but I mean is there not some element of blame on the GOP for blowing this? 

I mean Neil Gorsuch was a boy scout & sailed through. At the outset guys like Hugh Hewitt warned against going with Kavanaugh cuz of his trove of documents related to working as a GOP operative. 

I mean the Democrats were dishonorable in,playing politics with the information they discovered but the women came forward to them without solicitation. 

There are scores of non-frat boy douchers that would have been fine conservative choices. Kavanaugh isn't on trial, he's interviewing for a very high profile job and had baggage. 

The Mark Judge guy and his tons of pictures with teen girls on his Flickr account? Jesus Christ sure doesn't help Kavanaugh when you look at his buddy and think "yeah he rapes" 

I have some frat brothers who have done some "problematic" shit based on how low the bar is in 2018.  That doesn't make me a rapist.  


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 11:04 AM
posted by iclfan2

Kudos to Ford for showing up though. I don't think she made up getting assaulted, something definitely happened to her in the past, I just think she could be mis-remembering since none of what she has stated could be backed up by anyone. The rub is, do you not confirm a nominee because a woman sounds sincere, but no evidence actually points to it being true?  That is what some of the Republicans will be trying to figure out. I think there are a couple on the fence. The Dems were obviously voting no before any of this even came out.

Lol. First she was making this all up because she wouldn’t testify. Now she’s testifying but she def is misremembering who the actual accuser was and nooo way was it Kavanaugh! 



Senior Member

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 11:05 AM
posted by like_that

Dude, 12+ witnesses have been named by these accusers and all of them at the very worst said they weren't at these parties.  Some of them said they don't even know who the fuck Kavanaugh is and this is coming from some witnesses are who close friends of the accusers.  The other accusations coming out of the woodwork the past 12 hours are already proven to be 100% bullshit as well. I am done playing the "what if," or " big, if true" game with these people.

Feinsten held onto Ford's accusation for 8 weeks, they release this shit right before the vote, they have done nothing to prove this is legit and they are have been pretty transparent their current goal is to delay, which will ultimately lead to their end goal of blocking this nomination.  They are pretty open about it.  At this point I am all in that these people are full of shit and the dems can go fuck themselves.  Have the vote, and if they want to try to impeach him good luck with their currently weak ass cases.  You don't delay a SCOTUS confirmation, because a bunch of butt hurt cry babies are throwing shit on a wall.

All I’m saying is, perfectly clean individuals don’t get repeatedly accused of rape (look at Gorsuch). 


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 11:08 AM

Classes in trying to determine someone's veracity through sensory cues point out that crying with no tears is a sign of deception.



Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 11:09 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Lol. First she was making this all up because she wouldn’t testify. Now she’s testifying but she def is misremembering who the actual accuser was and nooo way was it Kavanaugh! 


Didn't say no way. Said there is no evidence. Slippery slope to start holding people accountable for allegations with 0 evidence. She could be making it all up, but comes off well.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Thu, Sep 27, 2018 11:10 AM

From a dear friend of mine who is a pastor of a church in Pennsylvania:



As I write this today, the Kavanaugh and Ford Hearings are beginning, and the nation sits riveted. It's estimated that 60% of Americans will tune in today.

So, should Christians pray for Judge Kavanaugh? I've seen many posts recently stating that we should. And I would say, of course. We should pray for everyone. So, should we also pray for Dr. Ford? Of course... but maybe we shouldn't pray for them in the way you're thinking.

While I fully agree that we should pray for both of them, what I quite frankly find preposterous is the notion from any individual that we should "really pray" for only one of them, because we have perfect insight into the situation and we know beyond the shadow of a doubt what happened in 1982, who is telling the truth, who is lying, and we can perfectly divine the intents of either Dr. Ford or Judge Kavanaugh.

Frankly, whether you like it or not, none of us know. I know whose story I, at this point, personally find more believable, but I am not so arrogant as to think that the opinion I hold is the pure, unadulterated truth.

And so today, while I pray for both of them, I pray primarily that God would give them both grace to recall events as accurately as possible and to be honest about what happened. I pray that our Senators would care more about truth, justice, and righteousness than their political party, their donors, and yes, even more than their constituents and their political futures. I pray that whoever next fills the empty seat on the Supreme Court would be a person who enables our country to better "do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God."

Christians, I remind you that your commitment to truth should override (by FAR) your commitment to any ideology or political party.

Today, calling upon the greater ideals in our Western legal tradition, I raise my voice with those who rendered the 1772 verdict in Somerset vs Stewart that found slavery in Britain to be unsupported by common law: "Fiat justitia ruat caelum!"

"Let justice be done, though the heavens fall!"

Rev. Jeremy R. Wood
September 27, 2018