Disgusted by the Trump administration part II

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Mon, Jun 25, 2018 5:49 AM
posted by gut

Well what exactly do you think Obama has left as far as accomplishments?  

If you're being honest, POTUS is pretty clearly a figurehead.  Congress has the real power, and aside from checks & balances POTUS has little.  He hires people who hire the people who do the real work.  You seem to be making this argument because of the need to believe Obama did something positive, and that Trump is evil.  Truth is both suck and don't matter.

I used to believe what the POTUS said and did mattered....but after 8 years of Obama and 1 year of Trump I've realized that's simply wrong.

Obama re-appointing Bernanke and Yellen saved the economy and saved us from his and Congress' mistakes e.g. the tax hikes and fiscal cliff. 

Trump appointing a hawk in Jerome Powell could cause his own failure to get re-elected. (But in all honesty Powell has been better than I thought so far - sort of like former chairman Burns didn't adhere to his hawkish views when Nixon appointed him). 

While Trump can erase much of Obama's legacy - he can't erase the Fed chair picks. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Mon, Jun 25, 2018 8:05 AM

Schumer calling for a czar to oversee immigration, now. More government. If there is a clause *anywhere* conceding money to the military Trump will create one, which pisses me off, because he is THAT easily managed.


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 25, 2018 12:09 PM
posted by BoatShoes

President Trump proposes "No Judges or Court Cases" for suspected illegal aliens. 


Surely a policy that promotes the values of liberty and constitutional conservatism. 



We have the most generous immigration rules in the world; people need to adhere to it and all will be well.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Mon, Jul 16, 2018 3:24 PM

I'm kind of sorry Quaker Oats is on vacation this week.  I would have been interested in his spin on Trump's meeting with Putin.  Despite all of our intelligence services concurring that Russia interfered with the 2016 election, Trump chose to take Putin at his word because he (Putin) stated his denial "strongly". 


Maybe every one of our intelligence services is wrong.  Or maybe it is the "deep state" (thank you for the term Brietbart) on course to take over the world.  But if our intelligence is correct and Russia did interfere, then what a weak, weak showing by Trump.  Based upon his complete obsession with his electoral win, it sure appears that he is threatened by the chance that his win had some outside help.  Now it looks like that egotism takes precedent over our national interests.  


"Peace in our time..."


333 - I'm only half evil

Mon, Jul 16, 2018 4:00 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

I'm kind of sorry Quaker Oats is on vacation this week.  I would have been interested in his spin on Trump's meeting with Putin.  Despite all of our intelligence services concurring that Russia interfered with the 2016 election, Trump chose to take Putin at his word because he (Putin) stated his denial "strongly". 


I've not been following this whole Russian investigation thing much. I know that some Russian interests bought facebook ads but that's all I'm familiar with. What else have Russians done or interfered with?


Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Mon, Jul 16, 2018 4:25 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

I've not been following this whole Russian investigation thing much. I know that some Russian interests bought facebook ads but that's all I'm familiar with. What else have Russians done or interfered with?


I haven't followed it much either.  All I know is the intelligence chiefs were brought in front of congress to give testimony and they all said there was Russian government directed interference.  What that consists of, I'm not sure.  I think there were ads, news story plants and email hacking, but I'm not sure.  



Senior Member

Mon, Jul 16, 2018 4:41 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

 I think there were ads, news story plants and email hacking, but I'm not sure.  


I believe this is all true, plus some serious social network tampering (fake account spreading false information, fake rallies, etc). They were basically hired to stir the pot.


Now that I type that out, I'm convinced QuakerOats is actually a Russian troll account 


Senior Member

Mon, Jul 16, 2018 4:42 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

I haven't followed it much either.  All I know is the intelligence chiefs were brought in front of congress to give testimony and they all said there was Russian government directed interference.  What that consists of, I'm not sure.  I think there were ads, news story plants and email hacking, but I'm not sure.  

That all sounds about right.

I don't think they actually impacted the election.  I think the goal was to stir-up a shitstorm, which we retarded Americans took the bait hook, line and sinker.  Russia actually started running anti-Trump ads/attacks after he won.  Doesn't matter, of course, becaues the "resist" movement insists on believing Trump is a puppet installed by Russia.


Senior Member

Mon, Jul 16, 2018 5:15 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

I've not been following this whole Russian investigation thing much. I know that some Russian interests bought facebook ads but that's all I'm familiar with. What else have Russians done or interfered with?


Gave $400 million to Hillary


Senior Member

Mon, Jul 16, 2018 6:21 PM

a few things:


1.  Who is going to believe anything coming out of DC?  THe so called "intelligence" agencies are all under the gun and dont seem reliable.  FBI and Strsok, CIA and Brennan......

2.  Like Trump said.....where is the server?  That would answer the question.

3.  Everything done by Russia is "state government".  

4.  Lets not all ride our high horse to much....its not like the USA doesnt do this shit.

5.  What we have it a perfect shit storm that has been spun by our media to make us believe that this was all part of some sort of "Russia/Trump" love fest when in reality it was the Dems that got caught rigging an election and they flipped it on Trump after he made a off the cuff comment about "Russia can you find her emails"


Senior Member

Mon, Jul 16, 2018 10:34 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

I've not been following this whole Russian investigation thing much. I know that some Russian interests bought facebook ads but that's all I'm familiar with. What else have Russians done or interfered with?


Didn't they hack the dnc server and Clinton's email server? Or at least that's what they've been accused of. How the left can spin that as "but her emails" I have no idea. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, Jul 17, 2018 8:48 AM

Two things on my mind right now.

1.) I'm not happy with Trump as President. But on the other hand, I don't think I could be happy with anybody at this point, whether right/left/center. Perhaps this is because the rise of social media and everything that anybody does is the worst thing ever. Maybe it's because my level of jadedness is beyond the event horizon. I don't know. Rand Paul might be the exception but some of his hands-off ideas go a little too far. 

2.) The story going around about a possible video of Trump doing something in an elevator that maybe somebody, somewhere has is possibly the new birther surprise. That's it. That's the story. A possible something happened in an elevator and nobody knows what it is that was done but Trump is involved. Media and journalists buzzing about this and reporting it as an actual story lol!

I have no problem going after Trump. He eggs things on so in my opinion he can deal with the fallout. But ffs there is enough to go after him about in all reality - there's no damn reason to work yourself up into a lather about hypotheticals. It's predictable at this point and almost funny. Except for the fact that millions of people are reading these things and it adds to their fears and mania. Also, I think that it just makes Trump supporters dig in their heels even more and people on the fence about him are seeing this mass hysteria and are leaning on the side of joining the Trump Team. I've talked to people who are exactly in this situation and these are people I never would have thought would ever... ever... come to this point. It's astonishing to me. I don't know. Whatever, I guess.


333 - I'm only half evil

Tue, Jul 17, 2018 8:50 AM
posted by FatHobbit

Didn't they hack the dnc server and Clinton's email server? Or at least that's what they've been accused of. How the left can spin that as "but her emails" I have no idea. 

You could be very correct here, but who knows?! I've all but given up on any "reports" coming out of DC/media/politicians. I started to read up on all of this earlier this morning and in about 2 minutes my eyes glazed over, my jaw was slack and I kept reading the same sentence for the third time before I just clicked out of the damn page and left to get some more coffee. I've gotta applaud the people who are able to continuously keep up with all this stuff.


Senior Member

Tue, Jul 17, 2018 9:03 AM

the Russians didnt do shit during this election cycle that added up to more than what they always have done or what we do to them.  What they did do is find out that HC and the Dems could be hacked and they did it (along with China, probably NK and a few others).  When the dems found out that everyone was going to find out how illegal HC and BHO were during their reign and the rigging against Bernie they had to come up with a plan to make it look like Trump was in on it and let the left wing media control the narrative instead of the real story.

Boy it worked cause most people in the US are dumb.


Senior Member

Tue, Jul 17, 2018 9:14 AM

Trump slurps Putin and the Trump contingent are loving it. lol


Senior Member

Tue, Jul 17, 2018 9:26 AM
posted by Automatik

Trump slurps Putin and the Trump contingent are loving it. lol



Senior Member

Tue, Jul 17, 2018 9:43 AM

Putin to Donald: Your name is Reek!


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Tue, Jul 17, 2018 9:45 AM
posted by Automatik

Trump slurps Putin and the Trump contingent are loving it. lol

Says who? C'mon don't be boogie here. Literally every conservative I follow on twitter called Trump a retard. 


Son of the Sun

Tue, Jul 17, 2018 10:56 AM
posted by Automatik

Trump slurps Putin and the Trump contingent are loving it. lol

I'm enjoying watching CC go from talking about how weak Obama was in dealing with other countries to praising Trump for throwing his own intelligence bureaus under the bus in order to suck up to Putin. Because he's at least here to do those mental gymnastics, unlike the one guy who constantly ragged on Obama's golfing (Bases Loaded?), but then disappeared around the time Trump came into office and played even more golf on the job.



Tue, Jul 17, 2018 11:22 AM



Tue, Jul 17, 2018 11:29 AM

I love sitting back and watch the hypocrisy of the right. They would be losing their minds in this like they did the last 8 years. Now all they can manage is some vailed outrage at The media. Or vent frustration at the same behavior they participated in against obama. Or even worse the “ we don’t know what is going on behind closed doors” lol lol oh yea there is also the I haven’t really been keeping up with this Russia thing. Lololol

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Tue, Jul 17, 2018 11:37 AM
posted by Spock

a few things:


1.  Who is going to believe anything coming out of DC?  THe so called "intelligence" agencies are all under the gun and dont seem reliable.  FBI and Strsok, CIA and Brennan......

2.  Like Trump said.....where is the server?  That would answer the question.

3.  Everything done by Russia is "state government".  

4.  Lets not all ride our high horse to much....its not like the USA doesnt do this shit.

5.  What we have it a perfect shit storm that has been spun by our media to make us believe that this was all part of some sort of "Russia/Trump" love fest when in reality it was the Dems that got caught rigging an election and they flipped it on Trump after he made a off the cuff comment about "Russia can you find her emails"

I can only imagine the outrage on this site if Obama had held a press conference like Trump did yesterday.  It would be through-the-roof-outrage.  To your points:

  1. I have never heard conservatives ever call into question the ability and motive or our collective intelligence apparatus.  It's now considered totally unreliable by many on the right because Trump basically said it was.  But he has a huge dog in the fight, so he isn't really an objective perspective.  
  2. That's misdirection.  I don't know where the server is or the lost emails.  That all seems pretty shady to me.  I think Hillary's very shady/.  But that has nothing to do with what Trump's being investigated for.  If Hillary committed something illegal, she should be held accountable.  But a drunk driver doesn't get off because he says, "well, I wasn't dunk because I'm telling you I wasn't.  And besides, there are other drunks on the road who weren't pulled over"
  3. Trump had the head of the Russian government right there and folded like a cheap card table.  Chamberlin came back to London from Munich and promised peace.  Why?  Because Hitler promised of course.  Don't any of the lessons of history apply here?
  4. You have no way of knowing this unless you're retired CIA or something.  If the US meddled in Russian elections the way Russia is accused of doing in ours, the UK's, and other European countries, it would be found out by someone and brought out.  The outrage by the world would be justifiably harsh.  But that aside, you say our intelligence agencies are not reliable.  If that's the case, how could they carry off these enormous operations completely undetected? 
  5. No one can convince someone that there isn't a huge conspiracy by the news media if that is what they chose to see.  Although that would require countless people to work together to pull off, maybe it's the case.  But just step back for a second and ask this question: what if all of the intelligence agency heads and the legislators of the same party of the president are correct and there was Russian meddling?  Were that the case, doesn't it deserve a response?  

Trump told hard-hitting journalist Sean Hannity that the collusion investigation is a total "left-wing conspiracy".  That phrase should sound familiar to most of us - if you substituted "right" for "left".  We remember how that turned out.  


Senior Member

Tue, Jul 17, 2018 12:00 PM
posted by iclfan2

Says who? C'mon don't be boogie here. Literally every conservative I follow on twitter called Trump a retard. 

I didn't say conservatives. The logical ones are speaking out. The Trump Train is on that "nothing to see here" defense.


Senior Member

Tue, Jul 17, 2018 12:16 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

I can only imagine the outrage on this site if Obama had held a press conference like Trump did yesterday.  It would be through-the-roof-outrage.  To your points:

  1. I have never heard conservatives ever call into question the ability and motive or our collective intelligence apparatus.  It's now considered totally unreliable by many on the right because Trump basically said it was.  But he has a huge dog in the fight, so he isn't really an objective perspective.  
  2. That's misdirection.  I don't know where the server is or the lost emails.  That all seems pretty shady to me.  I think Hillary's very shady/.  But that has nothing to do with what Trump's being investigated for.  If Hillary committed something illegal, she should be held accountable.  But a drunk driver doesn't get off because he says, "well, I wasn't dunk because I'm telling you I wasn't.  And besides, there are other drunks on the road who weren't pulled over"
  3. Trump had the head of the Russian government right there and folded like a cheap card table.  Chamberlin came back to London from Munich and promised peace.  Why?  Because Hitler promised of course.  Don't any of the lessons of history apply here?
  4. You have no way of knowing this unless you're retired CIA or something.  If the US meddled in Russian elections the way Russia is accused of doing in ours, the UK's, and other European countries, it would be found out by someone and brought out.  The outrage by the world would be justifiably harsh.  But that aside, you say our intelligence agencies are not reliable.  If that's the case, how could they carry off these enormous operations completely undetected? 
  5. No one can convince someone that there isn't a huge conspiracy by the news media if that is what they chose to see.  Although that would require countless people to work together to pull off, maybe it's the case.  But just step back for a second and ask this question: what if all of the intelligence agency heads and the legislators of the same party of the president are correct and there was Russian meddling?  Were that the case, doesn't it deserve a response?  

Trump told hard-hitting journalist Sean Hannity that the collusion investigation is a total "left-wing conspiracy".  That phrase should sound familiar to most of us - if you substituted "right" for "left".  We remember how that turned out.  

come on...your arguments are like swiss cheese...full of holes.

Hilary Clinton was the government for a few years running the state department.  If she is shady then most of the government is shady....(see Strzrok).  Lets make sure to define "meddling".....its not "interfering"  Our intelligence dept., state dept.  "meddle" all over the world on daily basis.  If Russia runs internet troll farms on facebook.....who cares.  It doesnt change a vote.  So lets not get our panties in a unproar about "Russia, Russia, Russia"  


Remember this, just a few years ago Trump was not a politician, when he states that he blames both sides he views that in our eyes.  From the outside.  Russia meddles, we meddle, we spy, they spy.......we knew about it and the FBI, Obama and HC didnt do anything because they thought she was going to win and they didnt care.  WHen Trump won they went full retard about it.




Tue, Jul 17, 2018 12:24 PM
posted by Spock

come on...your arguments are like swiss cheese...full of holes.

Hilary Clinton was the government for a few years running the state department.  If she is shady then most of the government is shady....(see Strzrok).  Lets make sure to define "meddling".....its not "interfering"  Our intelligence dept., state dept.  "meddle" all over the world on daily basis.  If Russia runs internet troll farms on facebook.....who cares.  It doesnt change a vote.  So lets not get our panties in a unproar about "Russia, Russia, Russia"  


Remember this, just a few years ago Trump was not a politician, when he states that he blames both sides he views that in our eyes.  From the outside.  Russia meddles, we meddle, we spy, they spy.......we knew about it and the FBI, Obama and HC didnt do anything because they thought she was going to win and they didnt care.  WHen Trump won they went full retard about it.


This logic should have been applied to the emails and Benghazi.