2020 Presidential Election thread

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Wed, Sep 23, 2020 1:47 PM

Seems to me the path to losing the election for trump would be to threaten roe vs wade. This election is going to hinge on white   women imo


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 23, 2020 1:54 PM
posted by gut

But let's make it a Best of 7....

Unless the left loses in 7; then they'll want best of 9, or 11 ....


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 23, 2020 1:56 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

If you think violence is just on the left, you are in denial. All I was saying is violence is prevelant on both ends of the political spectrum. To deny it is to deny the crazy political times we live in. 

The nightly violence in Portland for over 100 consecutive nights is 99.9% radical leftists.  Same with Seattle, New York, Chicago, D.C. and on and on.  Not sure how you can even write what you wrote.



Wed, Sep 23, 2020 3:02 PM
posted by iclfan2

You’re still wrong. It’s heavily one sided on the left. It’s literally on video. 

I am not just talking Charlottesville here  I am speaking about the last 4 and 5 years about the violence by right wing and left wing groups. You cannot ignore the rise of right wing violence as well as left wing violence since 2016. 

On Charlottesville, I guess you just forgot what happened throughout the day...I didn't as I have family that is down there and remember it very fucking well. 



Wed, Sep 23, 2020 3:04 PM
posted by kizer permanente

Dying wish or not it doesn't matter. It's not up to her. I'd imagine her wish was for Biden to win but we still have to have an election lol 

Yeah, I agree the statement did not matter, but to dismiss it as fake is just so fucking cynical. 



Wed, Sep 23, 2020 3:10 PM
posted by geeblock

Seems to me the path to losing the election for trump would be to threaten roe vs wade. This election is going to hinge on white   women imo

No. It is going to hinge on mail in ballots and how many of them are going to be tossed or counted correctly. 



Wed, Sep 23, 2020 3:43 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Stunning levels of corruption from Biden Inc.   --- stretching from Ukraine to China, and now Russia, Russia, Russia .....


And like the stuff with Trump on Russia....voters do not care. 

Also, here is the report 



Son of the Sun

Wed, Sep 23, 2020 4:50 PM



1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Sep 23, 2020 5:04 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yeah, I agree the statement did not matter, but to dismiss it as fake is just so fucking cynical. 

Her daughter stated that she didn’t retire under Obama, because she wanted Hillary (first woman president) to find her replacement. So, she was willing to retire well before 2020, but all of a sudden there is a dying wish to have the next president (aka next democrat president) find her replacement?  I rather be fucking cynical than completely fucking naive.

I will be sure to hold you to the same standard of unverified reports when Biden is president. 


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Sep 23, 2020 5:10 PM

Btw, I am very shocked ptown hasn’t brought up the Hunter Biden story yet. I’m sure he will get to it eventually.  He’s always been very concerned about Russia. 



Wed, Sep 23, 2020 5:55 PM
posted by like_that

Btw, I am very shocked ptown hasn’t brought up the Hunter Biden story yet. I’m sure he will get to it eventually.  He’s always been very concerned about Russia. 

Apparently you missed me posting the actual report for people to read.

No doubt it was awkward as the report said, but did not impact US policy, per the report. 

And as the report is from the Republican point of view, it must be read with a grain of salt, which I am sure you are doing as you are such a cynical person. 

I also think it is a wash as a shady as Hunter may be or have been, the Trump's are just as shady if not more so as they are in government. 



Wed, Sep 23, 2020 6:00 PM
posted by like_that

Her daughter stated that she didn’t retire under Obama, because she wanted Hillary (first woman president) to find her replacement. So, she was willing to retire well before 2020, but all of a sudden there is a dying wish to have the next president (aka next democrat president) find her replacement?  I rather be fucking cynical than completely fucking naive.

I will be sure to hold you to the same standard of unverified reports when Biden is president. 

Yeah all that history can be correct, but to say then oh yeah the statement was made up is a leap. 

I mean it is kind of a dick move to state the granddaughter that her statement was made up. But, you do you man. I hate to see you at a funeral.....


Honorable Admin

Wed, Sep 23, 2020 7:04 PM

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that like_that has NOT interacted with RBG'd granddaughter, thus didn't state she made it up to her.


Senior Member

Wed, Sep 23, 2020 7:15 PM

I say like_that did talk to RBG’s granddaughter. Let’s see how this unfolds. 



Wed, Sep 23, 2020 7:19 PM
posted by justincredible

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that like_that has NOT interacted with RBG'd granddaughter, thus didn't state she made it up to her.

Lol. I did notice my extra "to" in there. Yeah, I doubt he actually said it to her..

But, he did state he thought there was a 5% chance of happening, which just seems like a dick move and asshole statement to me about the granddaughter. Again, I'm sure he is great at a funeral with his cynicism and doubting any statement from a grieving family member.

It seems small and the granddaughters statement really does not matter as it is up to the President and Senate, but guys in crazy real power struggle times like these right now, just even questioning the statement of the granddaughter just seems like a dick move and a total lack of decency. 



Wed, Sep 23, 2020 7:35 PM

Anyway, back to the election

Reporter: "Win, lose or draw in this election, will you commit here today for a peaceful transferal of power after the election?"

President Trump: "We're going to have to see what happens." https://t.co/h5RF3dKPD1


Honorable Admin

Wed, Sep 23, 2020 7:42 PM

I mean, he shouldn't transfer power if he wins the election.


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Sep 24, 2020 1:32 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Apparently you missed me posting the actual report for people to read.

No doubt it was awkward as the report said, but did not impact US policy, per the report. 

And as the report is from the Republican point of view, it must be read with a grain of salt, which I am sure you are doing as you are such a cynical person. 

I also think it is a wash as a shady as Hunter may be or have been, the Trump's are just as shady if not more so as they are in government. 

Derp, you are right, I did not see it.  I will take that fail on the chin.   

I question most reports, but it is hilarious how you immediately take it with a grain of salt when it comes from one side, but take a report for its face value when it comes from another side (i.e. Trump being disrespectful toward our fallen soldiers).  As I said before, I rather be skeptical/cynical than a useful idiot.  


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, Sep 24, 2020 2:01 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Lol. I did notice my extra "to" in there. Yeah, I doubt he actually said it to her..

But, he did state he thought there was a 5% chance of happening, which just seems like a dick move and asshole statement to me about the granddaughter. Again, I'm sure he is great at a funeral with his cynicism and doubting any statement from a grieving family member.

It seems small and the granddaughters statement really does not matter as it is up to the President and Senate, but guys in crazy real power struggle times like these right now, just even questioning the statement of the granddaughter just seems like a dick move and a total lack of decency. 

Oh GTFO with this emotional bullshit. I question the authenticity of a "dying wish," because it is not above the dems/liberals to stand on the grave of any person (just like you're doing right now) for political leverage and this translates to how I would behave at a funeral of my own family member or someone very close to me? I hate to break it to you, but unlike you and most people, I don't treat public servants like my family (or closest friends).   It's not very shocking you would compare the death of RBG to a family member though.  I saw less emotional connection and worshipping for Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum than I see for RBG right now, but go ahead and tell me about how this is a "power" struggle for me lol. Btw, if you are going to call me a dick/asshole just go all in and do it.  You don't need to puss out by pulling a Lebron and doing it passive aggressively.  It won't bug me I promise. I understand this death is much harder than it is/would be for any of your family members.  

We have had hundreds (if not thousands) of examples of false/fake reports in the last 4 years, and you still don't take a second to be skeptical?  I hope you move out of the DMV soon. That echo chamber has not done you any favors. I stand by my comment, if she said that as her dying wish, then that is truly very sad.  She is dying and her last thoughts are not with her family, but whether orange man or dementia joe will replace her?  

Edit: And yes I know it does not matter in the grand scheme of things when it comes to filling her vacancy.  It's going to be done.  However, it does matter when the dems pile up bogus arguments to claim most of the conservative judges are illegitimate, just so they can justify breaking any norms, like adding more justices.   The president didn't win popular vote, Clarence is a rapist, Kavanaugh is a rapist, Gorsuch stole Garland's seat, Trump was impeached, RBG's dying wish, etc. will all be used to argue for more justices. These arguments have already been used. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Thu, Sep 24, 2020 8:04 AM

Yes, let's also forget the Scalise shooting, the Florida (or it could have been Texas, I haven't looked it up) firebombing, and then the over 30 deaths this year specifically from left wing violence.

Kyle Rittenhouse - aside from the question of having a gun and carrying it around in public in another state (pure dumbassery), it is documented by about 4 or 6 differing camera viewpoints that he was shot at first and fired back in self defense, took off running down the street, was attacked again, fired back in self defense. The left-based NYT has quite the detailed documentation on this. It is, for all intents and purposes, irrefutable.

And then the left's violence after the Rittenhouse fiasco.

Proud Boys: violence from them is labeled so because they actually were attacked by the left and retaliated. There is the argument that they asked for it because they showed up at the same "protests" that the left showed up for. 

These are all the same arguments that historians bicker over. Historically, leftist ideology has killed exponentially millions more than the Nazi's ever did, but the left won the propaganda war and now people only think the right has a history of violence. 

If we look at this past 5-6 years alone, the ideological left has dominated the violence conceptually, visually and statistically. Absolutely dominated the shit shows. 

Oh and let's not forget Jake Gardner. If you want to talk about how the violent left is systemic in certain areas, go look at what it did to that man. Shot a man in self defense (was being choked) during rioting/looting and ultimately indicted on manslaughter charges, commits suicide. 

The simple fact is that currently, by the numbers, the left owns this shit. And until they decide it might be a good idea to flush it, the turd is theirs.

So if we're going to have pissing matches about which side of the aisle has dominated in ideological violence for the past 5 years, let's go. 


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 24, 2020 10:19 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

I also think it is a wash as a shady as Hunter may be or have been, the Trump's are just as shady if not more so as they are in government. 

Incredible bullshit.  The Trump's didn't and do not now need government to make money; they had it long before 2016.  The Bidens have lived off government for 5 decades, and decided to cash in big time during his vice-presidency, siding with the likes of China, Russia, and previously-corrupt Ukraine to make millions and re-direct billions.  It is the height of corruption and they learned how to do it overseas so no one would get caught ......except they did.  Then you have the MSM run complete cover for them, not even so much as ask one God damn question about it publicly; instead we get 4 years of a complete Russia hoax involving Trump.  What complete bullshit.  Thank God the majority see this shit show for what it is....... the greatest thing about Trump is exposing this corruption for all to see.  If you don't want to acknowledge it, that is your problem.


333 - I'm only half evil

Thu, Sep 24, 2020 11:57 AM
posted by geeblock


No shit that white supremacists are a terror threat. That's not a profound idea or a gotcha moment that you think it might be.

What part of "currently dominating the ideological violence for the past 5 years" did you miss? 

(edit to move a quotation mark)


Honorable Admin

Thu, Sep 24, 2020 1:10 PM

How 'bout it?