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Senior Member

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 8:17 AM
posted by queencitybuckeye

and lifelong Democrats run as Democrats instead of switching sides to be the 45th president.

Reagan did it too...he was a lifetime democrat. Problem is the Democrats keep going further and further left leaving the middle of the road Democrats to choose whether to stay or switch sides. 



Wed, Feb 27, 2019 8:27 AM
posted by jmog

Reagan did it too...he was a lifetime democrat. Problem is the Democrats keep going further and further left leaving the middle of the road Democrats to choose whether to stay or switch sides. 


Reagan was not a life long Democract. He grew up a FDR D sure, but then in the 50s switched parties. He was a Goldwater conservative from the 60s on.

Now, sure I agree on your second point. But, I would also add the R party to that too. The Rs have moved so far to the right over the last 10 years, that moderates do no exist. I think MD Governor Hogan is really the only known popular moderate R out there. It is why I am hoping he throws his hat in the ring. 



Senior Member

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 8:31 AM
posted by jmog

Reagan did it too...he was a lifetime democrat. Problem is the Democrats keep going further and further left leaving the middle of the road Democrats to choose whether to stay or switch sides. 

Yeah, keep blaming the dems! Classic jmog


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 9:01 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1


Reagan was not a life long Democract. He grew up a FDR D sure, but then in the 50s switched parties. He was a Goldwater conservative from the 60s on.

Now, sure I agree on your second point. But, I would also add the R party to that too. The Rs have moved so far to the right over the last 10 years, that moderates do no exist. I think MD Governor Hogan is really the only known popular moderate R out there. It is why I am hoping he throws his hat in the ring. 


If you go by the pew research that plots where each party is on the political spectrum, the Rs moved closer to the middle during the Bush years and have recently started moving right.  They still aren't "far right" compared to where they were prior to Bush.  The dems on the other hand slowly were moving left, it started to pick up with obama and apparently took a rocket ship to the left after 2016.   I posted the link to the research before, but now I can't find it smh. 


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 9:51 AM
posted by like_that

If you go by the pew research that plots where each party is on the political spectrum, the Rs moved closer to the middle during the Bush years and have recently started moving right.  They still aren't "far right" compared to where they were prior to Bush.  The dems on the other hand slowly were moving left, it started to pick up with obama and apparently took a rocket ship to the left after 2016. 

That's exactly my perception.  There's this meme about the Republican party moving way to the right, but that's just leftwing propaganda.  The party leadership continues to be very moderate.  Trump is not even a real Republican, and others that get a lot of headlines (Cruz, Bachman - the left's AOC, even Rubio) don't hold much influence in the party.

Yeah, you do have the small Tea Party contingent that is pretty hard right that made life difficult on the majority (not unlike what the Dems are starting to deal with with AOC and others), but the party as a whole remains mostly moderate.



Wed, Feb 27, 2019 9:58 AM
posted by like_that

If you go by the pew research that plots where each party is on the political spectrum, the Rs moved closer to the middle during the Bush years and have recently started moving right.  They still aren't "far right" compared to where they were prior to Bush.  The dems on the other hand slowly were moving left, it started to pick up with obama and apparently took a rocket ship to the left after 2016.   I posted the link to the research before, but now I can't find it smh. 

Yeah, I remember you posting that too. I largely agree just add that yeah the Rs move right was the Tea Party and the the whole shut down the Government arm of the early 2010s. But, in comparison to the left, the right has not strayed as far from the center. Since 2016, it is crazy has far the left has moved now. This Green New Deal that is picking up support is nuts. 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 10:12 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

This Green New Deal that is picking up support is nuts. 

They're insane. 


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 10:50 AM


Either that or simply completely ignorant.


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 2:06 PM

Here's another page that shows a graph showing how far left the left has gone: 


(for some reason it won't let me copy the link to the direct graph)

It was my generation, GenX who got the ball rolling making it shift further to the left. Then the millennials took their foot off the brake completely in a tremendous effort to outdo the Boomer generation as "the worst" (as Sleeper liked to say).

At this point I think anybody trying to say that the republicans have shifted far right are just... parroting... left-wing talking points ;)


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 2:17 PM

Found it! http://www.people-press.org/interactives/political-polarization-1994-2017/?fbclid=IwAR12etES9tJsNXvWu28o9i1MCN4YxQ08CB9ET1aaggh7HqmcYSy7xgJRVXg


You can play around with it to see the progression from 1994 to 2017.  If this were updated to present day, I would bet the left would be even further.  Plenty of flaws from the right, but I tend to call bullshit when people argue the following:

-Both sides are just the same (in reference to the crazies).  This is boogie's favorite argument.

-The crazy people on the left are a few minority that you all are just giving attention to.

-The right has become radical.


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 2:41 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

Yeah, keep blaming the dems! Classic jmog

Facts don’t care about your feelings. 


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 2:42 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1


Reagan was not a life long Democract. He grew up a FDR D sure, but then in the 50s switched parties. He was a Goldwater conservative from the 60s on.

Now, sure I agree on your second point. But, I would also add the R party to that too. The Rs have moved so far to the right over the last 10 years, that moderates do no exist. I think MD Governor Hogan is really the only known popular moderate R out there. It is why I am hoping he throws his hat in the ring. 


So a man was a D into his 50s and then switched parties...isn’t that exactly what I said but yet you disagreed? Please explain. 


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 2:43 PM
posted by like_that

If you go by the pew research that plots where each party is on the political spectrum, the Rs moved closer to the middle during the Bush years and have recently started moving right.  They still aren't "far right" compared to where they were prior to Bush.  The dems on the other hand slowly were moving left, it started to pick up with obama and apparently took a rocket ship to the left after 2016.   I posted the link to the research before, but now I can't find it smh. 

I have read said article before as well. To believe the Rs have drifted even as close to far right as the Ds have far left is just not living in reality. 



Wed, Feb 27, 2019 2:57 PM
posted by jmog

So a man was a D into his 50s and then switched parties...isn’t that exactly what I said but yet you disagreed? Please explain. 

He switched in the 1950s to a Republican. He grew up a D sure, but switched in his 30s to support Ike. He was an R for the rest of his life. He was not a lifelong D that suddenly became an R on the runup to being President. 


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 3:07 PM
posted by jmog

SportsandLady care to retract your earlier post calling me out? All the evidence points to my statement being factual. 

You’re funny. When your R boys get shit on, you immediately do whatever it takes to shit on the D’s. 

American politics at its finest. 


And no  I don’t retract my comment. Some graph on investors.com is not going to prove that you’re a politard moron who blames D’s for everything. 


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 3:18 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

You’re funny. When your R boys get shit on, you immediately do whatever it takes to shit on the D’s. 

American politics at its finest. 


And no  I don’t retract my comment. Some graph on investors.com is not going to prove that you’re a politard moron who blames D’s for everything. 

The graph isn't from investors.  It's a thorough study done by pew research.  I posted the link, but I am posting again.   http://www.people-press.org/interactives/political-polarization-1994-2017/?fbclid=IwAR12etES9tJsNXvWu28o9i1MCN4YxQ08CB9ET1aaggh7HqmcYSy7xgJRVXg

Also, the investors article has the direct link to the study.  http://assets.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2017/10/05162647/10-05-2017-Political-landscape-release.pdf



Senior Member

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 4:13 PM
posted by like_that

The graph isn't from investors.  It's a thorough study done by pew research.  I posted the link, but I am posting again.   http://www.people-press.org/interactives/political-polarization-1994-2017/?fbclid=IwAR12etES9tJsNXvWu28o9i1MCN4YxQ08CB9ET1aaggh7HqmcYSy7xgJRVXg

Also, the investors article has the direct link to the study.  http://assets.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2017/10/05162647/10-05-2017-Political-landscape-release.pdf


I’m not discrediting the graph. I’m saying a graph isn’t going to convince me that jmog doesn’t always immediately blame democrats when republicans are taking heat on here. 


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 4:23 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

I’m not discrediting the graph. I’m saying a graph isn’t going to convince me that jmog doesn’t always immediately blame democrats when republicans are taking heat on here. 

Don't about 98% of the regulars here agree that there's not a dime's worth of difference between the two?


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 6:48 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

You’re funny. When your R boys get shit on, you immediately do whatever it takes to shit on the D’s. 

American politics at its finest. 


And no  I don’t retract my comment. Some graph on investors.com is not going to prove that you’re a politard moron who blames D’s for everything. 

You maybe confused, as a libertarian I hate both parties equally, I just see more bullshit on the left the last few years than on the right. I tend to call out bullshit, kind of like your post. 


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 6:51 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

He switched in the 1950s to a Republican. He grew up a D sure, but switched in his 30s to support Ike. He was an R for the rest of his life. He was not a lifelong D that suddenly became an R on the runup to being President. 

False, according to Wikipedia anyway. 


He was born in 1911 and switched parties in 1962 which puts him in his 50s not 30s. 


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 6:54 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

I’m not discrediting the graph. I’m saying a graph isn’t going to convince me that jmog doesn’t always immediately blame democrats when republicans are taking heat on here. 

You do realize my statement was that the Ds have moved far left from where they were. 


You tried to call me out on it. 


The pew research proves me right. 


You fall back on “well jmog is a moron anyway so there..”


You have fallen to the level of QO or Spock, congratulations on being that terrible at debate/discussion. 


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 7:24 PM
posted by jmog

You do realize my statement was that the Ds have moved far left from where they were. 


You tried to call me out on it. 


The pew research proves me right. 


You fall back on “well jmog is a moron anyway so there..”


You have fallen to the level of QO or Spock, congratulations on being that terrible at debate/discussion. 

I didn’t call you out on your point, dumb shit. How are you not getting this? I’m calling you out because you immediately ran on here because you smelled a Republican being shit on, so you could point out something negative about dems. 

I really don’t give a fuck about “how far left the left” have gotten. That’s just dumb shit that means nothing. You guys don’t like dems and it makes you feel bettter to suggest they’re craaaazy and radical and far left! What’s ironic is every time you say that, you are moving that much further to the right. 


Senior Member

Wed, Feb 27, 2019 7:24 PM
posted by jmog

You maybe confused, as a libertarian I hate both parties equally, I just see more bullshit on the left the last few years than on the right. I tend to call out bullshit, kind of like your post. 

Libertarian lmao

show me one post you’ve ever made on here where you blamed Republicans or spoke negatively about them.