2020 Presidential Election thread

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Senior Member

Tue, Aug 11, 2020 9:43 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

It’ll be such a shitshow if Trump wins. 



Senior Member

Tue, Aug 11, 2020 10:35 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

It’ll be such a shitshow if Trump wins. 

It's going to be a shit show either way because Covid-19 and vote by mail are going to at least create the appearance of voting irregularities.


Senior Member

Tue, Aug 11, 2020 10:45 PM
posted by Spock


I’m sure you want to have some argument about how great it’ll be if he wins but I’m going to pass. Fuck off. 



Wed, Aug 12, 2020 7:26 AM
posted by gut

Ehhh, Trump is basically right where he was in 2016 in polling in key swing states.  The riots are good for him.  Progress on a vaccine is good for him.

But I'll save you the headline if Trump does win "Racist America rejects angry black woman".

Yeah, but Trump is behind in every swing state he won in 2016. He would have to win every one of them again. It is not impossible, just would have to be another massive polling error in every single swing state. He also has to make sure Biden does not pull off another state like Arizona or Georgia. 

The five thirty eight forecast came out today and like in 2016, gives Trump a 29% chance of winning, acknowledging that Trump could still win, it would just take the same narrow path and luck he took in 2016. 



Senior Member

Wed, Aug 12, 2020 7:28 AM

It's going to be a shit show either way as either Trump or Biden will be elected.


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 12, 2020 7:56 AM
posted by friendfromlowry

I’m sure you want to have some argument about how great it’ll be if he wins but I’m going to pass. Fuck off. 

I would hope you wouldnt imply that the shitshow would be from having trumps policies again.  Record job growth, GDP, stock markets, unemployment and massive trade deals that benefit us and not the rest of the world...yea I think that is better then Biden being an influence peddler and lining his sons pockets would be the shitshow.


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 12, 2020 9:47 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Ok Dr. Quacker. I didn't know you were his doctor. 

I've personally witnessed and lived through the decline of both parents and others who suffered with the disease.  Joe Biden is in mental decline with the onset of dementia.

Take care.


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 12, 2020 9:48 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Lol, are you afraid?

Afraid of what?


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 12, 2020 9:52 AM

Harris called Biden a racist and a sexual predator .......then accepts his choice for VP.  The hypocrisy on the left is immeasurable.



Wed, Aug 12, 2020 9:59 AM
posted by QuakerOats

I've personally witnessed and lived through the decline of both parents and others who suffered with the disease.  Joe Biden is in mental decline with the onset of dementia.

Take care.

Sorry for that on your family. 

However, I'm not one to believe you can not just take your own non-medical opinion and project that on the perceived health of Joe Biden. 

That would be like me projecting my own history and trying to say maybe something is wrong with Trump based on the way he say...walks down a ramp, drinks water, or says things himself. I see the left doing that a lot and think it is just stupid and laughable. 

According to you, Clinton was on the verge of seizures and a large health crisis back in 2016. That turned out to be a load of BS. The Biden mental decline feels a lot like that to me. Personal bias and perception projected on the candidate without the proper medical history or backdrop. 



Wed, Aug 12, 2020 10:00 AM
posted by QuakerOats

Harris called Biden a racist and a sexual predator .......then accepts his choice for VP.  The hypocrisy on the left is immeasurable.

Come on, cite the exact quote. I know the racist thing was the busing attack in the first debate, but really the other quote from her is based on what? 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Aug 12, 2020 10:32 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1
Come on, cite the exact quote. I know the racist thing was the busing attack in the first debate, but really the other quote from her is based on what? 

I assume he means her saying she believed his accuser (lol which is far from her calling him a predator). I just don’t see what the Kamala pick brings to the Dems. She has some baggage as Attorney, little to show for in the Senate, and they already have the black vote. 


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 12, 2020 10:45 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yeah, but Trump is behind in every swing state he won in 2016. He would have to win every one of them again. It is not impossible, just would have to be another massive polling error...

Well, he's pretty much right where he was.  That he's truly behind requires an assumption that the "secret Trump voters" that were ashamed to admit it to pollster's have shrunken.  While that's certainly possible, the opposite is also possible.  In either case, the race is definitely closer than those polls are showing and it could be a major strategic error if Hiden Biden thinks he doesn't need to campaign because it's a referendum on Trump.


Son of the Sun

Wed, Aug 12, 2020 10:58 AM
posted by QuakerOats

Harris called Biden a racist and a sexual predator .......then accepts his choice for VP.  The hypocrisy on the left is immeasurable.

'Member 4 years ago when Trump and/or his campaign people made personal attacks on Cruz (including an ad comparing attractiveness of wives) and then Cruz started hitting the phones for Trump after conceding and you were all like "THAT'S PUTTING YOUR FEELINGS BEHIND YOU FOR THE COUNTRY!!!!!!"

The hypocrisy of you makes immeasurable look very, very measurable.



Wed, Aug 12, 2020 11:05 AM
posted by gut
Well, he's pretty much right where he was.  That he's truly behind requires an assumption that the "secret Trump voters" that were ashamed to admit it to pollster's have shrunken.  While that's certainly possible, the opposite is also possible.  In either case, the race is definitely closer than those polls are showing and it could be a major strategic error if Hiden Biden thinks he doesn't need to campaign because it's a referendum on Trump.

Yeah, largely agreed. I'm not so sure there is a secret Trump voter out there yet. I think the secret Trump voter in 2016 was a lot of undecided voters. Those undecided voters are largely gone now and in the Biden camp at least at this point. A lot can change between now and election day. 

Hiden Biden, come on, I prefer Creepy Uncle Joe. 


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 12, 2020 11:05 AM
posted by Heretic

'Member 4 years ago when Trump and/or his campaign people made personal attacks on Cruz (including an ad comparing attractiveness of wives) and then Cruz started hitting the phones for Trump

Yeah, politics is just so awful.  "Ohhhhh, that's just politics..."  Somehow lying and smearing people is just an acceptable part of the game.

The Dems took this to the sewers some time ago when hitting people with identity politics became a substitute for merit-based discussion of policy.  Then Trump came and lowered the bar to simply third grade insults that were often based on nothing.



Wed, Aug 12, 2020 11:06 AM
posted by iclfan2

I assume he means her saying she believed his accuser (lol which is far from her calling him a predator). I just don’t see what the Kamala pick brings to the Dems. She has some baggage as Attorney, little to show for in the Senate, and they already have the black vote. 

Yeah, that is also what I thought he was referencing. I agree she does not bring a lot to the ticket. Then again, VP picks rarely do. They largely only hurt the ticket, not help. 


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 12, 2020 11:10 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yeah, largely agreed. I'm not so sure there is a secret Trump voter out there yet. I think the secret Trump voter in 2016 was a lot of undecided voters. Those undecided voters are largely gone now and in the Biden camp at least at this point. A lot can change between now and election day. 

Hiden Biden, come on, I prefer Creepy Uncle Joe. 

Maybe.  I think there might be evidence the secret Trump voter is still a major factor.  I've even seen some surprising data that Trump might even be gaining in the black vote.

I think before Covid-19 Trump was probably heading for re-election.  I'd guess the state he's most vulnerable is Florida.

Mail in voting is going to throw these polls out the door, as well.  Models based on historical turnout go out the window.  I might be inclined to think that favors Biden, but I'm not so sure.  I'm not sure there are large disparities in turnout across different voting blocs.  In that case, it would come down to who has the better ground game, and that almost always favors the incumbent.

Speaking if the above, that's why it might surprise me to see Trump lose Ohio or Michigan.  But by the same logic, Biden might have an excellent chance of taking Florida, especially because efforts can be focused in a few strong Democratic counties to tilt the balance.


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 12, 2020 11:15 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Hiden Biden, come on, I prefer Creepy Uncle Joe. 

Both are infinitely better than "Sleepy Joe".  That's just a lazy recycling of "Low-energy Jeb".

Holy crap, never seen this before.  Will take a while to go thru this list, although most appear to, as mentioned, lack even an ounce of wit.



Senior Member

Wed, Aug 12, 2020 11:27 AM
posted by iclfan2

I assume he means her saying she believed his accuser (lol which is far from her calling him a predator). I just don’t see what the Kamala pick brings to the Dems. She has some baggage as Attorney, little to show for in the Senate, and they already have the black vote. 

Dont forget that Cali is also locked up....a California Dem doesnt play well on the east side of the Rocky Mountains.


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 12, 2020 11:39 AM
posted by Heretic

'Member 4 years ago when Trump and/or his campaign people made personal attacks on Cruz (including an ad comparing attractiveness of wives) and then Cruz started hitting the phones for Trump after conceding and you were all like "THAT'S PUTTING YOUR FEELINGS BEHIND YOU FOR THE COUNTRY!!!!!!"

The hypocrisy of you makes immeasurable look very, very measurable.

Poor Quaker. I feel sorry for him 


Tits McGee

Wed, Aug 12, 2020 12:03 PM
posted by Heretic

'Member 4 years ago when Trump and/or his campaign people made personal attacks on Cruz (including an ad comparing attractiveness of wives) and then Cruz started hitting the phones for Trump after conceding and you were all like "THAT'S PUTTING YOUR FEELINGS BEHIND YOU FOR THE COUNTRY!!!!!!"

The hypocrisy of you makes immeasurable look very, very measurable.

Trump's press secretary called some of his comments hateful and racist and now she works for him. Happens on both sides. 


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 12, 2020 12:36 PM

I know a few 2016 voters who "rolled the dice" on Trump whom are firmly on the other side of the fence this time around.

I think that will ultimately be his downfall. There were probably a substantial percentage of folks who went into the polls with a "fuck it, let's see what happens" ultimately voting for Trump. I doubt he gets many of those votes this go around since you know exactly what you're getting.

In other words -- the number of people who disliked Hillary > number of people who dislike Biden. Trump isn't getting those votes this time around.

There's always going to be the folks who vote right down party lines who won't be swayed either way. I think Trump will fail to capture many of the "grey" voters that go either way.


Son of the Sun

Wed, Aug 12, 2020 12:49 PM
posted by Fab4Runner

Trump's press secretary called some of his comments hateful and racist and now she works for him. Happens on both sides. 

And let us never forget how Lindsey Graham went from this: https://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-gop-primary-live-updates-and-results/2016/03/lindsey-graham-donald-trump-kicked-out-220402

To being a serial ass-kisser the minute Trump got in a position of power. 

That's politics in a nutshell -- a bunch of hypocrites aiming for more power. A whole bunch of "I HATE YOU!!!!" towards anyone who might be a rival, followed by "YOU'RE THE BESTEST!!!!!" the instant that person gets a higher position and you need to glom onto them to maintain (or gain) your own influence. Only a total idiot (or willfully blind person) would pretend that's something that only one party does.


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 12, 2020 1:03 PM
posted by MontyBrunswick

In other words -- the number of people who disliked Hillary > number of people who dislike Biden. Trump isn't getting those votes this time around.

But will they want to vote for Kamala?  She did well in the first debate or two, then fell like a rock after people got to know her better.  And that's Dem primary voters that she's supposed to help energize when enthusiasm for Biden is already low.