
#KnownSecrets White people are still racist.

  • Sage
    I am so sick of people thinking I'm automatically down with racism just because I wear white skin.

    I asked this chick how work was today, and she came back with "It sucked." I asked her why, and she came back with "Because broke ass niggers."

    I wish I had a dime in my life for every time somebody said something blatantly racist to me and assumed I was okay with it because I'm white.

    Racism has moved from open air into more of a "Let me make sure who I'm talking to here" form. Ever hear a white guy bitching about why college basketball is better than pro basketball? It's cause there are too many black dudes in the NBA for his liking. You can take that to the bank.

    I'm not one of those Kumbaya types, but God damn. The word "nigger" is probably the most vile word in the English language. I hate even typing it--and I'm not even black.

    The whole concept of race that has been perpetuated in America is so fucked up, it's unbelievable. I wish people would stop living in ignorance and look at the history of the concept of race.

    I'm also sick of white people acting like they've been discriminated and use moronic terms such as "reverse racism." (Hey dipshit, there is just racism. Period). Being white has never cost anybody anything of significance.

    For example, when I went to Montana, my roommate was on the football team. It was a summer's eve, and we were outside barbecuing and listening to loud music. It was a group of predominately black dudes, but we were just hanging out and doing the damn thing like college kids do.

    All of a sudden, an SUV rolls up, and rolls down the windows. These middle aged women--and that's exactly what they were, middle aged white women, start screaming "FUCK YOU NIGGERS!!! GO BACK TO AFRICA!!! YOURE NOT WELCOME!!!!!! FUCK YOU NIGGERS!!!!!" and then they peeled off flipping the bird.

    Talk about an awkward moment as a white man.

    The point is, white folks, we need to settle down. Being white has never cost me anything in this world and it hasn't cost you anything either. I'd be willing to bet you've never experienced anything like that in your life.

    Never understood racism. Never understood people willing to stoop into such ignorance. SMH.
  • DeyDurkie5
    in my opinion, if black people didn't use it all the time it wouldn't be as mainstream to use.
  • I Wear Pants
    TL: DR version "People are stupid assholes"

    Edit: TL: DR, if you didn't know, means Too Long : Didn't Read
  • Sage
    DeyDurkie5 wrote: in my opinion, if black people didn't use it all the time it wouldn't be as mainstream to use.
    This is dumb, DeyDurkie. You know this. Completely different words / meaning.

    Here's a crash course for you:

  • Sage
    Yes, because Young Jeezy uses the word "nigga" the same way a Klansman uses the word "Nigger."
  • Stiffman
    ccrunner609 wrote:
    DeyDurkie5 wrote: in my opinion, if black people didn't use it all the time it wouldn't be as mainstream to use.
    This......................I have blamed black people for the rise of this word for many years. They use it in music, TV, movies permeates all they do.
  • DeyDurkie5
    Sage wrote:
    DeyDurkie5 wrote: in my opinion, if black people didn't use it all the time it wouldn't be as mainstream to use.
    This is dumb, DeyDurkie. You know this. Completely different words / meaning.

    Here's a crash course for you:

    I understand they are different meanings, it's still a word that was used as a degrading term for black people. Why they use it as a term for their "friends" or "homies" is probably why it's still used today by retarded white people. That or genetics...

    by the way, that dude is absolutely hilarious in the video regardless of racism lol
    It has nothing to do with blacks using "nigga" and everything with ur dad and grandpa using "nigger"... but it doesn't negate the fact that all nationalities are inherently racist as a whole. It's not exclusive to whites and it's never going to change.
  • Sage
    DeyDurkie5 wrote: I understand they are different meanings, it's still a word that was used as a degrading term for black people. Why they use it as a term for their "friends" or "homies" is probably why it's still used today by retarded white people. That or genetics...
    I asked some of my black friends this one day. Clearly, they're not official spokespeople for all black Americans, but, they said that they use it because it was a word that was used to devalue them, so they took it, and put an opposite meaning to it.

    Kind of like what NASCAR did with the term "redneck."

    I guess, it's just the history of the word and how it's used and meant to be used when white people (or anybody) use it against black people.
  • Sage
    ZWICK 4 PREZ wrote: It has nothing to do with blacks using "nigga" and everything with ur dad and grandpa using "nigger"... but it doesn't negate the fact that all nationalities are inherently racist as a whole. It's not exclusive to whites and it's never going to change.
    White people in America have absolutely no reason to be racist. No reason at all.
  • UA5straightin2008
    Sage wrote:
    ZWICK 4 PREZ wrote: It has nothing to do with blacks using "nigga" and everything with ur dad and grandpa using "nigger"... but it doesn't negate the fact that all nationalities are inherently racist as a whole. It's not exclusive to whites and it's never going to change.
    White people in America have absolutely no reason to be racist. No reason at all.
  • bigdaddy2003
    No one in America has a reason to be racist.
  • UA5straightin2008
    bigdaddy2003 wrote: No one in America has a reason to be racist.
  • Stiffman
    bigdaddy2003 wrote: No one in America has a reason to be racist.
  • Upper90
    "Nigger" or any variation of certainly does NOT permeate anything I do.

    I think people have a lot of trouble with grouping everyone into a category based off of things such as race, as evidenced by a few comments on this thread.
    Sage wrote:
    ZWICK 4 PREZ wrote: It has nothing to do with blacks using "nigga" and everything with ur dad and grandpa using "nigger"... but it doesn't negate the fact that all nationalities are inherently racist as a whole. It's not exclusive to whites and it's never going to change.
    White people in America have absolutely no reason to be racist. No reason at all.
    Yes and no.

    I'd like to say I'm not cuz I have black friends, but I'm not gonna lie and say that I don't feel uncomfortable around certain black people and thats b/c of a racist stereotype in me. Same as I feel uncomfortable around certain Muslims .. there prolly isn't any real reason to, but it's ingrained in you. Everyone is racist or prejudiced to some extent. You can choose to lie about it if u want but u r.
  • I Wear Pants
    bigdaddy2003 wrote: No one has a reason to be racist.
    Fixed it.
  • Upper90
    I am also not racist "to some extent".

    That's a ridiculous argument that holds little water.

    I don't dislike, feel uncomfortable, or look at anyone differently due to the color of their skin.
    Upper90 wrote: I am also not racist "to some extent".

    That's a ridiculous argument that holds little water.

    I don't dislike, feel uncomfortable, or look at anyone differently due to the color of their skin.
    If you even think about their skin color, you are to some extent. I'm not buying it.
  • GoChiefs
    ZWICK 4 PREZ wrote: Everyone is racist or prejudiced to some extent.
    I won't necessarily disagree with that..but I wouldn't say EVERYONE..but the vast majority are to some extent. I'll admit that I can certainly be. The difference with me than a lot of others is...I don't associate the 'n' word with just one certain race like most do.
  • Sage
    The reasons I would be uncomfortable around people would have nothing to do with the color of their skin.
  • Society
    Upper90 wrote: I am also not racist "to some extent".

    That's a ridiculous argument that holds little water.

    I don't dislike, feel uncomfortable, or look at anyone differently due to the color of their skin.
    Well, you are black and Muslim. :D
  • Upper90
    ZWICK 4 PREZ wrote:
    Upper90 wrote: I am also not racist "to some extent".

    That's a ridiculous argument that holds little water.

    I don't dislike, feel uncomfortable, or look at anyone differently due to the color of their skin.
    I'm not racist.

    But I'm also not blind.

    Racism isn't about seeing skin color. It's about how you react to it. Or, if you react at all.

    Whether you "buy" that or not has no effect on me. I, to be honest, find that people play the "everyone is a LITTLE racist" card to make themselves feel less guilty, and that's fine with me too. But, I'm not a little bit racist.
  • Upper90
    Society wrote:
    Upper90 wrote: I am also not racist "to some extent".

    That's a ridiculous argument that holds little water.

    I don't dislike, feel uncomfortable, or look at anyone differently due to the color of their skin.
    Well, you are black and Muslim. :D
    True, I mean, I know a joke can spring from that, but that has a lot to do with the reason why I can comfortably say that I am not a little racist....I've been treated (in some situations) in such a way that makes me understand why it's not cool to ever project that on to anyone else.