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Senior Member

Tue, May 12, 2020 4:52 PM
posted by like_that

Typical S&L.  Uses fake tough guy internet act to make a bullish claim, someone challenges his comment, he responds likes a crybaby bitch instead of addressing the challenge, he then gets called out on it, and then comes in with the "lol got your jimmies rustled" response.  Rinse and repeat.  We didn't miss much for the past 18 months that's for sure. 

You’ve been doing the same thing on this site to people who call you out since the JJhuddle days. They call you out, you call them a “crybaby bitch boy” and use the “QQ” response while taking personal shots at them that has nothing to do with the argument at hand. You then point out some sort of irony, and deem yourself the winner of the argument because you made the best insult, oh and finish it with the “now cue *your response here*”’s honestly pathetic how you act on message boards. 

And for the record, I didn’t leave the site because of QO and CC—at least they know they’re right wing idiots. I left the site because every post was political, and it was made by someone like you who thinks they’re right in the  “middle” yet too fucking stupid to realize you’re extremely right wing. Hell even the few sports threads were turning into it. I found myself disagreeing with almost everything said on here and honestly I still do. But what the hell else am I gonna do in quarantine? Soon as things get back to normal, I’m sure I’ll be gone again. But It’s absolutely hysterical to me though that you’re still here, doing the same exact act that you’ve been doing on this site/JJH for a decade. When are you going to stop caring about your image and stop responding to people you disagree with the way that you do?



Tue, May 12, 2020 5:04 PM

Guess I’ll jump in and get myself knocked down with slams.

I’ve never left and feel I haven’t changed much if any. I do my thing, cheesy more than most but whatever. I never get on the political forum/threads. Personally, I feel like_that has changed on here a bit. I think if someone new came on here and read his old posts and his posts in the past few years they’d likely say he’s grown up (I can’t make that not sound like an insult...don’t know how to word it) I don’t feel like_that goes looking for things to slam with his ways. S&L came back all fired up and ornery it seems. Sounded same as when you were 22...and seemed miserable more often than not. Kinda here to argue it feels.



1st Team All-PWN

Tue, May 12, 2020 5:15 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

You’ve been doing the same thing on this site to people who call you out since the JJhuddle days. They call you out, you call them a “crybaby bitch boy” and use the “QQ” response while taking personal shots at them that has nothing to do with the argument at hand. You then point out some sort of irony, and deem yourself the winner of the argument because you made the best insult, oh and finish it with the “now cue *your response here*”’s honestly pathetic how you act on message boards. 

And for the record, I didn’t leave the site because of QO and CC—at least they know they’re right wing idiots. I left the site because every post was political, and it was made by someone like you who thinks they’re right in the  “middle” yet too fucking stupid to realize you’re extremely right wing. Hell even the few sports threads were turning into it. I found myself disagreeing with almost everything said on here and honestly I still do. But what the hell else am I gonna do in quarantine? Soon as things get back to normal, I’m sure I’ll be gone again. But It’s absolutely hysterical to me though that you’re still here, doing the same exact act that you’ve been doing on this site/JJH for a decade. When are you going to stop caring about your image and stop responding to people you disagree with the way that you do?

I will be you anything you wouldn't be able to tell me my jjhuddle username without searching this site (hint: it's not this one).  I don't even know if I posted my jjhuddle username on this site.

Legitimate question, do you think your act on here is not pathetic?  

I never deemed myself the winner here.  I am still waiting for you to actually provide a legitimate rebuttal to the discussion at hand and you can't do it.  It always has been your track record. You can never do it on any other thread.  When you can't pick on the little guys (quaker, cc, etc) and someone comes back at you, you tuck your tail and resort to your typical bullshit, which you have also been doing for a decade as well.  Don't act like you weren't on my side the majority of those years either.  There are plenty of receipts.  The difference between you and I, is I always realized this site was never serious business.  I'd still grab a beer with all of the posters (except said), even the posters I butt heads with . That's why we literally have a forum title dedicated to the irony of serious business.  We all post here, because it is a form of entertainment as you just admitted yourself.  That's why you back came to this site hot.  If anyone took this site as seriously as you did, we all would leave too.

I had to bold that specific part of your post, because you pretty much admitted you left the site due to your inability to agree with the majority.  If that is not bitch behavior, I don't know what it is.  By all means mock me or any poster for posting here for a decade, but that doesn't change the fact you have been a poster here for over a decade (with nearly 1k more posts than me btw, even after being gone for so long...) AND you came back to the site you mock. More irony from S&L.  Yes little guy (you forgot to add that one to your list), I am pointing out more irony, because you make it too easy.  Just know, when you leave again, nobody will give a fuck...again.



Senior Member

Tue, May 12, 2020 5:16 PM
posted by Ironman92

Guess I’ll jump in and get myself knocked down with slams.

I’ve never left and feel I haven’t changed much if any. I do my thing, cheesy more than most but whatever. I never get on the political forum/threads. Personally, I feel like_that has changed on here a bit. I think if someone new came on here and read his old posts and his posts in the past few years they’d likely say he’s grown up (I can’t make that not sound like an insult...don’t know how to word it) I don’t feel like_that goes looking for things to slam with his ways. S&L came back all fired up and ornery it seems. Sounded same as when you were 22...and seemed miserable more often than not. Kinda here to argue it feels.


I think I just hate all of you


Senior Member

Tue, May 12, 2020 5:16 PM

That’s a joke, before anyone gets all offended


Senior Member

Tue, May 12, 2020 5:23 PM
posted by like_that

I will be you anything you wouldn't be able to tell me my jjhuddle username without searching this site (hint: it's not this one).  I don't even know if I posted my jjhuddle username on this site.

Legitimate question, do you think your act on here is not pathetic?  

I never deemed myself the winner here.  I am still waiting for you to actually provide a legitimate rebuttal to the discussion at hand and you can't do it.  It always has been your track record. You can never do it on any other thread.  When you can't pick on the little guys (quaker, cc, etc) and someone comes back at you, you tuck your tail and resort to your typical bullshit, which you have also been doing for a decade as well.  Don't act like you weren't on my side the majority of those years either.  There are plenty of receipts.  The difference between you and I, is I always realized this site was never serious business.  I'd still grab a beer with all of the posters (except said), even the posters I butt heads with . That's why we literally have a forum title dedicated to the irony of serious business.  We all post here, because it is a form of entertainment as you just admitted yourself.  That's why you back came to this site hot.  If anyone took this site as seriously as you did, we all would leave too.

I had to bold that specific part of your post, because you pretty much admitted you left the site due to your inability to agree with the majority.  If that is not bitch behavior, I don't know what it is.  By all means mock me or any poster for posting here for a decade, but that doesn't change the fact you have been a poster here for over a decade (with nearly 1k more posts than me btw, even after being gone for so long...) AND you came back to the site you mock. More irony from S&L.  Yes little guy (you forgot to add that one to your list), I am pointing out more irony, because you make it too easy.  Just know, when you leave again, nobody will give a fuck...again.


You're going to make him cry.



Tue, May 12, 2020 5:27 PM
posted by SportsAndLady

That’s a joke, before anyone gets all offended

I smiled.

You do seem oddly grouchy. Gruden missed the playoffs again...should be year of happiness


Senior Member

Tue, May 12, 2020 6:00 PM

Like that—again, changing the argument. I never mocked you for posting on this site for a decade. Why would I do that, I probably have more posts than almost everyone? I said your act is so predictable—you wait for someone to disagree with you and you go in attack mode. And you’ve been doing that for a decade. You do it to the gee block dude on the politics forum. You’re doing it to me now that I made a few comments about your political leanings (lol). You literally can’t stand when someone disagrees with you or goes against your style of thinking so you do your thing. It’s pathetic. 

I don’t take the site serious, that’s just dumb. I’d have a beer with anyone here too, besides thavoice who I literally hope falls off a cliff. I left because I didn’t enjoy the site and when you don’t enjoy something you don’t do it anymore. You’re just trying to say I left because I was being a “bitch boy” because it fits your narrative. But again, you say that same thing to everyone sooooo


12th Son of the Lama

Tue, May 12, 2020 9:06 PM

Thoughts and prayers



Tue, May 12, 2020 10:49 PM
posted by ernest_t_bass

Thoughts and prayers

..:.that this ends soon



Tue, May 12, 2020 11:15 PM
posted by thavoice

WHen you say most stadiums, you surely cannot say that NFL/MLB stadiums are used that often.

I feel dumb trying to get this back on track...

But to respond, maybe not MLB. Though lots of them host concerts and winter wonderland type things. Plus 80 (or more) games a year. Most are probably easily over 100 events.

NFL is much more. I’ve been to Lucas Oil Stadium 12x. Only 3x for a football game. They host basketball all the time, HS games every week, the combine, concerts, etc.

Dallas is very similar. Atlanta the same, but even more because they share with the MLS team. These stadiums are used year round. Outdoor isn’t even much different, but yes they are probably used less than the domes/arenas. 


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, May 13, 2020 1:10 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Like that—again, changing the argument. I never mocked you for posting on this site for a decade. Why would I do that, I probably have more posts than almost everyone? I said your act is so predictable—you wait for someone to disagree with you and you go in attack mode. And you’ve been doing that for a decade. You do it to the gee block dude on the politics forum. You’re doing it to me now that I made a few comments about your political leanings (lol). You literally can’t stand when someone disagrees with you or goes against your style of thinking so you do your thing. It’s pathetic. 

I don’t take the site serious, that’s just dumb. I’d have a beer with anyone here too, besides thavoice who I literally hope falls off a cliff. I left because I didn’t enjoy the site and when you don’t enjoy something you don’t do it anymore. You’re just trying to say I left because I was being a “bitch boy” because it fits your narrative. But again, you say that same thing to everyone sooooo

As you pointed out, most people on this site have been posting for a decade.  There is always going to familiarity and if you (speaking generally) haven't figured that out by now you're a dumbass.  If you actually read your own posts (including this one) and think you're not predictable or you're not being hypocritical then you're also a dumbass that lacks any self-awareness.   Case in point as I already have said, you think anyone that disagrees with you means their jimmies are rustled.  Wtf is the point of a forum if you don't want people to disagree?  This site is more fun with disagreement.  Yeah, I admit I have given gblock a hard time.  I normally scroll thru his posts (which I recommend you and some posters do with quaker/spock), but there are times he just posts stupid shit and I call it out.  Sometimes it is just entertaining.  I'd still grab a beer with him.   I would also like to point out, that although you commented on how I  use "cue (insert posters response," you still fell for the same ol trick responding exactly how I said you would respond.  Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me.  How does it go fo a a decade? Fool me for a decade, and I am just a fucking idiot.  

If you actually want to reach and think a post you made in another thread is why this whole thing started, then go for it, but it's pretty delusional.  If you claim I "wait" for someone to disagree with me (whatever the fuck that means) to pounce, but can't see the irony of you trolling in one thread and waiting for a comment in another thread, then I don't know what to tell you.  What's the difference and how does that make you any better?  Pot, meet kettle.  I mainly try to follow laley's rule of not crossing over arguments to other threads. There wasn't even an argument in the other thread, but you keep wanting to bring it up.  Your whole M.O. here since you have returned (and the last few months before you took your ball and went home) is to post some short and canned snide trollish comment and then if someone confronts your post, you claim jimmies rustled.  It actually took you a couple "lol I got under your skin" posts, before you started to provide some meat into this little confrontation we have going here.  I am proud of you.  That's exactly why I pointed out gut dismantling you and the only response you could muster is talking about his cock and how miserable he is.  You literally bitched in one post about how he can't respond without calling someone an idiot/dumbass/etc, and then followed up your next post discussing how miserable he is.  Do you not see the irony? You used to provide way more substance than that to this forum.  I don't know how you can post with a serious face that someone "literally" can't stand disagreement when in the short time back at this site you have gotten your panties in a bunch over gut dismantling you numerous times and laley providing mild criticism to the Jordan documentary (just a few examples off the top of my head).  Not to mention you admitted to leaving this site, because you disagreed with most of the posters here lmao. No doubt most people leave this site, because they don't enjoy it anymore.  It's hard to take you seriously when you say you don't take the site seriously, but yet you rage quit the last time.  You were as you already noted being a "bitch boy," which btw I haven't used the term "bitch boy" in this thread nor can I remember using it in a very long time.  I think you're getting me mixed up with COA or you're just trying to hard to assume what I would say?

If your whole scheme was to come to this site to continue your snide troll act for your own entertainment during quarantine, then that's your prerogative.  I almost can't blame you when everyone is stuck inside.  Just know that you are only kidding yourself if you think we don't see through your bullshit.  As you would say, it is pathetic.


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, May 13, 2020 1:30 AM

I will move on and continue the thread discussion at hand though.  I can tell this thread is tired of our tit for tat lol. S&L is more than welcome to take his last shot at me. I am sure it is nothing I haven't heard or read before.  At the end of the day S&L is a Turk and a Browns/Cavs fan, so I rather argue with him about why drafting a RB in the first round is completely idiotic. 



Wed, May 13, 2020 7:58 AM
posted by like_that

I will move on and continue the thread discussion at hand though.  I can tell this thread is tired of our tit for tat lol. S&L is more than welcome to take his last shot at me. I am sure it is nothing I haven't heard or read before.  At the end of the day S&L is a Turk and a Browns/Cavs fan, so I rather argue with him about why drafting a RB in the first round is completely idiotic. 

S&L is a Turk? Didn’t know


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, May 13, 2020 9:14 AM
posted by Ironman92

S&L is a Turk? Didn’t know

He has mentioned it here and there.  I am a (half) Turk as well.  Not may Turks in Ohio. 


Senior Member

Wed, May 13, 2020 10:22 AM

I posted on one of Belly’s stupid threads yesterday I didn’t think basketball was coming back to finish the season. No sooner than I did Woj/Shams started talking about a revitalized interest and formulating some type of plan by the end of the month. I guess there was a conference call between ten of the best players and they all agreed they wanted to finish the season. 

On a different note, I keep hearing on podcasts about how players are staying in shape, and when the season restarts who most likely will be out of shape. I think even Giannis mentioned at one point during all this he didn’t even have a hoop at his house to which I’m sure the Bucks were like “wait what did he say” and at least had one of those shitty portable hoops set up in his driveway within the hour. I just don’t believe billion dollar franchises aren’t making sure their million dollar athletes have whatever they need, even if it breaks the rules. 


Senior Member

Wed, May 13, 2020 10:24 AM

With that being said, I could still see Zion or Embiid looking fat as shit then the season comes back. 



Wed, May 13, 2020 10:26 AM

I remember that from WC/Euros. You both cheering for Turkey (and you also for Italy). But if I recall, you were realistic about Italy in the WC and Rock was...well...not lol.


Son of the Sun

Wed, May 13, 2020 11:49 AM

Damn! Missed a real battle yesterday. I am disappoint.


Senior Member

Wed, May 13, 2020 1:04 PM
posted by Heretic

Damn! Missed a real battle yesterday. I am disappoint.

Was not much of a battle.

Like_That = 1992 Dream Team.
Sportslady = Rest of the world.


Senior Member

Wed, May 13, 2020 1:07 PM
posted by Laley23

I feel dumb trying to get this back on track...

But to respond, maybe not MLB. Though lots of them host concerts and winter wonderland type things. Plus 80 (or more) games a year. Most are probably easily over 100 events.

NFL is much more. I’ve been to Lucas Oil Stadium 12x. Only 3x for a football game. They host basketball all the time, HS games every week, the combine, concerts, etc.

Dallas is very similar. Atlanta the same, but even more because they share with the MLS team. These stadiums are used year round. Outdoor isn’t even much different, but yes they are probably used less than the domes/arenas. 

The Domes obviously have that advantage.   Dont see the outside football venues getting used a whole lot, which really is a waste.

Lucas Oil is awesome, as most domes.    As much as I love going to late season NFL games, when the weather gets raw, it really is not fiscally smart to not do a dome.   


1st Team All-PWN

Thu, May 14, 2020 6:03 AM




Thu, May 14, 2020 11:04 AM

Not sure where to put this, but since Joe Buck opened his big mouth and went public with the Virtual Fans, what’s everyone’s thoughts?


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, May 14, 2020 11:28 AM
posted by Laley23

Not sure where to put this, but since Joe Buck opened his big mouth and went public with the Virtual Fans, what’s everyone’s thoughts?

I'm cool with fake fan noise. UFC was weird without it, almost wished they piped in some sort of background noise. I'd rather have it more miked up on the field but probably can't do that. You got any other insider info you've been hearing?



Thu, May 14, 2020 11:48 AM
posted by iclfan2

I'm cool with fake fan noise. UFC was weird without it, almost wished they piped in some sort of background noise. I'd rather have it more miked up on the field but probably can't do that. You got any other insider info you've been hearing?

I’ve had the demos we have been showing the networks for about a week. Buck was 100% not supposed to say anything yet because we have tweaks to do and feedback and meetings still lol. 

Also have to figure out how to get crowd noise in to react appropriately at the right times. That’s on the networks and audio divisions, but we won’t have a fake crowd if they don’t figure that out, because it would be really dumb at that point. 

Anyway, here is one of the demos (just please no one go posting this on a platform where it could in theory take off, like Twitter or FB, etc — I need my job)