Workout/Lifting Thread and Health Thread


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 1, 2018 12:38 PM

I primarily use it for skull crushers.


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 1, 2018 12:40 PM
posted by like_that

I’ve said this before, but if you’re using the bench for any other excercise (especially curls) other than bench press, you deserve to get shot.  Even worse when the gym is busy.

Yeah, I've throw dumbbells at people heads for shit like that....but that was the 80's and people weren't so sensitive. LOL....Squat rack for curls is just as bad.


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 1, 2018 1:48 PM
posted by like_that

I’ve said this before, but if you’re using the bench for any other excercise (especially curls) other than bench press, you deserve to get shot.  Even worse when the gym is busy.

What have you seen people using it for?


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Aug 1, 2018 2:03 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

What have you seen people using it for?

Just to clarify, I am talking about a barbell bench, where you do bench press. Not a regular bench. 

-Curls with the bench bar.

-Curls using dumbbells or a separate curl bar.  Keep in mind there are plenty of non barbell benches available

-Squats.  Yes, I am serious.  I have seen people use the bench bar and squat while straddling the barbell bench.

-Bench dips.  Again, plenty of non barbell benches available, or several other spaces where you could easily do this exercise.

-Leg raises.

-Ab circuit.


Normally when people do this and all barbell benches are taken, I just ask if they can do their workout on a separate bench, since they aren't doing bench press. 


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 1, 2018 2:04 PM
posted by Commander of Awesome

Looking for some advice on back & posture improving exercises. I'm dealing on again off again with some mid backpain that I think is related to poor posture or under developed back muscles.

TL;DR version.....core exercises and yoga.


I've had mild discomfort (sometimes worse) back pain for a few years.  Mostly lower back, but somtimes I feel it in the mid-back.  And it can be tough to target where the pain actually originates.  You could actually be suffering lower back pain, and tight glutes and hams could be one of several causes.

I finally just started doing squats and deadlifts again to try that....literal improvement in just a few weeks, and getting back close to 100%.  There seems to be a good bit of research on this, to the point that some physical therapists are now incorporating those lifts into treatment programs.

You might also try some yoga exercises that focus on improving flexibility and ROM in the back.  My understanding is that most back pain has to do with compression of the spine, which puts pressure on the disks.  Some of that is underdeveloped or weak supporting muscles, but more is probably related to lack of flexibility and activity.


Senior Member

Wed, Aug 1, 2018 2:15 PM
posted by like_that

Just to clarify, I am talking about a barbell bench, where you do bench press. Not a regular bench. 

-Curls with the bench bar.

-Curls using dumbbells or a separate curl bar.  Keep in mind there are plenty of non barbell benches available

-Squats.  Yes, I am serious.  I have seen people use the bench bar and squat while straddling the barbell bench.

-Bench dips.  Again, plenty of non barbell benches available, or several other spaces where you could easily do this exercise.

-Leg raises.

-Ab circuit.


Normally when people do this and all barbell benches are taken, I just ask if they can do their workout on a separate bench, since they aren't doing bench press. 



Senior Member

Wed, Aug 1, 2018 2:42 PM
posted by gut

TL;DR version.....core exercises and yoga.


I've had mild discomfort (sometimes worse) back pain for a few years.  Mostly lower back, but somtimes I feel it in the mid-back.  And it can be tough to target where the pain actually originates.  You could actually be suffering lower back pain, and tight glutes and hams could be one of several causes.

I finally just started doing squats and deadlifts again to try that....literal improvement in just a few weeks, and getting back close to 100%.  There seems to be a good bit of research on this, to the point that some physical therapists are now incorporating those lifts into treatment programs.

You might also try some yoga exercises that focus on improving flexibility and ROM in the back.  My understanding is that most back pain has to do with compression of the spine, which puts pressure on the disks.  Some of that is underdeveloped or weak supporting muscles, but more is probably related to lack of flexibility and activity.

Was going to say this too. My dad is currently dealing with bulged discs and sciatic nerve issues. He's been PTing his ass off and some basic home yoga. He's 60, so hearing him talk about doing yoga is rather hilarious.


Try the app SworkIt for intro basic stuff.


Senior Member

Mon, Oct 15, 2018 11:36 AM

Everyone still getting jacked?

Had a humbling experience over the weekend. I tried bouldering for the first time at a new climbing gym near my apartment. Got my ass kicked bad, gave me a wake up call to how weak I really am. I hurt in areas that have never hurt before. I enjoyed it though and would go back.

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Mon, Oct 15, 2018 11:40 AM

I've always thought rock climbing would be a nice supplement. The barrier to doing it consistently are price (rock climbing gym near me is $150 a month) and that every climber I know eventually has shoulder issues. Shoulders are easy to fuck up, hard to repair (usually can't and you just end up managing them).


Senior Member

Mon, Oct 15, 2018 12:19 PM

$150/month is the going rate around here too. The place I went had a promo for $99/month no startup fee. My gf and her friend both joined. They each get 2 guest passes a month so I'll take advantage of that. There's also a few random bouldering places that are relatively cheap..$10-15/day.

I currently have issues with both shoulders. At home PT has lessened the pain significantly, but its still there. I plan on getting the one fixed next year (torn labrum). I didn't really have an issue with them while climbing though, mostly it was my forearms and grip. I could only last an hour, then my grip was shit and I'd just fall off immediately. 


Senior Member

Mon, Oct 15, 2018 1:59 PM
posted by gut

99% of the time it's all about a calorie deficit.  Everything else is just BS intended to pray upon people's wallets.   But I think exercise does help maintain your metabolism.

I tried a Fitbit four or five years ago.  Was pretty useless, because I was already getting 20,000 steps or whatever at work (walking around a huge 900' by 500' warehouse a few times each day).  Didn't do a thing for me.

My wife's workplace is using a group communication app called BAND to start an "exercise accountability' group, and I signed up as a spouse.  The rules are, document  a minimum of three 30-minute or more workouts each week (send a photo of you in action each day and tell what you did), and weigh yourself each week and send a photo of the scale to the workplace admin.  You're eligible for various random prizes just for meeting those targets, plus other prizes for most weight lost in a 3-month BAND session (then a new one begins).

That subtle accountability has motivated us to start eating better and less (lots and lots of salads and proteins, much less bread and potatoes), and to start going to the gym in the afternoon and taking 30 minute walks throughout the week.

I've lost 25 lbs since the first of May, my wife's lost 20.  It's both a combination of eating less, and stimulating your metabolism by working out.  Got a ways to go, but the change is noticeable and we do feel better and can walk longer without falling apart.

A lot of folks at her workplace are getting into it.  I'm impressed by the workout I've seen recorded by her co-workers.


Senior Member

Wed, Oct 17, 2018 8:40 AM

Still working out 4-5 times a week. Doing more lifting right now vs running than I did this time last year. I really like using the landmine. Probably my favorite thing to do. 


Senior Member

Wed, Nov 21, 2018 9:48 AM

Climbing update: so fucking fun. I think I've finally found a replacement for the gym. After one month, I'm making significant progress. Currently doing V3s for anyone that's familiar with the grading. That's normal though, quick progression in the first few months then you plateau. This has gone much better compared to my Muay Thai fail. Also noticing strength gains already, mostly forearms, back and core. I still do some light gym stuff, mostly cardio and legs, but I haven't had a legit weights day in over a month.

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Wed, Nov 21, 2018 10:07 AM
posted by Automatik

Climbing update: so fucking fun. I think I've finally found a replacement for the gym. After one month, I'm making significant progress. Currently doing V3s for anyone that's familiar with the grading. That's normal though, quick progression in the first few months then you plateau. This has gone much better compared to my Muay Thai fail. Also noticing strength gains already, mostly forearms, back and core. I still do some light gym stuff, mostly cardio and legs, but I haven't had a legit weights day in over a month.

That's great. I'm struggling hitting my core/back and years of a desk job are taking their toll on my body. Might need to mix in some climbing to help with posture and comfort.


Senior Member

Wed, Nov 21, 2018 10:11 AM

Do you have a gym close? That was also key for me. If I can't get there quickly, I'll struggle to go. That's happened to me several times in the past.

You will feel fucked up at first. Sore in odd places....wrists, hands, forearms, elbows. Also the blisters. My hands were mangled after week two. I was stubborn and just kept going and didn't give time to rest and heal, but I have a good skincare regiment now and it's helped. 


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Nov 21, 2018 11:30 AM
posted by Commander of Awesome

That's great. I'm struggling hitting my core/back and years of a desk job are taking their toll on my body. Might need to mix in some climbing to help with posture and comfort.

Not sure how many times I have to tell you this, but yoga.  


Senior Member

Wed, Nov 21, 2018 11:40 AM

I've been fucking around with some basic flow stuff, but don't have the confidence to go to a class yet. 


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Nov 21, 2018 11:48 AM
posted by like_that

Not sure how many times I have to tell you this, but yoga.  

Also, I find that sitting on a yoga ball at work helps.  My desk is also capable of turning into a standing desk, so I go from ball to standing throughout the day.

posted by Automatik

I've been fucking around with some basic flow stuff, but don't have the confidence to go to a class yet. 

Most classes anyone can go, because most moves can be modified for your level.  



Honorable Admin

Wed, Nov 21, 2018 3:44 PM

I was happy to get in a 325# deadlift the other day. I'm not sure if it's my personal best, I believe I got 340# a few years ago, but it's the heaviest I've done in a while. I could've added at least another 10, maybe 20 pounds on it, so it definitely wasn't my max. Setting a goal for at least 400# by the end of 2019, which would be 2x my body weight. That seems attainable.

Also, I need to jump on the yoga train. I think I still have a copy of Yoga X around here somewhere, I need to start doing that once a week to supplement my other workouts.


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Nov 21, 2018 4:25 PM
posted by justincredible

I was happy to get in a 325# deadlift the other day. I'm not sure if it's my personal best, I believe I got 340# a few years ago, but it's the heaviest I've done in a while. I could've added at least another 10, maybe 20 pounds on it, so it definitely wasn't my max. Setting a goal for at least 400# by the end of 2019, which would be 2x my body weight. That seems attainable.

Also, I need to jump on the yoga train. I think I still have a copy of Yoga X around here somewhere, I need to start doing that once a week to supplement my other workouts.

Yoga X is way too long imo. You can find better videos on YouTube.


Honorable Admin

Wed, Nov 21, 2018 4:55 PM

Good point. I don't think I ever made it the full hour when I was doing P90X.

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Wed, Nov 21, 2018 6:01 PM
posted by like_that

Also, I find that sitting on a yoga ball at work helps.  My desk is also capable of turning into a standing desk, so I go from ball to standing throughout the day.

I have a standing desk and it helps.

I hear  ya with Yoga. Yoga is just soo boring, I know I won't stay with it. So while I may do a class here or there, it's not something I'll stick to.


1st Team All-PWN

Sun, Nov 25, 2018 8:26 PM
posted by Commander of Awesome

I have a standing desk and it helps.

I hear  ya with Yoga. Yoga is just soo boring, I know I won't stay with it. So while I may do a class here or there, it's not something I'll stick to.

Try just doing it once a week.  That's all I normally do and it has helped tremendously.  I am still trying to fit it consistently in for twice a week.

Verbal Kint

Senior Member

Sun, Nov 25, 2018 9:14 PM
posted by justincredible

Good point. I don't think I ever made it the full hour when I was doing P90X.

P30X yoga is 30 minutes, just long enough, the P30X dynamic stretch is also worth it


Senior Member

Sun, Nov 25, 2018 10:38 PM

Been working out consistently 3 to 4 times a week now for nearly 7 months.   As I approach my 60th year, one thing I've noticed on the weight machines is that I haven't been able to progress higher without extreme muscle soreness lasting for 4 to 5 days. 

30 years ago, if I could get 13 or more reps on one weight, I'd move up to the next higher weight as long as I could get 8 reps, and continue working to 13 reps, etc.  But now, my body isn't responding like that.

 Two weeks ago I resolved to back the weight down to a wimpy level and start shooting for higher reps until I can do 40 before I move up a weight.  Seems to be working so far.  I get that "cotton-y" feeling in my muscles after the workout, but without the debilitating soreness that stuck around for days.  Will probably move up a weight in another two weeks and see how that goes.