The golf thread...


Honorable Admin

Thu, Jun 20, 2019 7:56 PM
posted by j_crazy

anyone else put in for Ryder Cup Tickets? we have a group of 8 that are trying to go and every one of us put in to give us a better chance of getting tickets. This same group went and played Whistling Straits 4 years ago so it'll be a nice little revisit.

I did put in for tickets a while back. I would love to attend.


Honorable Admin

Thu, Jun 20, 2019 8:00 PM

Hadn't played all week due to our course flooding, they measured 9" of rainfall between Sunday and last night. The front 9 has been closed all week and is staying closed through the weekend. The first hole is still half under water. I was planning on taking tomorrow off to play 18, but it looks like I may just play the back 9 once and call it a day.

Had work league tonight. Started shitty (+8 after 4 holes, yikes) but finished bogey-par-bogey-par-bogey to save the round. 


Honorable Admin

Wed, Jul 3, 2019 9:59 AM

Just bought a new putter. I've been using an Anser-style blade with toe-hang that really isn't ideal for my putting stroke. Picked up a new face-balanced Odyssey EXO Marxman on ebay yesterday. Looking forward to giving this thing a try. I tested out a few other EXO mallets before buying this one, I ended up going with the Marxman because I like the look of it a little more than the others. Picture for reference.


Honorable Admin

Thu, Jul 4, 2019 10:07 AM

Shot a 42 yesterday. It's amazing what zero penalty strokes and 6/7 fairways hit will do to a score. I was a bad bounce on a nice approach shot from shooting a 40. Still had a couple of 3-putts that I'm hoping the new putter will help with.



Thu, Jul 4, 2019 10:55 AM
posted by justincredible

Shot a 42 yesterday. It's amazing what zero penalty strokes and 6/7 fairways hit will do to a score. I was a bad bounce on a nice approach shot from shooting a 40. Still had a couple of 3-putts that I'm hoping the new putter will help with.

Awesome. Is that your lowest score? No penalties + fairways + (2)3 putts.....that’s managing/avoiding damage pretty well. How many holes above bogey?



Honorable Admin

Thu, Jul 4, 2019 11:13 AM
posted by Ironman92

Awesome. Is that your lowest score? No penalties + fairways + (2)3 putts.....that’s managing/avoiding damage pretty well. How many holes above bogey?


Two doubles, three bogeys, four pars. One double could have just as easily been a par if my approach landed a foot to the right. 


Honorable Admin

Thu, Jul 4, 2019 11:13 AM

And yes, that's my lowest score so far. My lowest 18 hole score is 89.



Sun, Jul 14, 2019 8:33 PM

At a wedding last night, my brother in law gets a text his buddy threw out his back. Last minute invite for a 6:20am tee time at Cog Hill Dubsdread. Holy shit is that course immaculate, but what a beast. Managed an 89 while hitting 5 GIR. Can’t wait to play it again now that I know the layout/greens a bit. Going in blind was rough.


Honorable Admin

Sun, Jul 14, 2019 8:38 PM

Shot my lowest score ever at 88 yesterday, but at a significantly easier course than that. But my swing was complete shit the entire round. Pretty sure I only had a handful of solid ball strikes. Scrambled like crazy, had zero triples, and only a few doubles.



Sun, Jul 14, 2019 9:31 PM
posted by justincredible

Two doubles, three bogeys, four pars. One double could have just as easily been a par if my approach landed a foot to the right. 

That’s solid. You aren’t too many rounds from cracking 40 if you tighten up the damage control. 83-85 will come with the 39

Keep playing, improve the short game



Sun, Jul 14, 2019 9:32 PM
posted by justincredible

Shot my lowest score ever at 88 yesterday, but at a significantly easier course than that. But my swing was complete shit the entire round. Pretty sure I only had a handful of solid ball strikes. Scrambled like crazy, had zero triples, and only a few doubles.

You’re getting it....not hitting good but scoring good means you are figuring out how to navigate things


Senior Member

Sun, Jul 14, 2019 9:53 PM

It’s called “old man golf”. 

Keep it straight, don’t worry so much about distance. 

Welcome to the club. 


Honorable Admin

Mon, Jul 15, 2019 7:11 AM
posted by BRF

It’s called “old man golf”. 

Keep it straight, don’t worry so much about distance. 

Welcome to the club. 

I was playing Army golf.


Honorable Admin

Mon, Jul 15, 2019 8:30 AM
posted by Ironman92

That’s solid. You aren’t too many rounds from cracking 40 if you tighten up the damage control. 83-85 will come with the 39

Keep playing, improve the short game

My goal for the rest of the year is score a 40 (or better) on 9, and an 86 (or better) on 18. I was watching some videos on driver takeaway last night, I think I'm very inconsistent in that movement, so hopefully I'll start to straighten out off the tee. If I can become consistent off the tee I think my scores will start to live in the low-40s, mid-80s, instead of peaking there.

I am planning on doing a lot of short game practice this week as well. The range probably won't have many balls today (club closed on Monday so no one is working, though you can walk the course) but I can at least hit the short game area and putting green. I've never really used a bump and run, but I was hitting one with my PW on Saturday and it was working pretty well with essentially no practice. I can probably get that really dialed in with a little practice.

posted by Ironman92

You’re getting it....not hitting good but scoring good means you are figuring out how to navigate things

Yeah, key thing for me is forgetting the bad shots and moving on. I was doing that very well so things didn't snowball. I've also eliminated the temptation for the hero shot.




Mon, Jul 15, 2019 10:53 AM

Bump and run works on most courses and much greater room for error


In ROY I Trust!!

Fri, Jul 19, 2019 3:59 PM

Finally got out to Apple Valley today. Course was great, still really wet in spots though. Was stupid slow, which really pissed me off. But it is what it is. 


Senior Member

Sun, Jul 21, 2019 12:00 PM

been playing well as of late after a June swoon 83 at eaglesticks yester


Honorable Admin

Sun, Jul 21, 2019 12:06 PM

I'm in a huge funk right now. After shooting my personal best 88 I've played 27 rounds of absolutely awful golf. I stopped keeping score after 12 holes yesterday it was so bad. I think I'm probably pushing 160 strokes over my last 27 holes. I think I'm going to play the next week without keeping score, just practice rounds to work on some stuff. Because nothing is working for me right now.



Sun, Jul 21, 2019 10:06 PM
posted by justincredible

I'm in a huge funk right now. After shooting my personal best 88 I've played 27 rounds of absolutely awful golf. I stopped keeping score after 12 holes yesterday it was so bad. I think I'm probably pushing 160 strokes over my last 27 holes. I think I'm going to play the next week without keeping score, just practice rounds to work on some stuff. Because nothing is working for me right now.

Drives? Good/left/right/rolling?

irons? Slicing/blading/rolling/chunking?

Putting? Blowing by, missed direction?


Honorable Admin

Mon, Jul 22, 2019 8:20 AM
posted by Ironman92

Drives? Good/left/right/rolling?

irons? Slicing/blading/rolling/chunking?

Putting? Blowing by, missed direction?

Drives - inconsistent. Huge slice, then bad hook. Every once in a while I catch a good one.

Irons - right distance, hit well, but ALWAYS off line. Mostly right. Yesterday at the range I developed a huge draw out of nowhere.

Putting - Mostly fine, just sick of leaving putts short more often than I should be.



Mon, Jul 22, 2019 8:54 AM
Irons - right distance, hit well, but ALWAYS off line. Mostly right. Yesterday at the range I developed a huge draw out of nowhere.

Putting - Mostly fine, just sick of leaving putts short more often than I should be.

Irons: try taking the club back slower. Same acceleration down and through the ball, just slower on the backswing. Sounds like your hands/arms are just a little behind the rest of your body and blocking the ball a little right because of a slightly open clubface at impact. Slower on the take back often ensures you start the forward/downswing process all at the same time.

Putting: I spent a solid 6 months only putting from 5’ and in on the practice greens. Didnt bother with anything longer. It helped me have confidence I could miss a putt from 14’ and make the comebacker. This allowed me to make sure the line I picked held the entire putt because I was forcing myself to hit it a foot past the hole. The results were 1-2 more made putts from 15ish feet per round, depending on how many I left myself. Less gimmes, but I feel so much better about my putting. 

I don’t personally do this, but a friend of mine will completely open his putting stance inside 5’, to see hole and ball at same time. Like a baseball player opening stance. Helps him not pull or push the shorter putts.


Honorable Admin

Mon, Jul 22, 2019 9:03 AM

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm walking 9 tonight, just a practice round, so I'll work on making sure my backswing is slower. Nice thing about Monday is the clubhouse is closed but you can still walk. Weather is going to be cool enough tonight that walking is an option, but I will likely be the only person on the course so I can take my time.



Mon, Jul 22, 2019 1:04 PM

Good advice by laley. Try that for sure. If things don’t improve I’d KISS (keep it simple stupid).....shorten your swing a bit but keep a nice fluid motion and let the clubs do the work.


If a constant slice you can take your right hand on your grip and thumb is likely in 6:00 position...rotate right hand a small amount to the left until thumb is in about 5:00 position. That’s typically an easy short term fix.


Also a good habit is when taking your club back for your backswing...exaggerate dragging the club back (keep in contact with grass for about 6 inches)

Those two small adjustments tend to heal a swing kinda like exaggerating your follow through tends to help fix a jump shot



Tue, Jul 23, 2019 1:34 PM
posted by justincredible

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm walking 9 tonight, just a practice round, so I'll work on making sure my backswing is slower. Nice thing about Monday is the clubhouse is closed but you can still walk. Weather is going to be cool enough tonight that walking is an option, but I will likely be the only person on the course so I can take my time.

How’d you hit them?


Honorable Admin

Tue, Jul 23, 2019 1:42 PM

Hit some good shots. Hit some bad shots. Putted pretty well. I made it my goal to not leave any putts short, and didn't for the most part.

Walking 9 tonight with my brother-in-law. Probably won't keep score, but will likely only play one ball.

Question about ball position: do you maintain the same ball position for all clubs or do you vary it?