Only one party doesn’t want the votes counted, the same party that also tries to keep people from voting
Only one party doesn’t want the votes counted, the same party that also tries to keep people from voting
posted by iclfan2Literally the blue check mark brigade tried saying they were putting up plywood bc of the right (w no history of rioting), yet the left is already trying to riot, and they still might win!!
Tense moment in BLM Plaza, near the White House, after DC Police make an arrest.
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) November 4, 2020
“Where were we? What was the last question?” Has me dying...
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) November 4, 2020
posted by iclfan2Literally the blue check mark brigade tried saying they were putting up plywood bc of the right (w no history of rioting), yet the left is already trying to riot, and they still might win!!
Tense moment in BLM Plaza, near the White House, after DC Police make an arrest.
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) November 4, 2020
No history of rioting? Lol what in the hell would they have to riot about? Literally have had the advantage at every level since this country was born. What are these atrocities that these folks were able to show this high moral ground and self control as to not riot?
Also the two times they didn’t get their way.. ending slavery was a war..second time was blacks getting civil rights and thousands of people got lynched.
Stop saying they are morally superior for not rioting they literally have never had anything to riot about
posted by geeblockNo history of rioting? Lol what in the hell would they have to riot about? Literally have had the advantage at every level since this country was born. What are these atrocities that these folks were able to show this high moral ground and self control as to not riot?
Also the two times they didn’t get their way.. ending slavery was a war..second time was blacks getting civil rights and thousands of people got lynched.
Stop saying they are morally superior for not rioting they literally have never had anything to riot about
Relax bro. Keep retweeting Rex Chapman and the other dipshits you follow. Channel that anger into something better.
You keep acting like this is the civil rights movement. It’s not. It’s a bunch of white Fucks being losers.
“No borders, no walls, no USA at all,” chants a crowd in Denver, CO
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) November 5, 2020
posted by iclfan2You keep acting like this is the civil rights movement. It’s not. It’s a bunch of white Fucks being losers.
“No borders, no walls, no USA at all,” chants a crowd in Denver, CO
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) November 5, 2020
U can keep associating me with them if you want but I’ve said they are idiots at least 75 times
Also Rex Chapman >daily caller
posted by geeblockAlso Rex Chapman >daily caller
lol, Rex Chapman is trash. All he does is steal everyone's content and then tweets it as his own with the caption "bruh."
posted by geeblockNo history of rioting? Lol what in the hell would they have to riot about? Literally have had the advantage at every level since this country was born. What are these atrocities that these folks were able to show this high moral ground and self control as to not riot?
Also the two times they didn’t get their way.. ending slavery was a war..second time was blacks getting civil rights and thousands of people got lynched.
Stop saying they are morally superior for not rioting they literally have never had anything to riot about
You should probably refresh your memory on the originating parties, how they branched off, what they morphed into over time before making such claims. There's a lot of information that history class in high school can only skim over. And God help you if you took any collegiate social classes after the late 80's/early 90's.
posted by geeblockNo history of rioting? Lol what in the hell would they have to riot about? Literally have had the advantage at every level since this country was born. What are these atrocities that these folks were able to show this high moral ground and self control as to not riot?
Also the two times they didn’t get their way.. ending slavery was a war..second time was blacks getting civil rights and thousands of people got lynched.
Stop saying they are morally superior for not rioting they literally have never had anything to riot about
Really nothing you said here is factual history. Hope this helps.
posted by CenterBHSFanYou should probably refresh your memory on the originating parties, how they branched off, what they morphed into over time before making such claims. There's a lot of information that history class in high school can only skim over. And God help you if you took any collegiate social classes after the late 80's/early 90's.
really changes nothing about what i said. yes the parties switched sides..same group of people tho
posted by geeblockreally changes nothing about what i said. yes the parties switched sides..same group of people tho
They actually did not switch sides.
posted by CenterBHSFanThey actually did not switch sides.
Let’s not go down this lame road that only a klan member would bring up that the Democratic Party is the party of the kkk blah blah ...
Odds on republicans burning down cities, looting, assaulting, attacking police and attempting subversion in the wake of possibly not just losing the election, but having it stolen?
posted by CenterBHSFanThey actually did not switch sides.
It's remarkable how many people actually believe it.
posted by like_thatIt's remarkable how many people actually believe it.
Semantics.. that conversation has been had 100 times. It never adds anything to any topic
posted by geeblockLet’s not go down this lame road that only a klan member would bring up that the Democratic Party is the party of the kkk blah blah ...
You're the one who brought it up.
And seriously? You think any correction done on a myth is klan-ish?
Go read some books.
posted by geeblockSemantics.. that conversation has been had 100 times. It never adds anything to any topic
No, you don't get to bring something up, then when somebody points out it's wrong, then essentially throw around the kkk trope and then say it never adds anything to the topic.
At some point even you have to want to fuck yourself off with that race baiting fuckery you seem to want to toss about every so often.
posted by geeblockSemantics.. that conversation has been had 100 times. It never adds anything to any topic
Dimissing it as "semantics," doesn't change the fact how inaccurate it is.
I mean....
— (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) November 8, 2020
Quite the peaceful counter protest. There are a bunch of videos from today with both BLM and ANTIFA terrorizing people once they waited for darkness and the majority of people to leave (including old, women, and people with kids). Now, anyone who showed up not ready for violence is an idiot and only dipshits go to them, but shove the unity and healing up your ass.
posted by geeblockSemantics.. that conversation has been had 100 times. It never adds anything to any topic
If they switched sides, then explain this...
Since 1960s and the Civil Rights Act, desegregation, etc the South has become less racist over time.
As the south became less racist it became more Republican...
posted by iclfan2Quite the peaceful counter protest. There are a bunch of videos from today with both BLM and ANTIFA terrorizing people once they waited for darkness and the majority of people to leave (including old, women, and people with kids). Now, anyone who showed up not ready for violence is an idiot and only dipshits go to them, but shove the unity and healing up your ass.
lol did you even watch the video? Dude pushes a guy to the ground and looks to try to kick the back of his head. Then continues to be super aggressive towards everyone. Don't feel bad for this idiot at all.
posted by Rotinajlol did you even watch the video? Dude pushes a guy to the ground and looks to try to kick the back of his head. Then continues to be super aggressive towards everyone. Don't feel bad for this idiot at all.
Unfortunately, this was not the only guy/gal getting attacked yesterday.
posted by like_thatUnfortunately, this was not the only guy/gal getting attacked yesterday.
I understand, he should have posted one of those then. Things like that tweet are the reason we are so fucked up in todays world. People clip something and throw a shit headline on it without the whole story and here we are. Sadly, social media is way out of control and this will never change. People love to be pissed off for some reason.